Bella Notte

Od Jesse_KimmelFreeman

2.1M 14.4K 1.8K

Vampires? Check. Werewolves? Check. Death prophecy to hang over your head? Double check. Seventeen year old E... Více

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
If you...

Chapter Twelve

105K 591 41
Od Jesse_KimmelFreeman

Chapter Twelve

A few days later, I was in control of my thoughts and my fangs. My parents had decided that the next day I would be allowed to return to school.

Dominic and I sat outside discussing how my new gift might affect some of the things that I'd be involved with. He was concerned that it might flare up while we were around a lot of humans and I could lose the control that I had learned. His fear was logical, but it still annoyed me that he had such little faith in me. I was trying to unlock his mind, something I had not yet managed to do. I struggled to find the balance within me that allowed me to be so open to everything else- I was not doing so well.

Perhaps if you went for a walk to clear your mind. His thoughts always made so much sense.

I think that's a great idea. You wanna come? I was beginning to always enjoy his presence.

I need to call Abner. He felt very embarrassed over not being able to attend your party and I am worried that he is still fretting over it. His concern for his friend touched me deeply.

No prob, Bob. I'll be in the woods by the mine if you need me. I showed him a mental picture of where I would be.

“You really are getting the hang of all this.” I didn't know whether it was a complement or an insult, I left it alone.

I waved as I walked off. I don't think that I should say 'walked' as my walking speed had easily become the rate a normal person jogs. The woods were green and every shade of brown imaginable. I would never get tired of this as my backyard. I could hear all the animals moving with life. The sounds of small feet scurrying around made me smile, just as it has my entire life.

When I was a little girl, after the DeDominicos had left, I was completely alone and I would wander away from my sunny backyard into these trees. They have been a second home for me and a place of safety. Today, they held a chance for me to try and understand myself a little better.

As I moved amongst the trunks of the moss covered trees, a noise caught my attention. It was the sound of something falling. Not just anything, but something alive

My stomach clenched as I moved quickly toward the noise. I found the baby bird by the sound of its heart sputtering to a slow stop.

Before I could think of anything to do, I slumped down on the leaves that covered the forest's floor and scooped up the tiny creature. Something was wrong with it inside, I could sense it. I felt so much sorrow for a life that had been cut so short. I held the small bird to my chest as the tears slid down my face. Why could something so new to the world be lost so quickly? The tears flooded my vision and spilled down onto my hands.

Suddenly there was a tiny movement within my closed hands. My heart fluttered. How can that be?

I opened my hands and looked down inside- sure enough, there was a perfect baby bird sitting in my hands. It was covered in my tears, but it squeaked happily at me. Joy ran through my body at a rate that I had never felt before and then I could feel everything the bird had ever felt- including its death.

I didn't understand what had happened with my miniature friend- ultimately it didn't matter. I saw where the creature had fallen from so I hopped up into the tree and placed it back in its nest.

“Now, you stay here. You wait for your mommy to come back. No more trying to fly until you're ready.” I could sense that the mother bird was watching me with angry eyes. I blew the baby a kiss and jumped down.

I watched as the mother circled the tree and then landed to examine her child. After being satisfied that I did not harm or damage it, she snuggled up to her baby and produced the food for it.

A twig snapped relatively close to me. I twirled around to see a large auburn wolf staring at me with intense green eyes. They don't have green eyes. I knew immediately that this was Mike. I wanted to make contact with him, but I wasn't sure if this was the best idea. I stepped closer to him and he stepped back.

“Fine, I'll keep my distance,” I grumbled at him. I felt hurt, but there was no need to share it with him.

He nodded his scruffy head at me; then gestured toward the nest.

“What? I don't know how it happened. All I know is that I helped it.” I was defensive.

His head turned to the side as though he was confused.

“Just because you believe what they told you, it doesn't mean it's true. I'm no different than before. I thought that you would be the one to fight as hard as I did, but I was wrong.” Pain colored my words; I turned my head to quickly wipe away the tear.

Mike put his head down.

“Whatever. I don't even know what I'm doing talking to you.” My emotions were flooding through me and I wanted to scream, to run and escape the pain.

His hot head was touching my hand, and that was all I needed to know everything. He was loyal to his people and he had to take care of them. He wished we were still friends but would never admit it because he did still love me. I was overwhelmed with thoughts and memories.

I pulled my hand back as though it was burned, but the thoughts were still there. They teased me as they settled in for later examination.

His brows pulled together.

I opened my mouth to say something, but what could I say? I knew everything. Instead, I reached out and patted him on the head … and then I ran.

I ran as fast as my feet would carry me. I heard him try to follow, but I moved faster and wasn't hindered by lack of knowledge of these woods.

I ran to the mines. The darkness swallowed me whole. I slid down the side behind the elevator and crawled down the shaft. If he really wanted to find me, he would have to locate my scent. The problem was that my smell was on everything outside and in at this place and many like it in the area. I doubted he could find me.

When I got to the bottom, I walked straight toward my room of sparkles. I wanted to see my 'vampire star' and to remember a time that was less confusing. I could smell that someone or something had been in here but had long left. I wondered who would come to such a spooky place if they were normal. Normal? What's that?

My bitter side was present when I finally found my room. The darkness never scared me here and the small light that found its way inside was a miracle. But it hit the right spot and the glittery crystals lit up the wall. Then I was fine.

I remembered my date with Mike and his discomfort at this place and I compared it to my adventure with Dominic in Italy. Both memories told me so much; Dom and I were similar creatures both in species and in preference, whereas Mike and I either grew apart in two weeks, or were really that different from the beginning and neither one of us saw it.

A tear rolled down my cheek as I realized how wrong we were about our dream and our connection. All four of us were connected for some strange reason- a reason I hoped was not the prophecy as I did not want either Mike or me to die. I tried to think about it some more but I was bombarded with images from Mike's brain. I knew everything in his mind, and I was able to recall the information if I wanted to. The question was; did I really want to know?

In truth I didn't. I didn't want to know if he really did love me still, I wanted to be free of it all. Instead, I focused all my thoughts on how I had healed the bird and what had triggered both connections. With the bird I was really sad that it had died, and I had cried. With

Mike I was in pain at having to look at those eyes that didn't trust me anymore. I cried both times, maybe that's it?

I don't think so Emma. The voice echoed in my head as I heard the footsteps come closer.

Dom? How long have you been here? I didn't want to think that I had hurt him again.

Long enough. But I think I have figured out your gift somewhat. It is your emotions as you had said. But it isn't just sadness. I think it is the extremes, he thought as he walked into the room and sat down next to me.

“Of course!” The words were out before I could even think them.

Dom smiled at me and then reached over and hugged me. “Tough day, huh?”

“You don't even know the half of it. No, I take that back, you do.” I tapped my head.

He scoffed. “I know it's invasive, but I always check on you. I am generally a silent observer. I watched you save that bird and I felt every reaction you had to Michael.” The pain ever so slightly colored his words.

“Oh, Dom. I am so sorry. I won't see him again. I'll change all my classes. Anything. I'm sorry.” The words flooded from my mouth like a dam breaking.

Mia bella, calm down, please. There is no reason to get so worked up. I believe that he and Acacia have both changed classes already.” He paused to see how I would handle this newest betrayal.

“Oh.” I tried not to let it get to me.

“I don't think that we will be seeing much of them in the future.” He took a breath. “Oh, I forgot to tell you that Kelly called and would love it if you would call her back, or email her.”

“Am I allowed to now?” I thought about the email I had gotten before from her that asked how I was doing and such.

“I believe it would be fine since you will be in school tomorrow.” Dom's smile was bright against the blackness of the cave.

We were silent and still for a long while, then Dominic took my hand and kissed my inner wrist.

Cara mia, ti voglio bene.” He whispered the words into my pulse as though he was speaking directly to my heart.

Even though I didn't know Italian, I knew what he'd said. “Dom, I love you too.” I kissed him gently on his knuckles.

“Emma, you don't understand. Before you were back in my life, my life was like the night sky without stars. But you … tu sei una stella… you are a star. La mia stella- my star. And now that you are here with me, my life is like this 'vampire star', as it pulls everything into it. You are my everything.” He wasn't looking at me, I figured because of his confession.

“Dom, I don't know what to say. I mean, you know how I feel. My world was completely different before you strolled into it. It was like you threw a damned monkey wrench into all my plans … but I am grateful for that. I would have never known your love, or my life as it is now. I would be raging against my parents to see him. Or if Acacia came and I was left because of her, I would have been completely broken. You saved me from it all. And you did it by being you and allowing me to be me.” I flushed as I stumbled blindly over what I was trying to say. You know what I mean.

Of course I do. He kissed my cheek once more.

How about we go home? I am starving. I lowered my fangs for emphasis.

He laughed at me. No biting. At least for now. He winked at me.

I rolled my eyes and playfully shoved him.

We raced back home once we got out of the mine. I would have easily won if I hadn't stopped to check in my little bird friend; it was fine and cuddled up close to its mother.

I smiled the entire way back home as I moved like a flash of light through the trees. Dominic beat me by a few seconds- quite a lot when you think of our speed as vampires.

When I got there I realized he looked out of sorts.

What's wrong? My voice went an octave higher than usual.

Nothing, he grumbled.

I decided to test our theory about my emotions being the key to unlocking my gift and I fell into my concern. I let it color every thought as I vividly imagined all the things that could've happened.

I reached out and took his hand- the link took instantly.

I pulled my hand away after a minute with all the information I needed. I burst out laughing.

Emma? Dom was confused.

A bear? Can't we smell them quite easily? I giggled to myself as I watched the mental image of him racing smack-dab into a very unhappy bear. It was hilarious.

I was busy thinking about beating you; I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings- something that the youngest of vampires are taught from square one. I could feel his pity party. “Oh, take a chill pill. Drama queen.” I rolled my eyes at him and walked into the house.

“That is so messed up. You break into my mind, and then you tease me about it, and then call me dramatic when I explain myself.” Anger flashed in his words like a tornado warning across the screen.

“Grow up and let it go.” I didn't even turn to look at him but kept walking into the kitchen.

He growled … like full blown growl.

I started laughing uncontrollably; I couldn't believe he actually growled at me.

This set him off and he took off out to the sun room again.

Big baby! I shouted at him.

I giggled myself through my dinner alone. Apparently everyone had something to do without me. I hated not even being asked to join in all the little endeavors that go on in this household. I sighed as I rinsed my plate off and put it in the dishwasher.

Dom? I wanted to see if he was talking to me yet.

No response.

Fine, act like a little kid. I knew I was doing just that, but I didn't care.

I went upstairs and took a long bath. The hot water helped to ease out some of the tension that the day had brought. It was hard to sit in the tub without searching into the new information I had acquired from Mike. I let little bits slip through the wall I had mentally built around it. I knew he still loved me- I felt my heart pang- and it was hard for him to stay away. He wanted to be able to leave me alone, but even though he was with his kind, his life was changed without me. Another pang. Acacia was his perfect werewolf mate, but she wasn't the kind of person I was. He still loved her. Pang. I wasn't sure if this was a good idea as my heart was painfully throbbing in my chest. It didn't stop the flow of his thoughts and feelings. His family was forcing him to stay away and to take his place amongst his people. I felt the resentment; it must burn inside of him like the fuse of dynamite- just waiting to explode. I wanted to fix all these feelings in him, to set everything right, but I wasn't ready or willing to make it happen. I was still hurt, and my pain won over the desire to heal him. My water turned cold.

I got out of the tub and wished I would've taken a shower and kept the stupid wall in place. I immediately patched every hole that I had allowed things to seep through. I would not feel it again unless I was ready and wanted it. I felt a presence in my mind.

Em? Dom's voice was filled with remorse.

Yes? I didn't think it was fair to make him suffer too much.

I'm sorry. I was a jerk and over-sensitive. Forgive me? The hope flowed through every word.

Of course. Where are you? I was worried he had left town or something.

In the backyard. I didn't want to come inside without being forgiven. Besides non posso vivere senza voi, siete la mia aria. I can't live without you, you're my air. His Italian was beautiful in my head.

Oh, come inside, you big ogre. I laughed at him.

Ti amo, la anima gemella. I love you, my soul mate.

I decided that he must have done a lot of thinking while he was gone. I love you too, now get inside. I barked out the words. I heard the door close inside and I was relieved.

Dominic came straight up; I barely had time to slip into my pajamas. He didn't knock on the door or anything. He wrapped his arms around me in a way that was filled with a passion that I had never known before. I didn't know what to do or if something was wrong. I didn't want to invade his privacy again, but the thought was looking mighty tempting as he held on tight.

“You gonna explain to me what's up, or keep clinging to me like a lifeboat?” I was trying to play off my nerves.

“I think the lifeboat option sounds nice.” And he squeezed me tighter. “It was really hard to be away from you.”

His confession caught me off guard. “You are so strange, but I guess I enjoy it.” I rubbed his back gently as he held me.

I let him stay like that until he had worn himself out completely- it took about an hour. I was desperate to sit down by then, but he was happier.

I sent him to bed with a light kiss and demanded that he have good dreams. He laughed at me and went down to his room. I fell into bed and out of consciousness.

The next day dawned too bright for my sensitive eyes. I wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep and switch my body schedule into a story-tale vampire's. I wasn't as lucky as I had to attend high school. I secretly cursed the people that decided all mass education should be taught at the earliest possible hour. Damn them to the worst parts of Hell.

I rolled over and glared at my window. Even with the curtain pulled tightly shut, the light still managed to squeak in. I was tempted to throw something at the window, but reason kicked in by then and I realized that, ultimately, it would bring more light in.

I dragged myself out of bed- no exaggeration. I wanted to shower but knew I would never get out of the house on time, and I wasn't allowed to run to school.

I pulled on a plaid pink and black pleated skirt, a black wife beater, and my trusty black combat boots. I did my makeup in a dark fashion around my eyes, but put bubble gum pink lip gloss on- tasted like cotton candy, yum. I pulled my hair into two braids that hung neatly on either side of my head. I grabbed my new black backpack and headed downstairs.

I found Dominic in the kitchen sipping on some coffee. Without uttering one word, he handed me a travel mug and a note. The front had my grandpa's neat handwriting addressing it to me.


I hope you enjoy your new car. The keys are in the ignition. It took some time, but we think we got all the specifics down just right. We love you, darling.



My car? I was shocked as I read the note once more. “They got me my car!” I rushed to the kitchen side door and pulled it open. I stared back at Dom, “aren't you coming?” My excitement was pouring out of me.

I turned the garage light on and there, to my amazement, was a brand-new Jeep wrangler. It looked like a smaller version of a Hummer- the latest fashion in Jeeps, sadly to say.

It was covered in chrome and there were green flames licking the wheel holds and back. I loved it! No, love wasn't good enough … but I sure as heck didn't have a better word. It was a hard top- like my last one.

“Dom, would you mind helping?” I gestured toward the top; I wanted to feel the wind in my hair.

It took a few minutes to figure it out, but soon it was off and I could see the bumping stereo and black leather interior. I sighed. I crawled in over the door, who needs handles, right? And I found the keys right where Grandpa said they'd be- in the ignition, just waiting for me.

A singular silver bat hung from the key. It made me feel giddy. My grandpa knew me so well.

I threw my practically empty pack into the back. I decided they would have to pry my dead body from this car before I gave it up to be destroyed. If it got seriously damaged, I'd pay the atrocious amount of money it would cost to get it fixed. What did it matter when you had that kind of funds to use?

I gestured for Dom to get in. He eyed me suspiciously. I think he was afraid I couldn't be under the radar in this- he was so right. He got in anyways. What a good sport.

“Emma, you know you have to at least pretend to be human today, right?” His face contorted with fear and worry.

“I won't be any different than I was before the accident happened.” I smiled my best toothy grin at him.

He sighed.

The Jeep squealed in delight, wanting to be driven.

I drove fast down our narrow road out to the highway. I needed to get some of the 'need for speed' out before I was 'normal people'.

As soon as we pulled onto the highway I was idling at the speed limit. My foot itched to tap the pedal a little harder, but I knew what was expected of me. They probably gave this to me today to test me.

The drive to school wasn't nearly fast enough, but I got us there.

I parked in the student lot and felt a little pang in my heart for my old, gone, black beauty. I let it go.

We went to the office together. The check in was a breeze, and since we both had all the assignments from our classes, we weren't behind.

We walked over to the building, but instead of walking to class together, I had to hug Dom good-bye at the bottom of the stairs and climb the steps alone. I knew that this would be the first hurdle of the day, and I was determined to get through it.

The hall smelled of coffee- a sweeter scent than usual. It was chocolate, or hazelnut, I wasn't quite sure. I could taste the rich flavor as I sipped on my own cup and strolled down the hall.

Class hadn't started yet, and Mr. Fitzgerald seemed to be in a good enough mood when I marched into the class. I set my stuff in the very front and middle- the seat I had been confined to the first day Acacia was in this class. Our faithful teacher was in the back of the room, sitting on a stool, drinking his cup of Joe, and reading the morning's paper. It was such an odd contrast to the boringness of his lectures and the state in which he kept the room.

I walked to the back of the room to talk to him before people began to trickle in.

“Good morning, Mr. Fitzgerald,” I said with my sweetest tone.

“Ah, Miss Hutchinson, it is good to have you back in class. I assume you have your work done and caught up?” His brow arched at me.

“Yes, of course, sir. I was told to give you this form, but I already know that my parents were here and told all my teachers everything.” I looked timidly down at the floor.

“Yes, terrible thing to happen. So glad you are recovered and ready to come back to us.” His voice reverberated discomfort.

“Thank you. Let me get my assignments for you.” I skipped to my desk, very slowly and human like.

“Just put them on my desk.” And with that he went back to his paper, to enjoy his last five minutes, before there would be a steady flow of students.

I put the pile of papers on his desk and smiled to myself because I was more than caught up; I was actually done with the entire semester's readings, and it was all memorized. I could quote anything from any of the classic books that Mr. Fitzgerald had decided we would read. I was excited because I was certain to make valedictorian, not that it really mattered anymore since I would be in Italy next year, going to my new vampire school. I laughed to myself and sat back down at my seat.

Just as I said, five minutes later students began to come in the room. I was the center of all the looks. Some came up and said they were glad I was okay and back at school. Others nodded in my direction and I took that as their well wishes.

When Kelly bounced into the room- her walk had a little too much cheerleader in it for my taste, but to each her own- she rushed to my small desk, nearly taking the thing down.

“Oh. My. God. I. Am. So. Glad. You. Are. Back.” She shrieked at me.

I smiled.

“Emma, I was so worried. I mean we were starting to get past all the weirdness, and become friends, and then your car gets crushed by the stupid old bridge, and it falls off the freakin' thing! I was like holy crap when I found out. You have to sit with me at lunch. I missed you so much.” She hugged me and then sat down right next me and smiled.

When the person that usually sat there came in, he looked confused- I think his name was Brandon- but he shrugged and went to sit in the multiple seats, which were very vacant, in the back.

English wasn't as bad as I thought it would be as I actively participated in discussions and even prompted a few as well. Mr. Fitzgerald was clearly enthralled to have someone so interested in what he had to say.

When I got to Science, I thought I would die. I was completely alone in the back of the room. I couldn't even rely on Kelly to help fill the endless space because we had lab partners- Mike was mine.

I handed in all my assignments and got instant praise from Mrs. Roberts. She told me that we'd figure something out about labs. I told her I could do them on my own. I knew my expression was sad, and I think she understood- she didn't let on either way.

I went back to my little part of Siberia, and pulled out my nearly empty notebook. I took notes on everything she said verbatim. It was the only thing I could think of to do. I didn't really need notes anymore, since I could easily remember everything that was said.

I spent the quick break finding Dominic, and feeling quite sorry for myself.


I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

I thought we were supposed to be normal humans?

I didn't understand why he was talking to me like this and not actually speaking.

I know. But I could feel something is wrong ... what is it? His brows pulled together.

It is a hard adjustment for me. I am alone in a lot of my classes now … minus Kelly. But she can't fix the fact that everything has changed now. My bottom lip jetted out and I was on the verge of tears.

Dom held me in his arms. Don't worry, you'll adjust. It will get better. I promise. I'll even change my schedule if you want.

No. So much has changed as is, I hate drawing attention to us. I'll survive. I exhaled the breath I had been holding and the bell rang.

I slumped off to Gym and felt a hundred times worse. Not only was I alone, but now I had to do physical activities on top of it all. What is wrong with the world?

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and I actually felt better after running laps and doing normal human things. I was now a fitness queen amongst my fellow classmates. Coach Williams- a big goon of a man- was whole heartedly impressed with my improvements. I could see him thinking about injuring the entire class on a bridge to see if it made them all athletic stars, just like it had apparently made me. I blushed at the knowledge that maybe I hadn't reined in my new abilities so well. But I didn't care too much, what was he going to say that wouldn't make him sound too much like an idiot … I could see it; “No, you don't understand, when she came back she could do all the things I told the class to do.” And Principal Taylor would say; “And they aren't supposed to be able to do it?” A confused expression would be on both faces. I laughed audibly and went to my math class, where I could sit next to Dom and feel better.

Mrs. Rogers was a very nice lady when she wanted to be and told me not to worry about having all the assignments done, because they'd fallen a little behind from her schedule during my absence. I wanted to laugh, but, instead, I handed in all my assignments and smiled. She was very pleased.

I went and took my seat in the back while waiting for Dominic. He came in before the bell rang and handed his work and form to Mrs. Rogers. She regarded him oddly, but let it pass.

Why are you so late? I thought it to him.

I was taking care of some business quickly and the time slipped by.

I wasn't sure if I detected a false note to his story, I let it go.

Math passed in a blur where I actually understood everything the teacher explained. I asked many questions to help those around me that were clearly lost. My questions helped to shine some light on some of their faces. Dom sat placidly by me and allowed this to happen- it didn't matter that he didn't care too much about his fellow students- I enjoyed having a familiar body sitting next to me, and smiling at me.

I was a little nervous when the lunchtime bell rang. I didn't know how to really interact with Kelly and her friends but Dominic would not have no for an answer, and he easily dragged me out to the cafeteria. I spotted them quickly, and then glanced around the rest. I wondered how

Mike and Acacia had not been seen by me all day- it's a small school and a smaller senior building, how could I not see them? I was puzzled by this.

The minute Kelly saw us she was like a bolt of lightning. She ran over to us- yes, ran, not walked quickly, but bloody ran.

“Em and Dom. You have to …,” deep breath, “… come and join us,” she panted.

I looked with trepidation at her group of friends that were clearly questioning their friend's sanity for inviting me. “If Dominic wants to.” I smiled.

“Of course we'll join you, Kelly.” He beamed.

Kelly Winters was the cheerleader prep as I had mentioned before, but she was also a good person- something I never took the time to find out until recently. She could easily ignore people and her group was handpicked by her, for the sole purpose of having contacts for the future. These kids were the most likely to go somewhere important; modeling, acting, politics, and things like that. I didn't think much of them- they were simple clones- but for Kelly they created her world. I knew that she was really insecure, but I still couldn't understand the need to surround oneself with so much falseness.

They smiled at us as we reached the table and I had to fight the urge to shout at them about being so damn fake. Dominic took my hand and rubbed the back with his thumb. The small circles tingled as he did it. We smiled back at them as we sat down next to Kelly. She was busy rambling on about how the prom committee was working really hard to get funds, so we could have an awesome prom. It's the little things in life that make people happy; this was one of those things for Kelly.

“If there is some problem with the funds for prom, you know that we'll easily donate to the cause. It's our prom too,” I said to her with a sweet smile.

She looked back and forth between Dom- who had started to nod his head- and me. Her mouth dropped open and then closed- she looked like a fish out of water. “Are you really, really serious? I mean it could get expensive.” Her cheeks flushed.

When you don't have a lot of money, and you talk about expenses, it tends to make people embarrassed.

“Yes, I am serious. Where is it being held?” I was hoping for some awesome place.

“The gym.” She answered like it was the most obvious answer and what planet was I living on.

“Oh.” I frowned.

“Well, it's the only place big enough.” She was trying to make it sound logical.

“Why don't we rent out a hotel or something? There is one in the city.” I beamed as I put the thought out there.

“Jeeze, Em. That is really out of our budget.” Kelly's eyes looked down as she fumbled with a piece of her napkin.

“Screw your budget! I will cover the entire damn cost. Now let's plan an awesome prom that no one will ever forget!” I was enthralled. I had found something to keep me occupied for the next weeks.

Kelly's eyes nearly popped out of her pretty little head and her entire table stared at me with open mouths. Good grief people! Dom continued to rub my hand.

“Of course, my family will also contribute for this event. But you have to understand that this cost is nothing.” He was trying to be diplomatic, the yutz.

Kelly's mouth was stuck in the shape of an O and her friends all had similar expressions.

Great going. Now they think we're rich snobs. I chided him.

“Perhaps, I said that wrong. The cost of this affair will be entirely taken care of by our families. There is nothing to worry about.” He tried to smooth it over.

So not working. I could've laughed at everything, but I kept it under control.

Kelly looked at me like a deer in headlights.

“Okay, let's say you pitched to us, as the possible fund raiser people that our prom would be at the snotty hotel in the city. You also added in the request to have a DJ, and lights done, as well as refreshments, top of the line souvenirs, and five-star dinners. Let's just say that you're pitching that at potential investors.” I waited for a reaction.

I could see her tabulating the cost of everything I had said and she flushed fiercely as she realized it was so much. She nodded her head once I raised my eyebrows.

“Okay, now that you've pitched the idea to us. We discuss it. We've agreed to fund this endeavor, but on the memory pamphlets we want an honorable mentioning. We also reserve the right to veto anything that comes through, so all purchases must go through us before something is added to the bill. Are we good, my dear prom committee?” I smiled a perfect business deal smile.

“Um, yes. Are you sure though?” Kelly added.

“Yes, I am sure … but I need a unanimous agreement from the entire committee to have us as the financial backing for the senior prom.” I didn't want Kelly getting all the blame if something was wrong with what we were doing.

I looked at each person at the table. The perfect blonde looked at me, thought about it and then nodded as she chewed on her lower lip. The tan, rusty haired boy came next. His deep, chocolate eyes pinched in concentration and then he agreed. A black haired girl who was more pixie like than anything else, raised an eyebrow and looked down her nose at me. I could've killed her right there- but I didn't. I guess she decided that she wasn't going to be the one to screw this up and her head jerked up and down as though it fought against itself. A guy wearing casual business attire focused his eyes on mine and smiled the same business smile I had, and then agreed. Kelly, of course, agreed. I knew there were other members of the committee. I wonder what happened to Julia? I decided they must've had a falling out of some kind and Julia was ultimately kicked from the group.

“You're gonna have to get the others to verbally agree to you as well. If you wish, I could draw up a contract?” I checked with Dom if this was possible, he nodded.

“No, no. It so isn't necessary. I trust you, Emma. I will get their okays. I will also start making phone calls tonight and getting the plans started. Tomorrow, everyone, including you guys, can agree on stuff.” She smiled and an excited light came into her eyes.

Man, she's like putty in your hands. Dom's voice cooed in my head.

Just know how to handle them. I explained.

The lunch bell rang.

I gave Dominic a goodbye kiss and watched as he sauntered off toward the gym. Then, Kelly and I walked into the senior building. She had French and I was going to History. Our rooms were right next door.

Au revoir mon amie!” I called after her.

She smiled good heartedly. “Enjoy history.”

I sat through History after turning in my stack of homework with an amused expression on my face. Miss Henderson was talking about something that I had read before, so I enjoyed her drone as a background noise while I imagined what prom would be like, and what graduation would be like.

I felt nervous about leaving all of this behind. It was my connection to the human world that I belonged to- or used to. After graduation, I would be immersed in our own ways, with our own kind. My emotions pulled at me from the inside, this change was something I really was nervous about.

I was completely lost in thought when Miss Henderson came and placed a paper on my desk about what we were discussing. Her hand touched mine ever so slightly and soon I was struck by a wave of information from her. The most predominate thing in her thoughts were vivid images of a man, half naked, in a bed. I assumed that the bed was hers, and I recognized the man immediately. Oh my god! Miss Henderson is having an affair with Coach Williams!

I wasn't sure what to do. I sat there and stared at her. I went back to her thoughts and tried to figure out when it started. I couldn't find a clear beginning. I did find images from the Coach's wedding, in which she was the maid of honor, and a few from her own wedding and divorce as well.

I looked back further- they were in a high school, this one, and he was dating his now wife, and then he met her. It started out as flirting and then went from there. Now, here we are, years later, and she's his mistress and his wife has no clue.

I knew this scandal would blow the town apart, as well as the school. I kept my mouth shut tight. I knew Dom had heard my exclamation, but he didn't say anything.

It was shocking to learn about people by accident. My accidents were very startling to me I found out.

I left class in a gentle haze as her thoughts began to leave the front of my mind. I looked back at my teacher, with a little pity; she would never be the one in the beautiful white dress she imagined if she stayed with him. Maybe I should tell her? I decided that would cause problems. I walked downstairs to Art class with Miss Ashley.

Miss Ashley was always my favorite teacher because she was so calm, collected, and young. She can sympathize with us about lots of stuff.

I walked into the room and handed her a sketchbook I had filled with drawings, while I was away. She hadn't assigned anything, but I figured I should do something. No one else was in class yet and she smiled at me.

“Your ball was lovely, Emma,” she said in a whispered voice.

She was at my ball? I felt confused, what would a human be doing at my ball?

Yes. It was very beautiful! Her voice caught me seriously off guard.

Oh my freaking God! You're one! I squealed with delight.

She turned her back to the door and let her fangs slide down very impressive.

I smiled and finally understood why she was so awesome. She winked at me and the room began to fill with people. Dominic was the last one in.

Em? He said.

I shook my head and nodded toward Miss Ashley and mimed fangs.

He looked at me in disbelief. No way!

Yes way!

It wasn't my voice that answered him and his mouth dropped open when he looked at her.

A thought suddenly struck me. Miss Ashley, if you were at my ball, why didn't we shake hands with you?

I called to inform your family I would be late, and so I was. She smiled as she was talking to the class about the technique of stippling.

I got up and grabbed the handouts that were on her desk as she demonstrated on the board what it meant. I passed them out very slowly.

I smiled through my entire Art class because now I had two secrets. I wasn't sure if Miss Ashley knew the first one, but I wasn't going to ask, and the second was the coolest thing ever. This was an awesome way to conclude the day.

Class ended and Dom and I went home. Everything fell back into routine after that; I got up, went to school, came home, spent as much time with Dominic as possible, and ate. Life was good in my opinion.

I worked hard with Kelly to ensure that the prom would be remembered for generations to come in this small town. I hoped that it would reach out and encourage other well off vampires to put in some dough so other tiny places could do great things too- but it was only a hope. Life was good. It didn't stop the feeling of missing something that wasn't there, but I got through that with everything else. Everything went on without him, and so did I.

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