Bella Notte

By Jesse_KimmelFreeman

2.1M 14.4K 1.8K

Vampires? Check. Werewolves? Check. Death prophecy to hang over your head? Double check. Seventeen year old E... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
If you...

Chapter Ten

101K 592 45
By Jesse_KimmelFreeman

Chapter Ten

The next few days blended together as I tried to get some sort of handle on all the new things that were suddenly part of me. Dominic spent every second he could with me, and was very patient with me as I struggled my way through things that he understood completely.

He helped me to learn some control over my thoughts and what I projected out to him- when I put effort into it, I ended up shouting at him mentally. It was a challenge to say the least.

When Dom was busy working with the Bella Notte clubs, Grandpa volunteered to help me figure things out. He showed me how he could easily retract his fangs. It was hard for me not to flinch away every time they came back down. He explained how mine would retract themselves and how it would be a natural thing for me to do later. I wasn't convinced. He also allowed me to mentally batter him as I tried to talk to him using my mind. I really thought I was going to sprain everything, but, somehow, we both survived it. Grandpa was very patient with me and encouraged me to do some exercises alone.

I went up to my room later that day and finally sat down at my computer. I didn't see anything too interesting at first when I opened my email. There was an email from Kelly asking if I was okay. I seriously wondered how she got my email address, but it didn't really phase me. I wasn't allowed to answer emails yet, I was still in the “hospital”. It was so silly to me. I had random spam telling me how they could enlarge parts I didn't even have. Always wondered how I got on those lists.

At the very end of the page was an email from an Issy D., with a subject title that caught my eye; “Emma, it's me, Isabella. Please Read This!,” curiosity was always one of my weaknesses. I clicked on it.

Dearest Emma.

I truly hope that you read this, and don't delete it. I wish that I could be there for you while you are going through all these new changes. Unfortunately, I have been ostracized because I fell in love. I know it has been a really long time. I am so sorry that we moved and I didn't take the time to keep in touch. It's unforgivable. I do hope that you will forgive me and understand that I am still trying to be your friend. I heard gossip that you were friends with a werewolf before you changed, and that he was your boyfriend? I can only imagine that they have already told you that he is too dangerous for you to be around. It isn't true. Werewolves are not the way they used to be. I am engaged to one. That is the reason why my family shun me … I did the unthinkable, I fell in love with the enemy! It is hard for them to understand things today because they are each from a different time. I doubt that you'll believe me. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't. Your friend Mike, I believe that is his name? He isn't as dangerous as they say. Werewolves only are dangerous when seriously threatened. My fiancé, Jack, is the best thing in my life. We were even able to go to school together. Yes, there are places where we co-exist, happily. Just like the schools they've told you about for us vampires- there are schools where we learn together. We also learn to adapt to each other. Jack and I are together in a few classes- not all because we must learn about ourselves as well. We are not the only couple here either. I'm not telling you this so you won't end up my sister; I'm telling you this so you don't get forced away from your Mike. There was no one to tell me, I wish there had been someone, so I'm being your someone. Don't let them keep you away from your friend. It won't be easy- his family is old-school, like ours, and they hold the same standing- but if you don't give up, I doubt he will. I have to go now. Please write back if you still want to be friends.

With much love,


How the devil do I respond to that? I felt distressed. I mean, that was something huge to keep from my family and Dom. Is she for real? Is it even possible? I had to control my thoughts, they must not know.

I got up from my computer and took a few deep breaths while I walked around my room. I can do this. Surely, even if they find out, they won't do anything?

I sat back down and felt guilty- I had become the little kid stealing cookies from the jar. I thought about it- might as well take the whole damn thing.

Dearest Issy,

I don't hate you. I could never do that. I understand why your family left. I don't think that Mike is mine anymore. I feel like I have lost him completely. My heart aches so much when I think about how we were before I went away to Italy, before Acacia came into the picture. But when the accident happened and I saved him in his wolf form, he looked absolutely revolted by the thought of what I am. The look shattered my heart into pieces, Mike was my first real love, and just because I am a vampire, his entire perspective of me changed. I would love to have him back in my life but I don't think he'll even miss me. He is betrothed just as I am. While I was away in Italy, he seemed to get close with her. Acacia is just plain evil, and she has a sugar-sweet voice that would cause fairies to vomit. I don't blame him for any of this though- I got to know your brother better at that time. When I came back I wasn't certain of anything- let alone which of the males in my life suited me best. All I wanted to do was have my life back the way it was. I wanted Mike and I watching bad monster movies, and talking about the things to come. But Mike hated all the dates we went on- except for when he chose Blade. Clearly it was a precursor to what was to come. Maybe he knew all along that I was a vampire. He ignored me more than anything when she was around. I don't think I stood a chance, and now, it is even less. It hurt me so badly to see his face look that way after I had saved his life. I've not heard from him since. I just don't understand how he can so easily push me out of his life. Do you think that there is any way for all of this to work out? Perhaps it is all for the better. He's in his world and I'm in mine. I do miss him though – even if we don't see eye to eye on most stuff, I do miss my best friend, and the guy I fell so hard for. God, it's hard to admit that. Anyways, if things go as planned, we'll be sisters and I'll make sure they learn to accept you for who you are … and who you choose to love- something I did not get to chose. I've missed you, Issy. I'm glad you wrote me. I'll try really hard to keep this a secret I know how hard opposition can be and it's good to know that some people have learned to live in harmony. Anyways, I have to go now. Just so you know, I'll try with Mike, it may be hard, but my heart won't let me give up on him just yet. Take care of yourself and write to me when you want.

Love always,


I wonder if I could really reach him? If I've not really lost him to the wolves completely? My heart filled with hope and possibilities, but I felt the tug of Dom on my thoughts as well. It was so hard to try and sort through what I was feeling and the choices I had before me.

I thought about it for a minute and then let it slip from my mind. I really didn't want to explain to my parents and Dom why I was thinking about getting in contact with my old werewolf boyfriend. I really miss him.

I sat around in my room and stared up at the ceiling where I had placed hundreds of plastic glow-in-the-dark stars in the shapes of the constellations. My mind was blank and my room was dark- it didn't stop Dom from finding me. He tapped lightly on the door and came in.

“Hey, mia bella. I had a hard time finding you. Normally your mind is like a beacon. I see you're learning to control it.” I could see his smile even in the dark of my room.

Why do you even bother to use words?

“It helps me remember to use them in my everyday life. You'll understand when we go back to school.” His voice was light.

Why aren't you in school?

“For the same reason Acacia isn't. We were both 'injured' during the accident. I assume she is using the time to help Michael adjust. Like I am for you.” He walked from the doorway to my bed.

Mike. The pang in my chest felt like a visible ripple.

“I know it's hard for you. You'll understand later.” He touched me gently on my arm.

“What if I don't want to understand? What if I want my friend back?” I knew this was a bad subject to discuss, but I hated having no one to talk to.

“Then our lifestyle will be more difficult for you, but, eventually, you will adjust.” His voice had hardened a little bit.

I stood up. I needed to talk to my grandpa. “Look, Dom, I need to go see Grandpa. I'll catch up to you later. 'Kay?” I said as I walked out the door.

Grandpa. I walked the house thinking his name.

Emma. His wise voice entered my head when I was near the library on the second floor.

I headed into the room. I was tired of talking in my head. I wanted to have a normal bloody conversation with my grandpa- I only hoped he would fix everything, like normal.

“I need to talk to you.” I wasn't sure exactly what I needed to talk to him about- my efforts to keep my mind blank left me feeling a little confused.

“Please, go ahead.” He gestured for me to sit down in the chair across from him.

I sat. “Was it always you and Grandma, I mean, together? Was she always the one for you?” I felt like an idiot.

“No. We haven't been together for our entire existence. But a good portion of it.” He looked at me with knowing eyes.

I nodded.

“You see, Emma. We were born into a completely different world and time, just as your parents were. I was more of a nomad before I met your grandmother. I met many of our kind, some that were not, but this was long before the schools were created. I spent hundreds of years alone, only taking interest in a few women. But when I met her, I knew. It took us time to adjust to each other but eventually we were inseparable. We waited until we were around your father's age to have him. We wanted him to have a chance to meet the right girl sooner so we helped to create the schools. The first one was in England, and then another was created in Italy. Now, they are everywhere. But I am getting sidetracked. I never fell in love with anyone the way I saw you did with your friend, Michael. However, I can easily see a special kind of love forming between you and Dominic. I know why you came to me. I know that I am by far the most understanding in this family toward the differences between our two kinds. I am in fact the person who started the schools for us to share. Yes, your mind isn't as closed as you wish, my dear. Isabella was right to contact you, but perhaps planting these seeds are not the best thing she could have done.” His brow pulled together.

“I don't understand. I mean, I get that you can easily break through my barriers, but I don't understand what was wrong with her telling me?” My face mimicked his.

“Let me try to explain this, dear. I wished they had told you when they had their information meeting with you. I suppose I could have told you then. Excuse me once more for my absent mind. You see, Emma, you are foretold to be part of the prophecy. I know you've heard it. It was in a song you heard play at Bella Notte, and then the she-wolf, Acacia, told you it.” His eyes burned for me to understand.

“Wait. Are you talking about the story of the war … and the enemy king and queen? Because, if you are, I am so not the girl in that.” I scoffed at him.

“Do you remember your friend, Bettina?” His eyes told me he knew something, too bad I wasn't as good a lock picker or I'd have the information myself from his mind.

I nodded.

“Do you know why they call her 'Batty Betty', my little one?” I wasn't in the mood for twenty questions.

I shook my head.

“She has the ability to foresee things. One of those odd things that happens to us. Well, she has seen many things, all true. But she is a little odd. My point is that the prophecy came from her.” His hand steepled together.

“So, that doesn't mean it was about me?” My defense was on.

“Ah, but it does. One of the things that helps her visions is coming in to contact with the person she is foreseeing about. It is a custom for us to take our babies to a foreseer, to help us prepare for any of the things that will be thrown at us. When Bettina touched you, all became clear.” His calm voice held very heavy words for me.

“Dude.” My head was having a hard time with this one. If its right, then I won't end up with Mike anyways, I will end up losing him! My head swirled.

“Emma, your love will be eternal. I cannot tell you how long it will take or what will happen between now and then, but the love of this queen for this forbidden king, and vice versa, is something that will be held in the hearts of both of our kinds. Their sacrifice will never be forgotten.” I could see his struggle with this as well.

“And that somehow justifies the death of two people?!? Are you insane, Grandpa? I won't get killed for this nonsense, and Mike surely won't die! This is insanity!” My temper was rising.

“Emma, you need to calm yourself, my dear. This won't change what has already been seen. But, to get back to what you ultimately were thinking about, regarding your friend, if you must contact him now, then I suggest that you two move away from both houses.” He gestured toward the window, out of which one could easily see the woods that surrounded our home.

The clearing! It's time. “Thank you, Grandpa. I am sorry.” I felt bad for my temper.

“Think nothing of it. I, too, can remember the beginning of the change. There are some things that you cannot control.” With that he looked back down at the book that he had been reading.

I walked out of the room with my mind filled with plans.

Emma, do try and keep your mind silent until you have left the house. Your grandmother would have you chained in the attic if she heard your thoughts. Grandpa's voice was gentle.

Thank you again. I walked into my room and thought only of finding my cell phone.

Once I found it, I went downstairs and into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and poured myself a glass of blood. One might think that the thought of keeping blood in a pitcher in the refrigerator is absolutely insane. Well, it isn't because the house is filled with vampires and the blood is like filtered water. It comes from a special place where they filter out all the impurities that can cause us illness. I never thought to ask whose blood it was.

I sipped on my glass as I thought about the clearing that I had feared so greatly. The fear was still there, but I felt like it had changed. I knew I needed all my strength to do this, and the sweet liquid helped to quench the thirst that I was learning to deal with. I felt stronger for it as well.

I went out the back of the house, through the sun room. I walked quickly, but not a run. I did not want to alarm any of my family that might have been looking out the windows.

I pulled my phone out of my jeans pocket and texted Mike as quickly as possible.

Please meet me at our clearing tonight at midnight. I have to see you. Love ya always, Em.

When I pressed send, my heart felt a little lighter. I still had hours to get to the clearing and wait, so I took my time. I practiced all the things I had learned during the last days, and tried to teach myself new things.

Jumping was very easy for me. And I found out that I could run in a blur. I attempted to jump and land gracefully on top of a tree. I, of course, fell, but I did land on my feet- very cat like. I tested myself to pass the time but, eventually, I did end up in the clearing.

I went and sat down on a log. I laid back on it and closed my eyes. I thought that sleep would elude me as it had done for the past night … instead I fell into a pleasant slumber.

An owl hooted and I awoke with a start. It was dark now. I walked out into the clearing to try and get an idea of the time by using the moon. I heard him long before he entered the clearing. His feet made the sound I had heard a thousand times. My heart kicked up a beat from the similarities to our dream. He walked to my side.

“Emma. I don't know about this,” he said.

I reached down and took his hand; I could feel the resistance fade from his hot fingers, and something inside me melted with his touch.

“Mike, this can't be the thing that has pushed us apart. I told you before, I would give you time. I understood your dilemma, but you can't shove passed me because we've both changed physically. Surely I mean more than that. You obviously do to me, otherwise I wouldn't have come out here.” My eyes pleaded with his beautiful eyes. God, I love those eyes.

“Em, you can't expect it all to be the same. My family would kill me right now if they knew where I was. I had to think of something else the entire time until I left, for fear of being discovered. Us wolves, we share thoughts. Em, I love you … but I am not sure of this. What about Acacia, or Dominic?” His words stung my heart.

“What does it matter? You seem so certain that this is so wrong. Dom understands all the things that have to do with me. He would probably try harder. I don't really care about what Acacia would think. Do you really think you are the only one risking anything by being out here? I thought you would be happy. I was ecstatic to think I would see you. I've missed you so much. Mike, you were my first real love, do you not understand that? I can't just forget that because you suddenly started to grow fur in odd places.” I looked down at the dead grass as we walked slowly across the clearing.

“I understand that we are both making really dumb decisions right now. Em, I don't know what to do. I don't know what you want. I really don't know what I want! Don't you understand? If we stay friends, or tried to be more, all the problems it would cause and all the secrecy that we would have to go through …” His voice was cut off by a breeze and he stiffened at the same moment that a wolf howled.

“Mike, I'm not giving up on you. I don't want to lose you. Please, try?” I felt my skin crawl at the sound of the wolf, my eyes stung with unshed tears.

Mike didn't say anything, he inched me closer to the edge of the clearing. When we got there he shoved me and leaned into me.

“Emma, I do want you in my life, it's all just confusing. I think you need to run now.” He growled at something that I couldn't see or hear as he moved toward the center of the clearing.

I took off. This was way too much like my dream. I was really scared. I knew if my heart beat was still normal it would be in my throat and beating a million beats per second by now. Instead, it kicked up to a normal rate.

The trees rushed by me as I used my new abilities to get through the forest, without being hurt in the dark. Then I heard Mike's cry. I stopped short of ramming into a tree. I turned around to go back, but Dominic was standing in front of me now.

“Emma, what the Hell are you doing out here with that creature?” His voice was acid.

“None of your damn business! And get out of my way!” I tried to get around him, but he could easily see my thoughts.

“Not ruddy likely. You can't be alone with him. It isn't safe. I told you before, you need to forget this.” His voice was still hard.

I turned back to the direction I was running and then ran up the tree I had almost knocked into.

“What are you doing?” he demanded from below me.

I leaned the top back as far as it could go and then I inched forward, so that the tree would shoot back up … it worked beautifully. I soared above Dom's shocked face and landed far enough from him that I was safe to run back to Mike.

I ran as fast my feet would carry me and made it back to the clearing. Mike was sitting in the middle with his hands covering his face.

“Mike, what's wrong?” I asked as I stepped out into the open space.

He looked up, shocked. “Emma, no, you have to run. She'll kill you.” He rose, but wasn't fast enough.

She caught me off guard. Her wolf-woman appearance was quite impressive, but a little frightening. If you could picture the Wolfman from the movies and then turn it female, that was her- she was a giant, upright walking, wolf person. Her body was still female, but it was hardly familiar to what I had seen before. I saw her eyes burning with a hate I never thought could possibly exist.

Her claws barely missed my shoulder as I shifted from her. My teeth were deadly long and sharp all of a sudden. She lunged at me and I hissed at her as I jumped, landing directly behind her.

“What the Hell is your problem?” I growled.

Clearly she wasn't up for chit chat as she crouched down low to the ground. I knew she was going to spring at me.

Screw that. I will not play nice anymore, not even for Mike's sake!

I knew I had fantastic new skills that were made for this. I'd show her.

I curled down low to the ground as well. A low growl emerged from her. I hissed back in return. I suddenly had longer and sharper nails than I had before. I clenched my hands into claws. She looked at Mike for a second, and I did as well. He still sat on the ground and was merely staring in shock, his mouth hung open, and his eyes were wide.

This angered me more. He should be doing something to stop her. He is one of them as well. Jerk! It was like he was already picking sides, and I had been pushed out with yesterday's trash.

I wasn't sure why this infuriated me so, but I felt suddenly fueled by that emotion. I looked back at her just in time to see the spring from her cramped position. I leapt as well. We met about half way in a loud crack of bodies coming together. The sound was that of thunder cracking, only ten times worse. I clawed her across her pretty face and she howled in pain. I hoped it left a nasty scar.

She managed to rake down my back as her arms clung to me and I yowled as I felt the blood drip from my body. She tried to slam her fist into my chest- about where my heart was. I caught hold of her fist and crushed it in my palm. As she fought to free her hand I squeezed harder. My face felt hardened and I knew my expression was cruel.

“You shouldn't have thought to fight me,” I said in a calm voice.

Those words pissed her off. Her struggle to get her hand free became secondary to her attempt to kill me. My arm was suddenly sliced as her nails streaked across it. I got her across her chest with my free hand and then I used it again to slam her away from me with all my strength.

I got low to the ground again as I waited for her next attack. I felt my wounds beginning to heal. The skin around the gashes was pulling tight and it made me think of how skin looked around a scab. I was thankful because my back had been quite painful.

She was pacing back and forth as she growled and snarled in my direction. I thought her snapping at me was ridiculous and I bared my teeth at her. She shook her hand repeatedly and I hoped I had crushed every bone it. Stupid cow.

She ran at me once more. I wasn't expecting her to run at me and it startled me, but not nearly as much as the sudden flash of white that shoved me down to the ground, but it felt like a brick house had run me over.

It caught Acacia in mid run, causing her to dangle slightly off the ground. He held her by the throat and a snarl that made me whimper escaped from him. Dominic was suddenly the vampire from every horror film that I had ever seen. He was deadly and dangerous. I suddenly wanted to be able to be as powerful as he was right then.

She stopped fighting against him and he put her down on the ground, but did not let go of her throat. He looked at Mike with so much disgust that I thought he might actually throw up.

“This creature belongs to you, overgrown dog! Take her before you are without your mate,” he said to Mike as he pushed Acacia at him. “And you, my dear Acacia, if you ever think to injure my mate, there will be nothing left of you, or your wanted family, but a pile of rubble and a sad story in the human papers. Do I make myself clear?” He growled the words at her.

She nodded as she gasped and stumbled into Mike's waiting arms. They both morphed into true wolves and ran out into the woods in the direction of their home.

Dominic looked at me as though I needed to be locked up for my own good. “Now, what were you doing out here, Emma darling?” His words weighed me down.

“I wanted to see Mike. I missed him.” The words felt stupid after what had happened.

“In the future, perhaps some place a little more public would be a better choice.” He raised his brow at me.

“In the future? I doubt that will happen.” I frowned.

“I really do think that is for the best. She could have killed you, Em. I never want to lose you. Besides, if she killed you, your family would be forced to destroy Mike's as well as hers. It would start yet another war for us.” His eyes seemed far away as though he could see it all.

“I'm sorry,” I mumbled as I walked to him. “I didn't think anything would happen. I wanted to talk to Mike and show him that we could still be friends. Maybe I was wrong?”

He opened his arms, in a welcoming manner, and held me. Then we walked very slowly back to the house.

My wounds were healed by the time we got there, but I didn't want to have to explain the blood on me, so Dom climbed up the side of the house into my bedroom window- something that was truly out of the movies- and went inside.

When he came back down he leapt from the window and handed me a fresh set of clothing- it was my pajamas. I smiled and he turned around to give me a moment of privacy.

As I pulled the shirt off, I felt the tenderness of my wounds on my back and arm. I gasped for breath but managed to get my stuff off and the soft satin pjs on. We took my old clothes and set them aflame in the barbecue pit in the backyard.

As soon as the fabric had burned down to nothing, it was put out and we went back toward the house. Dominic showed me how to get up to my room from where we were. I was quite freaked out by scaling the house wall, but he stayed next to me and helped me climb into my room.

When we got in my room, the neon lights from my clock showed the hour to be nearly two in the morning. What the heck was I thinking? I felt like an idiot. I also felt really betrayed by Mike. How could he just sit there?

Dominic took my hand and led me to my bed. I sat down but felt suddenly numb. I ran my tongue over my teeth and felt that they had shrunk back to my normal fangs. I also noticed that my nails were back to my chewed nothingness.

“Do you want me to stay?” His voice was almost a whisper.

I didn't want to be alone after what had happened. I was so freaked now that I was in my room. I nodded my head.

“Then I will. But you need rest. It will help the injuries heal fully.” He was so gentle with me as he helped me lean back and crawl under the covers.

I inched over so he could lie down as well. He lied on top of the covers and lightly caressed my cheek as he whispered to me. “It's okay now. Just sleep.” He began to hum a lullaby of some kind.

The melody wrapped around me and I felt safe. I reached up and took hold of his hand and held it as he continued to hum. Soon, my room faded away.

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