The Dark Windows

By nandostagram_1d

6.6K 305 94

Ally has been best friends with Charlie all her life. The only problem with Charlie is her obnoxious friend L... More

The Dark Windows
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Another Author's note

Chapter 2

260 8 0
By nandostagram_1d

"You were at Louis's house without me?!" Charlie exclaimed.

"Yes, only cause that scary van was there."

"Oh. Louis let you in right?" She got serious just like Louis had yesterday when I kept mentioning the van.

"Yeah. It was the only option I had, I wouldn't have talked to him otherwise." She laughed as we entered the school. Charlie was really pretty, and I mean gorgeous.

She had brown hair, and sea blue eyes. Her skin was a mix of light and dark, and she was incredibly fit and thin. Her teeth were perfectly straight, and the only makeup she wore was mascara. I was always jealous of her. Though that was true, she had never had a boyfriend. I've tried asking her who she would want to date, but she says all the guys in our school are idiots. I can't say I disagree with her there.

"See ya later." Charlie said.


The rest of the day was pretty normal. I made it through all my morning classes before lunch. I ate lunch with Charlie, luckily Louis wasn't there to greet me. Usually he was, but he was probably doing that Science homework. That meant alone time for Charlie and I; that's how I always preferred it. Lunch was over, and it was time for AP Science.

I entered the classroom, and handed my homework in on the front desk. I plopped in my seat, taking a pencil out. Of course, Louis came into class siting across from me. My last name was S and his was T, so we sat close. The teacher had sat us in alphabetical order. Of course.

"Alright, so you all handed in your homework, right? Well, I'm pretty tired so I'm gonna assign you a project. It can be anything about anything we've covered. Pair up with a partner. Go." Mrs. Albertan was always tired. She usually gave us work to do, so she didn't have to do anything.

I searched for my friend in the class, Dana. Before I could approach her, I heard the screech of a desk slam into mine.


"No way, I'm not being your partner."

"Says the girl who has a lower average than me in this class." I rolled my eyes and looked over at Dana. She was with another friend. Great.

"Fine. Just, work on the key for this graph I'm making." I handed him a piece of paper, and I started making up a graph off the top of my head. Gives Louis something to do during class. I was only a minute into graphing, when Louis leaned his head in closer to mine.

"You know Dana?"

"Yea," I said, scared of what he'd say.

"I fucked her so hard last year, she couldn't walk during school the next day." I grimaced at his comment.

"You're gross." He laughed so hard, his eyes crinkled, and you couldn't hear his laugh anymore. His face was a tint of pink, and his eyes looked like they were closed.

I continued to draw a graph on my paper, taking out a ruler from my backpack. "You know how I said I wouldn't fuck a friend."

"Don't say that word, and yes." He rolled his eyes, placing his pencil on the desk.

"Well, we, Charlie and I, almost fu- did it once." My mouth fell open, my hand cupped it. Louis and Charlie?! He laughed even harder than before, his face turning red instead of the pink it was just seconds ago. "I'm kidding! I wouldn't do that to Charlie." I relaxed my shoulders, feeling better about that comment.

"Just curious, how many girls have you done it with?" The words slipped off my tongue before I had time to even think about them.

"25 or a little more," He said very causally, "I know it seems like I've done more, but with some girls it's been more than once."

"I feel sorry for them."

"Trust me, when they moan my name, they don't regret a thing." I shook my head. "C'mon Ally! Have fun!"

"Yes, when we're supposed to work on a project?"

"Obviously. That's the best time." He wrote some stuff down on his paper, which surprised me. I wrote some stuff down on mine, enjoying the actual working time.

10 minutes had passed by, when Louis tapped his pencil on the desk. I had grabbed a poster board, and sketched a graph on it. Louis leaned his head in again. "Are you a virgin?" He said softly.

"What the hell? Louis!"

"You so have done it!" He beamed, his voice still low.

"None of your business of the details."

"Aha! So you have done it. You just admitted it! Now you have to tell me." His head was rested on his hand, his elbow on the desk.

"No way."

"Don't be a bummer," He pouted his bottom lip, "I tell you my stories!"

"I never ask you."

"For fucks sake, don't be so rude."

"What is that your new saying." He was staring into my eyes, his dazzling blue ones meeting mine. Inside those eyes were dirty thoughts and an obnoxious person.

"Just tell me."

"Fine." I sighed at my giving into him. "It was Robert Hengerman." Louis laughed so hard he almost fell of his chair. I twirled my pencil in my hands.

"No fucking way that's gold!" He continued to laugh, holding his stomach. How was no one noticing him? "I heard he has a big D."

"Shut up." I scolded him. His breath was shaky from his continuous laughing.

"If you want a guy to fuck you...shit sorry, didn't mean to say that in front of you Allison." Something in the way he said Allison with emphasis, made my spine chill. "Anyways, if you want to do it, you gotta get him hard first, that's the first step. Personally, I love a good lap dance."

"Your so obnoxious and gross. Why does Charlie even put up with you?"

"Cause I'm fun. Why does she put up with you? You're exactly like me." Now I was laughing.

"Me? Like YOU? No way."

"Yes. We're both sassy and cool. Plus, good looking." Seriously? He was complimenting himself. What an ass. Louis ran his fingers through his long hair, and took a breath in. "You just don't notice it."

"I'm nothing like you. At all. I'm not obnoxious and rude. I don't curse people out and hang out with girls just to get inside of them. I really don't get why Charlie talks to you. If I could, I would never have you in my life." His mouth went into a straight line, and he looked down. I hadn't realized how harsh I was, but my mind told me to stop thinking that.

"Maybe you're right. I'm not a self centered bitch who always gets what they want. I'm not a rude person who judges EVERYTHING you do."

"Yes you are!"

"Exactly." He smirked. I furrowed my eyebrows at the boy, confused as to what he was talking about. "That's you I described. You are me, you just don't realize it."

I stayed silent continuing to write down things on my paper. I wasn't like Louis. I knew that for a fact. He was so rude, why was I even doing this project with him?! "How the hell do I even make the key if you aren't talking to me?"

"Just do something! God." The bell rang and Louis smiled at me. "Oh god. Just let me take it home and finish it."

"Allison, that wouldn't be fair to make you do all the work. Come over to my house" I sighed.

"I'm definitely NOT doing that."

"Allison. Holy shit just do it."

"Fine, just meet me at my locker. Can we bring Charlie so she can keep us out of fights?"

"If you want." We walked out of the classroom, and Charlie was standing outside of the door. "Charlie, we have to work on a project and she wants you there to keep us out of trouble. Can you come?" Charlie looked all around the hallway.

" can't. I've Sorry."

"It's fine I guess." I said. "Louis, just meet me at my locker alright?" He nodded, and we all walked our separate ways.


The final bell rang, and I walked to my locker where Louis was already awaiting me. "Ready?" He said as I grabbed my books. I nodded and we walked out of the school, towards his parked car. We entered the car and Louis threw his backpack in the back seat.

The car ride there was pretty silent, and we finally got to his house. "Are your sisters here?"

"Nope. They have clubs after school, so it's all good." He threw his keys on a table inside the house, and I put the poster and my backpack on his couch.

We sat at the coffee table, and took out some pencils to work. It was pretty nice, Louis being silent. Louis being silent? What? "Louis, why aren't you taking?"



"It's actually hate me don't you." I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was serious.

"Oh." Did I hate him? I always said I did...but I guess he could be alright sometimes. "No, I don't."

"Yes you do. You even asked Charlie to be here cause you didn't want to be alone with me." He sighed. "I'm not all that bad."

"Only around children you aren't."

"Not true. Whenever I fuck a girl, I go slow, and I make sure they're okay. I don't want to hurt them. Some of them just want street cred, others just want a good feeling. It's not even to embarrass them. My mother works full time, and I work at a really expensive restaurant on some nights to help pay for stuff around the house. I cook for my sisters, and keep the house in order. I'm an A student, because I study. I joke a lot, but just for fun, I don't mean to hurt anyone. Like when I said I almost fucked Charlie. It was obviously a lie, and you can tell from today."

Louis was really nicer than I thought.. He may have seemed big and bad, but he really wasn't. He would always be a joker, and obnoxious but deep down he could be nice and thoughtful.

"What do you mean about Charlie today?" Louis's eyes went wide, like he said something he shouldn't have.

"Oh shit. Shit shit she's gonna fucking murder me." He ran his hand through his hair.

"What's wrong?"

"You really don't know do you?" I shook my head. "You can't tell her if I tell you...alright?" I nodded my head. "Well...Charlie's gay."

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