Love is all around

By KairiOfHearts

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This story has been Completed on July 8, 2017 Princess of Clarines returns home from a mission. Home again wi... More

Returning Home
Training and Teaching
Meeting old friends
Unexpected feelings
Claire MIA
Trapped by Heartstealers
New love?
Claire has a date!
Mitsuhide's scare
New orders
Princess duties
Training mission
Dinner in Aincard
Flower blossoms
A Birthday Surprise
Awkward Moments
Truth Revealed
Unexpected Visitors?
New Rules
Strange Mission
Situations Change
Caught red handed
Hidden truth
New Steps
One Year Later
The Future

Wedding Interviews

55 2 3
By KairiOfHearts


        I don't really want to do a wedding interview because I'm in love with Shiryuki. Shiryuki has made me a better person. I need someone like that in my life. So I asked KiKi if she would do it with me. She comes from a noble family but since she knows the situation I figured she would help me out.
      Right now I'm walking to the garden where I'm meeting Kiki. As we are in the garden we just start chatting. I haven't really talk to her as a friend in so long. As we are talking I see people running through the garden. When we look over I see one guy dressed in black holding a bag. Then another guy carrying someone on his shoulder. Then I see another guy chasing after them but, he has a dark cloak on. We both look at each and then Obi comes down in front of us.

   "Master, isn't that Mitsuhide's cloak"Obi said.

     We look back over and see the women on that guy's shoulder is shaking. The man following begging is running so fast his hood is blown off. What I can't believe it is Mitsuhide. He has this big smile drawn on his face. All of a sudden I see the guy that was holding the woman go down. Mitsuhide throws her a sword then pulls out his own. They are dueling right before are eyes.  One of the men swords go flying and then Mitsuhide appears behind the men.

     "You are under arrest for stealing jewels and kidnapping" The woman said.

    "What who the heck are you" Men asked.

      She took her hood off and I saw it was Claire. If she was in danger why didn't they call for help. The three of us are looking at them completely shocked.

Claire POV

       I am the one and only Princess of Clairnes. When I heard what you two creeps were doing I had to face you myself. You steal jewels from families and then kidnap young women. You try to get them to do despicable things. Then if they don't you beat them up. That's not expectable on any level there for we will hold you and the town you came from will be here to get you and punish you both for you crimes.
     The guards take the men away and when they gone I fall to the ground. Mitsuhide came up to me and helped me up. I'm sorry for putting myself in danger Mitsuhide. I just couldn't let those people escape I had to do something. From now on though I won't do anything g reckless. We go to walk back to my office when we see Obi, Zen and Kiki.

    "Zen what are you doing here and Kiki why are you so dressed up" I asked.

     All of a sudden Mitsuhide grabs my hand and says we forgot to deal with an important matter. We then rush off back into the castle and arrive in my office. I look over at Mitsuhide and he has this grumpy looking face. Mitsuhide there is no reason to be jealous of Zen. Zen probably did that so he could get out of really meeting someone. Besides I know Kiki really cares about you I say. Mitsuhide starts to blush after hearing what I just said.

   "How long have you known about us Claire" Mitsuhide said.

     I've know for a while I figured it out by myself. If you must know I discovered it when you guys saved me from the ship. I could just see a sparkle in you guys that I've never seen before. I want you to know I'm really happy for Mitsuhide. I support you guys and if you ever need anything you just let me know.
      The day starts to come to a close and Mitsuhide reminds me about the wedding interview. He told me he pick someone good but told me not to worry that he has things where he wants them. Not really understanding what that means I leave to my room and wish him a good night.
Today is my wedding interview. Right now I'm getting ready for the person who is coming. Mitsuhide told me not to worry about it. When I am dressed in my Princess Uniform and step outside there is Mitsuhide. He escorts me to the dinning hall for breakfast. I didn't see Obi, Zen or Kiki I guess they have a busy day today. After breakfast is over I get a message that a royal carriage has been spotted in town. Mitsuhide and myself head out to the front gate to wait. When the carriage pulls up and the door opens I bow to the man. Welcome to Clairnes!

"Thanks Claire it's good to be back" the man said.

When I look up I see that the man is actually Kaito. I'm shocked to see Kaito here. Mitsuhide walks up and smiles at me. So my wedding interview is with Kaito. I blush looking at Kaito because I had completely forgotten. Kaito is the son of a chief so that's similar to being a Prince they just don't use that title. Kaito walks up to me and gives me a hug. While hugging me he whispers in my ear.

"Mitsuhide sent me a letter explaining everything and I figured since we are in the same boat I'll help you out cause you would have done the same" Kaito said.

Mitsuhide walks us to the garden where Kaito and I start to chat. We have walked over to the fountain and decided to sit for a bit.

Kaito POV

     So what's been going on here since you came for a visit? I men like besides your birthday since I did see you there.

"Well I started dating someone but, Zen just found out and now I can't see him" Claire said.

        Wow really I'm sorry it must be tough for you. I know I can't do much to help you Claire but any time you want to talk I'm here. Even if you need time away from here for a couple days your always welcome in the village.

"Thank you so what's life like for you lately" Claire said.

     Oh well um I started to go out with someone as well. Her name is Yuki and she isn't from the village but, she's great. She lives on the southern island and she has this amazing bird. She is a really great person we started get along after are villages made a pact to help one another.

     "Wait do you mean Yuki Yamato" Claire questions.

       When she said Yuki's name I was surprised. Wait how do you know my girlfriend Claire. She told me how a couple years after we meet they meet. Wow so small world I guess. Hey does Obi, Mitsuhide and Kiki know how the three of us really meet. Claire shakes her head no. I'm sorry I know you don't want to think about that but, there your friends and you should tell them.


      Today Claire has her wedding interview. For myself I'm meeting with Yuki Yamato from the southern islands. She is coming to check are progress with the birds.
      I meet Yuki by the front gate of the castle.  She smiles and comes up to greet me. Obi and of course Kiki are with today. Yuki stops when she sees Obi and ask where Mitsuhide is. I tell her Mitsuhide is guarding Claire. We head to my office to start some work.
     She is wanting to see Claire today because she was suppose to come for a visit. I tell her she is having a serious wedding interview today. We head out of the office and I tell everyone that we would swing by and see how the process is going. Alright everyone remember that we are just seeing how it's going. Do not interact with Claire because we don't want to ruin what time they have left.

Yuki POV

      We finished are work and now Prince Zen is taking me to see Claire. I know I'm not allowed to actually talk to her but, I am curious to see who she is with. We get down to where the garden is and Mitsuhide sees us and comes over. He is giving Zen a report on how things have been going so far. Wow I can't help but notice Claire is so happy right now. Laughing and smiling without a care in the world. The man turns his face and then I realize it's Kaito. I freeze in shock what the heck is he doing. Kaito asked me to be his girlfriend and now he is all over my best friend. Claire is just as bad I can't believe she would do something like this.
       I can't help myself my emotions of anger are spilling out. Next thing I know I'm walking up to them and Claire and Kaito see me. They both stand as to greet me I'm sure. That's when I slap Kaito hard in the face. You are a traitor. Both of you are traitors to me. You asked me to be your girlfriend Kaito and know your here with her. Claire how can you do this to me your my best friend. I sent you a letter about Kaito and I. Yet you have Kaito come and be your wedding interview partner.  I done with the both of you from now on. Kaito I don't want to see you anymore and Claire are friendship is done. I then off into the garden crying my eyes out.


      While Mitsuhide was giving Zen a report I saw Yuki head towards Claire. When Claire and the person she was with was Kaito I got a little mad.  She told me that she didn't like Kaito like that so why the heck is he here. Everyone over heard Yuki talking to them. Yuki slapped Kaito straight in the face. He told deserves it what kind of a person would see someone they had a crush on like this situation while he has a girlfriend.  I see Yuki running off into the garden crying and I decide that I should follow her.

Claire POV

    What ... What just happened. I am completely shocked I don't know what to think. Was this really real or just a bad dream. I feel like I don't know what to do with myself. I feel so hurt and sad. I look over at Kaito and he is as shocked as I am maybe even more. I can't believe she smacked him that hard.
        I walk up to Kaito and check his face and notice it's staring to swell. I feel so bad this is all my fault.  Now because of me everyone saw Kaito getting hit in the face. Kaito and Yuki just broke up and ... Oh no. If everyone saw what happens that means Obi saw Kaito with me. Great I'm sure Obi hates me now.
       I take Kaito's hand and lead him back into the castle.  I can't stop thinking that everything is my fault. I lead Kaito into my room and grab my medical box. I grab a bag and put ice into it. Then I take out some pain killed and hand him the glass of water. I tell Kaito to keep the ice on his and then I look at his right hand.
     Before that whole thing happened Kaito cut his hand on the fountain. I grab some cream, spray, and a bandage.  I apply the spray and then the cream.  Now I'm careful wrapping around the bandage around his arm.

"It's not your fault ok so stop thinking it is" Kaito said.

    I can't help myself then to feel sad and feel a tear drop down my face. Kaito pulls me into a hug and I cry into his arms. I try to stop but the more I try the more tears fall. Then we hear a knock on my door. Princess Claire are you in here the voice had said. I was about to get up but Kaito puts me and the bed and answer the door.  I could Mitsuhide at the door looking worried. They both walk into the room and Mitsuhide sits next to me.
     Zen wants to have everyone eat dinner with us before people head home.  So Mitsuhide came to let me know and then head over to the dinning hall. Kaito smiles up at me and said that no matter what it wasn't my fault. I look in the mirror and see my face looks kind of bad. I excuse myself into my personal bathroom and put makeup on to hide the fact I've been crying.
       Once I'm ready the three of us head to the dinning hall. The seating arrangement was kind of different. Zen sat at one head of the table and to his left was Yuki, Obi, Mitsuhide then me. On my left was Kaito, Kiki and Shiryuki. In the middle of dinner Yuki gets up and runs out to the balcony. I follow her into the garden.
      I approach Yuki prepared for anything. Yuki we need to talk I don't care if you don't want to talk. But you will listen.

    "No I won't listen to a back stabber" Yuki said.

   I will make you listen even if I have to order you too. I don't know what is wrong with you. Kaito and I aren't dating we are best friends. I've know him longer then I've known you. Kaito was my first friend I ever had. You say you sent me a letter but I have never received a letter from you. Last time I got a letter from you was back before I was kidnapped and that was a long time ago.  There is nothing between us like that Kaito is in love with you. Kaito only did this to help me out of a situation and I would have done the same. If you hate Kaito because he was helping out his best friend fine. If you hate me for not getting your letter and hanging out with my best friend fine. But I would never ever hurt a friend on purpose so don't you dare act like I would. You have no idea what kind of life I have lived.

  "Don't come talk to me like you know everything about me" Yuki yelled.

      If you want to say something then say it. If you want to do something then do it. She comes up to me and says don't underestimate me cause I will. I waiting for her to make a move. Pow! I fall back onto the ground after she just punched me in the face. I'm holding my face because it hurts pretty freakin bad. I see her heading back inside and I try to follow her.
      As I'm following her I kind of crash into somethings. It's a bit hard to see where I'm going.  I grab onto something but feel someone push me away. The push causes me to fall down the stairs and land on my stomach. Now my whole body hurts and I feel like I can't move. Somebody please help me.

Yuki POV

     A guard returns me back to the dinning hall and report to Zen that an intruder was following me. I excuse myself from the castle. Before I leave I apologize to everyone about everything that I just need time to think about things and will be in contact. With that I left the castle and headed back home.

Kaito POV

    I'm looking around for Claire to come back. However she still hasn't returned after Yuki. I look over at Mitsuhide and his face has the same worry in it.  We both excuse are selfs from the table to go it and look for Claire. When we get outside we look around the balcony. I look down and see someone lying on the ground. Mitsuhide sees who I am looking at and runs to get help. As for me I run well more like jump down the stairs to Claire's side.
      I help Claire sit up and she screams in pain. Seeing her like this brings back bad memories and I feel I so useless.  The others run down to Claire and that's when I realize that she was punched in the face. Her cheek is swollen pretty badly, near her eye has scratches and it seems like her back is in a lot of pain.
      Shiryuki said she needs to treat and do test on Claire right away. I careful pick up and carry her to the medical wing. I stay with Claire all night of test and treatments. I wake up sitting next to Claire and see her eyes slow open. I sit up and she see's me so I call for help. Everyone rushes inside the room to see her awake. She looks at me and says

   "Where am I" Claire questions.

    I explain the situation and give her the results of the accident. She has been order to use a wheel chair for the next week and a half. When the guard push her away from Yuki he didn't notice it was Claire. Do to the fall she has major back issue and may have trouble walking. Everyone comes to see me off as I head for home. I walk up to Claire and said I would be back to check up on her towards the end of the week and she smiled. I kissed Claire on the forehead and told her to stay strong. With that I was heading back home to the mountains.

Claire POV

   We watched Kaito leave and then my smile disappeared. Mitsuhide brought me back into the castle. Due to my injury I'm not aloud to put to much stress on my body. So I can't do any work until I'm fully healed. Instead Mitsuhide takes me on rounds of the castle to check on people. Since that's one of his jobs he took me with him. He doesn't want to leave me alone and usual I would prefer to be. However, a friend right now is just what I need to distract me from what happened yesterday. This next week is going to be really hard. Especially with Obi not evening talking to me after what happened. Will things ever be okay for me again? Will Kaito and Yuki be okay?  Have I lost my best friend forever?  Why do all the bad things happen to me?

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