New Steps

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Shirayuki POV

Last night I met with my father again after who knows how long. I thought I was alone I thought I would never see him again. Now I've seen him again but I also learned that I have a little brother. I'm still blown away that Kaito is my little brother. We have to go back home to the castle today. It will be nice but now that I have a family I don't know what to do. When you find people you never knew where still out there... there is a special feeling in your heart. I'm just getting ready for breakfast to meet with everyone I owe Claire big time.
I'm in the dinning room and I stop to see an amazing out come. At the head of the table is my father. Then it's Zen, Claire, Obi, Kiki, Mitsuhide, Kaito and a chair for me. It seems like Claire and Zen are talking again. I wonder what changed there minds. I walk in and take a seat to see all kinds of food on the table.

Claire POV

Good morning Shirayuki. I hoped you slept well last night. I have something to share with you. You have always helped me when I needed a good friend, or a good doctor. I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you.
After everything that has happened me and Zen were able to talk things through. The law I created is no longer needed. We both have come to see eye to eye. I'm glad that my big brother found a wonderful person like you. I'm glad to call you my friend.


We are packing up to leave as Shirayuki is saying goodbye. Kiki has decide to ride with Mitsuhide so Claire and Obi can ride together. That leaves Shirayuki with me. Everyone is ready to leave and I walk over to Shirayuki. Please your always welcome at the castle to visit us anytime. I take Shirayuki hand and lead her to the horse. I hop on then help her on we wave goodbye and head home.

Claire POV

  Before we left Zen spoke to me of a plan he has. Part of plan is already in action. My job is to get everyone to help distract Shirayuki so she doesn't accidental ruin the plan.  While I'm thinking an idea pops into my head.  As we are taking a break I quickly send a message off to Kaito. In the letter I put in the earrings from Zen.
    We get back to the castle and everyone heads to there room to change. I quickly run over to Kiki and ask her for help with the plan. You stay by Zen that way if Shirayuki tries to get close you can stop her. Mitsuhide your with me. I'm going to change but you go talk to Obi and give him this it explains his job.  I get changed and make my way to the medical wing. I knock on the door and open the door to see everyone. Hello I was wondering if Shirayuki would like to go find some plants. I can teach about some of the unpopular. I'm interested in learning more.   As we are chatting Mitsuhide comes in with Obi.  We all look at each like we surprised to run into each other. 

Mitsuhide POV

Excuse us Shirayuki we need some assistance.  She walks out from behind Claire and see Obi clutching his head.  I have to admit I'm glad I didn't get Obi job I wouldn't be able to be in that position.  Shirayuki and Claire rush to his side  and bring him to the bunk room. 

Claire POV

  Obi told us he would be fine that he would rest here that way if something happened he would be close to a doctor.  He sent Shirayuki off and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled and blew him a  kiss while walking out the door. 
     The three of us head to back gardens by the three of us I mean Mitsuhide tagged along as my guard.  We are looking around we spot all kind of things and are enjoying are time.  We picked some flowers which I put in the basket.  Mitsuhide suggest we collect berries from the forest. I could make some lovely desserts with those berries.
As we are doing are own thing one of the messenger birds drops down. The bird sits on Mitsuhide shoulder. I walk over and get the note from the bottle.

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