Unexpected feelings

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(Kaito POV )

I walk over and see Claire wearing the beautiful kimono I picked out for her. She is so beautiful I can't take my eyes off of her. Even though she is my childhood friend I decide I can't hide these feelings anymore.
    I took Claire away from the party to the bridge where you can see the stars. A take a deep breathe then look at Claire.  So do you like the kimmo I gave you.
   "Your the one that laid out this kimono?" Claire questions.
    Yes I thought it would suit you and I was right. Claire we have know each other for a long time. And I love all the memories we share together. You know me better then anybody else. When I look at you smile my heart pounds and I can't help but feel this strange feeling. The truth is I have liked you since we were little but after seeing you now. I realized that I like you more then a friend Claire. What I'm trying to say is Claire I love you!

(Obi POV)

   I'm looking around for Claire because I have decided I wanted to tell her how I feel. As I'm walking around I am caring a box with me. It's a present I picked up for her before we left Clairnes. I hear voices just around the corner and peak to see who it is. When I look I see Claire in that kimono of dark red and bright pinks. Personal I don't think that color or style kimono really suits Miss Claire. I was about to turn the corner when I hear Kaito saying
   " Claire I love you" Kaito states.
   I'm completely shocked and feel like I can't move. My heart starts to ache after hearing him confuse to her. I'm sure she is probably happy to hear it from him they known each other for so long. What chance do I have with her compared to him.

(Claire's POV)

   Kaito just told me he loves me... I'm in complete shock I had no idea that's how he really felt. Thinking about what he said I realized something. He said when he sees me smile that his heart pounds. I get the same feeling when ever I see Obi smile. Kaito said he loves me but, I finally realized where my heart lies.
     Kaito I like you a lot really I do but, as a best friend. I'm really sorry but, my heart lies with some else. If you excuse me I need to go find them now. I bow to Kaito then run off in the direction of the party. I run into Kiki and Mitsuhide  while running to find Obi. Have either of you seen Obi?
  "He told us about 20 minutes ago that he was going to find you" they reply.
    Oh no what happens if Obi heard what happened on the bridge. Thanks you guys and tell Zen I'll stop by before I go to bed to see him.  With that I quickly run to find him. I have looked almost everywhere I can and there is no sign of Obi. The last place I'll check is the beach. I walk down to the beach when I see a person standing by the ocean. I'm not sure if it's Obi or not so I call out to the person.
   "Obi" I question.
   Obi turns around to see me and I run down to see him. Obi I have been looking every where for you. I need to talk to you about something important. Obi gives me his attention and then I freeze. I take a big deep breathe and let it out and look into obi's eyes.
   Obi you have been very kind to me every since I have return. Sure we may not have started on great terms but that doesn't matter. After working , training and getting to you. I realized that I can really trust you. You have always been next to me. I guess what I am trying to say is that... Obi I have fallen in love with you. When I see your rare smile it makes my heart pound. Your eyes are so amazing I have never seen anything like it. And I know this may ruin are friendship but i needed to tell you.

(Obi POV)

    Wow Claire has feeling for me!?! I can't believe this I thought she was going to fall for Kaito. I look down into her beautiful eyes.  Claire I never thought I would hear you say that. To be honest every since we meet I knew there was something special about you. I have enjoyed the time we have spent together so much.  I never though that a guard of Prince Zen would get a chance. Especially with the beautiful Princess Claire.  Your smile is absolute wonderful and captures my heart. Your eyes are the most beautiful Sapphire eyes I have ever seen.  Claire I'm in love with you so much.

(Narrator POV)

    After Obi and Claire made confessions of love for each other. They walked along the moonlight beach hand in hand. Now that they have finally confessed let's see what the other are up to.

(Mitsuhide POV)

  I'm sitting in a beautiful garden with Kiki. The garden connects to the two guest suite buildings. The woman's on the left and the men on the right. We came here after finding Zen and giving him Claire's message.
    Kiki hey um there is something I have wanted to tell you for a while now.  I'm not very good with words but, the truth is... I like you a lot Kiki. I always have your different and so special. I've enjoyed are time together. And uh....

(Kiki POV)

     I can believe he finally confessed. The secret is I have also had a crush on him. I'm not really good with expression my emotions either. I see him struggling with words and decide to take action. I stand up in front of Mitsuhide and then I lean down and kiss him. I feel him jump when I kiss him and I slowly pull back. A little blush covering his face and probably mine.
     Mitsuhide I really like you too and I have enjoyed are time together as well. Not really sure what else to say I sit back down on the bench. After we sit down on the bench Mitsuhide stands up and offers me his hand.
  "Let's go it's getting kind of late I'll walk you back to your room" he says.
   Then we slowly walk together to the woman suite hand in hand. We were about to turn the corner when we heard Zen and Shiryuki. We stepped back and unlocked are hands. We know that guards aren't suppose to date. We also know that Zen would change the rule for us in a heart beat. For now though we just agreed to keep thing a secret between us.
We turn the corner together and Shiryuki see's us and says hello. We greet them. Zen and Mitsuhide both decide to take there leave and head back.

(Claire's POV)

Obi and I have been walking the beach for a while now. We didn't realize it but it was getting to be so late. When we start walking back Obi stops on the bridge. He pulls out a box and inside was a blue rose pin.
"I got this for you before we left Clairnes" Obi said.
Obi it's so beautiful thank you I will cherish it forever. We walk back together and he bring me to the door. With the pin in my hair I say goodnight to Obi and prepare for bed. I finally got out of that kimono but then I remember I forgot to go see Zen. So I put on a light purple sundress and head over to see Zen.
As I'm walking over I see someone in the garden. I step out to get a closer look when I spot Kaito. Kaito was shocked to see me out so late. I tell him I was in my way to see Zen because I forgot to earlier. That's when Kaito tells me he is scouting for the night. I'm walking away when I hear noises from the bushes. I hear a voice that I recognize from the other day. It was the men from the forest. One of the men grabs my wrist. And I'm struggling to break free. When Kaito punches the man in the face. We take running through the garden when one man comes out and pushes Kaito knocking him out. I try to run to Kaito but they knock me out with something. And before I fall asleep I see one man dragging Kaito while I'm begin carried.

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