Hidden truth

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I'm sitting in my office with Kiki when there is a knock on my door. Mitsuhide burst in the door saying they have figured it out. When he explain what Obi explained to him things click on my head. Me and Kiki head to the front of the castle gates. Mitsuhide comes over on a horse with someone in front of him.

Mitsuhide POV

I went to get Shirayuki as the others headed to the front of the castle. I bet this feeling that claire wants us all to be there but, I don't tell anyone else that. We make out way to the gates where Kiki and prince Zen are waiting.

"Your bringing Shirayuki with us how come this could be dangerous." Zen stated.

"Unlike you Zen I'm not breaking the rule. We don't know what might happen and she could be hurt some where so Shirayuki will need to come." Mitsuhide explains.

"Why are we just standing here let's move out." Kiki states.

Time Skip


On my way to find Claire I spot a woman tied up. As I approach the woman I realize what she is and take out my dagger. She seems to be out of it. As I'm looking I notice the knot and immediately recognize it. I now know that Claire was here and that this women must have been hired to get rid of her that thought makes me fume. I set out again head toward Claire. All of a sudden I see red liquid on the ground. Once I'm a bit closer I smell blood. I know my face has gone pale because looking at the ground I know that is a good amount of blood. This makes me run fast then I probably have ever run. I must find claire at all costs and pray that it is not to late.

Shirayuki POV

We have been traveling for quite a while when suddenly KiKi speeds up her horse. We quickly speed up as well to find a woman tied up. She is wearing ninja gear so I assume she came after Obi. Obi is a ninja himself so it only makes sense. As we are looking KiKi says Obi has been here and he must have headed onwards we must do the same.

Mitsuhide POV

We are riding along and not to far after we came across the women there is a strange liquid in the horizon. I stop my horse and get off so does Shirayuki. Shirayuki says it's blood and quite a bit of it. Then she made a comment that unless who ever was injured didn't get help soon they might not live. That made my face pale. I turn to KiKi and whispers in her ear. I need you to take Shirayuki I have to go on ahead. This could be a life or death situation. I then jump on my horse and take off as fast as I could praying that nothing bad would happen. Shirayuki is only a herbalist and a great one. However she is not a doctor. Kiki knows the same truth as me that the blood has been sitting there for at least 10 hours. That blood must have belonged to Claire.
      As I'm riding up to the village I see a familiar face. I get off my horse and turn Obi around and he looks so lost. I'm trying to wake Obi up almost. I'm shaking him around asking him what is wrong with him. When I let him go he just collapses to the ground.  I'm in total shock then I see the chief running to us.  I carry Obi and the chief take us to his home.  After 30 minutes three more familiar faces walk in. Shirayuki walks in first in shock to see Obi down on the ground. 

  "How long has he been like this?" Shirayuki asks.

"30 minutes maybe I couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. However I did find this arrow in his side but it wasn't in very deep." Mitsuhide explains.

Then I look up to see Kiki and she literally tackles me. I was so shocked she is just sitting here hugging me. I wrap my arms around her and whispers it's ok kiki. Then I see Prince Zen walks in and he is sort of relived and shocked at the same time. The whole thing just leaves me puzzled.

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