☾ Turned ☽ ON HOLD

By -wolfsbane

14.2K 663 127

"Legend always tells the story of those shapeshifters born with their 'supernatural' ability to turn in to th... More

Starting Over
home, not-so sweet, home


1.9K 125 18
By -wolfsbane

The door slammed shut, vibrating against the hinges. It was a sound that he has grown all too used to hearing, all because of the flaring temper of the boy before him.

"Sergeant," the man answered curtly, eyes meeting the blazing ones before him. With a brief nod of his head in his direction, his eyes were once again focused on the work laid out in front of him. He seemed to be ignoring the problem before them, ignoring Sergeant altogether, and that didn't sit well with the boy. His response was to walk further into the room, sitting his large frame into one of the chairs in front of the occupied desk.

"Dad," Sergeant ground out, daring to stare the alpha down. Without waiting for him to look up from his work, he began to speak as any alpha - or soon-to-be alpha - would. "What's the issue?"

The alpha was no longer paying attention to his work, instead focusing on the challenging words of his oldest son.

Everyone knows that no alpha likes to be challenged.

"The issue?" He repeated, watching Sergeant with his scrutinizing stare. He didn't seem fazed by his infamous stare at all, instead staring the alpha down as well.

"With the humans."

His blunt tone didn't seem to sit well with the alpha, as he watched the way his son talked about the guests in his home.

"The humans have names and they are our guests."

"Of course they do," Sergeant scoffed, briefly looking away from his father in order to roll his eyes. "But that's besides the point."

The alpha leaned back in his chair, watching Sergeant as he sat in his seat before gesturing for him to continue. "I would have expected you to inform me of their arrival, even tell me more about the strangers that are being let in to the pack's territory -"

"Spencer," his father cut him off, using his real name now. The seriousness of the situation now seemed to set in as he clenched his jaw, the ignorance of his son just now beginning to really hit him. "This situation with Amaya and Brie is none of your concern."

"How is it none of my concern?" Sergeant asked, his blood beginning to boil. One can most definitely say that his temper was inherited. "As future alpha, I think -"

"Yes, future alpha; meaning I am the alpha now and I don't have to discuss anything with you," he snapped, putting an end to the conversation right there. "Now, you will respect the two and be nice because they will be staying with us for a while."

That was all it took for Sergeant to finally lose his temper, standing up from his chair and storming out of the room. It wasn't easy for him to have his father dismiss the authority he was born with, let alone to have a confrontation like this happen with the man he always looked up to. Having his father cast him aside for a couple of humans only served to help nourish the seed of hatred that he felt towards them, rooted deep inside of him.

He wanted them gone.


For my mom and I, this is the norm.

Ever since I was a little girl, my mom would always say that I take after my dad, having inherited his infamous hot-headed personality. As a child, I would throw the worst tantrums, screaming and crying incessantly for hours on end. Now that I'm older, I'm known amongst the few that have gotten to really know me for causing collateral damage in my episodes of uncontrollable rage.

I was thankful for the freedom, however, as the crisp afternoon air nipped at the few parts of exposed skin on my body, effectively cooling me down. The further I walked away from that dreaded house, the more I felt my anger dissipate until I was simply walking amongst the trees.

I didn't care about getting lost. In fact, I would have preferred to stay in the forest rather than return to that place.

Deep down inside of me, I knew why this move bothered me so much.

Before moving to this place, a good four years ago, my mother and I moved to a suburban town in Michigan. Going into that move at the mere age of thirteen, I was expecting to move shortly after that, only because that was what I was accustomed to. However, a year went by and my mother never dropped the news that we had to move. I let down my guard, letting myself grow more and more comfortable there, building relationships with friends and even had my first serious relationship.

It was all because my mother told me something that I would never forget, because it was what I always wanted. She told me that we weren't going to move ever again, that we would settle ourselves in that suburban town of Michigan.

"She lied," I spoke into the still air, the sudden realization hitting me like a punch to the stomach.

That's what was bothering me. She uprooted us from the one place I was able to call home since we were a family with my dad - since before we began all the constant moving - all so she could come and live with these friends she hasn't seen in years.

Kicking up some dirt with my shoes, I continued on further into the forest, away from it all.

Who knows, I might find myself back in Michigan.

I laughed to myself after the thought, the whole idea seeming so childish; but I wish it could happen. I wish we didn't move to the middle of nowhere. I wish we didn't move in with half the population of this fucking town. I wish I didn't have to live with an overly friendly brunette, or an idiotic flirt, or even an overconfident asshole.

I just want to go home.

I continued on further and further into this green abyss, losing myself amongst the leaves and the rough bark of the trees. Every once in a while, I allowed my fingers to skim the various surfaces of my companions, allowing myself to bond with them.

This is what I could grow used to - spending my time in here rather than in that crowded house.


I turned abruptly towards the unexpected voice, instantly bringing my hands up in front of me in a defensive stance as my eyes instantly met with the dark ones of the stranger before me. I didn't move, carefully studying his face as he quirked a brow, the frown on his face instantly turning into a snide smile.

"I thought you mutts knew better than to trespass on our land."

"Excuse me, what did you call me?" I spat at him, that word echoing inside of my head - the same word my dad used to describe the no good, lowlifes that inhabited my town.

No one calls me a mutt.



hello everyone!

now, before I say anything else, I would just like to mention that if you didn't really understand the ending, it will be explained later on, just please remember this moment okay?! it will be very important and crucial towards how the story will play out later on.

second, I apologize for taking so long to upload chapters for this story! honestly, I've had writer's block for the longest time and I'm just now beginning to get out of this funk.

but anyway, what did you think? again, sorry for the cliff hanger (and short chapter btw) but I will be updating very soon! don't worry, you'll get the answers you're looking for :)

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I love you guys so much and thank you for sticking with me! see you next time! xx

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