Truly Sincere [Part 1]

By etuphb

6.2K 514 162

Is it possible for a broken person to fall in love all over again? Can a broken person be fixed? do soulmate... More

Authors Note


125 10 3
By etuphb

After 3 hours the recording was wrapped up and was decided to be continued in the next session, as Robert and his team came out of the recording room, me and Alex were sitting on the same couch I quickly stand up but Alex didn't, I opened my mouth to apologize to Robert but Alex held the belt of my pant and pulled it causing me to sit down again on the couch

"don't you dare to apologize" Alex warned me in her so called loud whisper

"see ya all in next session" Robert and his team said goodbye to all of us and left the studio

"he's so rude, he didn't even apologize" Alex stood up and folded her arms near her chest and paced towards the recording room where boys went back, I followed her

"hey! you alright?" Zayn patted my arm

"yeah! I am" I nodded my head with huge smile

"why do we really need to work with this ridiculous psychopath!!" Alex sighed and sat near harry on the chair

"sometimes I feel the same Alex" Liam bro fisted Alex

"leave it already Alex!! how was your recording guys?" I patted Alex's shoulder and asked boys

"it was good! only harry was having some problems with recording and Robert, or maybe he wasn't in the mood" Niall cleared his throat on which harry looked up at Niall from his phone

"no I wasn't" harry shook his head and again looked at his phone pretending that he's not paying attention to whatever anyone is saying

"he was actually angry on Robert for his behavior with you two" louis said while putting back his guitar in its case

"besides you talked to us both after that!" I asked harry while placing my hand on his shoulder

"so it really wasn't the wee break" Zayn teased harry on which everyone laughed harry rolled his eyes in annoyance but he smiled when he looked up at me

"you shouldn't trouble your work because of Robert my dear harry" Niall singed playfully on the chords of his guitar, on which harry smiled toothily

"hey!! teach me guitar, you promised me earlier" I quickly went to Niall and he smiled

"yeah! sure, sit down here" Niall made me sit down on the ground, near the bean bag on which he was sitting, so that he can approach his hands from behind me, to the guitar to teach me to play strings

"see! 1, 2, 3 like this" he was casually playing the strings and I wasn't even able to hold the guitar perfectly

"1, 2 and ohh!! let me try again" I was messing up with the sequence of the strings and also in holding the guitar, but he held my arms to give support to the guitar

"not like this honey! its okay, try again" he played the chords again to teach me, and everyone was watching us

"you two look so good together" Liam looked through the frame of his fingers he made playfully to tease us, and we looked up at him

"Like a couple" Niall stuck his tongue out at Liam and I laughed

"You guys are blushing" Zayn laughed

"hey! look up,... Nialler playing guitar with new girlfriend" Liam took a picture and was teasing Niall that he'll post it, and we were laughing when they were hitting jokes on us, he placed his both hands on my shoulders now leaving the guitar in my hands, on which I looked up at harry, who wasn't even smiling and was looking at his phone while he had plugged earphones now, to avoid eye contact with anyone, I also noticed Louis was quietly smiling and not saying anything which was strange because he never lets any chance of roasting anyone go

"Their kids would be a weird cross, big time" Alex said laughingly while pulling his earphones out, on which he looked at her for a moment and sighed loudly

"yeah! .. I'm hungry, excuse me" harry stood up and left the recording room, on which I looked at Alex and she simply shrugged her shoulders at me

"okay! now be serious with the guitar" Niall held the guitar again and taught me one more time

"okay! now see, like this? 1, 2, 3" I asked Niall, while playing the chords in the sequence he taught me

"yeah! much better, now do that again" he placed his chin on my shoulder and watched me play the guitar

"be careful with the strings Jas" harry interrupted in between while eating apple, on which I looked up at him while brushing my fingers against the strings and

"jeez! ouch" I accidentally bruised the tips of my fingers of my right hand, which started bleeding. Niall quickly held the guitar and placed it on side and held my hand I started to blow air from my mouth on my hand

"I told you, why are you even playing this, if you don't really know how to play it" harry leapt towards me and snatched my hand from Niall's hand and started blowing air from his mouth

"its hurting" I closed my eyes

"of course it must hurt, its bleeding, Alex bring the first aid box" harry was panicking at my wound but mostly he seemed angry for some reason. everyone gathered around me worriedly and Alex ran towards the lounge to bring the first aid box

"come on harry, its just a minor wound" I rolled my eyes

"You're a big clumsy girl, look it's bleeding" louis added

"I'm not bleeding to death, come on guys" I laughed on which harry placed his forefinger on my lips and I jumped a little back

"here it is" Alex handed over first aid box to Zayn, who took out the spirit and cotton on which my eyes widened

"no! no! no!! not this thing, see I'm all good, I'm gonna wash my hand under tap and its gonna be perfectly fine" I tried to stand up but Niall made me sit down again form my shoulders

"its necessary Jas, don't look on your wound, close your eyes" liam said while putting his hand on my eyes, and I quickly pulled his hand away from my eyes because now I was panicking

"I'm sorry, but it'll hurt, and I'm scared of all these things" I looked at Zayn's hand who was holding the cotton ball soaked in spirit and waiting for me to be normal so that he can apply it

"okay! don't panic, look into my eyes, don't look anywhere else" harry held my other hand too and I tried to distract my mind from the spirit thing but I wasn't able to, then harry cupped my cheeks and I looked into his eyes, and I couldn't help myself to look away from his green orbs, I felt numb under his glare and when I tried to smile the pinching sensation of the spirit caused me to jump but he then held me from my shoulders on which I again got lost in his eyes

"and done!" Zayn cheered

"ta Da" Liam said while closing the first aid box

"I'm sure it didn't hurt" Alex said grinning toothily and I felt my cheeks warmed up a little, but when I looked over the layers of bandages my mouth agape wide opened

"three fingers?" I asked in shock to see my three fingers wrapped up in the bandages

"yeah! and you said it was minor" harry said in a low voice

"I'm sure it was minor, you people were just overreacting and this is also overreacting" I pointed towards my three fingers and tried to wiggle them but they hurt

"the finger tips are bruised, sweets." Louis said while patting my cheek and I pouted while looking on my hand

"I'm sorry Jas! its my fault" Niall said in a low guilty tone

"no!! its not yours, its mine, I'm so clumsy" I shook my head at his statement and hugged him to assure him that it wasn't his fault

"The injured girl friend" Liam laughed and took another picture of us two hugging


"no working for three days" Alex slapped my arm when I was trying to put spaghetti in the bowl to serve for dinner

"are you serious!! three days" I said in my raspy voice while mimicking her words, and she opened her mouth and narrowed her eyes at me while placing her both hands on her hips she tried to give me deadly glares

"yes! she's right, you can't do work, because it needs to heal" Liam pointed at my hand with the spatula with which he was pouring spaghetti in the bowl

"for three days" Niall added and they three laughed to tease me

"fine" I stomped my feet and left the kitchen I sat on the couch in the lounge, where Zayn and Louis were finding good movie to play, and I was looking at everyone doing something and I was sitting there idle because no one was letting me do anything. I folded my arms near my chest and sat there feeling so useless

"hey! which movie should we play" Harry asked while sitting next to me and putting DVDs on my lap and I smiled at him, that I'm not really useless

"sure!! I can help" I started to look upon them surely knowing that it'll be mine or harry's choice but Alex end up fighting with us and she chose 'the fault in our stars' on which not everyone agreed because it was so emotional and everyone wanted to watch a horror or comedy, but no one argued with Alex because everyone already had too much. the movie started and finally we were served with spaghetti, I was not really watching the movie but struggling with the fork instead because my right hand was injured

"hey! I can help" Niall offered me help sitting next to me

"no! its okay, you eat yours" I replied because I didn't want to bother him

"you think" he showed me his empty plate and we both laughed, he rolled up spaghetti on the fork and put inside my mouth, and it was the first bite I felt like I'm actually eating instead of playing with fork with my injured hand

"thank you nialler" I smiled

"no problem sweets" he smiled back, and he sneezed on the side causing the spaghetti sauce to fall on my T-shirt

"bless you and my shirt" I laughed and everyone looked at us

"oh I'm so sorry Jas! let me clean this" he quickly picked up the napkin and patted on the T-shirt where sauce fell

"its okay Nialler" I held the napkin from his hand and smiled at him

Harry's POV

I was constantly observing them both, and I don't know why I was fuming with anger. As much as I hate to admit this but maybe I was really jealous, with out any reason, because I didn't declare about my affection to Jasmin to anyone yet, all of the things that happened that day were getting on my nerves. of Robert scolding Jasmin and her crying, and Niall teaching her to play guitar and getting so close to her and now this dinner thing.

"you should have helped her then, why are you feeling jealous now? you have no proper right of it" my mind mocked and I put my fork angrily on the plate, not noticing that everyone jumped a little with the noise of fork and looked at me, I looked up at everyone and smiled awkwardly

"um! excuse me I need some water" I stood up and went to the kitchen with my plate and placed it angrily on the kitchen bar, and I was panting in anger, I was not angry at Niall or Robert, but on myself. I was feeling so helpless when all of these things were getting on my nerves. I fisted on the kitchen bar and

"why are you dropping clues to everyone harry, if you can't really tell her about it" louis said worriedly

"Everything's getting on my nerves" I said in a low voice not looking in his eyes

"its not the way bro! you should tell her right away, so that everyone may not judge you, that , ... that" he stopped and I raised my eyebrows at him and he continued sighing

"that you're getting jealous" he shrugged his shoulders

"I know I'm jealous" I fanned my hands in frustration

"You're jealous big time " Alex came there and our eyes were wide opened to see her there

"you!! um-" I opened my mouth to say something under my fast heart beat, but she raised her hand to tell me to don't say anything

"How much of it did you hear?" Louis asked

"I heard enough to know that I was right because you know my doubts are never wrong so that's why I decided to eavesdrop on purpose, I'm sorry I shouldn't have, but it included my best friend so!!" she was causally playing with her blonde hair she was not even guilty, and my heart literally sunk in my stomach to think this is not the way for Jas to find out

"don't tell anyone okay!!" louis warned her

"of course I wont, this will be secret between us three" on her those words I felt a little satisfied

"not anyone means no one Alex, because I'm looking for a right time to tell her" I assured her and she pulled us two in a little group hug

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