Its a freak show out there *C...

By GracieMcGregor

16.1K 263 40

Iris Darling Was a member of a freak show run by Elsa Mars.One day she meets a charming rich boy by the name... More

chapter one
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Something isn't right
No hope
Chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
Thank you

Save me

703 14 8
By GracieMcGregor

I was dosing off from boredom when I hear footsteps walking towards the camper. I began to back up as far as the shackles would let me. The door flew open and I was greeted with the sick twisted clown. He walked to the cage and calmly waved his fingers back and forth waving at me, as if we were friends. He began to pull more lame tricks. I soon got bored and just stared at the clown. I could tell that made him angry because he threw the lame props across the room. He walked up to the cage and grabbed two bars. He then began shaking it violently. I was terrified now. Tears fell down my face and he noticed. He continued doing things to scare me like sticking a knife through the bars and try to stab my arm making me flinch. I'm sure he would if he could get to me. I don't get why he hasn't just unlocked the cage and killed me already. Honestly at this point the thought of death didn't bother me. I tried comforting myself by thinking that if he wanted to kill me he would have done it by now. But I had no idea what his intentions were. I wish he would get it over with. Nothing is as bad as waiting to die. It's the fact of simply not knowing what my purpose is here. I heard the camper door open and a skinny blonde girl was in the arms of Dandy. She thrashed and kicked and tried to scream but some type of cloth muffled her screams. Dandy threw her on the ground and the clown walked towards her. He picked her up and started walking towards the cage. He pulled a key out of his pocket and unlocked the gate. The girl kicked the clown causing him to fall. That was a stupid idea I thought to myself. The clown got up and grabbed a rusty knife off of the counter. Dandy motioned for me to run out, but I wiggled my hands letting him know I couldn't move. He walked over to the clown who was distracted by the bloody mess lying on the floor. Dandy reached into the clowns pocket and quickly unhooked the shackles. We ran out of the camper as fast as we could. We finally got to Dandy's house and he rushed me inside. He looked at my leg. It was definitely infected. The area around the cut was swollen and bright red. It was also hot to the touch. The cut itself was leaking a disgusting yellow-green liquid. Dandy began to panic. He called a medic and paced around until he got there. Dandy let him in and the doctor cleaned it, disinfected it, and stitched it up. That whole process was pure Hell. But nothing compared to the thought of Dandy finding someone better. Dandy walked over to me and tried to hug me but I pushed him away "Don't you dare touch me Dandy, you watched him put me in that cage, and left me there." I spoke all at once. " iris you don't understand, that clown he's- strong, very strong, if I wouldn't have got that girl you would still be there, and the days I was gone I was trying to find a girl that looked like you, so he wouldn't notice your absence. If I would have known about the wound I would have came a lot sooner, but it was covered by your skirt." he began to cry. I could tell he was really sorry. "Dandy I-" he cut me off "No" he screamed loudly "No" he repeated. He stomped up the stairs like a child. Once he got to the top he screamed " stupid girl, I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" these words brought tears to my eyes. That man had some lungs on him. I cried and cried. Did Dandy really hate me? My thoughts were interrupted by a cheerful dandy coming down the stairs. "Man is this guy bipolar" I thought to myself. "Maid!" He called loudly "I have a name boy" she called back from the kitchen " I don't care what your name is, why haven't you started dinner?" Dandy yelled "Your mother still hasn't returned with the groceries, she went on another one of her week long shopping trips" I could tell then she knew. "What are you talking about, mother is on a trip with one of her friends!" He yelled back. "Listen here pretty boy, I know all about what you did and what you still do. And I also know what your trying to pull.You got tired of your mother getting in your way, you know being a mother? So you picked up that gun and blew her brains out. , And don't try to deny it. I'm still cleaning up blood" Dandy stood there silent. "I have been working for your mother even before you were born, and all you have been is a spoiled rotten brat, everything was handed to you from the moment you were born, till the day you killed your mother. There is no since in lying, I know you more than you know yourself. So don't lie to me pretty boy because when the police show up, I know my hands will be clean." Dandy's face was completely red. He was furious but the maid had told the truth. He walked up the stairs and came out a minute later with the same gun he had used to kill his mother. "Dandy stop" I screamed. The maid walked out, not a sign of fear. Dandy placed the gun against her forehead. "Go on shoot me" she said. "Come on now get it over with, add another body to the pile you've made but just know one thing, if it wasn't for me getting rid of the bodies you would be in jail, in the place you belong." Dandy moved the gun to his side and walked up the stairs, repeating the same process as earlier. I helped the maid with dishes. "How are you not scared of him? " I asked her while washing the dishes. "That boy ain't got a pair. He is all talk, he waits till the persons back is turned then kills 'em as long as you don't turn your back that boy ain't 'gon do nothing." I helped her put the dishes away and took a quick shower to get the grime of 3 days without a shower and went to bed. God I have missed this bed, and Dandy especially.

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