chapter 15

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Its been a week since I left the mansion. Dandy never came looking  for me. I hated myself for leaving but he had replaced me and I had no reason to stay. I was not welcome. I have been staying in some crumby motel for almost a week and a half. The owner was a regular customer at the freak show. He was the only one who saw us as people. He would come just to talk to us and to see how our day was going. He let me stay in his office. I slept on the small dusty couch in the corner of the room. I stayed gone during the day at a coffee shop down town. They have a bookshelf with hundreds of books. They also have a cat that lives in the shop and greets customers. His name is espresso if you can Imagine that. Me and espresso would sit in the booth in the back and read and I would talk to him and pet him. I would stay at the shop from when it opened at 6:00 am to when it closed at 7:00 pm. My friends didn't have funerals. The EMTs just took their bodies to the morgue. The police never looked into the case. They saw us as monsters. One of them even said to me "whoever did this did the world a favor, you freaks don't belong here" I was used to hearing things like this and it never bothered me. But my friends were dead and the sick person who did this is still breathing. I was going to change that. One night I decided to return to the mansion. I missed Dandy and had to see him. I walked up to the door and knocked softly. Bette and Dot answered the door. "Hello" they both said at the same time. I smiled and asked where dandy was. They opened the door and motioned me in. Dandy was sitting on the couch with his face in his hands. "Dandy?" I said softly. He raised his head up and looked at me. He smiled and ran to me and embraced me. "Where have you been I have missed you so much" he spoke all at once. "You missed me" I asked puzzled. "yes, of course I did, I love you" I was truly shocked. " are you sure, if you love me why did you bring them" I turned and looked at Bette and dot with a look of pure anger. " Don't look at them like that!" Dandy yelled and pushed me away. "They are my new toys and you will treat them good or you will regret it" I couldn't believe this man. I loved him so I agreed to do as he said. After all, Bette and dot were my friends. "Did you hear what happened at the freak show" I said trying to start a conversation with them. "No, why?" They both said. "Everyone is dead, we are the only survivors" I said with no emotion at all. "What!" They yelled and began to cry. "Don't worry" I said hugging them. "We will find who did this" and with that I walked upstairs to my room. I opened the door but the dull room was filled with stuff that didn't belong to me. It was all Bette and Dot's stuff. I called dandy upstairs. He walked up the stairs slowly. "Yea, iris" he spoke smiling. "where do I sleep?" I asked in a confused tone. "With me" Dandy spoke laughing. "Oh" I spoke surprised. He walked up to me and kissed me softly. The familiar sparks returning. Absolutely nothing in this world could make me hate him no matter what he does. I hope.

Sorry it was short I'm squeezing this chapter into my busy schedule. It isn't the best but I will write better chapters when i get the time. That you all for the support I never imagined I would get over 6,000 reads. It means the world to me and I can't thank y'all enough. Continue reading and watching for Updates in the future.💕💕💕 -Gracie

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