Something isn't right

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Lately Dandy has paid little to no attention to me.I feel empty.Its like the blood that was once flowing in my veins came to a complete stop.He has only spoken to me when he is leaving not even showing any affection at all.It kills me inside and makes me wonder if I should still be here.I have returned to the Guest room because he doesn't seem to want me there.I stood at the window in my room looking outside as I saw dandy's car pull up.But both the drivers and the passenger side doors opened.Out stepped Bette and Dott.I had no words.I knew that I had been replaced.I grabbed all of the clothes and everything I had and shoved them into a small suitcase I walked right past dandy and ignored Bette and Dotts greeting.Dandy didn't even call after me.I began to cry.Harder then I ever have before.I was going back to the freakshow,at least there I would be wanted.

Its a freak show out there *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now