No hope

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My eyes slowly fluttered open. They took a minute to adjust to the bright light that poured out of the window above the sink. I wanted to wake up beside Dandy. It was dark when I was brought here, so I couldn't really see anything. The only source of light was the dull beams the moon casted out. I knew it was definitely not where I wanted to be though. I could finally see all of my surroundings. For the parts of the night where I woke up, I wanted to see what was around me so badly. I knew it wasn't going to be anything pleasant. Now I wish I was engulfed in darkness. Dried Blood everywhere. The white tile was peeking out in a few places, but other than that it was crimson red. The smell was almost unbearable. I looked around for the source of the problem. Needless to say I found it. It was the rotting severed head of the local toy shop owner. I screamed as loud as my lungs had ever let me before. I tried to throw it to the other side of the room, but it was then I realized that my arms and legs were secured in rusty shackles. I thrashed and thrashed and tried to get free. But I knew it was no use. I looked around to at least find a way to move the head away since It didn't seem like I would be going anywhere anytime soon. I managed to kick one of the bowling pins toward me with the back of my foot. It took me forever to get ahold of it with these shackles. But I managed to grasp it and slowly inch the head closer to my foot. It wasn't that hard since I was extremely short. As soon as the head touched my foot, I kicked it to the other side of the room.The smell wasn't as strong as it was before but the way I kicked the head caused it to fall to its side, facing me. I wished I would have left it alone. Everything was quiet until my thoughts were interrupted by a blood curdling scream coming from somewhere in the woods. I hoped whatever was chasing the poor girl gave up, but I knew that wasn't the case. I knew this because in the middle of the shriek it fell silent. I felt bad for whoever the girl was honestly I did, but I was more worried about what was to come of me. It was hot, sooo hot. And to make matters worse I was sweating like a pig, which caused the excruciating pain in my leg to get worse. I bit my lip doing anything to keep my mind off of the pain. Dried blood coated the areas surrounding the cut. The white skirt I was wearing was now covered with the horrid liquid. I wouldn't have been able to wear it again anyway at the state it was in. I knew I wasn't going to make it long if this kept up. But at this point there is no hope for me.

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