I will be loved! (BWWM)

By Storylover2016

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Sequel to I will never be loved! Danielle's life has changes dramatically in less then a year. She found the... More

Chapter One!
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Please read!
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One

Chapter Twenty

1.9K 128 52
By Storylover2016

Luke's Prov:

I wanted so badly for Danielle to tell me that Gabby wasn't the girl for me. I wanted so badly for her to realize that me and her were meant to be together. For us to finally be with one another. Some part of me hoped that she would be jealous of Gabby and wouldn't want me to be with anyone but her. But I guess we don't always get what we want. I should know this by now considering Danielle still wasn't mine, she hasn't been in a long time. And yet I was still disappointed when I realized she was ready for me to move on with Gabby.

Don't get me wrong, I do like Gabby. I mean for only knowing the girl for a few weeks now, she is really great. I guess it's just that I wasn't as ready as I made it seem for me to be over Danielle. I wish I was, I wish I could be with Gabby for just one night and not have Danielle cross my mind, but it was hard. Especially when I knew she was ready to let go of me. It just broke my heart in two all over again. I guess I had high hopes that once she saw me with another women she would come back to me completely. But like I said that didn't happen. It's childish I know, but that's what I had hoped would happen.

But instead things went in a completely different direction and she told me to be with another women. The worst part is I think what I did only made her and Ben stronger. Made her realize how much she loved him.

I was happy that she was happy. But deep down I wished her and I could be together. I wished that I had never broke her heart in the first place, because then I wouldn't have to worry about feeling like this. I knew I had to get over it thought. Because I was so sick of feeling this way. I was so sick of missing, and wanting her. I needed someone like Gabby in my life right now. She was amazing, and everything I could want in a girl. But deep down I knew she would never be Danielle. No one would be, I guess that was something I just needed to get over.

"Knock, knock." I heard Gabby say from the other side of my door. A small smile formed on my lips just by hearing her voice. Like I said I did really like her.

"Come in." She entered my room and smiled at me. "Hold on a minute I am almost done." I said to her as I dried off my hair.

"And they say a girl is suppose to take longer then a guy to get ready. We talked over an hour ago, what could you have possibly been doing that took that long?" She asked me with a laugh. I swallowed hard at her words.

I mean the reason as to why I had just got done getting ready was because I was deep in thought thinking about Danielle, and how I hated having to let her go. But that was the last thing I could tell Gabby. I mean no girl that your dating, want's to hear about your ex. That is just a slap in the face waiting to happen, and I knew better then that. So the next best thing to do was to lie. Which is something I don't ever usually do. I hated lying, but I felt like I had no other choice.

"Ohhh I was just caught up in." I looked around looking for something I could say that I was doing. I spotted a book over in the corner of my room on my desk and thought that was a perfect excuse. "I was just doing some reading. I got caught up in the moment and lost time." I said to her as I pointed over at the book. She gave me a questionable look.

"Oh really? What are you reading?" She questioned me as she walked over to the book.

I looked at the book from a distance and it had a light blue cover. The first thing that came to mind was it was probably a book about nature or something like that. "Just a book about the world we live in. You know the in's and out's of animals and nature, that kinda thing." I explained to her as I tried to pull her attention away from the book.

But she ignored my words and picked it up. She laughed when she did so. "So this book The fault in our Stars is about nature and animals?" She questioned me as she held it up for me to see. I wanted to slap myself for saying what I had. I now knew exactly what the book was and what it was about. Danielle had made me watch it when we were together, it wasn't my favorite movie, but it was okay. It definitely didn't have anything to do with nature and animals though. I knew I had to think of something quickly.

"Yeah I mean it shows how animalistic some of us are. I mean the guy they go to see is a completely asshole to them even though he knows they have cancer. And it shows the nature of how people deal with the lose of people they love, and how they deal with dying itself." I explained to her. I honestly was really happy with how quick I was able to think of an answer like that.

"You know Luke we haven't been together in a dating sense for long. And yet I know you so well. And even thought that was a good cover up, I know your lying." She said to me as she set the book down, and crossed her arms as she looked at me.

"Okay you caught me, I wasn't really reading that book." I admitted to her as I put my towel in the hamper.

"No really?" She asked me sarcastically.

"Okay I deserve that." I said to her with a smile. She smiled back at my words.

"So what was it?"

"What was what?" I asked her as I walked over to where she was.

"What was the reason for you being so behind. I mean it's just not like you."

"It's nothing I truly was just really lost in thought." I said to her with a smile.

"About what?" She questioned me.

"It's nothing really. Come on we're already late for our dinner reservations." I said to her as I tried to get her out of my room. But she side stepped me and moved further into my room.

"I am not leaving this room until I know why you are so upset." She said to me as she sat down on my bed.

"I am not upset."

"Yes you are. Whatever you have been thinking about today has upset you. It's all over you face, so just go ahead and tell me what it is." She said to me causing me to groan.

"I really don't think this is something we should be talking about." I said to her. I honestly didn't want to get it into this at the moment. I mean we have only been dating for a few weeks, the last thing I needed to do was bring up Danielle.

"I think it is. Listen Luke I really like you, like really like you. But I know that there is something bothering you. Ever since a few weeks ago you have been acting so weird and like you want to be here with me, but you don't at the same time. I think I deserve to know what is making you act like this." She said to me.

I could tell she was upset when she spoke. I could feel it when she spoke. The last thing I wanted to do was to hurt her. I just didn't want to bring up what was wrong with me to her. Because that was going to also hurt her. But I guess I couldn't keep it a secret for much longer. And I honestly wasn't any good at lying.

I walked over to my bed, and sat down so I was facing her. "Gabby I think your amazing. I think you should know that before I say anything. I truly do like you, I like you a lot. It's just I still have feelings for someone. Not really strong ones, just ones that sometimes make an appearance." I explained to her.

She nodded her head at my words. "It's Danielle, isn't it?" She questioned me. I nodded my head at her words. She shock her head at my actions. "I think I should go." She said to me as she started to get up. I immediately grabbed her arm to stop her, and got up as well.

"Please Gabby don't go. I only told you this because you asked me to. I wasn't going to bring it up because it's irrelevant to me now. Just because I still have some feelings for her, doesn't mean I don't have feelings for you. I really do like you Gabby." She still shock her head at my words.

"Luke I don't want to be that girl. I don't want to be the girl who watches her boyfriend pine over his ex. The girl who tries everything to make her boyfriend want her more then his ex, only to get her heart broken because her boyfriend choose to be with his ex. I don't want to be that girl, infract I am not going to be that girl." She said to me as she pulled her arm out of my grasp.

"You don't understand."

"What don't I understand?" She questioned me.

"You don't understand how much I like you. You don't understand how hard it has been to get over Danielle. You don't understand how hard I have worked to not want her. You don't understand how you are the first girl to actually make me happy since her. To make me feel like maybe Danielle and I aren't suppose to be together. Or that it's okay that we're not. Yes I may still think about her, but since I met you it's been a lot less." I explained to her.

I watched as she just stood there looking at me. Looking at me like she could see right threw me. Something I wasn't really comfortable with. I mean we all wear a mask, something to hide who we truly are to some people. And right now, I feel like she is taking off my mask and looking right at me.

She sighed and shock her head some. "Luke I really like you. Like a lot, I haven't liked a guy like this in forever. I don't think I have ever liked a guy this much. I'm just not looking for a heart break. My last boyfriend broke me in more ways then one. And I can't deal with that again. So if were going to be together, then I need to know that your all in." I nodded my head at her words.

"I am. I want to be over Danielle. I just want to move on. And I would like to move on with you. I would like to see where this could lead between us. I am all in." I said to her as I pulled her closer to me. She smiled at my words.

"Then I am all in as well." She said to me with a smile. I smiled back at her. But deep down I was frowning. Because I knew that I wasn't truly a hundred percent in. I was more like seventy five percent sure. The only thing I was a hundred percent sure about was that I needed to be over Danielle. And I knew Gabby could help me get there. At least I hoped she would.


Danielle's Prov:

Thanksgiving. It was my second favorite holiday of the year. I was beyond excited to get everyone I knew and loved under one roof to celebrate what we are thankful for. I was also excited because this is the first Thanksgiving that I had something to be thankful for. When I lived in New York nothing ever went my way. And I felt as thought the only thing I had to be thankful was for that I was alive. But now I had so many more things to be grateful for. And I was excited to celebrate each and every one of them.

I was currently putting hair spray in my hair so I could leave it down for the day. As I was doing so I heard my phone go off. I put my hair spray down and walked over to where my phone that was on my night stand. I looked down and saw my grandmothers number.

"Hello Grams."

"Danielle darling how are you?" She questioned me.

"I am good. Just got done getting ready. How about you?" I questioned her as I walked over to my earrings holder. I picked up a pair of tear drop ones and put the on.

"I am good, have been hard at work over here." I frowned at her words.

"Gram I told you I would come over and help. And you told me no."

"And I meant it. This is our first Thanksgiving together and I just want you to come on over and enjoy it." I smiled at her words.

"Well I appreciate that, but next time I am going to help out. I am sure you could use he extra help." I insisted as I started to put my shoes on.

"Actually I have had Gabby here to help me." I stopped some at her words, but continued to get my shoes on.

"Oh that was nice of her to stop by and help out."

"It was." I heard her say, and then I heard some shuffling.

"Not that I don't love when you call me Gram. But is there something you needed?" I questioned her as I walked out of my room.

"Yes there is. I was wondering if you could pick up some cranberries. For some reason I totally forgot to get them."

"Yeah of course. I will stop by the twenty four hour shop on the way there. Is there anything else?"

"Yeah and some vanilla ice cream to go with the apple pie I made." I nodded my head at her words as I wrote down what she needed.

"Okay Grams. I will make sure Ben stops on the way there." I said to her as I put the note in my bag.

"Okay see you soon hun. I love you."

"I love you to Gram." I said to her. I hung up the phone right as Ben was entering.

"Hey babe you about ready to go?" He questioned me. I nodded my head at his words.

"Yes I am. I just need to get Tinker Bell and her stuff, then we are all set." I walked over to the couch and picked up Tinker Bell's food and a few toys in. Then I reached down and picked up her sleeping body. She didn't even budge when I did so. She just snuggled into my arms. "Could you grab my purse over there?" I asked Ben.

"Sure can." He said to me as he picked it up. He opened the door for me so I could go first and locked the door behind him.

"I am so excited for this." I admitted to him as I put Tinker Bell in her bed in Ben's truck." He chuckled some at my words.

"Your excited to feel so full that you feel like your going to combust?" He questioned with a laugh. I rolled my eyes at his words as I got into the truck.

"No I am excited to actually have a family dinner on Thanksgiving. I have never had one before." I admitted to him.

"Shit I didn't mean to joke before. I forgot about that." He said to me with sympathy as he turned to face me. I shock my head at his words.

"It's okay." I reassured him.

"No it's not. I know about New York and I know how shitty it was there for you in that foster home. I should have known not to joke about this. I mean it's your first Thanksgiving dinner, I would be excited if I was you to." He said to me. I loved how he always tried to make sure I wasn't sad about anything. He always tried to make it seem like the glass was half full instead of half empty.

"It's no biggie. I think I can think of ways you can make it up to me." I said to him as I leaned over and kissed me on his cheek. He shock his head at my words.

"Your such a tease. And right before we go to your grandmother and aunt's home." I smiled at his words.

"Speaking of that, we need to stop by the twenty four hour shop to get a few things for Gram." I said to him as he took off.

"Okay sounds good. Hey my mom and dad wanted to know if we could stop by after to hang out for a bit. They both ask about you all the time, and wonder why we don't come over more."

"Awe of course we can. We can eat dinner with my family, and dessert with yours?"

"Sounds like a plan to me, can you txt my mom to let her know what the plans are?" Ben asked me as he passed me his phone. I nodded my head at his words.

You see Ben wasn't like some guys that you know. He had no problem letting me know the combination to his phone. And more then half the time he had me txt people back when he was driving or busy. He didn't hide anything from me. Just like I didn't hide anything from him. That's one thing that I loved about our relationship.

I unlocked his phone and went into messaging, right about the same time as we reached the store. "Do you have a list?" Ben asked me as he unbuckled.

"Yeah but it's only two things." I said to him as I dug it out. He gently grabbed it from me and got out of the car.

"You stay with Tinker Bell, I will go get the stuff."

"Thank you." I responded to him.

"No problem beautiful." He said with a wink as he walked off. I laughed at his actions. I looked back down at his phone and immediately I saw a unread message from a girl names Jessie.

Now like I said before Ben and I don't hide things from one another. So I honestly shouldn't even be worried. But I am a women, and part of being a women for some of us, means we get worried over things like this. I looked up at the store, then down at the phone again. I knew that if I was going to open it, I was going to do it now.

I opened the message and immediately a bunch of messages came up. I won't sit here and say them all, because there was to many to count. A lot of them said I miss you, a lot of them seemed like they were cute flirting once, and more then a lot of them had I love you on them. I honestly couldn't believe this. I couldn't believe Ben was cheating on me with another girl. A girl who he openly said I love you to.

A million thoughts started to run threw my head. I couldn't believe he would do something like this to me. I couldn't believe he would betray me like this. I mean if he didn't want to be with me, then he should have broke up with me. He shouldn't keep me strung along like he has.

I could feel the tears starting to fall down my face. I felt a rage like I have never felt before. I wanted to break the phone, and go all Carrie Underwood on him at the moment. But I was better then that, I wasn't going to do that. He wasn't worth it. Instead I put his phone down and picked up my phone. I called Luke hoping he would come get me.

I got out of the truck and waiting as it continued to ring and ring and ring. All I could think was why wasn't he picking up. I needed him at the moment, and didn't want to be left here with Ben. Especially with crying like I have been.

Finally I heard Luke answer. "Danielle, hey want's up?" He asked me.

"Do you think you could...."

"Danielle what are you doing out of the truck. Are you okay?" Ben asked as he walked over to me.

"You stay the hell away from me you cheating asshole." I screamed at him.

"Danielle did you just say cheating? Ben is cheating on you?" Luke asked from the phone.

"Yes." I said to Luke as I gave Ben a death stare.

"Danielle what are you talking about. I would never cheat on you. I love you." Ben said to me as he tried to walk closer. I laughed at his words.

"Oh really, you love me. Do you also love Jessie?" I asked he went to answer but I cut him off. "Don't bother I already know you do, I saw all the messages from you to her and vis versa." I sobbed at him.

"Danielle I am on my way, just hold on...." Ben grabbed my phone cutting Luke off.

"Luke your not needed I am right here, and we will be there in five minute." Ben said to him, then he ended the call.

"We are not going anyway." I said to Ben as I walked to the truck and opened the door to get Tinker Bell out. Ben grabbed my arm and spun me around so I was facing him again. "Let go of me you asshole. I though you loved me, I thought you wanted to be with me and only me." I yelled at him.

"Danielle will you calm down."

"NO I won't calm down." I sneered at him. "Just let me go."

"I am not going to let you go until you listen to what I have to say." He said to me as he held onto my tighter. Not tight enough to hurt, just tight enough so I couldn't get away.

"Fine make up some lame excuse about how she is just a friend. And how that is all your ever going to be." I said to him as I looked away from him. He sighed at my words.

"Jessie isn't a friend, she is my cousin." I laughed at his words.

"Do you think I am that stupid?" I questioned him.

"You said you would let me talk. Will you please just shut up and let me explain?" He asked me.

"Fine." Was all I said.

"Jessie is my cousin. Both of her parents died about two and half years ago. My parents took her in at the point and she lived with us. But only for a while because she tried to kill herself more then once. I guess she blamed herself for her parents death, and didn't take it to well when she survived and they didn't" I turned my head to look at him when he spoke now. "After about the fourth time my mom decided she needed to be put somewhere where she was going to be watch constantly. Somewhere where she could get the help she needs, and she has been there ever since." Something still didn't feel right about it all to me.

"But you said you loved her and missed her. And the way you spoke seemed more then just cousinly love." I explained to him.

I do love and miss her. Jessie has always been there for me, and has always supported me. She is more like a sister then a cousin. So to not have her around, it's been really tough. As far as the flirting as you say, that was just us joking around. We are both naturally flirty people. We don't flirt with one another, but we joke in that manner." I stood there considering what he had said. "Danielle if you weren't so mad, I bet you would have noticed that we talked about you a lot." Ben said to me as he moved away from me and reached in the front seat to get is phone. He handed it to me and moved it up some so I could read more of the messages.

And sure enough there was my name more the once. Months ago when he talked about how he liked me and wanted to ask me out. To me dating both Luke and him. To us saying we loved each other to one another. Between everything else they said to one another, there was mine and his relationship in there. I immediate felt like an asshole after reading it all. I wanted to face palm myself.

"Ben I'm sorry. I wish I had a better word then sorry, but I don't. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions." I admitted to him as I put my head down some. I immediately felt him pull my head up.

"Danielle don't be sorry. I mean I wish we could have avoided the whole freak out moment, but I can understand. I would have done the same thing if it was you and I saw that. Plus I should have told you about Jessie. It's just my family and I don't talk about it, because it brings back bad memories, you know?" He questioned me. I nodded my head at his words.

"I really am sorry thought." I said to him. He smiled at me.

"It's okay."

"No it's not." I said to him with a frown.

"Hey you can make it up to me later." He said to me causing me to smile. Damn his charm and using my words against me.

"We definitely have a lot to make up for later." I said to him as I grabbed him close to me. He smirked at me and leaned down to kiss me. When our lips met I couldn't help but feel guilty for freaking out. I know he said it was no big deal, but I still felt like it was. Still with all this on my mind, I kissed him back. I pulled back some to look at him. "I am really sorry." I confessed to him. He just smiled at my words.

"Don't be, I should have told you about Jessie. It's more my fault then it is yours." I shock my head at his words.

"How about we agree that it is no ones fault?" I questioned him. He nodded his head at my words.

"Come on. Let's get to your grandmother and aunt's home." He said to me as he pulled me closer to the truck. I hopped up in it, and he shut the door.The minute I did Tinker Bell jumped from the back seat and into my arms. I smiled down at her.

Ben got into the truck and started it up. As we started to drive off I heard my phone go off. I looked down and saw Luke's number. All I could think was he must be beyond worried and pissed off at the moment.

I quickly answered my phone. "Luke I am okay." I reassured him.

"Danielle what happened? Did Ben cheat on you? I swear to god I will kick his fucking ass if he did." I could feel the steam coming off from him. I knew he was pissed off beyond belief at the moment.

"Luke please calm down I am fine." I said to him.

"But I heard what you said." He insisted.

"Luke trust me when I say I am fine. Ben and I are fine, everything this fine. I thank you for wanting to help and be there for me, but it's all good. I just had a freak out moment over nothing. I promise you I am okay." I said to him with a smile. I loved how after everything we have been threw he still is there for me not matter what.

"Okay. If you say so, you would tell me if something was wrong wouldn't you?"

I rolled my eyes some at his words. "Yes I would tell you if something was wrong." I said to him as we reached the house. I could see him pacing by his truck. He stopped moving when he heard/saw us reach the house and hung up his phone. He walked over to where we were parked.

"Here we go." Ben said as he noticed him come on over. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

"Don't worry about it." I said to him. I leaned over and kissed his cheek, right as Luke was opening my door.

"Luke it's fine. It was a total misunderstanding." I said to him. Luke looked over at the Ben with a look that said he still wanted to kill him. So I pulled him so he was looking at me again. "Luke I fucked up not Ben. Just like I did with you and Tabby before. So how about you calm down your big brother mode that your currently in." I said to him with a laugh. He smiled some at my words. But still looked like he was ready to attack.

I let go of Ben's hand and got out of the car with Tinker Bell in my hands. I could hear Ben doing the same on the other side as well. "I'll grab Tinker Bell's bag." Ben said to me as if saying I could head to the house without him. I nodded my head at his words and started to walk towards the house with Luke.

"So what did happen earlier? Luke questioned me.

"Ben and I have a very open relationship. Meaning we let one another know and see everything. So earlier he had asked me to text his mom and let her know we would be having dessert with them. Before I could even get to doing so I saw a message from a girl named Jessie. I stared to read all they had sent and I thought he was cheating on me. Turns out is actually his cousin." I said to Luke as I opened the door to my families home and walked in.

"That sounds like a load of shit to me Danielle. How do you even know he is telling you the truth. This could just be a cover up so he could have his cake and eat it to." Luke explained angrily.

"For one I know because I trust Ben. What is the point in being in a relationship if you don't trust the person your with. Secondly I don't think he would lie about her parents dying, and her trying to kill herself, do you?" I questioned him angrily. Luke went silent at my words. I kind of felt bad because I know he was just looking out for me, but I didn't like him to just think the worst of Ben. "Listen Luke I get it. I thank you for being so concerned and wanting to make sure I am okay. But I am, and you need to trust me when I say I know Ben wouldn't lie about something like this. And if he did I would cross that bridge when it came."

"I know you do. And I do trust that you know what your doing. I just get protective over the people I care about Danielle. I don't want anything to happen to you." Luke said to me as he rubbed my shoulder some. I nodded my head at his words in understanding.

"I know what you mean Luke, I would do the same for you. But we just need to trust that when we tell each other something we mean it." I said with a reassuring smile. He smiled back and nodded his head. At that moment I could feel how close he was, and it was making me uncomfortable. I didn't want to fall back to my old ways and still have him effect me like I know he can. So I stepped back some.

"Danielle it's so nice to see you again." I jumped as I heard someone say this. I turned around to see Gabby standing there smiling at me. I smiled back at her.

"It's good to see you again as well Gabby. How are you doing?" I asked her as I shifted Tinker Bell in my arms some. She was sill tired from the ride I guess because she didn't want to move much.

"I am doing great. This house is amazing." She explained as she looked around. I nodded my head at her words.

"Yeah it is. I said that the first time I saw it to. I'm happy you could come and have Thanksgiving dinner with us." I said to her with a smile. She smiled back some and looked down at Tinker Bell.

"Oh my gosh, she is so adorable." She said to me as she walked closer to look a Tinker Bell. Immediacy Tinker Bell shrunk into me. It didn't surprise me, she didn't know Gabby. She always acted like this with people she didn't know.

"Hey it's okay." I cooed her. "Just put your hand out slowly to her. She doesn't know you so she is just timid." I explained to Gabby. Gabby nodded her head at my words. She did what I said and Tinker Bell leaned forward to smell her. Once Tinker Bell knew she wasn't going to hurt her she got excited and started to lick her. I smiled down at how friendly she was.

"Can I hold her?" Gabby asked.

"Of course you can." I said to her as I handed Tinker Bell over.

"Ahhh she is so damn cute. How did you end up getting something so damn perfect." Gabby asked as she rubbed Tinker Bell some.

"Luke got her for me for my eighteenth Birthday actually. He knew how much I wanted a small dog." I explained to her. She nodded her head at my words some.

"Yeah well she told me more then enough times about how she wanted one." Luke said as he walked over where Gabby was and rubbed Tinker Bell some. She made a move to go over o where Luke was. He laughed some and grabbed her to hold him. She snuggled into his arms some . Luke got down on the floor and started to play with her. I smiled at the scene, Luke loved Tinker Bell, and she loved him.

"Where is my Gram?" I asked Gabby.

"I'm not entirely sure, but we can go look for her." Gabby said to me.

"Sounds good." I said as I followed her out of the room. We started to walk threw the house looking for my grandmother. Each room would lead to us not finding her. "I swear my grandmother has some kind of superpower. She can be in a hundred places at once." I explained to Gabby.

"I know it. I tried to keep up with her today, but it was pointless. She was all over this damn house." I laughed at her words.

"Yeah that sounds like my grandmother alright." I said to her with a laugh. We continued to walk until Gabby walked in front of me and stopped. "Are you okay?" I questioned her as I walked around her to see her face.

"No I'm not."

"Why?" I asked her truly concerned at this moment.

"Because you are the reason Luke can't be all in when it comes to him and I. The reason why he can't be with someone else." She said to me.

Her words caught me so off guard. I mean a second ago her and I were laughing and what I considered to actually be getting along. So it was weird to me how easily she changed her attitude towards me.

"Gabby Luke and I are over....."

"No your not truly over, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to see the sparkle." She said interrupting me. I gave her a confused expression.

"What in the world are you talking about?" I asked her.

"The sparkle in each others eyes when you talk about one another. Just today when you talked about how Luke got you Tinker Bell your eyes lit up. And when he explained how he still has some feelings for you his eyes lit up as well. You can both deny it as much as you want, but I can see it. And I am surprised Ben hasn't broken up with you because of it. Just realize that Luke and mine now, and I will do anything to keep it that way. " She said with a sneer.

"For one Ben and I's relationship is none of your business, okay. If Ben wanted to leave me then he could. Not that it's any of your concern. For two no matter what Luke and I will always have a special connection. He helped me threw a lot in such a short amount of time. He will always have a place in my heart that can't be replaced. And secondly I told Luke that I thought you two were a really good couple because I want him to move on. So how about you know all your facts before you come at me like I am a home wrecker trying to ruin your marriage." I half screamed at her.

She was about to respond but there were footsteps coming our way and she stopped.

"What in the world is going on in here?" Luke asked as he walked over to us. Before I could say anything Gabby as running over to him and hugging him while she fake cried.

"Oh Luke it was horrible. She was in here yelling at me telling me how I would never be good enough for you. And how she thinks I am a slut who doesn't deserve to be with you. And how she would do anything to make sure she had you as a back up for her. I just wanted to be her friend, I don't know why she would say those things." Gabby faked cried into his shoulder. I rolled my eyes at her actions.

"Please don't tell me that your believe this bullshit?" I asked Luke. When he didn't answer me I go the answer to my question myself. "You don't believe me, your believing everything she is say!!" I screamed at him.

"Why would she lie Danielle?"

"Why would I lie?" I responded. He sighed at my words.

"I think we all need to calm down and relax." Luke said as he rubbed he shoulder of a still fake crying Gabby.

"I only wanted to be her friend Luke. I even tried texting her, but when I did she only sent horrible messages back about how I better break up with you or I would regret it. I didn't say anything earlier because I know you guys are close. But now she is starting to scare me." Gabby said with a sob as she clung to him.

"Are you fucking kidding me, she is lying threw her teeth. I have never texted her. I don't even have her number." I said to Luke hopping he would believe me. But when I looked into his eyes, I could see he was taken her side over mine again. I couldn't help but shack my head as he did.

"How about we...." Luke started

But I interrupted him. "How about I leave with my boyfriend because it is more then obvious that our friendship is over, and I honestly want nothing to do with you." I said to Luke as I started to walk past him. I stopped when I reached Gabby. "You got what you wanted." I said to her as I continued to walk away.

"Danielle come on let's just all cool down for a moment." Luke said clearly following me. I quickly spun around to look at him.

"Luke you told me that you would always believe me when I told you something. And yet here we are again in the same boat of you not believing me. The first time I could understand more because you have known Wendy for a while. But Gabby? Someone who you just met. A girl who I told you, that you should be with. You choose to be trust her over me?" I laughed at my own words. "Don't talk to me Luke, not for a long time." I said to him as I started to walk over to the front door.

When I got there my grandmother and Ben were talking and laughing. "Hey babe." Ben said as he saw me.

"We need to get going if we are going to make it to your families dinner." I said to him as I grabbed my stuff and picked up Tinker Bell. Ben looked a me in a confused way, but my eyes must have told him to just go with it.

"Yeah your right." Ben said to me as he grabbed Tinker Bell's bag.

"Wait your not staying for dinner?" My grandmother asked with a frown. I shock my head at her words.

"His mom hasn't seen us in a long time. Plus we are here all the time." I said to her with a smile.

"Yes but it is thanksgiving." She responded.

Her words broke my heart, she was right it was Thanksgiving. And this was my family house, if anyone was going to leave it was going to be Gabby.

"You know your right Gram. I am not leaving, Gabby is." I said as I dropped my stuff to look at Gabby.

"Why does Gabby have to leave?" My asked.

"Because apparently I am a slut who is trying to take her man away from her. I wouldn't want to make her feel uncomfortable or anything." I faked innocently.

"Wait what, Is this true Gabby?" My grandmother asked her.

"No of course it isn't." She answered.

"Wait." Luke said as he turned to look at her. "You just said that she had said those things, now your saying she hasn't. Which is it Gabby?"

I watched as Gabby looked around like she was a mouse caught in between a bunch of cats. I swear I could see the sweat falling down her face as she tried to think of something to say.

"Well?" My grandmother asked clearly getting angry at the whole situation.

"Okay it's not true in a way. She didn't say those things, but I feel like that is how she feels so there isn't a difference." She tried to defend. I couldn't help but laugh at her words.

I turned to face my grandmother.

"I am not going to stay if she does Gram, she is crazy and I don't want to be around someone like her." I know it may sound childish, but I didn't care. Gabby was crazy and I didn't want her around.

"Can we all just take a breath here. Yes Gabby was in the wrong here. Like she was really wrong, but no one should have to leave." Luke said trying to save the day like he does.

I felt Ben stiffen from the side of me. "Dude you have to be kidding. She just tried to make Danielle out to be a villain and your taking her side?" Ben angrily questioned.

"I am not taking anyone side." Luke said causing me to laugh.

"There is no point in fighting about this. Gram it is your choice, I am not going to stay in the same house as her. Whether it is Thanksgiving or not." I said to my Grandmother. She nodded her head at my words.

"Gabby I am sorry but you are no longer aloud in my house." My grandmother said to her.

Gabby turned to look at me, and I swear I could see the red in her eyes. Like the devil himself was in her.

"This is all your fault!" She screamed at me as she tried to move over to where I was, but Ben stepped in front of me making sure she couldn't do anything.

"This is your fault Gabby. I liked you and wanted to be your friend. You went all crazy for no reason" I explained to her.

"No reason?" She laughed at my words. "You want Luke, that is my problem for being crazy." I shock my head at her words.

"Just leave." I said to her as I moved away fr

om the door with Ben in front of me.

"Luke you won't let them do this will you?" She asked him. He stayed silent at her words. "Luke if I leave this house you will never see me again." She explained to him.

"Gabby this is my family, and you were the one who lied. So if you leaving means we are over, then I guess we are over." He responded to her.

I don't think Gabby's eyes could get any redder at the moment. "Fine was all she said as she pushed past people and grabbed her

stuff. When she opened the door she turned around to look at us. "Mark my words, you will regret this." She said before slamming the door shut.

I couldn't help but feel grateful as she left. "Babe are you okay?" Ben asked as he turned to look at me. I nodded my head at his words and put Tinker Bell down. She ran off into the living room.

"Come one everyone we will not let this ruin our Thanksgiving." My grandmother said to us. I nodded my head at her. She smiled at me and walked into where he kitchen was.

I started to follow her while holding Ben's hand.

Luke stepped up to me, "Danielle...."

I quickly moved away from him but turned to face him. "I will never forgive you for his Luke, I meant it when I said our friendship is over. That was the last time I will not have you believe me." I said to him as I pulled Ben along with me to the kitchen. Maybe this was fate's way of saying I needed to let go of Luke completely.


Long chapter this one is. And so much drama in on chapter as well!

As always Vote and Comment.

I love you all!

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