
By styleslegend

24.1M 689K 442K

A story of first true love between an unsuspecting, extroverted girl and an awkward, beautifully magnetic boy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
NOTE (updated)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Bonus Chapters :)

Chapter 59

243K 6.3K 3.2K
By styleslegend

"Come on, Lydia, let's go!" I shouted, grinning wildly down the table to where she chugged her drink. I giggled as I watched her slam it on the table and balance it on the edge before flipping it with her fingers, unsuccessful at landing it on its rim.

We were in the middle of an intense game of flip cup, boys versus girls, and the stakes were high. Playing best of seven, we were tied at three games each. The losers, it had been decided, would have to wait hand and foot on the winners for the rest of the night, doing whatever they asked with no complaints.

Haley, Lydia, and I were paired with two girls I didn't really know but seemed nice enough. We were playing against Harry, Jack, Will, a guy named Pete, and another guy named Ryan. Or maybe Bryan, I couldn't remember. Seeing as we were on the seventh game of flip cup, I had definitely taken in my fair share of alcohol, and was finding it difficult to remember these new peoples' names.

I grinned across the table at Harry, who stood directly across from me. He felt my gaze and turned to beam at me, eyes bright despite his increasingly drunken state. My lips pulled farther back, unable to contain my ecstatic mood. Now that Colt was gone, the party was had changed from an anxious, nerve-wracking affair into a deliciously chaotic and entertaining time.

My friends were openly welcoming Harry, especially after throwing himself into Colt in order to save Will's face from a surely painful blow. Jack and Will had exchanged the most guy-like hugs I'd ever seen with him, to which he somewhat awkwardly responded before collecting himself and replying appropriately. After that, they all joked together, drank together, had fun together, and it warmed my heart to see their budding friendships.

Harry's eyes flicked down to my mouth, which was gently biting my lip, as he stared at me from across the table. I swear, I could almost feel his teeth sinking into my lip as he did so. My breath caught in my throat when his eyes reconnected with mine, and I forgot all about the game. It was like his gaze was burning into me, connecting me to him even though he was across the table.

I jumped when an arm smacked into my shoulder, jolting me into an alert state.

"Joey, go!" Haley shouted, urging me with her hands. I quickly glanced down at the table to see a row of overturned cups, successfully flipped into the proper position accompanied by four sets of eyes focused on me, waiting for me to take my turn.

"Sorry!" I yelled, grimacing at them quickly before grabbing my cup and downing its contents. I swallowed the bitter liquid inside before setting it on the edge of the table, leaving enough overhang to flip it. A quick glance up at Harry showed me he had just raised his cup to his lips and was drinking quickly, catching up to me almost instantly. He smirked as he set it down, shooting me a wink before focusing on the cup to flip it.

Did he just wink at me?

My mind, which was already buzzing from the alcohol, seemed to vibrate in my skull when he did that. The girls' repetition of my name was the only thing that saved me from getting completely lost in Harry. I could hear the guys groaning across the table as Harry missed his mark once, twice, three times. I had to be quick; Harry had shown a surprising aptitude for this game, which shocked everybody seeing as he had never so much as touched a red plastic cup before.

I tried to focus my blurring gaze on the red cup, knowing I only had one shot. Holding it in place, I flicked my fingers up against the bottom, tipping it up in the air before it came back down on the table, wobbling on the edge of the rim before settling down on the table, exactly how I had hoped it would. The girls let out a shriek of victory, throwing their arms in the air seconds before Harry managed to land his cup as well.

It didn't matter; we had won. I high-fived all the girls as we cheered, proud of our victory. After congratulating my teammates, I turned to grin at Harry, shooting him a smug look across the table before walking to join him on the other side. He pretended to pout as I approached him, crossing his arms over his chest. Damn, he looked hot.

I slid my hands up his chest before gripping either side of his open shirt and leaned into him.

"Good job, baby," I told him, smiling innocently up at him.

"You're lucky this was my first time playing or we'd have crushed you," he teased, settling his hands just above my bum, much lower than he normally would have. I suspected the alcohol was making him less aware of his placement; either that, or he just didn't care at the moment. Whichever it was, I was more than fine with it.

"Sure, if that's what you need to tell yourself," I joked, winking at him. He just shook his head, finally breaking out of his pout to grin at me.

"So you have to do whatever I say tonight, huh?" I asked, reminding him of the stakes we had all agreed to.

"Those were the rules," he said fairly. I ran my thumbs along the skin of his chest beneath his shirt, reveling in the smooth texture it held before sliding my hands up around his neck, crossing my wrists behind his head. I grinned at the possibilities.

"Dance with me," I requested, knowing he never would under normal circumstances. These were far from normal circumstances, however: he was finally fitting in with my friends, he was probably drunk, and he was obligated to do whatever I said. It was the perfect combination.

He glanced nervously over at the large crowd of people in another room, dancing in a sweaty mess of people as the music poured over them. I knew he would be really apprehensive about it, but now was probably the best opportunity he could have for a chance to do it. I leaned up on my toes to brush my lips against his ear lightly before whispering to him.

"You'll be good, baby." I pressed a kiss to his jaw before drawing back, allowing him to return his gaze to me.

"Alright," he said, eyes burning into mine once again. I grinned at him, taking his hand in mine and pulling him through the crowd until we were in the center of the bodies. I was surprised to find Haley and Jack there, unaware that they had decided to join the dancing crowd. She cheered when she saw me pulling Harry behind me, waving her arms and motioning for me to join her.

She extended her arms out, wiggling her fingers at me in excitement as she writhed to the roaring music, which was even louder in the center of the make-shift dance floor than it had been anywhere else. Jack grinned behind her, hands resting very low on her hips as he nodded at Harry. I pulled on his hand, yanking him closer before reaching up to his ear again.

"Do what you feel, remember?" I told him, repeating the instructions I had once given him. I had not been disappointed then, and I knew I wouldn't be disappointed now. Despite his awkward movements, he had a natural fluidity to him that somehow managed to make him extremely clumsy and stragely graceful all at the same time. He nodded slightly at me, the corner of his mouth quirking up slightly as he rested his hands on my hips.

I spun around in his grasp, pressing my back into his chest and my bum to his front, eager for the contact after feeling like I had been deprived for so long. My hips swayed to the pounding thud of the music, which he followed, as I had predicted, flawlessly. I let my hands drift down over his, palms pressing into the backs of his hands as my fingers wove between his, gripping tightly to the underside of his palm.

His hand widened out, pressing flat against my lower stomach and pulling me tightly against him. My bum pressed into him harder, digging into him as we moved to the sound. Our fingers continually contracted and extended against each others, all the while pressing into my flesh, holding each other tighter and tighter.

I felt his nose run along my jaw, nudging my head to the side and allowing him to press his lips to my neck. Through his parted lips, his tongue snaked out against my skin before he sunk his teeth into my neck softly. I shuddered against him, which only caused him to pull me into him tighter. My hips rolled into him as my breathing picked up, and my hand reached behind our heads to tangle into his hair, the effect of his grip and mouth on me working me up.

I was surprised when his hands, which were currently clamped on my hips, turned me abruptly to face him. I sucked in a breath as his hands slid lower on my body, tucking into the back pockets of my jeans. One of my hands fell to his hip, gripping tightly as the other settled on the back of his neck, tangling my fingers in his hair again.

The heavy bass of the song was driving every move I made, my hips rolling into his as the tension built up until it was so thick between us I could practically taste it. His forehead pressed to mine as he exhaled heavily, lips parted and jaw tense as he moved against me, hands pressing firmly into my backside. The way he was looking at me made it difficult for me to breathe; so desperate, so needy, so destitute. So hot.

I hooked my arm around his neck, pulling his ear down to my lips once more and taking his earlobe between my teeth. I tugged lightly before releasing it and lingering there.

"Kiss me," I said, making my second request from my victory, even though it wasn't necessary. He would have done it either way.

He didn't hesitate before ducking his head down and crashing his lips into mine, one hand rising to hungrily hold my face, fingers winding through the strands of my hair. His lips pushed against mine, quickly separating them as his tongue dove into my mouth, gliding solidly across mine. There was an obvious urgency to the kiss as he deepened it even more, pressing his hips into mine and pulling me closer as his other arm wove around my lower back.

I was finding it difficult to breathe as he tugged on my lower lip with his teeth, pulling away torturously slowly before diving back in to kiss me again. Every move he made was tormenting me in the most delicious way possible, my body craving his contact more than I ever had.

It was a good thing we were immersed in a thick crowd of other drunk, groping people, because we surely would have attracted more than a few stares if we had been out in the open. I could feel him growing beneath his tight jeans as he pressed into me, the pressure there only making me want him more. I tore my lips away from his, panting slightly as I looked into his dark eyes, pupils covering nearly his entire green iris.

"Take me somewhere."

He dragged his lower lip into his mouth at my words, clearly just as desperate to get to somewhere private as I was. I had never seen him like this, and I had never wanted him more; it was more than a want, it was a need. I needed him or I was surely going to explode.

Without a word, he gripped my hand tightly and shoved his way through the crowd, weaving through the grinding couples, some of who were sloppily kissing, hands flying against each other. I tried not to cringe, because Harry and I had been in an identical situation only moments ago. Surely we didn't look that messy.

It wasn't possible that we did. Harry was too ridiculously sexy to ever look like these people.

We arrived at a set of stairs, which was still crowded with people hanging out along the railings, observing the party from their higher perch and giddily pointing out their findings. No one seemed to notice as we hastily climbed behind them, sliding silently through the bodies. Harry paused once we reached the landing, gaping down the seemingly never-ending hallway that was framed by numerous doors on each side.

Without a word I squeezed his hand and quickly took the lead, tugging him hastily down the hall before turning into the third room on the left. It was one of the spare bedrooms, and it was, mercifully, completely empty. I barely glanced at the gigantic, impeccably made bed before yanking Harry into the room with me.

He had barely set foot in the room before slamming the door closed and throwing the lock, all accomplished in seconds before his lips crashed back into mine. His hands wrapped up the sides of my neck as his tongue swept across my mouth, his hips pressing into mine and backing me quickly into the bed. My knees connected with the side as I crashed back onto it, pulling me with him.

We hastily shuffled up the bed, kicking our shoes off as he held himself over me, ducking his head to kiss me. Immediately, my hands flew to undo his shirt, ripping open the buttons and exposing his glorious stomach to me. Without pausing, my fingers raced to tug the zipper down before yanking on the band. His hands gripped the hem of my shirt before hoisting it over my head; my jacket, which I hadn't seen in hours, was somewhere down in the party. Holding himself up with one hand, he slid his other one up the inside of my thigh before palming me over my jeans, the pressure he created making me groan.

He smirked into the kiss before running his hand up me once more before undoing my jeans as I yanked his down, wasting no time. Both his jeans and his boxers were shoved down to his thighs, freeing him from the tight constraints. His fingers dug under the fabric at my hip, tugging down my jeans and underwear to my thighs before letting me kick them off completely.

My hand wrapped around him, already rock solid as I slid my fingers up and down the silky skin a few times. He exhaled against my mouth at the contact, nibbling on my lip. His thumb pressed down firmly on my clit, my hips flexing as a small moan elicited from my throat.

Long, lean fingers trailed up my slit once before he drove two of them into me, my body tensing around him in marvelous relief. He pushed them in and out a few times before withdrawing his hand from me, returning it to support himself once more, not wanting to waste anymore time.

My hands rose up to his back, scratching down his skin as I felt him at my entrance. His lips captured mine once more before drawing back a half inch, our breath mixing at the close proximity as he pushed into me. I couldn't stop the weighty sigh of relief that escaped my mouth, slightly muffled by his lips as the delicious stretch spread through my body.

I could feel his arms flexing around me in pleasure as he pushed as deep as possible, holding still for only a second before pulling again. Every inch he moved could be felt, setting my senses on fire. His head ducked to my neck to allow his lips to slide along my skin, tongue delving out and teeth nipping at me in irregular intervals.

His hips pushed in and out, driving into me harder and faster with every thrust. He bit down on my shoulder as my legs wound around his waist, angling my hips up into his as he moved. My neck stretched back as my body arched away from the mattress, unable to hold myself still as he pushed in and out of me, quickly building the intense pressure in the pit of my stomach, already begging for release.

My hands clawed at his back, easily feeling his muscles contracting and relaxing with every thrust he gave me, and quiet moans slipped from my lips as he ignited me from the inside out. I could feel his breath coming out in pants across my skin, his lips puckering against it every few seconds as he rolled his hips into mine.

One of his hands captured mine, tangling our fingers together as he pushed them above our heads. Our knuckles were surely white from how tightly he was grasping mine, but the potential pain was lost at the immense pleasure that was flowing through my body. My mind could focus on nothing but the way Harry's body felt against mine, tangled with mine, connected with mine in every way.

The pressure in my abdomen was so incredibly heavy now I could barely stand it. His hips crashed into mine, sending a jolt through my entire body with every rock of his. He raised his lips from where they had sunk to my collarbone to hastily collide with mine, breathing into me and letting his tongue run along my lip as his thrusts grew harder and faster than ever. We were both so, so close; we could both feel it.

"Almost, baby," I breathed, lips mumbling messily against his as our arms that were connected bent at the elbow, cradling against the back of my head.

"Me too, babe," he murmured, brow covered in little droplets of sweat. He gave a long, heavy roll that curled my toes and caused my mouth to fall open, driving impossibly deeper than I ever thought possible.

He repeated the action once more and I was done for, the pressure exploding in my stomach and radiating out to my limbs, tingling with every inch that it spread. His face twisted into a grimace as he followed me, his high quickly enveloping him, shaking through his body before he stilled on top of me, exhaling forcefully.

Both of us were panting as he leaned down to kiss me once more, holding one side of my face now in his palm, resting himself on his elbows. His kiss lingered, long and heavy, before he pulled back.

"I love you," he said, always sure to tell me at times like this. I grinned, my body exhausted but my mind exhilarated, heart absolutely overflowing with happiness and love. All because of this boy.

"I love you, too."

Thaaaank you so, so much for reading!! I love you :)

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