A Quarter Mile Away

By Claireaabell

10.3M 412K 98K

Ranked #01 for Teen Fiction X4 *A WATTPAD FEATURED STORY!* WHS Story of the Month Winner: Teen Fiction The Fi... More

Coming soon!
Must read before you begin the story
A Quarter Mile Away - Soundtrack
Spotify?? Updated
1 - Because Of You
2 - Love Runs Out
3 - One Step At A Time
5 - Photograph
6 - We Don't Have To Dance
7 - Unwritten
8 - Roads Untraveled
9 - The Sun Is Rising
10 - Firestarter
11 - Hymn For The Weekend
12 - Counting Stars
13 - Company
14 - Give Me Love
15 - The Heart Wants What It Wants
16 - Me And My Broken Heart
17 - Umbrella
18 - Jealous
19 - Cool Kids
Curiosity killed the cat - Updated
20 - That's My Girl
21 - Rockabye
22 - Crazy
23 - Treat You Better
24 - Turn Around
25 - This Is What You Came For
26 - Tunnel Vision
Holy Shiznit!!!
27 - Family Portrait
28 - Let Me Love You
29 - Untouched
30 - Left Outside Alone
31 - Confident
32 - Talking To The Moon
33 - No Air
34 - Dont Be So Hard On Yourself
35 - Love The Way You Lie - Part 1
36 - Love The Way You Lie - Part 2
37 - I Don't Wanna Live Forever
38 - Do You Remember
What now?
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter 2.0
Issues with chapters?
Full Speed Ahead
Im back!!!

4 - Domino

245K 10.1K 3.3K
By Claireaabell

Please listen to Domino - Jessie J for this chapter

* * *

I grabbed the things I required for my next class; Business, before making my way to my next destination, reminding myself not to have a complete outburst like I did in English.

Hoping to get in early to score a seat in the back, away from prying eyes. A little bit ambitious because as soon as I walked in, the only seat available was next to this blonde girl at the front.

Of course.

"Is this seat taken" I asked politely, she looked up with a genuine smile and shook her head.

"Of course not, have a seat. My name is Nikki."

"Thanks. I'm Avery"

"Avery? That's a nice name. You new here, I take it?"

Looking at Nikki, she didn't look like your typical over-achiever student but who says she isn't though? She was very beautiful with bright blue eyes and fair skin but hid behind her over-sized glasses and long golden blonde hair that fell over her face.

"Thanks. Yes, is it that obvious?" I self-consciously sunk further into my chair and tugged my jacket tighter around me.

She giggled and shook her head trying to reassure me "It's OK. I just happen to know all the students and their name and didn't know yours"

'She's definitely one of those over-achieving students'

"You'll be fine. I'm happy to show you around and you can sit with my friends and I at lunch, if you want?"

I genuinely smiled at her comment. It was really sweet of her to accept me so quickly and invite me like that. School can be vicious, a lot of the time the new kids always got picked on and ended up being tormented and bullied. No one wanted to be associated with them.

"That's really nice of you, thanks"

As I got settled in and ready to begin the class, the door opened and the guy from my English class and this morning's exchange walked in, I finally got to take a proper look at him as he made his way to his seat. He's definitely one of those popular kids. He had that aura about him, very attractive to the eye, you'd have to be naive to think he wasn't gorgeous.

Before I had the chance to look away he turned and looked directly at me with a hint of a smile on his face before winking at me. I instantly turned my head and faced the front of the class not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing my blush.

The teacher walked in shortly after, ready to begin before stopping to give me a once over. She made her way to me, leaned down and whispered "You must be new, I'm Ms. Campwell. Did you want to introduce yourself to the class?"

My eyes instantaneously widened in fright as I lightly shook my head. She didn't push me, just gave me a small smile before standing up to begin the class.

"Let's open up page 15. Christina, can you please begin reading the first paragraph"

Thank you but no thank you. Why do teachers always assume that we would want to introduce ourselves to an entire class?

It's never been a good idea and should be scrapped from the program. Permanently.

* * *

"You ready? I'll show you where the cafeteria is" Nikki asked as I shut my locker and began following her.

"First day isn't so scary huh?"

I smiled at her optimism "The day is still young Nikki."

"Guys, this is Avery, she's new here so be nice OK."

Everyone stopped and looked up from their food and simultaneously greeted me. "Here you have Michelle, Laura, Peter and Mason. We have been friends since we were practically in diapers."

"Hi guys" I smiled at them all grateful for their hospitality.

Mason moved over and pat the seat next to him for me to sit which I instantly took, thanking him. He definitely wasn't ugly, he had shaggy blonde hair that looked like it was roughed up by his fingers, beautiful green eyes and a strong jawline and a pretty solid build from what I saw.

"So who did you move here with?"

This is why I didn't want to make new friends, I didn't want to have to deal with the questions that followed. I looked at Michelle as I tried to figure out a way to answer her question. I was momentarily distracted by her curly Afro-like black hair and dark olive-tone skin, her green eyes piercing through me as she waited for a response.

"Dude, chill, she literally just sat down" Mason quickly comes to my defense which I'm appreciative of.

"I just moved here with my family about two weeks ago. Still trying to wrap my head around it."

I felt bad lying to these guys who have been nothing but nice to me but at least I sort of told them the truth right? I mean, technically I did move here two weeks ago, just with Alena. Besides, just because they were nice, didn't mean they could be trusted.

"Who's the family?" Peter chipped in. Peter had beautiful dark skin, shaved head, brown eyes, dimples and a smile that showed his youth. Almost reminded me of Chris Brown without the tattoos.

"Uh- my parents and my little sister Alena, she's ten."

They all nodded in agreement and proceeded to eat their food, no longer lecturing me about my non-existent family.

Mason used the opportunity to take the floor and explain how the cafeteria worked "OK, so the group over there, they are the stoners. Don't associate with them, if you ever want to smoke, we all generally get together and do it at my house, my parents are hardly around. You have your typical cheerleaders and jocks, don't even need to elaborate on that, the school nerds which no are not us. OK yes, we are smart as well, if not smarter but we also have fashion sense and are good looking, we don't look like your typical nerds."

His last comment definitely made me laugh

"Who are they?" I asked as I noticed the guy from my earlier two classes sitting at the far end of the room with his friends including that Lucas guy all laughing about something.

"That's Jaxon's crew. They are the popular IT guys and girls. Every guy and girl either want to be them, be their friend or date them."

"Which one is Jaxon?"

"The gorgeous brown eyes, broad shoulders, smile that melts your heart, messy brown hair so soft you can run your fingers through it, has a body of a Greek God-"

Everyone looked at a now blushing Laura, she must not have realised that she said all of that out loud which made me laugh. Laura was an adorable short and petite Asian girl. She had long light brown hair, amazing dark brown eyes, almost black that were very captivating.

'Jaxon. So, that's his name, the guy from this morning.'

"Be warned though, they also like to participate in activities that aren't exactly legal."   

"Like what?" I looked around only to catch them all eyeing each other out, debating internally whether to tell me this information or not.

"What the hell... They like to street race. They go to one of the top of the hills, mostly on the weekends and race, they bet money, pink slips, the works. Anything that has wheels is accepted in the races."

So maybe he was the one who owned the bike this morning. "Do you know which hill they race on?"

Nikki raised as eyebrow at my question forcing me to lie "I don't race, I'm just curious."

She visibly relaxed at my response "No idea, the only people who know are the ones who are entitled to know. If you don't know where it's at, you probably aren't welcomed there."

I stared at Jaxon's crew trying to decipher this new information that had been given to me. I would have needed to know this information in case I decide that I needed to race but how would I get that information without exposing myself?

"It's like he senses we are talking about him cause he's looking in our direction" Nikki whispered.

I must have zoned out because Nikki's whisper brought me back to reality. Blinking twice as if to clear my thoughts, my eyes shifted towards Jaxon's direction and I noticed that he is indeed looking at us, or me?

God, I hope it wasn't at me.

I couldn't really tell but when I made eye contact with him, he in return gave his million-dollar smile.

I could feel my cheeks beginning to flush red so I looked away trying to avoid the embarrassment.

'Great job at going unnoticed Avery'

* * *

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