Smol Bean Problem ◇Jikook◇

By fabjimin

141K 7.6K 7.2K

Having as the only boy no roommate, the not very talkative Jeon Jungkook has actually a happy life, spending... More

1 ◇No more girls◇
2 ◇Cold Gold◇
3 ◇Unwanted◇
5 ◇One mishap after another◇
6 ◇Save me◇
7 ◇Chimchim◇
8 ◇Healing methods◇
9 ◇Smol Bean Problem◇
10 ◇Sweet Dreams◇
11 ◇Exceptions◇
12 ◇Caramel Lunacy◇
13 ◇Healing methods 2◇
14 ◇So Into You◇

4 ◇Sparkling Eyes◇

9.3K 488 511
By fabjimin

Jimin's POV

I woke up to the sounds of the birds and the bright morning daylight which was dazzling my still closed eyes.

Turning on my belly, I laid my cheek on my soft pillow and let out a content sigh.

It was already morning so my mom would wake me up soon. I never used an alarm clock because I had my mom who did that job and I really hated the noise alarm clocks made.

So I kept my eyes close and waited for my mother to come and tell me to get up but after a while I went back to dreamland.


Suddenly I woke up again, it was surely late, why did my mom not wake me up? I was going to be late for school!

I stretched my arm for my phone on my nightstand and glanced at the time. It was 8am and school starts at 8.30am, I had only half an hour left! My way to school alone took 15 minutes. It was time to stand up.

I got up slowly, stretching myself while sitting on my bed. Still with half closed eyes, I yawned and began walking to my mothers room because it was unusual that she didn't wake me up.

"Mooom, why did you not wake me up? It's already 8am!", I shouted with a sleepy voice.

But suddenly I bumped my head on something and almost fell back on the floor. What the...

"What did I say about your loudness?
Your mommy isn't here and don't ever wake me up that early again!" A also sleepy voice grumbled from somewhere.

Where was I? I began rubbing my hurting forehead and opened my eyes finally completely to look around.
The memories came back and hit me like a truck as I saw that I bumped into Jungkook's big shelf.

The devil itself was still lying in his bed and it didn't seem like he would get up soon. I chuckled quietly when I noticed his pillow and his blanket which were now on the floor.

He suddenly didn't look like the nasty Jungkook from yesterday,
I imagined him kicking his blanket in the middle of the night like a little kid and then continuing sleeping. A little smile crept up on my face by the thought.

As I realized that I was still standing in front of the shelf, peering through it to Jungkook's side and imagining weird things like a creepy stalker,
I shook my head and started changing my clothes and thought of how my first day in school will be.

How will they react when day find out that a new student will attend their class? I was really nervous. In my previous school, nobody really liked me, they found me weird because sometimes I suddenly began behaving like a seven years old.

But nobody ever cared why I was like that. I was never bullied though, I just had to keep my little problem to myself, even though I really wished I had one friend who I can share my thoughts and my plague with.

But it never happened so I hoped that things will change now. One person could already be deleted on my "Make friends list" which only existed in my mind. He was the first student I met at this new place and I hoped the last person of this kind.

The thought that I was forced to stay in his company for the next two years came back in my mind and I wanted to cry. Why him?

I walked into the bathroom to style my hair like always. Luckily the bathroom was on my side of the room so I wouldn't have to walk through his side. I watched my red hair in the mirror and smiled to myself. My red head always made people look twice at me, it kinda stood out.

First, I washed my face and brushed my teeth and then got over to prepare my hair. It was really messy now, standing out in all directions, it looked like a erupting volcano.

I laughed at my own reflection and started combing my hair and made a parting in the middle.

My hair was naturally shiny and healthy but my actual hair color was black. I dyed them about two years ago because of my malfunction but I never thought I would like the colour and would decide to keep it.

The last thing to do was to find my glasses before I could walk to the cantine to have breakfast.
I was not completely blind without my glasses but my sight was slightly blurry and I couldn't see the distance well.

I left the bathroom and went to my nightstand where my glasses should be but they weren't there. This couldn't be, I remembered clearly that I put them on my nightstand before going to sleep!

I ran my fingers through my hair while looking around with a desperate face. I peeked to Jungkook's side because a thought came into my mind.

As I saw that his bed was empty now, I frowned in shock. When did he leave? I would have heard him because I left the bathroom door open but he wasn't on his side.

"One more step to the right and you'll be blind forever." I flinched when I heard Jungkook behind me.
When did he-

I quickly looked to my right and saw my glasses laying on the floor. What the hell were my glasses doing the there?

"Seriously, you're so wild when you sleep, you kicked everything from your nightstand last night, it was almost funny." A small smile of amusement crept up on his face as he walked pass me to go into the bathroom.

My eyes widened and I could feel the heat in my head because of his words. He had watched me while I was sleeping?
And also, he was the one sleeping wildly, he kicked his pillow and his blanket on the floor!

The bathroom door was already shut so I took my glasses from the floor and my bag with my school stuff and headed out of the room to the the cantine of the school.

The school was an own building right next to the dormitory building so I had to walk outside first.
There were already many students because school started about in half an hour. They were all talking and laughing and I hoped that one day I could be one of them, talking and laughing with them even though I had a little malfunction.
That's everything I wanted.

Before my stomach would began to rumble, I rushed into the building which said "Byung-Ho High School" on the top of the large doors.

The cantine was on the first floor, not far away from the entrance.
There were also many people sitting in groups around the tables. They were all either having breakfast or only drinking coffee or tea.

I decided to eat a sandwich and drink orange juice. I sat on one of the free tables and ate everything quickly so I would have time to find my classroom and maybe choose my seat.

After I ate everything, I finally made my way to my actual destination.
With beginning nervousness, I went up the large stairs to my classroom.
My heart started to beat and I tried to calm myself as my hands started to sweat.

I stared a while at the door and thought of what I should say when I go in. I didn't know if I should introduce me to them already or should wait till the teacher comes in.

Still standing outside, someone tapped me on my shoulder and I turned around abruptly.

"Hey how long do you plan to stand here?" An orange haired boy approached me and raised one eyebrow.
"Oh, are you a new student? I think I never saw you before."

"Yes, I'm Park Jimin, this is my first day here, nice to meet you!" I said politely and smiled at him. While we were talking other students were going into the classroom and I wondered if Jungkook was in the same class as me.

"I'm Kim Taehyung, nice to meet you too! You will surely like it here, life is even better without girls, believe me."
He winked at me and opened the door to the classroom as we saw the teacher heading towards us.

"It's sadly just one seat unused, it's in the very back and-" Taehyung shoved me into the room but was cut off by the teacher.

"You're the new student Park Jimin right? You should introduce yourself first before you sit. I'm your English teacher Mr Song, I hope you will like it here."

Ew, English was not really one of my favourite subjects but the teacher looked really friendly so I smiled and nodded to him and placed myself in front of the class next to Mr. Song.

The class immediately stopped doing whatever they were doing before and gave all their attention to the front. Now I had all their eyes on me as they were waiting for me to say something. How awkward.

'Hello, I'm Park Jimin. I-" I was stopped as someone threw the door open. Jungkook.

He only gave a quick look to Mr. Song and me and walked without any words to the very back where only two empty seats were left.

"Jeon Jungkook, great that you're that early again. Don't you want to at least apologize that you're too late?" Mr Song crossed his arms but Jungkook only shrugged.

"I'm sorry that I'm too late." He said and stared out of the window.

Mr Song seemed not satisfied with his answer but he gave his attention back to me.
"Sorry for the interruption, please go on."

"Yeah, I'm Park Jimin and I'm a new student at this school, I hope we all will get along." I smiled and bowed.

"I hope that too. You can sit now Jimin." Mr Song pointed at the seat in the very back next to Jungkook. All other seats were taken, I think fate really hated me.

While walking to my new seat, Taehyung and another guy smiled at me, they were both sitting in the front. Other students didn't really care anymore, they were talking with the person sitting next to them.

As I sat down, Jungkook was still staring out of the window, even when the lesson had begun and Mr. Song tried teaching us the months in English.

"Jungkook, how do you call the month July in English?"

Jungkook finally turned his head to Mr Song.
"July." He simply said and continued staring out the window.

Mr Song sighed.
"Good, you remembered it. Last time you didn't know any of the months though we had learned them already last year!"

To be honest, I wouldn't know what July nor the other months meant in English. I kept forgetting them, English was so hard for me.

"This is it for today with English. Now we have to talk about our upcoming camping trip which is in five days already." Mr. Song said ten minutes before the school bell would announce the end of the lesson.

A camping trip in five days! I've never went camping before so I was really excited and couldn't stop smiling while listening.

"Like every beginning of the school year, we will go camping again but this time everyone will have their own tents because only small tents are available. I think this shouldn't be a problem though, because you only use your tents to sleep right?"

Everyone nodded but I saw Taehyung and the person next to him exchanging a brief look and smiling afterwards. Ok...

"We will stay there for only one day and one night and will also make a campfire so prepare yourself for everything please. I don't want to hear a I don't want to go. Everyone has to go because this is counted as part of my lesson."

Mr Song looked at Jungkook but he was ignoring his glance so the teacher finished his lesson with "Ok, see you on friday!" and walked out of the class.

I turned my head to the person next to me who was laying his head on the table with his face to me and his eyes closed.
I really thought Jungkook would only hate me but it seemed like he didn't like anyone. But why?

I gasped when he suddenly opened his eyes and stared at me. There was no expression on his face but his eyes seemed to sparkle.

I don't know why but I couldn't look away, his big, dark eyes seemed to lock in mine. They were like an own little universe that was sucking me in.

It felt like hours as I realized that I had stopped breathing and my eyes started to burn because I hadn't blinked once so I turned my head away and thought of what just had happened.
Why were my hands all sweaty?

I peeked back to Jungkook but he was already back sleeping. Everyone else were chattering loudly since we had a short break before the next lesson would start. I let out a relieved sigh as nobody seemed to had noticed the awkward staring between us.

There was still this confusing, fuzzy feeling when I repeated in my head how he had stared at me with his dark and sparkling eyes. This guy was so unpredictable.

I shook my head to get rid of that strange feel and saw how Taehyung and the other guy who was sitting next to him approached me.

"Hey Jimin, how's your first day going? You like it here?" Taehyung smiled and took a chair to sit in front of me.

"I think I'm starting to like it, thanks for asking." I smiled at him.

"Good to hear. This is Hoseok, he's my rare horse pokémon." Taehyung smirked as I laughed and Hoseok glared at Taehyung.

"You can hang out with us if you want. The other students may seem unfriendly at first but if you get to know them, you'll see it's not like that."

Yeah, I was really nervous to introduce myself to the class and wanted to make a good impression but they all seemed to not care about me.

Taehyung and Hoseok were different, they had smiled at me from the beginning on so I wanted to be rather friends with them.

"Thank you." I simply said because I didn't know what else to say.

"Have you ever camped before?" Hoseok asked and also took a chair to sit.

"No, it will be the first time for me."

"Oh, you'll see it's very fun unless you sleep the whole day in your tent like a particular someone." Hoseok glanced at Jungkook who was still laying his head on his table.

Taehyung suddenly widened his eyes and came closer to me.
"Wait...don't say you have to share a room with Jungkook!" He whispered and kept peeking to him as if he was afraid Jungkook would listen to our conversation.

I only nodded and Taehyung eyes widened even more.
"Poor you, you can always come to our room when he's too mean ok? His nickname is not without reason Cold Gold."

Cold Gold? That's how everyone called him here? It kinda fit him to be honest. I understood why they called him cold but why gold?

I wanted to ask that Taehyung but he was already making plans for the camping trip with Hoseok.

I pushed my questions about Jungkook to the back of my mind and listened to the two guys who were now discussing if they should take more white or black shirts with them.

I think I wouldn't be that excited if I knew what was going to happen on our little, harmless trip.


Oh shit, what do you think will happen?

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