Love is all around

By KairiOfHearts

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This story has been Completed on July 8, 2017 Princess of Clarines returns home from a mission. Home again wi... More

Returning Home
Training and Teaching
Meeting old friends
Unexpected feelings
Claire MIA
Trapped by Heartstealers
New love?
Claire has a date!
Mitsuhide's scare
New orders
Princess duties
Training mission
Dinner in Aincard
Flower blossoms
A Birthday Surprise
Awkward Moments
Truth Revealed
Wedding Interviews
Unexpected Visitors?
New Rules
Strange Mission
Situations Change
Caught red handed
Hidden truth
New Steps
One Year Later
The Future


45 2 0
By KairiOfHearts

Claire POV

     I'm taking a shower in my private bathroom getting ready for the day. I'm thinking about yesterday and all that happened. It was the best birthday ever. I can't believe Zen did all that work just to surprise me. He really is the greatest brother a girl could ask for. I turn off the water and heard a creak. Hello is anyone out there?

"Oh uh hi Claire um did you have a nice shower" Obi said.

    Obi what are you doing in bathroom. I reach for my towel and put it around me the move the curtains. Of course Obi is just standing here and I'm sure he  came in through the window because it is Obi after all. 

  "Obi, Obi you better get out here" Mitsuhide said.


     Oh hello there Mitsuhide what can I help you with. He yelled at me for being in Claire's room. Well actually more like her bathroom. I smile and tell him to relax. I tell him I saw Claire falling but, she is fine now. After I said that I got slapped in the chest a little hard. I looked at her and she had a grumpy face on. Then we heard Mitsuhide yelling.

  "Princess Claire are you alright" Mitsuhide asked.

   "Yes I'm fine there is nothing to worry about" Claire said.

   " Don't worry I'll come and take you to see Shiryuki" Mutsuhide said.

Claire POV

     Obi why did you say that now he going to take me Shiryuki. I open my bedroom door and walk past him. He follows behind me like a sad little kitten.  I look into his cat like eyes and tell Obi to wait outside. So Obi leaves the room waiting for me and Mitsuhide. I step out of the room to find Mitsuhide and Obi ready to go.
    Mitsuhide is leading the way with Obi and I in tow. He knocks then enter Shiryuki office.  When we walk in and Ryu said she is in one of the back treatment rooms. So he leads the way again and I notice Kiki waiting for someone. I can't help but wonder who she is waiting for.
    Again Mitsuhide knocks on the door grabs my hand and walks in the room. Only to find well....

    Mitsuhide blushes a bright red when we walk in. My mouth just hangs open not really sure what I'm looking at. Mitsuhide walks out of the room quickly leaving me just standing there. I try to walk out pretending like I didn't just see Zen with his shirt off looking so calm like that. When I walk out off the room I bump into Kiki. Then Kiki falls and Mitsuhide jumps and catches her. Then Obi tackles me to the ground and before I can say anything a loud crash is heard. Obi gets up and helps me up and we all see a broken glass vase on the floor.  Zen and Shiryuki run out to see what that noise was. I turn around and bow to my brother and Shiryuki.

"I'm so sorry I broke a glass case on accident I will replace it" I say.

"Your not hurt are you Claire" Shiryuki said.

     No I think I'm alright Obi push me out of the way to safety. Obi smiles and says it's all part of the job. Then Mitsuhide speaks up and apologize.  He then explains I fell earlier even though I didn't. Shiryuki decide to do a check up on me and tell everyone to wait outside.
      Shiryuki is doing the test and asking questions. Like checking my blood pressure, checking my heart and breathing, temperature, asking if I have any pains any where. Of course everything is coming out fine so far. She goes to check if I have any next pain and moves my hair to the left.  Then she stops moving and stares at my neck.  I look at her kind of confused but she walks out of the room.  Outside the room I can hear talking.

"Kiki can you come help me with something real quick" Shiryuki said.

    Shiryuki walks in and the Kiki and they close the door. Shiryuki has Kiki look at my neck as well. Kiki let's out a shocked noise and looks at Claire.  They both look at me then ask what the red bump on my neck is. I just look at them with a weird face because I have no clue what their talking about. Then they ask me if I have a boyfriend. I stop and wonder what that would have to do with anything.  Then I shyly say yes I do have a boyfriend.  Kiki and Shiryuki walk out for a moment.

  "Well Claire looks like she will be fine but Mitsuhide take Zen back to his office I'll be back soon" Kiki said

    Then I hear the door slam open and Kiki drags in Obi to the room. Then Shiryuki closes the door behind. I look at the three of them confused of what is going on.

   "Obi why aren't you protecting Claire" Kiki questions.

  "I am protecting her what in the world are you talking about" Obi asked.

  "If you were protecting her how did this mark get on her neck" Kiki says.

   Obi looks at me and says
"Is that what I think it is" Obi questioned.

   Hey what is going on don't you think you people deserve to give me some answers. They all look at me and stare. Shiryuki hands Claire a small hand held mirror. She takes it and then sees a small red bump on her neck she has never seen before. What is that red thing on my neck?

"That is what is called a hicky, Claire. It's cause by someone biting/sucking on your neck" Kiki said.

    My face turned red after what Kiki had said.  Kiki is still shouting at Obi and Obi eventually walks up to me. Obi apologize quietly and asks me if the bump hurts. I shake my head and say it doesn't hurt at all. Then Obi presses his forehead against mine. Shiryuki clears her voice and we all look at her.
   "Claire can I have to ask even though it's kind of personal. Are you dating Obi" Shiryuki asked.

     Obi and I just looked at them. I had no clue what to say. I take a deep breathe then say yes I am dating Obi. Obi turns to look at me with shock on his face. I look at them and say there is no pint to hide it from you two anymore. I'm not hundred percent sure but I think Mitsuhide found out as well.
I bow to Kiki and Shiryuki say please don't tell my brother about Obi and I.


     I was walking Claire back to her office so she can start with her work. As we are walking there I can't help but feel like someone is watching us. I kept turning around but nobody was there. So I just kept on walking with Claire. We get to doors to her office and I grab Claire's hand. I rub my fingers over the bump on her neck.  I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble can you forgive me ?

   "Obi there is nothing to forgive it wasn't your fault so don't beat yourself up. They were bound to figure out eventually anyway" Claire said.

    I rested my forehead against Claire's and we smiled at each other. Then I leaned down and gave a small kiss to Claire before we went inside.

Mitsuhide POV

    I think I finally figured out who Claire is in love with. Before I jump to conclusions though I want to know for sure. I'm heading to Claire's office to check up on her. I'm about to turn the corner when I hear Obi's voice. I look around the corner to see Claire and Obi standing in front of her office. I can't quite hear what there saying but when I look over to see what's happening I see Obi kissing Claire. I can't believe this Claire really is in love and it's with Obi. I mean they did look like they were really enjoying last night but, it's still hard to believe that it's Obi.
     I take a few mintues to relax myself then turn the corner and knock on Claire's door. I open the door and Obi is sitting on the window seal. While Claire is at her desk working. I clear my throat then say I can come back later if your busy. Both of there heads shot up and look up at me.

   "Oh Mitsuhide please come in" Claire said.

    I walk in and close the door behind me. I then walk towards the desk and said I came to see how you are doing. Claire looks up at me and smiles then pulls her hair behind her ear. That's when I noticed a little red mark on her neck.  When i see that I realized what it was and got a little upset. I walk over to Obi and he looks at me then I punch Obi in the face. He falls off the window but managed to catch himself on the seal. Obi climbs back up on the widow seal and gives me this look.

  "What the heck was that for Mitsuhide  that hurt" Obi said.

      That was for leaving that mark on Claire. When we look over at Claire her face is bright red. I then excuse myself but before I leave I say to them you better get something for that before Zen can see that mark.

Claire POV

     I'm walking with Obi back to see Shiryuki. Obi face is looking like it's getting a bit swollen.  We arrive in front of Shiryuki's office door. I knock on the door then hear someone say come in. I walk in and Shiryuki is looking at me and some how no surprise there is Zen again. They both look at me and I said that they is a bit of a situation. We all walk outside of the room and Obi is sitting on the window but he has his swollen check facing away from us.

  "Why is the master here too I thought you just went to get Shiryuki" Obi replied.

    Obi just show Shiryuki what happened please.  Nobody is going to laugh at you Obi. So Obi turned around and then started to laugh at Obi's check. While Shiryuki went over to check Obi's face I went over to Zen and punch him in the arm. Zen decided to leave Shiryuki to her work and head back to his office. Shiryuki brought Obi and I into a treatment room.
     Shiryuki grabbed a pill and a glass of water and handed it to Obi.  Obi took the pill and drank it down with the water. Next Shiryuki handed me a bag of ice and told me to keep it pressed against Obi's swollen check. Obi just sat there with the cold ice bag on his face. Shiryuki then brought over to different containers. She took the first containers top off then put some cream on her fingers. She then spread the cream on Obi's forehead just above his left eyebrow.

"So what really happened to you Obi" Shiryuki questioned.

"Mitsuhide happened he punched me in the face" Obi said.

"Oh Obi Mitsuhide didn't mean it he was just shocked. I mean Mitsuhide use to protect me all the time. Don't take it the wrong way" Claire said.
   "This cream is for your cut Obi. If you open this one it will help Claire" Shiryuki said.

     What does she mean by this cream will help me. I don't have any cuts on me. Obi opens the jar and puts some of the cream on his fingers with his right hand he moves my hair and then puts the cream on my neck. Obi smiles at me then said it would help with the bump. We take the jars of cream and walk back to the office thanking Shiryuki as we left.
    Hopefully with this cream we can get ride of the bump before the Master sees. All we have to do is play things cool for a few days. If we do that then nothing bad will happen between us.

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