Love is all around

By KairiOfHearts

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This story has been Completed on July 8, 2017 Princess of Clarines returns home from a mission. Home again wi... More

Returning Home
Training and Teaching
Meeting old friends
Unexpected feelings
Claire MIA
Trapped by Heartstealers
New love?
Claire has a date!
Mitsuhide's scare
New orders
Princess duties
Dinner in Aincard
Flower blossoms
A Birthday Surprise
Awkward Moments
Truth Revealed
Wedding Interviews
Unexpected Visitors?
New Rules
Strange Mission
Situations Change
Caught red handed
Hidden truth
New Steps
One Year Later
The Future

Training mission

48 2 2
By KairiOfHearts

    Claire POV

We arrive to the area  Shiryuki discover a day ago. I decide to go with Shiryuki the first day and collect rare plants. Seeing as Shiryuki is the herbalist. Zen and Obi where no where to be seen. As we are walking we did see Kiki and Mitsuhide with there bows. Those too learned pretty fast when it came to the bow. We continue heading to straight when I hear some strange noise. I hear swords clashing yet I don't see a thing. We are walking along and I get an idea I stop and concentrate on my surrounding. I'm listening to everything happening. It's quite too quite.. It's weird because I can't hear the sound of swords anymore. It's like the swords stopped hitting each other. I can't even hear footsteps it's just quiet. That's when it hits me. I run as fast as I can to Shiryuki. As soon as I reach her I push her out of the way so she won't take the blow.
     All of a sudden I'm hit really hard by two swords. The impact of both swords blows me away from Shiryuki. I landed  on an old tree that had fallen over.

  "What the heck was that" Zen and Obi said.

"Did we just hit something or am I imagining things Master" Obi said.

"No it felt like we definitely hit something or someone with are swords maybe we got to carried away in are practice again Obi" Zen replied.

     I can see Shiryuki from where I am and thankful she look unhurt. The guys run over to Shiryuki and help her up. Once they both see she is unharmed they see me on the old tree.  I slowly stand up on the tree when I hear a snapping sound. Before I could move the tree underneath my feet broke. I fall through the hole and can hear people shouting. Next thing I know I I'm rolling down a bumpy steep hill. Then I fall into this hole in the ground and get stuck on the bottom. Luckily I didn't have to wait long before help finally showed up.

"Princess Claire , Princess Ckaire where are you" Mitsuhide , Shiryuki and Kiki shout.

"Claire, claire if you are around here say anything" Zen yelled.

"Miss Claire, can you hear me" Obi called.

    I can hear voices faintly coming closer. I try to say something but the object that has fallen on me is making it hard to breathe. I hear voices get closer and I think they found me when I hear some say let's look in that area next. Oh no if I don't do something there will leave me here. I do my best to shout for help. Hello is anybody there I'm down here. The voices are fading and at this point I feel like I might be stuck forever.

"Claire, claire are around here Claire just yell and I'll come find you" Obi shouts.

     I hear Obi voice and it's very close to me. I shout as loud as I can. Obi, Obi I'm down here. I hear footsteps then see Obi's face.

   "Claire is that you down there" Obi said.

     Obi I'm so glad to see you I'm stuck and this log it's making it hard to breathe. Obi jumps down to my position and move the log without a problem.  Once the log is off of me he grabs my hand and helps me up. He picks me up and we jump out of the whole. Obi you can put me down I  can walk back to camp. 
   As we are walking along I start to feel kind of funny. My head hurts and my vision is getting a bit blurry. I start to wobble around and I hear Obi voice next to me O .. bi. Then I black out.
    When I wake up I'm back at the campsite. I look around but nobodies here. Obi I whispers Obi where are you. Just then Obi comes out from the forest. I try to sit up and he sees me and runs next to me. Then the others all come running out of the forest as well.  Shiryuki attends to my wounds while Obi helps her. I her getting ready to inject me with something and freak out.

   "Obi you have to keep her still if you don't I can't inject this into her" Shiryuki says.


      I try holding her down but that doesn't work. So I sit behind her and hug her. This way I can trap her arms in place and try to relax her at the same time. The meds relax her muscles and Shiryuki was able to treat the serious stuff. It was getting late and almost dinner time. Mitsuhide and Kiki went to find some food. Zen and Shiryuki went to find firewood. I stayed with Claire because I was worried about her.
It's the evening now and we are getting ready for bed. We have three tents and original I believe the plan was going to be. Mitsuhide and Zen, Kiki and Shiryuki then Claire and I. However even though nobody knows about us dating I don't want to do something I might regret. So I let Claire have the tent to herself especially cause she is injured. While I sleep in a tree but not to far from Claire in case she needs me.

Claire POV

It's day two of are trip and yesterday well let's just say that's not what I planned for. Most of my injured are gone already and I have to say I feel pretty great. The only thing that really hurting is my arm when I fell I got a deep cut in my arm but besides that I'm good. I'm suppose to take it easy but sometimes that hard for me to do. I wake up and don't see anybody else up yet. So I decided to make some breakfast with supplies I brought with me. I decide to go look in the forest for some fruit. While I'm out walking I got some bananas, apples and some berries. I also had a small bottle with me and I somehow found a honey tree. When I return to camp I start prepping for breakfast.
After we all eat I grab my sword and challenge Mitsuhide. He kept saying I shouldn't battle and if I do I need to take medicine. Everyone here knows I'm not very good with Injections so u didn't like the sound of it.

"How about this Miss Claire I'll duel you but if I can knock your sword out of your hand you have to take the injection and take it easy. If you win I'll take you where every you want to go or do anything you want to do" Obi suggested.

Alright Obi I expect your deal but I'm not going easy on you just because your my protector. With that the battle begins. At first it's simple just us hitting are swords. Then it got challenge I was trying to use my trick and it was working. Obi is good at jump around and keeping quite. But I've got an advantage over him so I won't lose. I sense him coming in from the right and stand ready. I get ready to swing my sword when all of a sudden my sword is gone from my hand. Obi appears in front of me with his sword and mine.

" I won Claire now it's time for you to come back to camp and take meds" Obi said.

I was shocked that he did that I had no clue what to say at all. We returned to camp and Obi brought me to my tent. Nobody else was around it appears Zen and Kiki went to train and Mitsuhide went with Shiryuki to find new plants. Obi pushed down onto my sleeping bag. He puts a cloth in my mouth and the before I knew it he injects me in the side.
After the medicine was given we end up staying around the camp. Obi pulled out his new bow I gave him before we left. He hit the tree a couple times and I saw a strange substance come out of the little hole Obi made. I walk up towards it and get a sample. Shiryuki taught me once that if you put a substance over the fire and if it turns red its poision to eat, if it turns light blue it's same to eat. The sample I had gotten was an orange color and once I put it over the fire it turned... It turn purple? Well what does purple mean. I'm starring a the stuff in front of me when Obi comes up and stares at it as well. I grab a notebook out of my bag and log what happened. I then go to look at the tree where it came from.

"Obi do you know what kind of tree this" I asked.

Obi shock his head and I'm I logged the certain tree in the book. Next I decide to grab some paper. I sketched where camp was and the road we took to bring us to this forest. Mitsuhide and Kiki came back while I was working. They told us they found a path that lead out of the forest and looks like it leads to an old village. I sketch out all the details Mitsuhide told me onto the map to get a lay out of the area.
A couple hours later Kiki and Zen return to the camp but not the way they came. The came out from behind the trees behind are camp. They said while they were camping Zen fell into a river. Zen and Kiki followed the river and then some how ended up back at camp. Tonight it was Zen and Obi's turn to find the food and Mitsuhide and Kikis turn to find the wood. While everyone was out Shiryuki and I prepared to start cooking.
Another evening has come by and everyone heads off to bed. Expect for me. Tomorrow is are last day here and I barely have done anything. While I'm thinking to myself Obi sits down next to me. He tells me not worry that tomorrow something good will happen.
Today is the final day and tomorrow morning we head back for Clairness. I head out to search the area I want to find where the water is coming from.


Alright you guys tomorrow is Claire's 21st Birthday. So Izana and I have been planning a surprise party for her. Lots of people are said that they want to celebrate with my sister so tomorrow when we get back Obi your job is to distract her. Take her someone just don't let her go the any of the man areas. Kiki when we get back you will help me run around to complete last minute things. Mitsuhide I need you to stay with the castle and make things run smoothly along with Shiryuki help. I'm sorry I didn't tell you all sooner but I couldn't risk say anything with Claire nearby. Alright well let's not waste today Mitsuhide and Kiki maybe you can check out the village I'll help Shiryuki and Obi go make sure Claire isn't in any danger.

Claire POV

Ive been walking for a long time but it was worth it. There was a small path that lead me to lots of vines and behind the vines was a small cave. When I entered to cave I could see some
light at the other end. Once I step out of the cave the view was amazing. One the left was this view ...

When I walked deep down the path I was on it lead me to a beautiful waterfall area.

I put my bag of stuff down of a ledge with rocks and walk towards the waterfall. I was amazed I couldn't believe it was really real. The truth is that I actually knew about this place and I was one that suggest Shiryuki to look in the library if she needed help. But I always dreamed that I would standing here. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and slipped into the water.



I stumbled across a cave covered in vines. I walked inside and the view was quite beautiful. I'm walking around the area when I spot Claire's bag. As soon as I reach the bag I hear what sounds like splashing and a scream. I quickly make my way to the sound. When I turn the corner I see Claire standing up out of the water. It's only when she turns around and sees me do I realize the top half of her outfit is a little see through.
Claire um you should get out of the water quick before you catch a cold. When I help back to solid ground that's when I see a small cave behind the waterfall. I take Claire there and notice there are logs inside. So I quickly make a fire for Claire so she can warm up.
Claire you should probably get out of those clothes and let them dry. I take off my scarf and my jacket and hand them to her. Well you don't have to take everything off at least take off the top half to let that dry because when you fell in the water your shirt kind of well....

Claire POV

I look down at my shirt and realize because it was white the water made it see through. My face glows bright red and I quickly turn around. Obi told me I could change and he won't look. I trust Obi that he won't so I take off the top part of my outfit and put on Obi's jacket. His jacket is a little big for me but it's very warm. I turn back around and tell him he can look. His jacket only cover part of me. My stomach is showing but everything is cover by his jacket. Obi comes over and sits behind me he said that if he warms me up faster I would less likely catch a cold.
While sitting there I tell Obi how I knew about this place. He smiled at me and said.
"No wonder you were determine when we arrived" Obi said.
This area is a scared area and it's said that Spirits of this forest live here. So many people have come to this forest in search of this cove but all have failed. It's said that the spirits are the ones that let people in to see this wonderful cove. They only let those in with a reliable and true heart. And look we made it here together. The spirits must have decided that we are worth to enter there lovely home. I've also heard that this cove is known as Love or Lovers Cove.
Once my clothes are finally dry I put them back on and me and Obi head out of the cove. Before we leave the cove I thank the spirits for letting us see such a beautiful place and leave. Once we arrive back in camp every one looks like there dressed a little nicer. Kiki and Shiryuki grab my arms and lead me into there tent. Shiryuki picks out a dress she secretly brought for me.
Kiki then puts my hair together along with my hair pin in hair that was in my bag. When we step out from the tent they said I was ready for a fun evening. I slowly step out of there tent and Zen, Mitsuhide and Obi are just starring me. Kiki and Shiryuki are smiling big smiles while I stand there.

This is what her hair and dress looked like when she stepped out of the tent.


Kiki how could you dress up my little sister like this. I can't let other people see her like this.

"Zen I didn't pick out the dress but I did do her hair" Kiki says.

I slowly look over to Shiryuki and ask her if she picked the dress.

"Zen I did pick the dress I just think Claire should dress up and try something new. I mean Obi is here to protect her if anything happens" Shiryuki states.

With all that begin said we start are heading down to the village. To see what the village of Aincrad has to offer.

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