That One Text

By HipstuhhLouis

7.4M 140K 38.9K

Anna Shay is a normal 18 year old girl who lives in London. She shares a small flat with her best-friend Elka... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 29

131K 2.8K 583
By HipstuhhLouis

Anna's POV

"Harry, I really don't want to go to the club" I told him truthfully.

"Com’on you don't even have a headache this time" He tugged on my wrist.

"Please Harry" I said.

"Please Anna" He mocked.

We stared at each other until someone would break. I'm always good at these little competitions.

"Please!!! Since you say no to being my girlfriend, then at least say yes to that!" He said.

I blushed and I scratched the back of my head. Harry is...kinda right. I sighed.

"Fine" I huffed.

"Fine, you'll be my girlfriend?!" Harry smirked.

"No, fine let's go to the club" I said.

"Whatever let's go get the other guys, invite Becka" He smiles.

"Alright" I laugh.

Harry runs out of the room and I mean run. I've never seen him so excited. Man that boy is going to get really drunk.

I opened the door and walked towards the room where I could usually find Becka.

I don't understand how Harry and the boys aren't tired after a show. It's like they're super human, or something I swear.

I opened the door.

"Yeah Rebecka wanna go clubbing with Harry and I, he's getting the boys?" I said.

My eyes widened and my cheeks went red. Niall pulled away and Niall looked at me with an irritating look.

"I-I umm Niall had chocolate around his I was...erm getting it for him" Rebecka stuttered.

"Umm well, are you going to come?" I said slowly.

"No thanks Anna, Rebecka and I are going on a date tonight" Niall said.

I smiled.

"Alright then, I see you later I guess" I waved.

They waved back. I backed away slowly and then quickly ran out of the room. That was awkward. I should really knock before I open doors. It leads to awkward situations.

"Do boys are in the car but I couldn't find Niall. Did you find Niall? How about Rebecka? I haven't seen Rebecka" Harry rambled.

"Harry its fine. They're going on a date so we can just go without them" I told him.

I heard Harry mumble something along the lines 'Rebecka so owes me' but I wasn't sure.

"What?" I said.

"Nothing let's go!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him.

It was hard not to fall. Harry was quick and I just couldn't keep up with his long legs. This better be a good night.


"Anna come on! Let's have another drinking contest!" Louis said.

"No way!" I shouted over the blaring music.

"Why not?" He says.

Then I remembered the time in the club where Louis and I had a contest. It didn't end well and I'm sure he doesn't remember it. It was a mistake that shouldn't happen again.

"Ummm..let's just say we'll make mistakes" I say.

"What kind of mistakes?" He asks.

"Like uhh..... you know mistakes" I laughed nervously.

"You know Anna, I actually remember everything that happened the first time we had a drinking contest. Everything and I don't think it was a mistake. Do you?" He smirked.

My eyes widened. He..He knew? He knows. He remembers? do I say?

"I..Louis..erm.." I trailed off.

"Anna why do you think I had the contest in the first place?" He chuckles.

I was shocked at what he just said. He did it on purpose. I shut my mouth that was open and I frowned. How could he? He took advantage of me, of both of us. He knew what he was doing.

"How could you Louis?!" I yelled at him.

"What the hell, Louis" I said.

He frowned and crossed his arms.

"It’s not like it's all my fault. I was also drunk, I didn't exactly know what I was doing" He said.

"But you wanted that to happen. So in a way it is your fault! I can't believe you" I said.

"Yeah it's what I wanted but it's not like one of the boys wouldn't want that either. Why do you think Liam and I got in a fight" He softened up his look.

"Liam was right to stop us. It would have been a mistake" I said.

"No it wouldn't have been" He argues.

"Louis I'm not arguing with you" I huffed.

"In that case" That's when Louis shouldn't have done what he did.

He connected our lips and such force to keep them locked. I shook my head and tried to push away. Not this again. My eyes were wide open and apparently so were his. He had an irritated look in his eyes as he stared at mine. He closed them and tried to enjoy the kiss.

My hands found it's way to the back of his head and I pulled his hair, really hard. Me pulling his hair made our lips disconnect and his head moved back as he yelped in pain. His hands went to the back of his own head and he removed my hands from his hair. He looked at me with a dirty look.

"I'll see you later Louis. Tell me when you stop acting like a child" I got up and walked away.

I didn't know where I heading off to. I passed the dance floor that was filled with sweaty people dancing while drinking. The smell of alcohol and sweat got stronger. I didn't pay attention to where I was walking and I bumped into something and landed on the ground.

"Umf" Escaped my lips.

"Oh I'm sorry love" Someone held their hand out to help me up.

What surprised me was the British accent. It's strange to hear other people with a British accent in America. It's quite surprising. I gladly took his hand and he pulled me up.

"Oh sorry I wasn't paying any attention- wait! Skylar? Is that you?" I said shocked.

"How do you know my name?" He chuckled nervously.

So it is Skylar!

"I've missed you so much Skylar. I lost your number and I had no idea I would find you here, this is crazy!" I said and gave him a quick hug.

"Umm..sorry but I don't know you" He shook his head.(A:N remember Skylar was her best friend that introduce Chris (her ex) to her)

"Come on Skylar, stop joking around. Say hi to your best friend, Anna!" I punched his shoulder.

"Sorry I really don't know you, ummm bye" He walked away.

I stood there dumbfounded. He didn't remember me? He looked back when he continued to walk away and gave me a strange look. He continued walking in the direction opposite to mine. One of my best friends doesn't remember me, Louis is acting like a kid, wow this night is gonna be a living hell.


"You take Harry and I'll take Liam" I told Zayn.

Louis had already gone to his suite that he now shared with Niall. We couldn't have Liam and Louis together again.

"Alright" Zayn answered.

We got one of their keys and opened the door.

"After I'm done putting Harry to bed, do you want me to wait for you?" He asked.

"No, no, it's okay, I'll be quick" I told him.

"But I don't want to go to bed" Harry slurred.

"I don't care" Zayn chuckled.

We parted and Zayn took Harry to his room and I was taking Liam to his room.

"Annnnnna I don't want to go to bed" Liam slurred.

"Well it's too bad isn't it" I said.

With each step Liam was wobbly and wasn't even walking straight even with my help.

"Why don't you like me Anna?" He says catching me off guard.

"Liam you're drunk you should get some sleep" I told him.

He landed on the bed and he started giggling.

"Just tell me Anna. I'm not even gonna remember anything in the morning" He knocks on his head.

"I don't know Liam" I sigh.

"Howw come?" He sits up but it's evident that he's still drunk.

"Liam just go to bed-No!" He interrupted me.

"Not until you tell me why!" He said.

"Because...I'm...falling for someone else" I said.

Liam frowned and stood up. He laughed and shook his head.

"Why do you like Louis better than me? Why do you want him, over me?" His voice cracked.

"I never said it was Louis" I said.

"I know it's Louis" He said.

"You know what Liam? Goodnight" With that I headed towards the door.

He grabbed my arm and spun me around. My chest was pressed against his. He started leaving kisses on my nose, to my cheeks and then he started trailing down my neck.

"Liam stop! I'm not kidding, this isn't funny" I said as I tried to push him off.

"I'll prove to you I'm better than Louis" He said.

He pushed me onto the bed. He quickly took off his shirt and started to unbuckle his belt. I tried to crawl away to the other side of the bed to get out but he grabbed my foot and brought me closer to him. Tears started to fill my eyes as I released what was going to happen.

"Why are you crying, it's only me" He hiccupped after.

More tears started to fill my eyes. W-why is he doing this to me? Once he got his pants off he got on top of me and started to caress my face to all the way down my body. I shivered and got goose bumps.

"Please just let me go Liam" I pleaded.

He pressed his bulge against my leg and he smirked. Our bodies were pressed and he kept himself steady with both hands by my head. I couldn't leave, there is no way out.

"I am better than Louis you'll see" He crashed his lips harshly on to mine.

Oh god Liam what are you doing?!!!!

Okay so I'll be updating on Thursday instead of Tuesdays. I'm pleased with my writing on this chapter. Next update sooner than you think :)



And Fan me if you haven't done so already.

-Anna xx

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