Calm Envy [Ruki - The GazettE...

By WitchAngmar

31.2K 488 192

What happens when the girl you once rejected in high school is now someone you can't take your eyes off? The... More

1. Prologue
2. Unfortunate Audition
3. Meeting Someone From The Past
4. How Didn't I Notice Before?
5. It's A Deal
6. Our First Date
8. I'm In Love With Her
9. Phase One
10. Baby Steps
11. Double Date
12. And Cut!
13. Let Me Love You
14. Family Dinner
15. A Fun Day
16. Finally United
17. Downfall
18. Right From The Beginning
19. Third Time's A Charm
20. Epilogue

7. The Secret Is Revealed

1.3K 25 7
By WitchAngmar

"What the hell is going on here?" Rin's brother Ryouta called, making the two of them break apart. But what terrified Rin wasn't the fact that her brother had entered her apartment, probably with her mother's keys. What scared her shitless was the person beside him. He was taller, about five eighty three [A/N: 1.78 m] with raven black straight hair, that reached the nape of his neck, some bangs across his forehead. A pair of shocked dark brown eyes completed his figure. He was also wearing a dark blue long sleeved V-neck shirt and black skinny jeans with a pair of black converse shoes.

"H-Haruto-san?" Rin stuttered, stepping away from Ruki who looked between the two men baffled. 

"Rin-san who is that man?" Haruto asked eyeing Ruki with a slightly confused face. There was this electric field all around them. Haruto and Ruki were sizing each other up, probably catching that something weird was going on. Ryouta was glaring at Rin for her sillyness and Rin was trying to comprehend the situation. 

"L-Let me explain. I.. Um.. R-Ruki-san is, ah, you see.." The girl couldn't find a way out of this. Karma slapped her in the face in the worst way possible. She couldn't escape the situation and suddenly she felt, she should have kept Ruki away from her. "R-Ruki-senpai, this is my fiance, Haruto-san." Rin said in defeat. She raked her brain almost too violently, trying to find an excuse, but there was none. She knew that Ruki deserved to know the truth, so she said it and she knew that definitely she lost both men. Even though Haruto wasn't someone she had an intimate relationship with, he was kind of opposed to having an engangement to a woman he barely knew, but he was willing to try and that would still probably hurt his ego.

"Fiance?" Ruki echoed, staring at Haruto for a split second before his eyes pinned Rin. The look of hurt and confusion he gave her, made Rin want to jump under her bed and never see the world again. He had done so much for her. He gave her a job, took her on a date and she simply didn't tell him she was with another man. Enganged at that.

"I-it was an arranged engangement, I barely know Haruto-san!" The girl was quick to explain, or rather ease the guilt that pooled in the bottom of her gut. She didn't want Ruki to think badly of her which he probably already did, by the look he was giving her. Haruto was quiet; he was still waiting for a reason as to why this man was sucking his fiancee's face off, but he wasn't about to make a scene. At least not while this man was around her apartment. "Can you leave us alone for a while?" Rin gave a pleading look towards her brother, who was partly at fault as well, since he gave her the concert's ticket and backstage on purpose. Ryouta, frowned but pulled Haruto towards the kitchen, mumbling something about drinking a beer and let the two talk it out.

"So enganged huh? Why didn't you tell me anything Rin? Why?" Ruki's words were getting out angrier after each second he spoke. He didn't know how to feel. He was hurt, he felt oddly jealous after thinking that the only thing he had to do was be everything Rin wanted him to be, but now it was different; he had to let her go. She was enganged. He couldn't fight for her just because this Haruto guy was her boyfriend. It wasn't that simple anymore; they were enganged. It was arranged but it still happened and the situation hurt Ruki more than any girl has ever hurt him before. Rin's eyes had welled up with unshed tears as she stared at the man's balled fists and pained expression. 

I should have told him. She thought, I should have told him days ago.

"I couldn't do anything to stop it." Rin started, thinking it was better to just spew everything she knew. "When my parents adopted me, they had made this decision without my consent of course. My brother Ryouta would take after the business my grandfather built and to combine two companies together, I had to marry the other owner's son. I can't stop it Ruki-san. I don't want this. I tried to tell you, but I chickened out. I-I like you, b-but I--"

"You should have told me, true that. But now it happened. You lied, you held the truth away from a person who needed it and now you ruined everything. You may keep your work. Besides, I didn't do this just to sway you off your feet; I did it because I wanted you to have a decent life and stand on your own two feet, because you are indeed talented. But that's it; no more expectations from you. I won't fight for your heart anymore since it's already taken away from you, whether willingly or not. Please don't contact me again. I am sorry for taking the liberty of trying to make you fall in love with me when I knew nothing about you or your engangement. Goodnight Rin." Ruki bitterly said; ignoring Rin's now spilled tears. She couldn't help it. His words were like daggers in her heart. As if he plunged a knife and dragged it down, splitting her heart in half. She promised to herself she wouldn't fall in love again. She wouldn't fall for Haruto, a man who even though treated her right, wasn't someone she could ask for, dreamed of. She wouldn't fall in love with anyone, but unfortunately for her; she already did.

She was already in love with Ruki but now it was too late. He barely spared a last glance before he left her alone. He once again left her to fall on her knees and cry after his rejection; after her own mistakes and shitty life. Rin felt alone again, completely and utterly alone.

"Rin? Rin are you alright?" Rin opened her eyes and through that blurry haze, she made out her brother's posture. He was kneeling in front of her, his hands squeezing her shoulders gently, as he stared at her pitifuly. She didn't need any pity, neither from Ryouta, nor her parents. She had enough of it.

"I'm fine." She rasped and stood up, turning around to meet Haruto. "I am really sorry about this Haruto-san. It was an unfortunate meeting with the man I was in love with back in school. Nothing will change. We will get married and I will try my best to build a happy family with you. Now if you excuse me, I'll go to sleep. You can help yourselves out." Rin finished and dragged her jell-O like feet towards her room, closing the door behind her. She fell down on top of the matress and continued to cry for the rest of the night, without stopping, only until sleep took her in, easing her pain at least for a few hours.

The next few days were dull and boring. Rin refused to step out of her apartment, even with the constant bickering of her brother and parents. She stayed locked up at home, barely eating, and cried herself to sleep every night. Haruto was calling now and then, thinking it was his obligation to know how his fiancee was doing after the incident with the man, that she was in love with and probably have fallen for again. It was a quiet Saturday when the girl decided to go out. She took a shower early in the evening and took her time in beautifying herself after an almost too exhausting, nerve wracking week. She got dressed, with a nice grey wool dress, that reached the middle of her thighs. The end of the dress had a black design and a black belt like design under her breasts. She slipped a pair of black gloves that reached a little bit above  her elbow and a pair of black tights. Her attire was finished with a pair of black heels. She straightened her hair once again and applied some make-up making herself presentable. But before she left, the young woman pulled on a black coat, in hopes that it would keep her warm since the weather was getting colder.

Taking a fancy bag with her, Rin took her phone, money, cigarettes and her keys, finally leaving the house. She hailed a cab and got to a nice bar at the most well known suburbs of Tokyo. Though the bar she decided to go to wasn't really fancy. It had the rock type of music and thankfully didn't have people who were constantly drunk and reeking of alcohol. The bar was really neat and old school looking. It had wooden walls with dark brown tables scattered all over the place and same looking bar. The walls were decorated with guitars and pictures of well known bands, such as Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Iron Maiden and others, including Japanese bands as well. The bar had a few stools and there were two bartenders that were probably twins. They had short black spiked hair, black eyes and matching uniforms that consisted of a white button up shirt, a black vest and black jeans. As Rin sat down in a far corner, she took her coat out and hang it over her chair, waiting for the waitress to arrive. 

When she did, Rin looked at her up and down. Shoulder length blonde hair, light brown eyes with a beauty mark on the side of her eye. She was wearing the same as the twin bartenders with the only difference that instead of jeans, she was wearing a black skirt that reached her mid-thigh and high heels. "Hello miss. What can I get you?" The waitress politely asked, the round serving tray held securely against her torso.

"Um, I want a Gin with Tonic." Rin replied as the waitress nodded and retreated. The young woman, took a pack of cigarettes from her bag and lit one, the nice minty flavour, filling her lungs. It didn't take long for the waitress to come back with Rin's order. She set the drink down with a few snacks and left her alone again. Rin took a sip from her drink and stared at how the bar got awfully crowded; well it was bound to happen since it was a Saturday night. Men, women, couples and bunch of friends were all scattered at the average bar, some of them even leaving since they found nomewhere to sit. Rin was too distracted by her thoughts, to see that someone was standing beside her, until she heard the person clearing their throat.

"Excuse me, are these seats taken?" The man said, bringing Rin completely out of her stupor. She stared up at the two tall men, taking them in. One was oddly familiar with short black hair and these all too showy dimples. Oh! It was Kai-san from Ruki's band, the drummer. He had this warm look, obviously knowing who he was asking the seat from. He was wearing a pair of black jeans, with a white T-shirt and a black leather jacket on top. The man standing next to him had almost shoulder length black hair, spiked up in a nice way, with light brown eyes, almost hazel and full lips.

"Be my guest." Rin simply replied, gesturing at both seats, the men eagerly occupied. The waitress soon came by and took their orders. Kai ordered a whiskey and the uknown man got a beer.

"You must be Rin-san, right? Do you remember me? I am Kai the drummer of Ruki-kun's band and this is my friend Tora. He and his bandmates are good friends of ours." Kai started bubbling excitedly after the first few sips of his drink. She wasn't really bothered by the two men trying to get to know her. In fact she needed some company since friends were in fact a foreign word to her.

"I am the guitarist of Alice Nine. You're the girl that Ruki threw a bitch fit eh?" The man named Tora commented taking a long swig from his beer, right before he squeaked as Kai kneed him in the shin. That made Rin smile sadly as she nodded and sipped her drink.

"I am, indeed. Nice to meet you both." Rin replied and raised her drink to bump it with theirs. 

"Kampai!" They all cheered and gulped down their drinks.

It didn't take long for Rin to get tipsy and start spilling everything she felt about Ruki, the two men listening with devotion. "You see how I don't know what to do? I had been in love with him since high school and he came to my life now, trying to make me fall for him. But I had this immense problem with being enganged through an arrangement my grandfather made, and I don't want to get married to this man. I want to see another world, that I am only sure Ruki-senpai could show me." Rin blabbered, downing her fifth Gin, slumping down in her seat, with bloody red eyes; but not because of crying, just drunk. Kai chuckled but deep down he kind of knew how both sides felt. The whole week Ruki was in a bitch mode, trying to get some serious work done, but they all knew. Because late at night Ruki would go back home alone, drinking his guts out and probably destroying a part of his house. 

But on the other hand, Rin took it out in another way. After explaining the situation, Kai saw that Rin wasn't one for drinking and taking it out on everyone else. She simply stayed at home, wallowing in her own self pity, avoiding the eyes of her family crying to her heart's contents just to make this pain go away. 

"We should take her home." Tora said after a while, seeing the woman wasted and slumped against her seat, with sorrow filled eyes. She was beautiful and he wanted to protect her in some way. But he knew if he got in the middle, he was going to thoroughly regret it. Everyone in Ruki's band was his friend and he didn't want to create any hatred between them.

"Yeah, we should. I also need to speak with Ruki as soon as possible. This situation is ridiculous; it's so obvious that they are in love with each other but so oblivious or dense to admit or even realize it. If this continues, Rin will be married and Ruki will be miserable." Kai said, paying for his share of drinks and half of Rin's, Tora doing the same. Tora struggled to get Rin's jacket done, while Kai gathered the woman's stuff back into her purse. 

"Rin-san where do you live?" Tora asked as he brought the girl to her feet; she wobbled a little, leaning her weight against Tora's side. The man slung an arm over her waist keeping her upright, while Rin mumbled the address drunkenly. Kai made way towards the exit, Tora walking behind him, with the girl to his side. They slowly put the woman in Kai's car, entering as well. 

It took them a while to reach Rin's house, considering they were kind of lost to the streets around there, but in the end they got to their destination safely. Kai and Tora took her upstairs, opening the door to her apartment and gently laid the woman on her bed. 

But before they left, the last thing they heard was a gentle sobbing coming from the woman's lips.

"I think she is already in love with him."


A/N: Hehe, the secret is out! 

Poor Ruki had his heart broken by Rin-chan! But what should she do eh? D:
Anyway! The picture on the side is what Rin wears when she goes out! She really looks like what I would like her to look, just imagine her with hair on her waist! :3

Spread your Gazelove everyone! ~Kwnekochan ^ω^

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