The Missing Stranger

By GinjaNewgPlaZ8

87.6K 1.5K 2.2K

"What are you doing here?" A deep, husky voice asked sharply. The man towered over the nervous girl. He lifte... More

Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
A/N - Important Announcement! Taking a break?
Future edits possibly coming(?)
This is happening-- Hold on to your butts
Chapter 1 {REWRITTEN}
Chapter 2 {REWRITTEN}
Short A/N - New Cover?
Chapter 3 {REWRITTEN}
Doubts and Steps Back ~ Pt. 1
Doubts and Steps Back ~ Pt. 2
Chapter 4 {REWRITTEN}
Chapter 5 {REWRITTEN}
Chapter 6 {REWRITTEN}
Chapter 7 {REWRITTEN}
I Unsubbed From Aphmau and Here's Why

Chapter 10

3.7K 77 62
By GinjaNewgPlaZ8

¤Evening; Jan 5, 2009
The abandoned observatory
Mt. Alliance¤

Aphmau sat on the floor of the observatory, not knowing what to do. Aaron was on the balcony as usual, but he started letting Aphmau roam a little bit more. Aleena had went out and told Aphmau to wait for her.

"SISTER!" Aleena yelled as she opened the door.

"Aleena? What's wrong?!" She was panting heavily.

"Look!" Aleena said as she pulled up something in front of Aphmaus face. Aphmau looked for a moment, then deciphered what it was.

"Clothes?" Aphmau said, confused.

"Yea! I got you a new outfit I found in my secret stockpile of stuff from the village." Aphmau studied the clothes. There were some denim shorts, a white tank top, and a pink plaid long-sleeved shirt.

"Aleena, you didn't have to do this." Aphmau said, feeling bad Aleena was giving her this.

"Don't worry about it! These clothes aren't really my style anyways, but I think they would look totally adorable on you! Plus, I can wash the clothes your wearing now." Aleena held out Aphmau's new outfit to her. Aphmau hesitantly took it.

"I'm gonna go see if I can find some shoes. You really shouldn't be walking around barefoot!" Aleena said, trying to act more like Aphmaus mother then her sister.

If Aleena even counted as a sister, that is.

"But where do I change? There's no seperate rooms in this place. It's all open." Aphmau asked. Aleena thought for a moment then spoke.

"Its fine! I think brothers asleep anyways, so just change out here!" Aleena said. Aphmaus eyes widened.

"W-W-What?! I can't change out in the open while your brother is here! And it's afternoon! Why would he be sleeping?" Aphmau blushed just at the thought.

"My brother is lazy, that's why. Even if he isnt asleep, he's probably not even paying attention anyways. Now I'm gonna go get you some shoes and start making food, cuz I'm hungry." And with that, Aleena was out the door, leaving Aphmau alone again. Aphmau sighed, looking at the outfit. She suddenly got this weird feeling and looked around. She looked up at Aaron's side of the balconies and he was watching her, his arm proped up on the railing, holding his head up. He smirked at her and Aphmau blushed madly.

"Well, are you just going to stand there all day?" Aaron said, not pulling his eyes away from her.

"W-W-Where y-you... w-watching all that...?" Aphmau didn't want to know the answer.

"And what if I was?" Aaron said in a flirty tone. Aphmau turned around so Aaron couldn't see her flushed face.

"What's the matter? Don't you have something to do?" Aaron said, referring to Aphmau being told to change by Aleena.

"N-Not if y-you're watching you idiot!" Aphmau turned to him, yelling at him fiercely. She held the clothes close to her.

"Hm? Feisty, aren't we?" Aaron held his arms in the railing.

"W-What's with you?! One minute you're making out with me, then you're hurting me, then you ask me to freaking shoot you, and then you tell me to get changed like I was asked even though you're watching and you're flirting with me! What the heck?!" Aphmau yelled. Aaron smirked at her as she was yelling. He clearly liked it when she was mad.

"Who said I was flirting with you? Maybe you're just reading into it too much." Aaron slowly walked closer to the front of the observatory. He jumped down from the balcony, landed on a few crates that he climbed down from. He walked toward Aphmau and she froze instantly. When Aaron got close to her, he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her against his chest. Aphmau put her hands on Aaron's chest to prevent herself from losing balance, dropping the clothes in the process. She looked into his deep, black eyes. They weren't red anymore like before. Aphmau knew there was something... wrong... with him that caused it, but she never dared question it.

"Oh, the things you do to me... You're the only person in 2 years who can get to me like you do. Making me feel guilty, making me want to love you, even if I know I shouldn't." Aphmau was still trying to process what he was saying.

"I'll let you in on a secret." Aaron said, pulling Aphmau's head to his. He whispered in her ear, not letting go of her waist.

"When I'm alone, I swear that I hear a voice. But not only is it my conscience, but it feels like my shadow is talking to me." Aphmau looked at him like he was delirious, which he probably was.

"You expect me to believe that?" Aphmau said, not very amused. Aaron stared at her for a moment, glancing up and down her body.

"You thinked I'd lie to you? I have no reason to."

"You don't have a reason to do alot of things, and you still do them." Aphmau said with an attitude.

"Watch it, Aphmau. You seem to forget whose hands your life lies in."

"You wouldn't kill me."

"You're right. I wouldn't. But I can think of people in this forest who would if they found you, so don't push your luck." Aaron ran his hands through Aphmau's hair.

"You don't sound very threatening when you act like this." Aphmau said, blushing as his other hand moved up and down her back lightly, making Aphmau shutter at his touch.

"Oh, really now?" Aaron answered, loosening his grip around her waist. He reached his hand into his pocket and pulled out his dagger. Aphmau pushed him back, breaking free from his grip.

"Y-You just carry t-that around with you?! I thought you kept in under your pillow or on the table!" Aphmau said, looking between the dagger and Aaron.

"Wrong. I keep it where I need it." Aaron corrected, still holding the dagger at his side.

"So you planned what happened earlier..." Aphmau sounded almost disappointed. She thought that Aaron genuinely had feelings for her.

"Planned what?"

"Don't play dumb. You know what." Aphmau was kind of hurt by him not seeming to care at all.

"Are you talking about when I kissed you?"

"Don't act like that."

"Like what?"

"Like it was just a kiss. It was more then that and you know it..." Aphmau looked away from him, starting to get angry.

"I never said it wasn't more then a kiss." Aaron said. Taking a coupled steps closer. He put his dagger back into his pocket, slipping his hands in his pockets as well. Aphmau turned away, crossing her arms and looking down.

"You're so sensitive... If it makes you feel better, I actually didn't plan any of it. I only had the dagger there because you slept on the same balcony as me."

"Oh, that makes me feel alot better! You had a knife under your pillow because I was up there! Because if I just randomly attacked you, you would have your oh so precious knife!" As Aphmau spoke, Aaron walked closer to her, causing Aphmau to walk backwards to keep him away.

"Do you just have fun playing with my emotions? I can't believe I fell for your games." Aphmau hit the wall and stopped, not caring anymore. Aaron was right in front of her.

"You're just trying to use me to replace your dead girlfriend!" Aphmau yelled, anger overwhelming her. Aaron smacked her across her face and she fell to the ground. Aaron stared at her in controlled anger as Aphmau sat there for a moment, then started crying quietly. Aaron sighed, his anger subsiding, and bent down. Aphmau did everything in her power to keep herself from looking at him. He grabbed her chin and forced her to face him, but she refused to look at him. He pushed her down on her back and sat on top.

"Aphmau, look at me." Aaron said plainly. Aphmau refused, turning her face away. He grabbed her neck gently and turned her face toward him.

"Look at me." Aaron said once more in a more commanding tone. Aphmau flinched, and opened her eyes slowly, wanting so badly to close them and then wake up somewhere else, away from Aaron. He looked into her eyes for a moment, then he quickly smashed his lips against hers, earning a shocked expression from Aphmau. Aphmau didn't understand what he wanted from her. Aphmau slowly closed her eyes, but didn't kiss back. Aaron pulled away for air.

"I don't understand you..." Aphmau murmered, tears still streaming down her cheeks. Aaron buried his head in the crook of her neck. Aphmau could feel him breathing on her neck heavily.

"..." Aaron said nothing

"Aaron... do you have... feelings for me?" Aphmau asked, afraid if the answer.

"..." He said nothing once more

"So now you're going to ignore me?" Aphmau asked. Aaron sighed, pulling away to look into her eyes.

"You get one question."

"Do you have feelings for me?"

"You can't ask that."

"Why not?" Aphmau asked, annoyed.

"Because, even if you do, I'm not going to answer."

"Does that mean you do like me?"

"No. It could mean alot of things. Including that I just want to mess with you." Aaron smirked and Aphmau growled, looking away.

"Fine. Why did you ask me to shoot you?" Aphmau asked. Aaron looked away for a moment, then looked back at her. He got off her and she sat up next to him, still being cautious of him.

"I wanted to see if you would have the guts to do it." Aaron asnwered.

"And what if I did?" Aphmau wasn't sure if he was telling the truth or if he was lying.

"Then one of us would be dead." Aaron answered.

"Now I know you're lying! You wouldn't just let me kill--"

"Are you so sure?" Aaron stared at Aphmau with a serious look. His eyes were empty and emotionless.

"W-What...?" Aphmau said, a little scared.

Aphmau moved away from him quickly, backing into the wall. Aaron stared for a little longer, but then got up, walking towards Aphmau's clothes. He picked them up and threw them towards Aphmau, then he climbed the balcony and disappeared.

¤Katelyn's house
Phoenix Drop¤

"Sugar Pee! I'm going over to Sylvanna's house!" Katelyn's dad called.

"Okay, Dad." Katelyn answered. Katelyn was busy researching Mt. Alliance.

"I can't sit by for you Aphmau. I've kept where you've been a secret long enough. I have to go after you..."



Check out Aphmau's WattPad!
Check out Aphmau's YouTube Channel!

Check out the game that inspired me to make this story!
"Life Is Strange"

Writer of this chapter:
You guys should know by now that I'm too lazy.....

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