Twisted games (Michael Jackso...

נכתב על ידי MJsGirl1987

40.3K 1.4K 537

After a random meeting backstage before an interview Michael Jackson befriends 17 year old Faith Owens. The d... עוד

The games begin
Phone call
Interview/kind of
Can't stop thinking of you
It's a date x
Can I trust you?
Home Alone
Just friends
Playing games
Guilty pleasure
Too Close
Happy birthday Pt.1
Happy birthday Pt.2
The girl is mine
Walk Away
The perfect image
Just for show
Prom night
Playing with the press
Double lives
Family tree
Apart of me
Bail out
The truth Pt.1
The truth Pt.2
Other side Pt.1
Other side Pt.2
Meet the family
Special place
Tell her
Real love
Family time
Mind games
Someone's watching
Won't let go
Tip off
The truth
Accept it
Let me go
moving on
Moving on
Precious gift
Change of heart
Secrets and lies
Better off
Let me explain
please Listen
who am I?
Last supper
God's will
New start
lies and secrets
Better late than never
Double crossed
Game over


295 14 14
נכתב על ידי MJsGirl1987

Michael's POV

I wake up smiling, feeling Faith gently playing with my curls, while she's asleep in my arms. It's moments like this I missed the most. She was only gone about a week, but I felt so lost without her. I could barley sleep or think about anything else, even when I was at the studio which I barely went to while she was gone because I couldn't concentrate or think about but anything, but her and now she's finally home and back in my arms things couldn't be more perfect for me.

I'm lay watching Faith sleeping and she sighs contently as in press my lips tenderly against hers "I love you" I smile as she opens her beautiful brown eyes "I love you too" she smiles back and I pull her into me tighter cherishing the moment.


Julies POV

I get the studio where I'm making an appearance to help promote the new series of teen mom and Dave the producer walks over to greet me "hey, it's nice to see you again" he smiles "nice to see you again too" I smile back and he looks around confused "Is Faith not here yet?"

"umm. No actually its just going to be me. Faith's spending some time with her father" I fake a smile. "I thought your husband lived with you both" he frowns confused "he does" I lie"he's just been working alot lately so him and Faith wanted to spend some time together while he's got the day off. "she could do that after the show. There's no reason she shouldn't be here. If Faith isn't here by the time we start then we'll have to continue without you" he shrugs with a pissed off look on his face.


"but nothing" he cuts me off "the whole point of todays show is to get the thoughts on the teenagers that were raised by teen moms. How exactly can you do that without your daughter?" He looks at me stupidly "give Faith a call at tell her to hurry up and get here" he sighs walking away.

It doesnt suprise me that Faith had been sneaking around and still having contact with the Jackson's because she always has been a sneaky little bitch, but I am surprised the way she just packed up and left like that without a word. She literally waited until I was out of the house then packed up and left without a word and she knows there's nothing I can do about it, which shows what a selfish, ungratful little brat she really is. If it wasn't for me she would be a nobody.

I call Faith and it take a few rings and she finally picks up. "mom of you've called to go on at me don't bother because...."

"no. I haven't I'm not going yell at you" I say softly trying to act as nice as possible so I can get her here "then what do you want?"

"I'm at the studio and everybody's waiting for you, the shows gonna start soon and..."

"well it'll have to go on without me and....stop!" I hear hear giggling and a familiar voice in the background. "are you with Michael!?" I frown "I've made other plans so I'm not go be doing the show" Faith says ignoring my question. "Faith! You can't just not show up! You signed a contracted so unless you get here soon you can get sued and how that gonna look? And nobody will hire you for...."

"don't worry about all that" Michael cuts into the call "Uncle Michael's gonna take good care you" I hear him moan into the back ground. "your a sick fuck Michael! And you won't get away with this! You know that!?" I snap disgusted at the thought of the two of them being together "your a disgusting perverted little freak! And Faith! your just as dirty and..."

"I gotta go... Something's came up" Faith giggles then hangs up.

I stand staring at my phone in utter disgust and I hear Dave call my name and turn seeing him walking back down the hall "we start in 15 minutes. is she coming?"

"she's trying her best, but I don't think she's gonna get here on time, but..."

"then you may as well go home" he shrugs disappointed "if Faith's not coming then there's no need for you to be here"

"fine" I sigh annoyed "just give me my check and.."

"I'm not paying you. You haven't done anything" he frowns "because your sending me home! You can't not pay me! We signed a contract and I'm here and..."

"and Faith's not" he cuts me off again "the contract said you and Faith so without her then your not getting a penny"


"No Faith, no check" he shrugs and turns walking away from me


Faiths POV

"I'm taking you to a doctor" Michael says coming into the bathroom with a glass of water "I'm fine" I groan getting up from the toilet after puking yet again. "I'm fine it's just a bug" I shrug "baby, this has been gonna on for weeks now. Bugs shouldn't last this long. You even missed you period this month. There could be something really wrong" he says concerned" that happens sometimes when your sick and..."

"and you've been sick for weeks now so where going to the doctor.. today"

"I can't I have to go to school to speak to the principle about my online classes and..."

"this afternoon then" he cuts me off "fine. But he's just gonna say it's a bug, so it's a waste of time" I sigh rolling my eyes "well then there's nothing to worry about when he tells us that" he smiles pulling me close to him and kisses my temple.

I really wish Michael would quit worrying so much. I already told him I have a stomach bug and that's exactly what the doctor will tell him too. Even though I don't actually need a doctor to tell me I have a bug (which I already know) I agreed to go with Michael to the doctors anyway because he's very stubborn and will just keep going on about it until I eventually give in anyway.


I get to the School and as I'm walking down the hall I see Kylee coming toward me "does this mean your back? Or is this dump still not good enough for you?" she shrugs coldly "I just needed to talk to the principle about something. What's wrong with you?" I frown confused to why she's being such a bitch "well.. My so called friend just up'd and left without a word to go hang out with celebrities and sing charity songs and hasn't bothered to call me in weeks"

"you heard about that" I scrunch my face completely forgetting I hadn't told her "heard about it!? The whole fucking school knew and I had to hear it from some girls talking in the bathroom. Why haven't you called me?"

"I'm sorry. I've had alot of stuff going on and it's not like you tried to call me either" I shrug "that's because when I'm not at this dump I'm working to pay for my baby. Incase you forgot I'm pregnant"

"yeah, I can see that" I say sarcastically seeing her growing baby bump "how is that my fault you've had to get a job?"

"because if you'd helped me get on that teen mom show like I asked you. I wouldn't have to work a shitty job and..."

"don't blame me! Your the one that got yourself knocked up!" I snap getting really pissed "only because you were supposed to as well. We made a pact remember and.. "

"oh my god! Will you quit with that stupid pact shit! We were drunk and high and you were the one going on about it not me. Don't blame me because you decided to fuck every guy that looked at you and now you probably don't even know who the baby daddy is" I shrug with and attitude and out of nowhere she lunges at me and a whole bunch of people come over to help. I could have easily took her myself, but I wasn't about to hit someone that's pregnant. Even if she is being a bitch.

Three teachers rush over and manage to drag her off me, but she still manages to push me hard before they had a full grip of her and I fall hitting my side into a locker. "fighting again I see Miss Owens" I hear a deep voice say and I turn seeing the principle who looks pissed.


Jackie's POV

I'm in the kitchen fixing something to eat and somebody starts pounding on my door. "what the fuck do you want!?" I snap opening the door to Julie. "why the fuck would you do that!?" She snaps and I look at her confused "why would you file for custody of Faith so she can go live with Michael, because I know she is!"

"Faith lives here with me" I lie "so how come when I called her she was with him!?"

"she probably went to visit him. She's 17 she can come and go as she pleases. She's not harming anyone" I shrug "such a caring father" she says sarcastically "she's been here a day and you already have no idea where she is! And she was supposed to be at the studio this morning which she didn't turn up for and..."

"that's not my problem. Faith is 17 almost 18 if she doesn't wanna go on a talk show that's her business. I'm not gonna make her do shit! Now leave" I snap "I'm not leaving until I've seen her. I wanna know what fuck she's playing at losing me a job like that! This is the second time that half breed little mongrel has lost me a..."

"did you really just say that?" I cut her off shocked by her comments "what kind of mother calls their daughter that!?"

"I- I didn't mean tha..."

"and you actually have the nerve to call her and Michael sick!? We have a beautiful, smart and kind hearted daughter you've had 17 almost 18 years to be a loving and caring mother to her and you've done nothing but use her like she's your personal cash machine and put her down and make her feel worthless every chance you get and you wonder why she couldn't wait to get away from you!"

"that's not true!" She shakes her head "yes it is! Faith's not a meal ticket for you to cling onto that five minutes of fame you once had because that's all this is about and you know it! Faith has never meant shit to you and now she's finally back with her real family where she should have always been and actually gets the love and respects she deserves"

"I'm her mother I am her real family" she frowns "and I'm her father and as her father I'll do whatever it takes to stop you hurting and taking advantage of her anymore. You had you chance and you blew it!"

"your not gonna get away with this. I'm gotta make sure I destroy each and every one of you Jackson's and..."

"goodbye Julie" I roll my eyes getting bored with the conversation and go back inside not waiting for a reply.


Michael's POV

"someone's in a great mood today" Quincy smiles "we've even got some work done!"

"that's because Faith's home" I smile "for good!?" He widens his eyes and I nod "mhm. She moved back yesterday" I smile "how did you manage that? Didn't Julie ban her from seeing you or something?" He frowns confused "that's not important" I shrug I still haven't told Quincy everything about me and Faith. I know I can trust him and he hasn't told anyone about me and Faith dating while she's still only 17, but I still haven't told him 'everything' because just like everybody else, I have no idea how he's going to react when he finds out Faith's my niece. I will tell him eventually because pretty soon everybody will know. But right now I'm just happy Faith's home and don't want the drama of everybody throwing their opinions at me.


I left the studio a little early so I can take Faith to see a doctor. I know she's probably right and just has a bug, but I'd feel alot better having a doctor confirm it.

Faith gets homes and I can see by the look on her face she's seriously pissed. "what happened?"

"Kylee happened!" She snaps and starts telling me (ranting) what happened "and she pushed you into a locker!?"

"well she pushed me when the teachers grabbed her and I fell back.. But she still pushed me! And she's so lucky she's knocked up!" She frowns "come here" I say softly pulling her in for a hug and flitches slightly holding her side "what's wrong?" I frown confused lifting her shirt slightly to see "nothing it's..."

"what the fuck is this that!?" I frown cutting her off seeing  a huge bruise across her side. "it's fine. It's just where I fell into the locker"

"we're going to the hospital" I say grabbing my keys "it's just a bruise" she shrugs "Faith, your clearly in pain. I'm taking you to the hospital" I say sternly and she nods not bothering to protest this time.


"all this really isn't necessary. It's just a bruise, all I need some some painkillers and I'll be fine" Faith says as the doctor is examining her. "the injury on your side is, but you said you've been ill for awhile too" the doctors says "it's just a bug" she roll her eyes "well let's just take a look to make sure" he smiles at Faith then starts doing a scan of inside her stomach. "we can go soon" I smile at Faith seeing how irritated she's getting. then turn to look at the screen to see what the doctors doing. "what's wrong?" Faith asks noticing my sudden silence "um....." I mumble still staring at the screen


Faith's POV

"w-what is it?" I ask getting a little worried by the way Michael is silently staring at whatever's on the screen "well... It would appear that the reason you've been having so much nausea is because your pregnant" the doctor tells me and just like Michael I go completely silent for a moment "c-can you check again?" I stutter "I'm pretty certain" the doctors says and I shake my head "are you sure?" I ask still in disbelief this is happening "I'll give you a moment" the doctor says softly and leaves the room.

"Maybe it's a cyst or something" I turn to Michael. "I don't think cysts have a head" he says, still looking at the screen "or arms... Or legs... that's baby" he smiles turning to me "look" he says pointing at the screen then wraps his arms around me "That's our baby" he smiles excitedly

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