Royalty (Harry Styles AU) / #...

By snapbackharry94

41.6K 1.4K 235

Prince Harry did not want a wife. He was happy bedding the women of the kingdom without a care. But when Prin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14*

Chapter 13

2.1K 94 18
By snapbackharry94

One month until their wedding. It was absolute insanity, how far they had come. And even more so, to Eleanora, how hectic wedding planning actually is. Her eyes were sore from looking over decorations and cheeks from smiling, being the best host she could to people visiting to give their finest decor options.

White tablecloths and ribbons, curtains and napkins were strewn all over the ball room, even now setting up for the pre-wed ball. Eleanora and Anne did have fun of course, trying out dishes for the cook to see what would be served at the wedding and pre-wed ball which happened to be tonight.

But after trying the 6th cake flavor, a thick red velvet she was starting to feel a bit sick. She hadn't seen much of Harry in the past week, only during meals and bed. They still cuddled in the morning and had little spats about this and that, but besides that they were good. And right now she wanted to curl up in his lap and let him rub her tummy, smell his minty scent and relax into him.

Anne noticed her longing glance towards the door and sighed. They had agreed on chocolate cake for tonight's ball already, so she had no reason to keep her.

"Go ahead, darling." She smiled kindly, gesturing to the door. Eleanora breathed a huge sigh of relief, kissing Anne on the cheek thankfully and walked briskly to Harry's office.

Inside of it, Harry was grumbling to himself about more threats being made to the kingdom. Of course he wasn't taking them very seriously, as they had been making them for months but at the same time, it spiked his anxiety. That, in top of the ball tonight and not having spent good time with Eleanora was weighing on him.

So it was obviously a breath of fresh air when she flounced in, turning to lock the door before scrambling up on his lap before curling into his form while he wrapped his arms tightly around her.

"What do I owe this absolute pleasure?" Harry hummed, hand stroking her hair gently as she sighed into his chest.

"Missed you a lot. And if I tasted more more slice of cake I think I would have been sick." She scrunched up her face while looking up at him, before it melted into a smile. Harry looked at her in a way that made her tummy warm. His eyes just gleamed when she did something he thought was even remotely cute.

"I missed you more, love. Trust me, I'd rather be with you and eating cake then doing this bullshit." He scoffed, closing the paper file to focus all his attention on her. "So tell me. Did you choose the strawberry? Because you know it's my favorite?" He gave er the puppy eyes that made her laugh. Her hand coming to squish his cheeks together while his lips did the fishy pout.

"Nope. Your mum and I wanted chocolate and what we say, goes." She smiled triumphantly while he pouted, groaning into her neck as he hugged her to his form.

"That isn't fair! You know how much I love the strawberry and you choose chocolate... The ladies coming will be watching their weight. Should have tricked them into eating the strawberry cake because it's a fruit flavor! Healthier!" He said, rambling on about the damn cake.

Eleanor kissed the tip of his big nose before cupping his face in her smaller hands. "My love, you do understand that it's just flavoring, right? It still has sugars and fats, just as chocolate does. But never matter that, nor the women watching their weight. You need to treat yourself every once in a while, and chocolate is the perfect way to do it." Her face was already determined so Harry, being the semi-aware man he was, just nodded.

"What dress are you wearing? You'll look beautiful in any, but my preference is the light blue. Shows off your gorgeous body very well." He smirked, hands resting on her hips. While staying with Harry and being happier she had gain a bit of weight, most of it going to her hips, thighs and boobs. She had a slight tummy as well but he loved it.

"Yes, that one. It was my favorite as well." Eleanora smiled brightly. Harry had been there when she chose dresses, letting him pick out some he liked as well for her to try on. Some were absolutely hideous, like a hot pink ruffle mess and a mustard yellow one with way too much tule. But there were some nice ones, the blue one being both of their favorite.

"But I just would like to sit with you until
It's time, if that's okay?@ she yawned slightly, resting her head on his chest. And Harry, who never denied of her almost anything, just nodded and let her fall asleep on his chest.


After being rudely awoken, Eleanora was a bit grumpy as she was being made up for the ball. She had slept for three hours on Harry's chest, catching up on some well deserved sleep when his advisor came in and said it was time to get ready.

Music could already be heard, even in their quarters. The dress was on and now her makeup was being applied and hair done, soft bouncy curls with a braid crown. Of course her tiara was placed on as well.

"Absolutely breathtaking ." Mara smiled, taking for a look at their work. And Harry had to agree. Walking in he felt almost kicked in the gut, seeing how truly beautiful his soon to be wife was. She was an angel, /his/ angel sent down to make him the best man he could possibly be.

"Hello, my beauty." He greeted politely as the staff left the room, guard outside ready to escort them down. As soon as the door was closed, Harry's mouth pressed against hers in a hot kiss, tongue sliding into her mouth. Eleanora returned it as soon as the shock wore off, gasping as he pressed her against the wall.

"God... You are the biggest blessing. So beautiful." He growled against her lips. Hands gripping at her bum through the dress making her whimper happily. Though she was a strong woman in every sense of the word, Eleanora did love it when Harry manhandled her like this.

A giggle rose to the air, her arms around his neck as they caught their breath. "Down boy! If you're good during the ball and let us go, so we aren't late... I'll let you touch me. Give us a special treat after." She compromised. Well, it wasn't really a compromise as she wanted it as well. She just wanted to tease him.

Harry whined in protest, wanting so badly to scoop her up and rip that dress off, worship her Body and make her moan his name.. But the promise of a special treat later on kept him from acting upon his wishes, kissing her cheek as he grumbled, leading her down the stairs. This should be... Interesting.


The ballroom was laden in beautiful fabrics and musical floated the air. People dancing, socializing and laughing as they sipped drinks was what Eleanora was observing. A hand slipped around her waist causing her to jump, calming a bit when she saw it was only her husband to be.

"Alright my love?" He murmured, kissing her cheek. The whole damn night he had been teasing her. Hand sliding down a bit too low, whispering cheeky things, even about how he was going to touch her later on... She was going to kill him.

"If you keep touching me like that and giving me those... Those eyes, I'll kill you myself with the butter knives." She grumbled, which only made Harry laugh loudly and pull her closer.

Harry went to respond but was interrupted by a voice that sent pins down his back. Fuck, why did she have to be here?

"Harry?" Julia said falsely sweet. Harry turned to her, straining a smile as he pulled Eleanora closer. Julia's eyes narrowed at his hand on her waist before pulling back to her false sweetness. "It's been a while! Who's this?"

Eleanora could tell this girl was trouble. Her red hair perfectly pinned and red dress clashed a bit, but the thing that made Eleanora a bit queasy was the way she looked at Harry. Her eyes eating him up like a piece of meat. But Harry was very obviously hers. This girl didn't seemed to care much about her, just doing it for pleasantries.

"This is my lovely fiancee, Eleanora." Harry smiled fondly, kissing her cheek softly. Julia cliched at that, hands fisting together.

"Oh, how... Lovely. Though I imagined with Harry someone a bit more..... More?" She said with a sickly sweetness that made Harry's grin look more like a grimace.

"I think she's more than enough for me, Julia. Why don't you find Adam yeah? You're engaged." It was a reminder as well as a threat. Julia had always been trying to get into Harry's bed, and while before he would have taken anything and anyone, he never let Julia in. She just rubbed him the wrong way.

Julia's face went cold. "Very well. Nice to see you Harry.... Eleanora." She snarled, sashaying away.

Once she was away Eleanora let out a sigh of relief, sagging into Harry's body. "Let's sneak out of here."


The dress was thrown to the opposite side of the room, now just in her bra and panties while Harry's shirt was unbuttoned, pants at his ankles while he kicked them off.

As soon as they had gotten upstairs they had attacked each other. While they couldn't have full fledged sex until their marriage day, they would do just about any and everything the could besides that.

"Come here, fuck." Harry said pulling her back on top of him after she had slid off her panties. Their breathing was heavy, Harry's cock hard as a rock and Eleanora's panties soaked.

She sat on top of him, rocking her hips. Slowly, back and forth she teased him while her clit got the friction from his cock. "Oh... Harry." She moaned softly, brown curls sliding down her shoulder as she looked at him.

This was the most beautiful sight Harry had ever seen. Her lips were swollen and red, face flushed a beautiful pink and eyes bright and sparkly. Eleanora was truly the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

"Move just like that baby, a little faster." Harry grit, his teeth clenched together as she moved on top of him. He couldn't help but think of what it would be like when they finally did have sex, when she would ride him like this some nights, maybe even in his office chair between duties. God, life would be sweet with her.

He could feel the heat expanding in his stomach, as could she as she moved desperately now, grinding over him fast. "Harry, I love it, fuck. Want you inside of me soon." She whimpered, nibbling on his ottom lip.

"God, me too. Soon angel. Soon." He promised, hands on her arse to help move her and help her.

"I'm- I'm gonna-" Eleanora couldn't finish her sentence as she came, legs shaking. A few more sloppy thrusts up against her cunt and he was coming as well, making a mess of his underwear.

It was a beautiful quiet. The only sounds the soft music from the ball that leaked through the halls and their breathing.

"I don't know what I would do without you. But I'm sure glad I'll never have to know."

Hey loves! Please make sure to leave feedback. I'll update again with 20 votes and 10 comments on this chapter! I love the support I've been getting on this story and my other one. Thanks so much for reading and supporting.

Xox A

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