Saving Sebastian

By thegreeneyedwriter

3.9K 449 207

"I don't need saving." He spit at the ground. I had never met anyone like Sebastian. "We're friends, whether... More

Authors Note
01 - Game time
02 - Rude apple
03 - Partners
04 - Hopeless
05 - There you are
06 - Surprises?
07 - Odd Friendships
08 - Bonfires
09 - Strange feelings
10 - Monday funday
11 - Fireworks
Authors note #2
12 - Birthday boy?
13 - Chocolate smiles
14 - Restless sleepers
15 - Overwhelming feelings
16 - Perfect imperfections
17 - What is love?
18 - Hopeful hearts
19 - Truth be told
20 - And then, there was one.
21 - Rain is a blessing

22 - Endings

131 19 11
By thegreeneyedwriter

{THIS IS THE FINAL CHAPTER OF SAVING SEBASTIAN! More info will be posted down below and in an authors note that I will be uploading around the same time as this chapter! Enjoy!}

Aria Watson:

I hold my umbrella over my head, praying the rain won't soak me. Although it has died down a bit, it is still coming down hard. I take a deep breath as I walk up his driveway.

I grip onto my back pocket, double checking if my phone was still in place. I begin to take smaller and smaller steps as I walk up the front porch. Here it goes, Aria.

Come on. You didn't walk all this way for nothing.

I channel my rapid increase in breathing and ring the doorbell. I wait for a few seconds, tapping my feet to the pitter-patter of the rain.

The door opens slowly, revealing little Sara. My heart breaks at the sight of her. Her smile is so large and full of hope. If only I could be as young and joyful as she was.

"Aria!" She gasps, wrapping her small arms around around my waist. I pat her back and smile.

"Um, hey Sara," I half-smile. "Is Seb-Sebastian home?" I ask

Her expression falls. She shakes her head, taking a step back into the house. "No, he went out. Daddy's taking a shower," She states.

"Do you know where he went?" I ask hopefully.

She nods. "He said the field, wherever that is!" She chuckles. "He keeps disappearing, but then he comes back," She smiles.

My smile wavers at the thought of Sebastian leaving for good. Like his mother, gone. I shake my head. "Thanks, Sara. I should get going," I give her a quick pat on the head.

She giggles slightly. "Bye, Bye Aria!" She smiles, and shuts the door.

I shut my eyes tightly and swallow hardly. The soccer field. I adjust my top and continue walking up the street.

    Luckily, Sebastian's house isn't too far from the school so I don't have that much of a walk. My heart speeds a little faster with every step I take. After a while, I'm able to see the school at the top of the street.

     The butterflies begin to swarm in my stomach. I pray that he's still their, if not, I'm never going to have the chance to talk to him. My breathing gets heavy by the time I reach the school.

    I begin towards the back and at this point, I feel sick. I stop in front of the field. The green grass is still damp, the bleachers shine from the light reflecting off of them. The moon is full, and the sky is black.

    I carefully walk onto the field, my eyes immediately landing on a boy. He's dressed in black shorts, a black hoodie and black and white runners. It reminds me of the day I first met him.

    His back is turned to me. He kicks the ball powerfully, almost angrily into the net.

    I carefully walk towards the bleachers, sitting at the very top. I shift down to get a view of his side profile. His expression is blank, yet his posture is full of frustration. His earbuds are in, his phone tucked into his pocket.

    He has no one, he blocks out the world with those earbuds.

    He shoots a ball to the net with so much power, it looks as if it hurt. I jump from my feet. "And the crowd goes wild! Ahh!!" I cheer, doing a small dance.

    He snaps his head at me. His expression is now soft. "Aria?" He says so quietly it sounds like a whisper.

    I swallow hardly. "Sebastian."

    I carefully walk off of the bleachers. My feet sink into the wet grass as I make my way towards Sebastian. My heart is now pounding at one hundred miles per hour. I finally reach where he is standing. He stares at me, does nothing, says nothing.

    Don't think, just speak.

    "So, here's the thing," I begin. "You drive me absolutely insane. Seriously, I'm going crazy. All I can think about from the moment I wake up, is you. You and your anger issues, the way you kiss, your smile, your frown, your tears, your words, the way your hair looks in the morning, that goofy look on your face when you joke around with me, everything about you drives me nuts! And you want to know what I'm really upset with!?" I take a breath.

   He nods slowly, still speechless.

   "From the moment you left, it felt like I had no one. And I know for a fact you were alone," I drop my head.

    He doesn't say anything. He opens his mouth to speak, then closes it. We stand in front of each other, nothing is said, nothing is happening. I want to speak, but I'm not sure what to say.

    I'm also not sure if it's the silence, or the tension that is building up in the air. "Why are you here, Aria?" He asks softly.

     I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding."Because, I am in love with every single piece of you. Sitting on those bleachers, watching you with your earphones in, blocking out the world. God, that hurt. I knew you were exactly where you started. Without me. I don't want to ever see you like that again, because I want to always be with you. Even if this is just a faze, or it won't last forever, I - I -"

     "I am madly in love with you, right now," He smiles.

    "So, do you think we can try that kiss thing, again?" I smile.

    He cups my cheeks in his hands. "I thought you'd never ask,"

    I crash my lips on top of his, kissing him as if he was about to fade away. I tangle my fingers in his chocolate brown hair. His hands snake around my waist. He pushes me closer towards him as the kiss deepens.

    I kiss him with everything I have and he doesn't let a second go to waist. The passion grew stronger and stronger in the kiss. And then, I feel a drop on my head. Then another, then another. I release from our kiss and look up at the night sky.

   Rain. I laugh loudly at the scene. Soon we are both laughing through our kisses.

    Whoever you are; A jock, a misfit, a band geek, a princess, a loner, or even a soccer player, you have to search and work for love. It may take a few tries, you may not even realize you feel it. However, once you do, it makes life one hundred times more beautiful.

    "What are you doing?" Sebastian asks.

    "What do you mean? I'm writing for our readers!" I laugh.

    "Readers? What readers?"

    "Never mind, just go to sleep and feed the fish,"

   "Yeah, about that.."


                     THE END.


   Haha, sorry about the end guys, I was just messing around. Anywho, SAVING SEBASTIAN IS OVER :(

   Yes, this is officially the end. Hope you enjoyed reading, love you all!


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