Let's Fix This

By Geeki_

52.3K 2.5K 1.7K

Charlotte's parents have a fight and decide to get a divorce. The only person truly left for her is uncle. In... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Tagging Thingy
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Big Ole Author's Note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Another One(A/N)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Check My Author's Note)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Author's Note
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 22

1.2K 60 70
By Geeki_

It took us a little while to get passed security check because Ron was flirting with a gay security lady, but we finally made it to Margaritaville and we are seated and looking over the menu. I took this small time to look over our outfits, we all did look pretty nice. First, I checked myself. 

It's a really good thing that I can throw an outfit together and still look cute. I began playing with my hair until I felt a hand bring mine out of my hair. I knew it was Henry so I guess it's time to drool over his fine ass.

It's so damn casual but passes for a date night type of attire. How he pulls it off, the world may never ever know. I smile at him and he just winks at me then goes back to looking at the menu in front of him. I stop staring at him and peer over my menu at Ron and Dad. 

(A/N Yeah there's 3 outfits, but only need the first two. Ron is wearing the 'Meet the Parents' outfit while Derek - Charlotte's Dad - is wearing the 'First Date at Bar' outfit.)

I guess we all do clean up pretty nice. I move my hand up to start playing with my hair again until I feel someone's eyes on me. I look up to see it's actually Dad.

"What's wrong with your hair?" Dad asks. I bring my hand down, I was only pulling some strands out of my pony tail more.

"Nothing I just, I don't know." I say.

"Just put it down if you want." Ron inputs. We all look at him like he's lost his mind. 

"What? Did I miss something?" He asks innocently. We all groan. 

"Ron, I think you've noticed that all girls hair isn't the same. Charlotte doesn't have the type of hair that's going to fall how she wants it." Dad explains but Ron still looks lost.

"Dear lord Ron, if I take it out of the ponytail it'll only loosen but I'll look like a mad scientist. I have to style my hair which takes too much time and is the reason why I barely change it." I explain but Ron doesn't seem to get it.

"It's thick and practically unmanageable. Her hair is a whole 'nother dead living being. It's not nappy just literally has a mind of its own. Putting it down requires a comb, brush, moisturizer and gel just to touch up the final look." Henry says and I nod. 

"Ohh, I get it. All you had to say was she doesn't have white people hair, I can pick up on stuff like that." Ron says and I just sigh. 

"You still would have been lost." Dad comments.

"Yeah but we could have eliminated at least one explanation if you'd started with that." Ron says and the waitress approaches us before those two fools engage in another argument.

"Heya, I'm Mary and I'm your hostess for the night. What can I get you to drink?" Mary says her eyes sweeping over all of us but I caught the lingering look she gave Henry. Oh fuck me. 

"Can I have a Strawberry Daiquiri?" Ron says but asks. Mary nods and jots it down. 

"Chocolate Banana Colada please." Dad says. That sounds weird. 

"Can I have the house made Strawberry Lemonade please?" I say and Mary scribbles it down. I see the pressure she's putting on that pen. This bitch don't even like me and all I did was ask for a drink. I smiled at her ass when she greeted us and for all she knows Henry could be my cousin or my brother. 

"And I'll try a Non-alcoholic Raspberry Daiquiri. Thanks." Henry says and she smiles widely and him then prettily jots down his drink. Fucking hoe. 

"Alright, I'll be right back with your drinks. Will you all be ready to order by then?" She asks smiling devilishly at me. I just put on a thinking face and glance over the menu. 

"Yeah that'll be good thanks Mary." Henry comments as she walks away. I feel something poke me and I jump. 

"What the hell?" I say and I glare accusingly at Ron and Henry. Ron puts his hands up so I glare at Henry.

"You're doing pretty good." Henry comments and I instantly know what he's talking about. I raise my eyebrow at him just in case.

"I know when a girl is flirting with me, she kept smiling at me and her eyes lingered on me. She's going to pull a sly move just to let you know." He says hurriedly. I keep my eyebrow raised. How does he know what she's going to do? Just like that Mary comes back, handing Henry his drink first and mine last. She hands us all our straws and I notice Henry's is already in his drink so he doesn't need one. 

"I'll be back to take your order in say 2 minutes." She says but not before accidentally touching Henry's shoulder.

"Sorry sir." She smiles at him and he just fake smiles.It's one of those I'm-smiling-but-you're-annoying-me smiles. She must think its real because I catch the quick wink she sends him.

"Atta boy, getting the girls." Ron comments once she's far away. Dad smacks him.

"Ouch, stop hitting me, why'd you hit me Derek?" Ron whines.

"Henry doesn't want to get girls and you'll make things worse with your big mouth." Dad answers while Ron just shrugs. Clueless Ron. Henry hands me his straw, his second straw and I take it. He glances down at it then me, he want me to look at his straw what the fuck? It's a straw, he can just throw it away. He huffs and snatches it out of my hand then puts it right in front of my face. I jolt back so I can see. There's a fucking phone number on the straw. This fucking bitch. I snatch the straw and crumble it up.

"I told you." He says in that annoying know-it-all voice.

"Shuttup." I lowly growl at him. I didn't even try to separate the two words. I keep a smile plastered on my face as Mary skips her happy ass back over here.

"You guys ready to order?" She asks and we all nod.

"Yes'm, I'll be having the Grilled Chicken Sandwich." Ron says.

"I'll have the Crispy Coconut Shrimp." Dad says.

"I'm ordering two things the Surf & Turf and a Cheddar BBQ Burger." Henry says and Mary writes it down.

"Babe, tell Mary what you want." Henry says to me and the first thing that comes to mind is to tell that bitch that Henry is mine and she needs to move before I tear her ass a new one. 

"I'll have a Cheddar BBQ Burger too, thank you." I say politely and Mary glares at me. I see her jaw is clenched and she angrily scribbles down what I want. 

"Be out shortly with your food." She smiles sadistically. If this bitch spits in my food, oooo I swear.

"You handled that better than we all thought you would. Your control is improving." Dad comments. 

"I didn't want to give her any further reasons to spit in my food." I say after making sure she's out of hearing range. Everyone laughs at my comment. 

"Oh and babe? Are you two like-?" Dad asks and Ron leans in as if we're discussing something top secret. We both shake our heads.

"Aw fuck, hurry up then!" Ron says and Dad glares at him while Ron just pouts.

"No more hitting please, I'm all banged up." Ron says and I laugh this time. I calmly drink my drink and the others do too. Damn, this is some good ass strawberry lemonade.

"Trade?" Henry asks and I nod. We switch drinks. I try his and it's pretty good. I nod my head in satisfaction. I look over to see Henry is downing my drink. I hit his arm.

"Boy! You have your own here!" I yell at him not too loudly though. He stops drinking my lemonade and laughs.

"Damn that was good." He says and I nod my head.

"Yeah I know cause its mine, give it back." I demand and we switch back. I cover my drink with my arm this time. Soon an average height Asian male arrives with our food.

"Sorry, this took kinda long, we caught your waitress trying to sabotage your food. We apologize if she did anything out of line she has been fired. Oh and you don't have to get jealous, I'm in a happy relationship with my wife." The guy says with a smile and then gives us all our food.

"Thanks Jawn." I say, reading his name tag. 

"You guys visit again." He says before disappearing.

"He was much nicer, Henry did you really have to order 2 things?" I ask him and he nods then gets to eating. I sip my lemonade and then pick up my burger to take my first bite. We all moan in satisfaction. This food is good as shit. Just then someone wraps their arms around Henry's neck. Someone who's crying and someone who tried to sabotage my food.

"Oh sir, she made me lose my job." Mary sobs on Henry's back. He swallows and unwraps her arms from his neck.

"Um Marly was it? I'm sorry but I don't think that's really any  of my problem." Henry says with great acidity in his voice. Yeah, you don't ever bother a man when he's eating. 

"Please help me." She pleads with a stupid,thin barely-there trembling bottom lip.  

"No you're pathetic, do you really think this will work? Plenty of girls have already tried, leave me." He growls out and everyone stares at us if there weren't all staring from her throwing herself at Henry. Instantly Mary's face changes, she's completely pissed. Okay wait, one thing at a time. Girls have done it before and still do it now, does that mean if we date someone will always try to get with MY MAN?

"Ugh, fuck you both." Marcy says as she turns and stomps off angrily. What if Henry gets tired of telling girls no? We're in a different state, a whole different side of the country and girls are staring at him. It'll never actually stop huh. I know what I have to do.

"You okay?" Ron asks pulling me out of my thoughts. I blankly nod and resume eating. The rest of the night I just nod and smile weakly. 


"We'll be home soon Ron." My dad soothes Ron who has been holding his stomach since we left.He's gotta go. I take a glance out the window and then back down at my phone. I've got a text from Henry. 

I open it to see it's blank. I glance over at him to see he's already been staring. I raise my eyebrow and he rolls his eyes at me.

"What is wrong with you?" He whispers softly even though I can tell he's about to explode. 

"I'm fine." I whisper back and he pinches the bridge of his nose. We eventually get home, Ron of course jumps out the car and goes straight to the bathroom by the foyer. We all go in heading upstairs to our respective sleeping quarters. As soon as I close the door I know I'm in for it. 

"What the fuck is wrong now?" Henry says clearly annoyed. I take a small breath.

"Girls are always going to be over you. I don't think we'll work out." I admit and Henry laughs. Is he seriously laughing? What the fuck? 

"Oh so this is funny?" I say with major attitude. Henry smirks and stops laughing. He frowns then grins devilishly, what is he? A maniac?

"You've managed to come up with a million excuses for why we won't work out. You want to know why we won't work out? You don't want us to. Every time I think I've made you forget you come back with something else. Just tell me you don't like me. That's it, I'm fucking wasting my time with you I knew it." Henry admits sadly with a smile on his face. Ouch, that hurts.

"How could you think I don't like you? How could you think I don't want us to work out? Why would I ever-?" I start.

"Because I know you and when you really want something you don't give a rat's ass about anything that might even come remotely close to you not having it. Yet you're worried about everything that will keep you from what you want? If this is something you want, why do you keep trying to push me away? If I am even something you want. Maybe you want to be chased, yes you're worth chasing but it's not fair to me. Why chase someone that doesn't want to be caught?" Henry spews and I just take it all in. He's right.

"I'm sorry." I say.

"I don't care. You're right, we won't work out. There will always be something that holds you back and quite frankly I hope when you finally get over it I'll have moved on already. I thought Bianca was bad but at least I knew she liked me, that never changed about her." Henry comments. He moves to the closets and pulls out the sheets he slept on last night. Did he really just?

"WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULD GO BE WITH HER THEN!" I yell out in frustration. Henry stops moving. He's near the door. 

"If this is your attempt at keeping me here, you better say something else quick." He warns lowly.

"FINE! YES I'M SCARED THINGS WON'T WORK OUT! I'm scared because I'm already feeling things that aren't signs of a typical crush and I don't want this to come crashing down in my face because of another, prettier girl or because my mom's a racist whore or even because we just fall out of love. I do want you and DAMMIT I WANT YOU SO MUCH I'M TOO SCARED TO LET MYSELF HAVE YOU!" I yell at him but he remains frozen.

"SO DON'T YOU LEAVE ME AT ALL!" I yell at him again. 

"Give me time." Henry says and my heart breaks.

"Oh, now you're the one who's got an excuse huh?" I spit before I could even stop myself. Henry sharply turns and glares at me.


"YOU WANT ME TO BE WITH YOU, WELL WHAT IF I DON'T WANT TO NOW? WHAT IF YOU'RE JUST TOO MUCH? " Henry just keeps yelling and yelling. I finally just start to push him to the door. Once we're close to the door, he turns and pins me against the door. There's so much anger in his eyes and it's all directed at me. I catch a murderous glint in there. 

"Move!" I whisper yell and he just smiles.

"MOVE! GET OFF ME!" I scream right in his face. He laughs.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He screams back and I freeze because he sounded so damn happy and evil. He raises his fist, I didn't even notice his hand was clenched. I squint my eyes knowing it was coming. At least if he hits me first I can go batshit crazy on his ass. I hear the doorknob turn and the pressure holding me down is gone. I open my eyes to find Henry is a good 3 feet away from me. 

"I would never want to hurt you and I can see I've done too much and as long as I know deep down that I have these anger outbursts I can't be with anyone, not even you. I'm sorry. I'm not leaving you because of anyone else but myself." He says softly, picking up his blankets he walks out the room. I almost want to cry. If he was afraid of hurting me then we could solve that together. He doesn't realize it but even if he did consider hitting me, he stopped himself. He didn't do it. I watch him walk away because maybe I was right. We can't be together, it wouldn't work out. Too many things are set up against us and I have a feelings things will always be that way. 

I guess we can just get over our feelings, it'll be hard but dealing with a broken heart now is better than dealing with a broken heart then. Even so, it hurts so fucking much. I feel worse than when my uncle died. I feel worse than when I found out Daddy wasn't perfect like I thought. I feel so bad that I stare in the mirror before picking up a razor and lifting it to my wrist, right where I know a vein is.

This is crazy, am I really that hurt to inflict physical pain on myself? Of course I am. I take a deep breath and one last look in the mirror.

Needless to say, things escalated very quickly tonight.

A/N Hey guys, I kind of want to do one of those "falling-in-love-with-my-bully" type of stories for Riele and Jace though. I'm still thinking about it and I guess I'll let you all know once I've made up my mind on that. But anyways this is ANOTHER ONE OF MY HUGE THANK YOU NOTES! ALL OF YOU ARE SO FUCKING AWESOME FOR READING, VOTING AND COMMENTING AND YOU MOST LIKELY THINK I'M NOT SO GREAT FOR WRITING THIS CHAPTER BUT THAT'S OKAY BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW ONE WAY OR ANOTHER I'LL MAKE UP FOR IT! MUCH LOVE, COOKIES AND DRINK LOADS OF KOOL AID!...... by the way I do realize this chapter may have sucked and things did get pretty serious pretty fast but for me this was a regular occurrence in a previous friendship/relationship so yeah that's kind of why it's like this because it's real. Everything can be so okay and great one moment then the next it's complete an utter shit. Sorry, I'm ranting! Looovvee you aalllll! 

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