The Magic Of Insanity (A Jeff...

By cupcaketwinkle101

5.1K 366 93

16 year old Hecate Blackwood does not seem like your typical 16 year old girl. Heck, I bet you expected me to... More

Before We Begin
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note (Name Change)
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
[Will be Discontinuing Book]

Chapter 12

148 16 1
By cupcaketwinkle101

Here's another update :) Hope you enjoy it.
It had begun to snow at one point during the night and heavy snow settled on the roof and window sills of the Blackwood's home. Frosty winds howled and blew hard against the window panes in it's icy tempest and while all this went on, Hecate sat up underneath her comforters- snug, warm and eyes trained intently on the flashlight-illuminated words of the book.

Entry #1

Dear Journal,
This is my very first entry as I have just received this journal today for my 16th birthday. I'm aware that the use of a magic journal is typically to store spells in and whatnot but I've always wanted something like a diary to record my thoughts and secrets in so that when I become old I will have them to look back on. I'm writing in this journal from the Hollowbrook Coven House, where my parents decided it was best to leave me while they remained at home. I can't say I hate it here (the classes and education are top notch and the teachers are really kind). However, it's been really lonely. I understand that many people find me intimidating. I have a supernatural amount of power for someone my age and my skills far surpass those of the other witches my age, so I believe this is the reason why other witches won't approach me and try to be friends. My parents brought me up with iron fists and taught me that friendship with anyone is never a necessity, only a want. I'd probably get a great deal of lashings if they found out I was moping over not having 'petty female company.' But they're not here. I am free of them. Having said that, I wish someone would try to be my friend. Even though I keep trying to push them away.

Hecate reread the first entry in slight disbelief. The Catherine she was seeing so far was much different from the Catherine she knew now. Elder Catherine was cold, ruthless and by far the most evil woman she had ever encountered. But the young Catherine on these pages seemed softer, more thoughtful and...

No. She wouldn't dare admit it to herself.

She decided that the particular entry hadn't given her a clue about the old woman so she continued on to the second one.

Entry #2

Dear Journal,

It's been a week since I've last written anything but I've been so busy with classes and practice. I've been getting better and better and the teachers are even considering accelerating me so I'll graduate from training early and join an official coven. I've been working extra hard so that this would be possible, so I'm sorry I haven't written lately. There's not much to say this time really... my parents came to visit. When they heard about how I was doing extraordinarily well, they didn't seem impressed. They just expressed that I've always been competent enough to succeed above others and that they didn't give birth to a fool. They were never the type to praise me for anything. They just spoke as if nothing less was expected and as if way more was  expected. It might be a while before I write again because I'm focusing wholeheartedly on my studies. Until next time.

That particular entry wasn't of much help to her either, and Hecate sighed before flipping the page to read the next entry.

What she read next unnerved her slightly.

Entry #3

Dear Journal,
A lot of things have happened in the course of these last two weeks. I've managed to skip a whole year of magic curriculum and I'm almost to the end of my Novice training. But I'll skip all those details and head right into the essence of things.

There's this girl.

Her name is Ernestine and she's in all of my classes. And I mean ALL OF THEM.

She's not very bright in our regular classes, like Arithmetic and Latin, but she's one hell of a witch. I was told she would possibly be my rival this coming year, but I doubt it. The thing that bothers me is that... she won't leave me alone.

She always follows me everywhere I go and she's overly friendly and annoying. She says she wants to be my friend but I'm not very sure. I know I said I didn't need any friends... but I have to admit I  wanted one desperately. But I'm not the friendly type, and I'm not sure how long anyone can be my friend before they realize that it's a horrible mistake.

Hecate turned to the next page quickly, not bothering to even entertain the realization that had sprouted within her mind.

Entry #4

Dear Journal,

I guess you could say that Ernestine and I are... friends now. I was expecting that if it did happen... it would happen gradually. Rather, it happened suddenly. She went missing one afternoon after classes, and I was forced to go look for her since everyone believed that we were friends. She was no where near the coven house and I was forced to do the forbidden and go into the woods. I found her propped against a tree, covering her ears and vomiting a vile black fluid. I yelled out her name and she looked up at me and warned me that something was coming closer. I was confused and annoyed at how helpless she was, but soon I began to feel sick as well. I heard crackling in my skull, like static, and I could barely stand up. I grabbed Ernestine by the hand and helped her up. This overwhelming static put us in no condition to use our magic. We turned to run back to safety but the sound of leaves crackling turned our attention behind us. There stood a tall, hideous creature with no face. It towered over us menacingly. The sickness was becoming more and more intense and it was becoming increasingly harder to stay conscious, much less to run away.

We both sank to our knees and the creature got closer and closer without having to even take a step. I suspected it was some sort of teleportation. My hand brushed against my pockets and I felt a small bottle which I pulled out swiftly. Thank the spirits, It was a speed potion. I wasn't sure it would work but it would have to do.  I drank the bitter liquid quickly and, sure enough, some strength returned to me. I picked up Ernestine, who by now had gone unconscious, and ran back to the house in the speed of light. We've been friends ever since.

I still can't help but feel that that creature let us go. I'd never seen anything like it, and we came to find out that the head witches and even the council knew nothing about it.


Hecate tried her hardest to surmise what importance could've came from the journal entries she had read so far. They all seemed to be recounting a time in the old woman's life, but so far it didn't seem helpful at all. Still, there were a lot more entries, and she had just brushed the surface of something that made her very uneasy.

Hecate threw off her covers and sat up in the dark with her flashlight in hand. Her eyes were heavy with sleep and she decided it would be best to get some rest. She closed the journal and held it to her chest tightly as she slept for the remaining 2 hours that she had left.

Thanks for reading this chapter. It was a bit of a filler but the other chapter will follow shortly :) Thanks for reading.

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