My brothers best friend is my...

By KamisamaKissFreak

179K 4K 250

Spencer is a werewolf living in a werewolf town. Her whole family is a werewolf. She's an average girl. She's... More

My brothers best friend is my mate!
I found my mate!
First fight
Pack business
Family affairs
Resolving the issue
Just us
We need to talk
I'm sorry
A newbie
Why? Just why?
The pain
The Battle
Negotiating (also last chapter)
Update on sequel


9.6K 199 8
By KamisamaKissFreak

Just as Kyle had said at night he gathered all the wolves in the pack and made the announcement that he was going to the eastern pack to settle things and find out why the wolf had attacked our own, a child no less. He announced that he was taking me and a few guard wolves but that was it. He explained that a small group was better and that he needed his trusted companions to stay behind to help the pack. The pack agreed but questioned my presence. Kyle explained that I was his mate and that our bonding ceremony was to be held on the next full moon. Which was in a month or so. I noticed that I had gained some supporters and friends from my fight with the enemy wolf to save the boy. The boy was overjoyed to see me and thus began my growing admiration. Not only was I some stupid unimportant, shameful half breed but now I was someone important, I was a hero, I was the alphas mate, I was considered part of the pack. Funny how things change in a matter of seconds. Packing a small bag of food and water we headed out toward the eastern border. We'd reach it in two days flat. After traveling for 6 hours Kyle made us rest for the rest of the night. Tomorrow at sunrise we'd start moving again. Setting up a fire we made our dinner and then the guards turned into wolf form and kept watch while the others slept. I curled up by the fire and sighed. I wish I could turn into a wolf and sleep comfortably on the ground with the warmth of my fur and the fire to keep me warm. "Spencer come here." Kyle's voice echoes through the woods and I sat up and looked at him. He was sitting over on the other side of the fire. He patted his lap, which was wide open and I knew what he meant. With no hesitation I scurried over to him and plopped myself on his lap, huddling into him to keep myself warm. Nights can get extremely cold out here in the woods. Kyle wrapped his arms around me and put his chin on the crook of my shoulder and neck. Leaning back in to him I smiled. This was nice. Me and Kyle having our bonding moment out here like this. The circumstances weren't ideal considering our motive for doing this but the memory will be locked in my heart forever. The way he's holding me as if I was the most fragile thing on the planet. The warmth he radiates off wrapped around me. His scent flooded my nose and made me feel safe. His breath coming out slow and relaxing, his heart beat slow and steady. It all calmed me and relaxed me. Closing my eyes it didn't take long for sleep to over come me. Just as Kyle had said at sunrise we all awoke and began our last hours of the journey. Coming to the entrance of the eastern pack we stopped and waited for their alpha. Not too long after their alpha came out. He was way older than Kyle say about 5 or 6 years making him around 24. He stood proud and tall and looked at us with a harsh condescending kind of look. "Hello moon raiders." He stated. Kyle stepped forward and the guards bent down in a kneel. Okay??? Why are they doing that? Because two alphas are together so they must show respect to their alpha in front of the other alpha. It's a formality. Lila explained. Oh... Should I kneel? Before I could decide they stood back up. "We come on business. I'd like to talk privately." Kyle stated. The other alpha studied us. His eyes lingered on me. "Of course, please come- alone." He stated, walking away. I was about to protest when Kyle stopped me. "Calm down. It's alright." He whispered to me before following the man. I followed the alphas and the guards followed after me. Entering their pack house I was blown away. It was extremely extravagant. There was paintings of past alphas, or so I'm guessing by the mighty wolf standing in it. There was gold trinkets placed around and gaudy chandeliers hanging for each room. It was like a freaking palace! I reached forward and grabbed Kyle's hand to gain his attention, speeding up so I could be next to him. He looked over at me. I leaned up to his ear. "This place is like a palace!" I whisper. He smiles and shakes his head. "I'm serious! Look! Who has a diamond chandelier in the bathroom!" I whispered, gesturing to the bathroom as we passed it. Kyle looked over and saw what I was talking about. He turned his head back to me and gave me a warning look. I sighed and slowed my pace so I was behind him again, letting go of his hand as I did so. What a meanie! Walking up millions of stairs we finally come to a room. The alpha opens the door and turns to us. "I'd like to only speak with you." He stated, looking at Kyle. I scrunched up my face. "Excuse me-!" Kyle cuts me off. "Excuse my mate." He apologizes. I sigh and cross my arms. Why is he doing this? I'm also Luna! Not just Kyle's mate! Turning away in anger I close my eyes and huff an angry breath out. He's going to pay for that! The whole reason I came here was because I wanted to discuss the issue with their alpha! Not sit out here and wait while Kyle gets to have all the fun! Hearing the door close I grow angrier. Why I outta-! I began to pace the floor, anger reaching anyone who happened to be passing by. The guards from our pack looked at one another but never said anything to stop me. Lila why can't I go in there?! I growled. Spencer it's not as simple as its seeming to be. Their alpha to alpha talking is so that matters that might scare the rest of you and the pack are kept secret. It's not that he's trying to exclude you its just a formality. She explains. I huff with rage. That still doesn't make me feel any better! I'm Luna and mated to the alpha! Like I'm ever going to talk to the pack without consent from my mate! I shout to my wolf. She sighs. I give up on reasoning with you... I roll my eyes and speed up my pacing, glaring to myself. How could I betray my mate? I clearly love him and would do anything for him! Like I said before the wolf thing is complicated and I'm a half breed! The door finally swung open after an hour or so and I leapt to the spot, instantly pouncing on Kyle. I want to ask him all sorts of questions! "You, come with me." The alpha stated, looking directly into my eyes before heading back into his office. I gulped. Why me?! I looked up at Kyle and he nodded. Well alright I'll go in...  Walking in and stopping at the door the alpha man looked up from his seat at his desk. "You can close the door." He stated. Complying to his rough voice I did as he told. "Come have a seat." He again stated. I again complied and walked over to the front of the desk before sitting down. Silence ensued for a second before I broke it. "Why did you call me in here?" I asked. He sighed and leaned back into his chair. "I'm Adam, the alpha of this pack as you may have figured out. And you are the alpha of your packs mate, am I correct? Which makes you Luna." I furrowed my eye brows in confusion. "And what does this have to do with why you want to talk to me privately?" I asked. He smirked. "Ah! You see I can smell that you are a half breed. Well actually you just haven't found your full wolf yet which makes you a half breed. This in its self is a problem for you but what the real problem, and why I want to tell you in private, is that because you are half breed you are not able to mate with the alpha. I already know that you haven't mated with him yet but you soon will, the next full moon right?" He didn't stop for me to answer he just continued. "Anyways if you mate with him none of your children will survive because you can't supply them. They will try to be full wolf like everyone else but with you being a half breed you can't give them what they require to live and thus resulting in their death." He paused for the information to soak into me and boy was I tripping over my thoughts. How? Why? I don't understand! How does he know all this information?! About me, about Kyle, about us?! It scares me. "You are filled with questions none the less I will continue. Not only will you have no heir to the alpha position but you will also degrade the alpha name and the entire pack for that matter. The alpha won't be pure blood anymore this creation rumors and problems about the both of you. If that doesn't scare you then the later should. That's all I really have to say. The decision is yours, don't mate or continue to ruin your mates life." He stood up but I stayed sitting. How could he possibly-! He grabbed the door handle and stopped, turning back to me. "I guess there is a way to save you. You need to learn to harness your wolfs powers and control them. Bond with your wolf don't shut her out." With that he threw the door open and exited. Kyle walked in and came to me, a worried expression on his face. "Is everything alright? What happened?" The decision is mine...? "Spenc as you listening?" Kyle! I snap back into reality and look at my mate. The decision is mine... "No.. Nothing really happened. We talked about the incident. He just wanted my point of view on it before deciding the fate of the wolf." I muttered. Kyle studied me, deciding on whether to believe me or not but in the end he made his choice. Sighing he stood back up from his kneeling position. "Well come on then, they've prepared a room for us to stay the night. We'll leave in the morning." He explained. I nodded and stood up, following him to said room. Entering it I gasped. It was like a fucking suite in here! "Dude this is amazing!" I exclaimed. Kyle's jaw dropped. "How do they even..." He faded off into silence. Spying the bed I smiled devilishly and ran, jumping on to the bed and letting out a loud giggle. "Kyle come on! This is super comfy and huge!" I laughed out as I laid on my back, enjoying the comfy bed and sheets that surrounded me. Feeling the bed bounce once more I felt Kyle laying next to me. Smiling happily I turned on to my side so I was facing him. He looked back at me and we sort of just stared at one another, soaking up the moment of the others blissful face. But the seriousness of the conversation between me and Adam made my smile fade and I scooted closer to Kyle, grabbing his hands and holding them in mine. "Kyle...?" He waited for moment, searching my face. "Yeah?" He responded. I felt my stomach drop and I looked down from his beautiful eyes. I was afraid of what I might hear but... "What did he say to you... In that office...?" Kyle hesitated for a moment before answering me. "He asked a lot about you. He asked if we had our ceremony of celebration and I told him not until the next full moon. Then he brought up the situation with the boy and I learned that the wolf who did this to him and his family had been banished a couple of months ago from the pack. The weird thing was that afterwards he started to talk more about you. He figured out that you weren't full wolf and said that you were dangerous. That I needed to find a new mate if I wanted to sustain my alpha title. I was lost and confused about it but then he changed the subjected and droned on and on about why the wolf was banished and made a rogue. Then he tried to make guesses about why the wolf would attack our pack, or more specifically, that boy and his family." He finally ended. No wonder he knew all that information about us. But what about what he said to me? Why did he tell me that I couldn't mate with Kyle? I let go of Kyle's hands and he wrapped them around me, pulling me into him. Grabbing his shirt I took a deep breath, inhaling his scent. Kyle.. I want to start a family with you so bad. I want us to mate and become one but... What if what Adam had said was true, I'd be ruining his life not mine. I could learn to deal with the hate, the looks, I already have been through that stage but to make Kyle- the alpha- go through it? Never! "What did he say to you? In the room? You looked lost and confused." Kyle broke my thoughts. I look up at him and sigh. He told me all that happened in there with him so it's only right to tell him everything that I was told as well. Taking a deep breath I began to talk. "He started out saying I was your mate and that we'd mate on the full moon. I was shocked he knew the information but hearing you I now know why he knew it. Anyways he's started to tell me that I was a half breed and that it was a very problematic development. I didn't need to ask him why because he flat out told me that with my state of being I couldn't mate with you. He told me I wasn't able to sustain the life. I wasn't able to carry a wolf child because I myself wasn't a full wolf..." Tears pricked my eyes and I buried my face in Kyle's chest. His arms tightened around me. "Spencer..." He whispered soothingly. I decided to continue. "He said I'd bring shame to you and ruin your life because I was a halfbreed!"  I couldn't hold back any longer, the racking sobs left my body. Kyle's warmth and soothing voice was the only thing I could handle without breaking completely. "Shhh it's alright. Don't listen to him. Spencer don't listen to him, forget his words, his voice, his face. Erase all of him from your mind and focus on me. Because I love you and I want to stay with you, I want to mate with you no matter what. Nothing can stop me from loving you Spencer." His soothing words lulled me to a calm and my eyes grew heavy from my crying session. Closing my eyes I let his words and voice lift me and carry me away. Maybe Kyle was right. Maybe I should forget I even heard Adam tell me that. Maybe this could all work out... Maybe... Maybe I can still mate with Kyle... Kyle I love you.

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