Don't Cry...

By Alice2795

3.2K 140 20

Under his mask, he hid his expression. Beneath that smiling clown mask, he hid his feelings from her...With t... More

Chapter 1, Surprised!
Chapter 2, Laughter
Chapter 4, Bad News!
Chapter 5, Unexpected News!
Chapter 6, Tears behind his Mask
Chapter 7, Afterwards
Chapter 8, Happiness

Chapter 3, Reunion!

354 14 2
By Alice2795

Disclaimer: I do not own D Gray Man.

Chapter 3, Reunion

"Mana... I'm so sorry..." he sniffed, rubbing his teary eyes with both of his hands.

"Please...forgive me...It's all my fault...Everything's my fault..." He continued to sob as he knelt down onto the ground.

He was there...all front of his father's grave. No one was beside him. Everyone has returned after the funeral, leaving him behind.

"I'm sorry...Father...."

Allen stirred a little as he slowly fluttered his eyes open.

'What happened?'

"Oh, hey! It seems like you're awake!" said a voice from in front of him.


He then realized that he was on Lavi's back, as the red head was walking along the streets.

"You Okay, Allen?"

'I remember now... I fainted back there...'

"Yeah...I'm fine..."

Lavi sighed. "Seriously, Allen... You're pushing yourself too hard."

The teen chuckled sheepishly. "You think so?"

"This is not the time to act all happy-go-lucky, Allen. You're seriously injured, you know?"

Allen could sense a hint of worry and anger in his friend's voice.

"By the way, Lavi..." He decided to change the topic.

"Thanks for helping out there."

The red head grinned. "Don't worry about it. We're friends after all."

"Yeah... By the way... where are we heading right now?" Allen asked.

"To the doctor of course. We need to take care of your injury before it beomes more serious." Lavi replied seriously.

"About that.... Can you take me back to the circus instead?"

Lavi stopped walking. "What? Why?"

"Well... I don't really want to bother you any further so I'll just take care of myself. I have medical aids in my tent." Allen replied nervously.

"Don't be an idiot, Allen! There's no way I'd let you do that!"

"C'mon, Lavi! Just this once..." Allen asked.



The redhead sighed in surrender. "Fine... But, I'm going to wait until I'm sure that you'd really patch your head!"

"That's fine with me!"

Lavi sighed. 'He's so stubborn...'

He turned his heels and changed his destination as he made his ways towards the circus.

"By the way, Lavi... I think you can let me down now... I can manage to walk by myself."

"No way! I don't want to see you faint for the second time!" Lavi replied sternly.


"O-Okay..." Allen sweated. 'Ack... he's scary...'

Lenalee took a sip of her tea as she listened to Gilbert talking about their wedding plan. Honestly... this was getting very annoyed.

After parting ways with her friends, Lenalee followed her fiancé to a nearby café to have some tea. As soon as they got their orders, Gilbert started talking about their marriage....

They had already made it clear that they wouldn't get married right away because she was still too young, though she's already 18....

She sighed. 'Can't he talk about something else instead of this...?'

This was getting really boring. She glanced at the clock on the wall, and was glad to see that it's almost 4.

'I wonder if Allen's alright...' Her thoughts immediately went to Allen.

'His injury seems pretty serious...'

But even so... he acted as if it wasn't serious. He shrugged it off as if.... He felt no pain or discomfort... and went on with his performance...

'He's still the same Allen from two years ago... he's still the same...'

He, who hid his pain under his pierrot mask....

He... who hid all of his feelings... behind the silly smile....

'That's who Allen is...the lying pierrot...' She thought sadly.


Her thoughts were broken when she heard Gilbert called her name. Turning her attentions back to him, "Umm...sorry... what was it again?" She asked.

Gilbert stared at her curiously. "You weren't paying any attention when I was talking, were you?"

Lenalee held up her hand. "Yes, I was. You were talking about your wedding plan, weren't you?"Exactly the reason why I wasn't paying any attention to you...

"Our wedding, Lenalee. Not mine! Ours!" He corrected.

"Sorry... "

"It seems like you're think about that clown, aren't you? "

She flinched a little at this.

He sighed. "Thought so... "

She dropped her head nervously, he didn't sound very pleased at all....


She lifted her head up as he started talking again.

"That clown... is he a friend of yours?"

Lenalee nodded. "Yes... he is..."

"Then... how come I've only seen you hanging out with the other two for the past two years?"

Lenalee stiffened a bit. "Well... He kinda left the town two years ago so I hadn't been able to get in contact with him..."

"I see..." Gilbert murmured. "So, is he someone special to you?"

"Eh? No, it's not like that..." Lenalee held up her hand, blushing slightly.

Gilbert leaned on the table and eyed her seriously. "Lenalee... we are engaged, remember? And I would really like to know more about you and your friends." He stated.

"Don't worry. I won't get mad. You can tell me the truth." He said with a smile... a fake forced smile...

Lenalee didn't seem to notice this as she nodded.

"Every one of my friends is special for me... but Allen... he is someone...a little more special than the other... I guess..." She said softly, a hint of glee and joy in her tone.

"He always cheers me up...staying by my side...playing silly tricks for me when I got depressed...Lavi and Kanda always do that, too... but somehow..."

She paused, her eyes softening. "Allen seems a little more different from them..."

Gilbert smiled as he listened to this. "Well... I'm glad to hear that you have someone like him as your friend."

"Yeah...I'm glad, too..."

Then, she noticed Kanda, standing outside the café, staring at her. Her eyes immediately lit up when she saw him. Glancing back at Gilbert, she then stood up.

"It seemed like Kanda's here to pick me up." She told him.

"Seems like it." Gilbert uttered.

"I guess I'll be going then. Thanks for the tea, Gilbert." With that, she walked away from the table, exiting the café.

She didn't notice the fierce look that her fiancé was giving her as she walked away with Kanda.

'Someone special for her...that clown...'

Lavi stretched his arms as he yawned with boredom. He was currently at the circus, standing outside Allen's tent, waiting for the teen.

"Allen, are you sure you don't need a hand?" He asked.

"Don't worry. Just a little bit more!" came a nervous reply from the white-haired.

"Okay..." He crossed his arms behind his head. Allen told him to wait outside while he's taking care of his wound. Lavi did as his friend requested and waited outside the tent, knowing the reason why he was told to do so...

"You know, Allen... I've been wondering..."

"What is it?"

"Why won't you take off your mask around the others?"


He sighed when no reply came. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. But, you know that we'll always be there for you, right? You can tell us if something's bothering you, bud."

"Thanks, Lavi..." This time, the teen responded.

'Though I don't really know your reason, Allen... I'm thinking that you're hiding something behind your mask...knowing you and your attitude...'

He then remembered something.

"Say, Allen... about those notes that you gave me and Yu... OWW!"

Before he could finish what he was saying, someone knocked him on his head.

"What was that for, Yu?!" He wailed at the culprit while holding the placed where he was hit with his hands.

"I told you not to call me by my first name, baka usagi!" Kanda growled in a low dangerous voice as he stood in front of Lavi, glaring menacing at him.

Lenalee sweatdropped. 'They would never get tired of this, wouldn't they?'

"By the way, Lavi, how's Allen?" She asked, separating the two. "You brought him here, didn't you?"

"Yeah, I did! He's inside, patching his injury." The redhead replied.

"Why the hell didn't you bring him to the hospital or a nearby doctor?" Kanda asked, slightly annoyed by the fact that he had to walk all the way to the circus.

Lavi rubbed the back of his head slightly. "About that..."

He glanced at the tent. "Why don't you ask him by yourself?"

He poked his head inside the tent and shouted. "Oi, Allen! Leanlee and Yu are here to visit you! Do you mind if we come inside?"

"Sure! You can come in right now!" Allen's reply was heard.

Lavi turned to the two and grinned. "Well... then..." He opened the tent and stepped to the side.

"Ladies, first." He gestured toward Lenalee. Kanda scowled.

"What a gentleman you are." She said teasingly as she entered, followed by Kanda.

"A fake gentleman, that is" Kanda smirked.

"What was that, Yu?"

"Don't call me by that name!"

Once they were inside the tent, they were greeted by Allen, who was in his normal cloths instead of his clown costume. He still has his clown mask on though.

"Welcome, guys! It's been a while. This tent is a bit small, but make yourselves comfortable."

Lenalee had this happy feeling when he heard his cheerful voice, greeting them. She really missed him.

"Long time no see, Allen..."

After that, they all settled down; Lenalee sitting down on Allen's bed, while Lavi and Kanda were sitting on nearby chairs. Allen was sitting on a nearby big beside his bed.

"Thanks for dropping by, guys." Allen said gratefully.

"Nah... this is nothing! We haven't seen each other for a long time, right?"


"So, Allen... how was your life these past two years? Got any girlfriend yet?" Lavi decided to start a conversation.

"Uhh... Everything's fine! And no! I haven't got any!" The white-haired replied.

"How's your wound, Beansprout?" Kanda suddenly asked.

Everyone stared at the black-haired in wonder.

"What are you all staring at?" Kanda asked, raising a brow.

"Oh my... You do care, baKanda..." Allen snickered.

Kanda's face turned red in embarrassment.

Lavi began to laugh at this. "My, Yu, never thought that you'd be worry about somebody else... Ahahahahah... Oh my god! Can't stop laughing!"

"I ain't caring about that idiot! I'm just asking since it's my duty to take care of things like this!" Kana growled.

"Hai.. Hai! Mr. Policeman! Thank you for your concerning." Allen replied cheerfully and teasingly.

"Pfft...Ahh... my stomach hurts... hahahaha..." Lavi held his stomach as he continued to snicker.

"You're laughing way too much, you retarded rabbit! Cut it out already!" The black-haired growled. But, that didn't stop the two from laughing their head off.

Lenalee giggled as she stared at her friends, teasing one another. 'Just like old time...'

"So, Allen, how's your wound?" Lavi asked worryingly once they both stopped laughing.

"It's okay now! I've covered it with some bandages. See?" He said, removing his mask a like so that they could see his patched injury.

"Seriously, Moyashi, why the hell did you come back here instead of going to a doctor? That wound is pretty serious!" Kanda stated.

The teen scratched his head nervously. "Well... it's not that serious. It's just a small bruise so I figured that I could handle it by myself. Hence... I didn't really want cause more trouble..."

Lavi and Kanda's eyes twitched.

"Just a small bruise, my ass! Then why were you bleeding so much back then?" Kanda growled.

Lavi nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that's right! This is not a small matter, Allen! What if we weren't there at that time? You could've died from blood loss!"

Allen held up both of his hands.

"Oh, come on! You two, chills! I'm still alive, aren't I? Besides, it is my fault that I got hurt in the first place."


The two teen blinked. "What makes you think that it's your fault?"

Allen chuckled nervously. "Well...of course, it's my fault since I was the one falling clumsily."


"I guess I need to walk on my balance a bit so that I won't trip again, don't you think?" He continued as if it was nothing serious.

"Fall clumsily? What the hell is with that?" Kanda snapped. "You're definitely pretending that nothing's ever happened!"

He then turned to Lenalee who hasn't uttered a word ever since they've started the conversation.

"Oi! Stop daydreaming and say something!" He growled.

"Yeah, Lenalee... you haven't said anything at all..." Lavi said in agreement. "I thought you were looking forward to talk to Allen."

"Yeah! You were pretty much jumpy!" the black-haired added.

The teal-haired looked at the two. "Eh? But..." I don't know even what to say...

Sensing her nervousness, Lavi sighed and stood up.

"I think I'm thirsty now! Allen, do they have anything to drink around here?"

"Uh... I think they've got something to drink at the dining area, but I have some water over there..." the teen responded.

"Then, Yu and I are gonna go grab something to eat! You two, stay here nad enjoy your sweet time! Later!" said Lavi as he dragged Kanda to the entrance.

"W-Wait! Lavi, you're leaving?" Lenalee asked.

"We'll be back shortly!" was what he said as he quickly walked out of the tent, leaving Allen and Lenalee inside the tent alone.

"Uh... Lenalee..."

"Yes, what is it, Allen?" She turned to the white-haired, sweating nervously.

"You have something you want to say to me, don't you? He asked. "I noticed the way you glanced at me just now..."

Lenalee lowered her head slightly. 'Yes... I have many things I want to ask you...' but, she was a little nervous.

"You don't need to act all formal. You can tell me anything, Lenalee. We are friends, aren't we?"

Lenalee stared at him. She then remembered his talking with Kanda and Lavi.

"Allen... about your injury..." She started. "...are you sure that you don't need a doctor?"

"Of course, I'm sure! The doctor would laugh when he saw that my injury is just a small bruise." The teen replied cheekily.

"It's not a bruise, Allen!" She said, literally yelling at him. "You were bleeding back then!"

'Please, stop saying that it's nothing!' She wanted to yell that out, but she couldn't. She felt her eyes became teary again.

Allen walked up to her and knelt down in front of her.

"Hey, Lenalee... It's nothing serious..." He placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm alright, aren't I?"

'You're always saying that...'

"Come on, Lenalee! Don't cry. I'm still fine so you don't need to worry about me. See? I'm smiling." He said while tapping his clown mask.

'You're always like that... that part of you has never changed...' She glanced at his mask.

'You never show or let the audience know... what's under that mask...

Even though you're hurt... you use that mask to hide it...

You use that silly smile... to hide all your pain from the others...'

She wiped the tears that were forming from her eyes.

" you know?" She asked.

"Know what?"

"Your lies are very sad... they're very painful..." She said, gripping her dress.

"Can't you please stop lying? It hurts so much, Allen..."

Allen patted her head, making her looked at him.

"When have I ever lied?" He asked. "I haven't said a single lie, you know?"

Tears cascaded from her eyes as she flung herself into his arms. She wrapped her arms around him, trying not burst out crying as she knew it would maked him sad.

Hearing those words.... Hearing him says that he hasn't lied; she didn't know what to say anymore.

Allen was stunned for a moment before placing his arms around her, stroking her hair gently. "There, there, Leanlee... no more tears..."

He was glad that she wasn't crying...but... it was still hurt when he felt her tears against his shirt. She wasn't crying out loud, but it's didn't make him happy.

"'re an idiot..." She muttered.

"Yup! I am an idiot pierrot..."

Outside the tent, Lavi sighed as he listened to the conversation that the two was having.

"Allen didn't change even a bit...don't you think so, Yuu?" he asked Kanda, who was standing beside him.

"Who knows?" Kanda shrugged. 'Yeah... he's still the same idiot from those days...'

The redhead glanced at the sky. "I think it's about time that we go home, or else Lenalee's Mom would get mad if she hasn't returned in time..."

Kanda nodded.

The two then walked back into the tent.

"We're back!" Lavi exclaimed cheerfully, ignoring the fact that the two were still hugging.

"Sorry, Allen. It's time for Lenalee to go home. We don't really want to leave yet...but you know how her parents are, right?"

Allen nodded and helped Lenalee stand up as they pulled away from their embrace.

"I'll go with you guys! It's been a while since I left this town."

"Sure! Well, then, Let's go, shall we?"

With that, they all walked out of the tent and headed to Lenalee's house.

On their ways, neither of them had uttered a word to one another and it felt pretty awkward.

When they finally made it to the front door, Lenalee turned to face her three friends.

"Thanks for walking me home, guys!" She said.

"It's no big deal! We've always done that!" Lavi grinned. Allen nodded in agreement.

"Also, Allen... do you mind if I come and visit you again?" She asked.

The white-haired grimed. "Sure! But, I think I'll be the one to pay you a visit next time.

Lenalee was excited when she heard this. "Really? Then, I'll be waiting for you!"

Allen nodded. "Okay."

"Well then...good night, guys!"

"Good night, Lenalee!"

With that, the teal-haired opened the door and entered her house, closing the door behind her.

The three then, walked away from the house.

"Oi, Beansprout!"

"What is it, baKanda?"

"Do you mind give us an explanation about this?" The black-haired asked, pulling out a piece of paper from his pocket. It was the note that he received from the white-haired.

"That's right, Allen! Did you really mean that?" Lavi asked, remembering the note.

Allen glanced at the two and grinned. "Well...about that..."

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