Drowning In River (BoyXBoy)

By vannie1357

2.5K 112 26

Somewhere within the ocean of labels and stereotypes at Lincoln High is a very awkward, very invisible, and v... More

1: Fighting with the Current
2: You Need Trouble
3: Let it Out
4: Sporks and Lazy People Heaven
5: His Sister, My Secret
6: Heroine Addict with a Thirst For Blood
7: Peanut Butterflies
8: Would You Rather
9: Two Days and I'm Drowning
Reality Check: The Reason For My Writing (Author's Note)
10: Brotherly Love
11: Hallway Track
13: This Is Our Family
14: Who Else Knows?
15: Kissing Wounds
16: So Carter
17: For Now
18: That's My Best Friend
19: Deteriorate
20. Walking Away
21: Runaway
22: The River Inside Me

12: Drunken Haze

107 5 2
By vannie1357

There is already a bunch of people here when we pull up. The fall wind blows through my hair as I step out of the car, causing me to pull my beanie from my back pocket and cover my brown curls. Holly has this huge grin plastered on her face after watching this motion. Then she nudges me and bites her lower lip, not seductively, but just in thought.

"Beanies look really sexy on you." She teases as she grabs my hand and leads up to the cliff where a swarm of teenagers, seniors, lounge. Everyone's head seems to turn and the shock buzzes through me so hard that I haven't quite interpreted the fact Holly's hand is wrapped around mine. When it does, I pull away and look down shyly.

"Everybody! This is Carter! He's hanging with us tonight!" She says it a bit to loudly, forcing an embarrassed flush to run to my cheeks. Then, oddly enough, I hear cheers. Cheers? I look up again to see a lot of smiling faces. Respect flashing in their eyes. This, of course, makes me blush like a fucking tomato.

A few people come up to me, Patting me on the back and introducing themselves. Some even wrap me in bear hugs like we are life long friends. It's a strange notion, but them again, half of these people are already intoxicated.

I lounge around, keeping up in conversation. I've no idea were this sudden out going Carter came from, but people seem to like him. Holly tries at my lap a few times, but after about the fifth or sixth rejection, she picks up on it and just decided to sit next to me casually. More people show up after school officially ends, and before long, the cliff is covered with drunken, horny teenagers flaunting their bodies. I don't mind, honestly. A lot of these dudes are sexy and when they start stripping to their underwear I have to pull my loose hoodie downward a bit. Oh, and sweet baby Jesus is it hard to control myself when they start walking back up to the cliff soaking wet from their jump in the river.

Music booms in the air around us to the point it feels like your inhaling every note. I hate the music they're playing, but I don't complain. I'm, oddly enough, enjoying myself. After a while, my Mountain Dews turn into beer, and the beer turns into tiny glasses of burning liquid. I'm hyped. I'm dancing on the tailgate of a red Chevy, singing, well slurring, along to the words of songs I don't even recognize, and everyone is cheering me on.

Then things get tenacious. I don't notice at first, I don't think anyone does, but when he leans up against the truck and stares up at me with a strange grin, everyone grows silent, including me.

"Having fun up there?" Jakob calls a little to loudly. I swallow the alcoholic bile in my throat and try to scurry down, only to tumble downward in my intoxicated haze. Jakob catches me, holding me bridal style of a moment to long before placing me on my feet. He keeps his hand on my shoulder to steady me, and his blue-green eyes meet mine. I take that moment to notice his full lips and short brown hair. I stare at the freckles that grace lightly against his tan face, and the small cut that has scabbed over on his cheek just under his eye. I've never before noticed how handsome he is.

"You're beautiful." I whisper. His eyebrows shoot up, and a smirk implants itself on his face. Maybe it's because I'm drunk off my ass, or the adrenaline is pumping wildly through my veins, but I honestly don't give two shits if anyone heard my statement. I feel his fingers graze roughly down my shoulder to my wrist, and I then become aware of the impenetrable silence that is currently towering over this party. All eyes on me, the drunk, gay, junior.

"I brought more beer! It's in the back of my truck! Someone bring it out!" Jakob shouts, not removing his gaze from mine. That is all that had to be said before everything returned to normal. Laughter mixed with the beat of the music and the smell of beer heightened everyone's senses. No one pays anymore attention to me. No one except Jakob Fucking Bryant.

"You know, I never took you as the party type." He breaks the silence, moving me to sit on the tailgate of the same truck I was dancing on. He sits next to me, a little to close.

"You never took me for anything. No one noticed me until I beat the shit out of your friend." I've come to the realization that drunk Carter equals cocky Carter. My words come out less slurred than I expected, which is fine. Last thing I need is to barely be able to recognize my own form of English.

"Jarvez isn't my friend, he's my teammate. He also sort of worships me, so he does what ever I tell him. But I don't consider him my friend." He states plainly, laying back on the tailgate with his hands behind his head.

"You're a cocky son of a bitch, aren't you?" I tease. Where I got the balls to tease Jakob Bryant beats me.

"You must be one too, if you have the nerve to make an accusation like that." I roll my eyes and lay next to him for no other reason than the fact my head is spinning. "You said I was beautiful." He points out. I stare at the stars that now cover the night sky, and I find myself wondering how long I've been here. That thought is followed by me questioning where the boy I've barely thought about since my first beer could be. "Does that mean you're gay?"


And then I freeze. Right there, in that moment, I completely and utterly go rigid with absolute terror. The alcohol begins to burn my veins and my mouth goes completely dry. My stomach twists, and nausea grows in the pit of it. Everything slows down. I notice the people laughing and dancing and drinking like nothing can go wrong. I watch the stars twinkle and the trees sway. The smell of weed intertwines with the scent of alcohol, and Jakob Fucking Bryant is kissing me. His muscular body covers mine as his tongue intrudes my mouth. I'm to weak to push away, so I just lay there, my heart pounding with absolute fear.

When he is jerked from my body, it doesn't register. When I hear grunts and punches thrown, it doesn't register. When I'm taken into someone arms and carried away from the Spot, it doesn't register. Once I'm set into an almost familiar car, I puke up all the unsettling thoughts and flavors, and then I look up into River Sinclair's blazing blue eyes. In that moment everything becomes clear, and then darkness.

Jakob to the side or top!

Dun dun dun!!! Did you expect that? No? Neither did I. I've been talking this chapter over with my sister, and well, this is what happens when your awake at three in the morning for no reason.

Do you think River took things to far? Do you think Jakob was taking advantage of Carter's drunk haze? Do you think it's all Carter's fault for drinking to much?

Keep in mind, he admitted to the High School Quarterback that he was gay. Now, that quarterback has been beaten, not once, but twice by the guy Carter has found himself Caught up with. Do you think River just put Carter's reputation in danger? Or did Carter do that himself?

Vote! Comment! Tell me what you think! Love you my darklings!

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