Into Another World (Naruto Fa...

By boogieinyourcloset

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~Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto~ Alice had a rough past in which she hides from everyone---even her friends... More

Chapter 1: Blacking Out
Chapter 2: What The Fuc*?! My Hair is Black!
Chapter 3: XD
Chapter 5: Who Am I Really?
Chapter 6: TRAITORS!
Chapter 7: A Deal
Chapter 8: First Day
Chapter 9: The Test
Chapter 10: A Shocking Revelation
Chapter 12: I Know Lots Of Things...
Chapter 13: The Hyūga Clan
Chapter 14: A Day Gone Horribly Wrong
Chapter 15: Hinata's Father
Author's Note
Chapter 16: Contradictions
Chapter 17: A New Mission
Chapter 18: Friends
Chapter 19: Abduction
Chapter 20: A Scream For Help
Chapter 21: Their Feirce Determination
Chapter 22: The Woman in Red
Chapter 23: Revelations, Voices and Purgatories... Life is so Interesting...
The Dreaded Author's Note
Chapter 23 (part 2): Loosing It
Chapter 24: Hope
Chapter 25: Rough Draft

Chapter 11: Teams

3.2K 102 11
By boogieinyourcloset

I was tired. Really tired. My eyes feel heavy, eye-bugs were forming under my eyes and cuts scattered across my body. I yawned. Oh gawd! If today wasn't the day where they have teams then I won't even think twice of not attending school. I can't even walk straight!

"Hey, Ayame! Are you sure you're really okay?" Blaze looked at me worriedly.

"Yeah, ever since you came home yesterday, you've been out." Em added.

"I'm fine guys, just a little tired." I couldn't stop the yawn that escaped me. "And enough about me, what about now?"

Blaze raised his eyebrow. "Now?"

"Yeah, now. Wasn't today supposed to be the day where they assign teams?"

Em squealed. "Yeah! Oh my gawd! I'm so excited!" She bounced up and down.

I chuckled. "Yeah, me too." I said trying to sound excited. "I wonder who our teacher will be," I said remembering the time when the four of us concluded that we'll be on the same team, considering the fact that we already know what teams the others will be in.

Blaze seemed in thought for a while. "Yeah, but I think we won't be in the same team, guys."

I stopped. "Whoa. What do you mean?"

"Think about it," he beckoned. "Iruka said that they assigned the teams based on how well they performed in the exams or in the school year, and let's consider how well the four of us did in the past week we've been here."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "So? They can't judge our performance based on such a short time, right?" I countered. "And we all know what the others' team would be. So we could conclude that we'll be on our own...?" My statement turned into a question.

He shrugged. "Yeah, maybe your right. Maybe I'm just over-thinking things."

"Hmmm, maybe..." I said, agreeing with him.

I noticed that through-out this conversation, Blade was being unusually quiet. I glanced at him and he was looking at me. I decided to leave it alone; if he wants something, he needs to ask properly.


"Goal!" Two annoying, high-pitched voice shouted.

"I win again, Sakura." I heard Ino say.

"What are you talking about?" Sakura argued. "My toe entered the class before yours by a centimeter!"

I groaned, a headache was starting to form again. "Oh, come on!" I shouted at them. "Can't you two annoying people keep it down? Sheesh!" I rubbed my temples.

They both got angry marks. "What did you say?" The two of them said in unison.

"I'm not the annoying one, she is!" Sakura pointed to Ino.

Ino got another angry mark. "What!"

Then they both argued again, making my headache worse.

I sighed. "Oh please, someone kill me now," I mumbled.

"You could say that again." Blade said.

I turned to him and raised my eyebrow. Oh, so now he's acting like the same?

Bipolar bitch....

Now, the class' girls, except for a few, were arguing on who was to sit beside the raven-haired boy. I closed my eyes trying to cancel the irritating voices out, but to no avail.

"Naruto! Stop staring at Sasuke-kun!" I heard Sakura shout.

I opened my eyes. I know what will happen here! I immediately stood up and found a good spot to watch. I saw that Em, Blade and Blaze was there too.

"Haha, you guys remembered?" I asked them.

Blade grinned. "Yes! Who would forget that? That scene was the basis of all the Naruto yaoi fan fictions!" he exclaimed, then he realized what he meant. He blushed a beet-red.

I grinned at him. "Why, Blade, I didn't know you like those kinds of things."

He looked away. "Shut up," he retorted lamely.

I looked at Blaze and raised my eyebrow. "You too?"

He shrugged and smiled. "I'm still human, Al."

I chuckled and said nothing more. I just watched Naruto and Sasuke have their stare-down. Electricity flowed between them.

"Sasuke-kun, just beat him up!" The crowd of fan girls shouted.

"What? For real?" The unnamed boy said as he unknowingly pushed Naruto.

Naruto and Sasuke's lips met.


I pursed my lips keeping myself from laughing out loud.

Then Sakura fell down and everything was in chaos.

I bursted out laughing and I heard Em, Blade and Blaze laughing hard beside me. "Oh... my... haha... gawd! That... that... was... haha! And he... haha!" I couldn't form a single complete sentence.

"Haha... and then... he... haha!" Blade joined me.

I rolled on the floor laughing. "Holy shit... that... priceless!"

My laughter died down three minutes later. "Oh, good laugh, laugh."

By now, the girls were getting ready to beat Naruto up. I hurried over in front of Naruto and held my hand up.

"Whoa! Slow down girls." They stopped. "Don't you think it's unethical for... such lovely girls like you, to beat down somebody?" My eye twitched a little but I still kept my best poker-face on.

They seemed to think about this for a while. Then they backed down. "Hmph!" They grudgingly turned their heads away and went to their seats.

I chuckled and shook my head. Aaah, the magic of sweet-talk; never gets old. I turned and looked at Naruto. "You alright?"

He seemed surprise for a moment. "Uh, yes."

I raised my eyebrow.

He snapped out of it. "Thanks! Believe it!"

I chuckled. "Yeah, no problem, kid." I turned and walked away.

"What was that about?" Blade said when I reached them.

I shrugged. "Naw, just a little change."

He looked at me questioningly. "What?"

I was about to answer when the door opened revealing Iruka.

"Alright, please settle down and take your seats." All of us went to our seats. "Starting today, you are all official ninjas, but you are all still new Genins." He smiled. "It's going to get harder from here." He turned serious. "You all will be in a group of three, where you will accomplish missions under a Jounin teacher."

Everyone in class seemed surprise that they will be teamed up.

I sighed. Man, I'm bored and my headache is already starting again.

"We've arranged the groups such that overall abilities are equivalent." He held up the paper. "I will now anounce them." He anounced unknown names and teams.

"Next, 7th group consists of Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke and Ayame."

I yawned. Ugh! When the hell is he gonna ca—Wait! What?! Did he just say...? My eyes widened. He did!

"Sensei!" I heard Sakura shout, and I swear I think I saw the windows shake at the pitch.

Iruka stopped, then looked up, smiling. "Yes, Sakura?"

Sakura stood up. "You said that we were supposed to be in a group of three, right?" Iruka nodded. "How come our team have four people?"

I blinked, then hope started to bloom inside me.

'Yeah, bubblegum! For once you have a point!' I urged her on with my thoughts.

Iruka sighed. "Yes. That's what the rules usually is. But an exception was made for this batch by the Hokage himself."

My eye twitched as the flower of hope started to wither again. Oooh, that old man is really gonna get it.

With that, Iruka continued his calling. "Next, 8th group. Hyuuga Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba, Yuki, and Aburame Shino."

My eyes widened further and I looked at Blade. He was also looking at me. I raised my eyebrow at him. He shrugged, also confused.

I turned away from him and furrowed my eyebrows. Maybe Blaze was right. I scratched my head. One unlucky thing after another. Wow, luck is definitely on our side (Note the heavy sarcasm)

"Alright, the 10th group. Kitagawa Aoi, Yamanaka Ino, Inoue, Nara Shikamaru and Akimichi Chouji."

My eye twitched. What the fuck! I wish you the best of luck Asuma-sensei, I silently prayed. The guy's gonna be sent to an early grave because of Em and Ino. Seems like nothing is going as planned today.

"And that's it for the groups." He smiled at us. "I wish you all good luck in the near future."

"Iruka-sensei!" Naruto shouted and stood up. "Why do I..." I tuned him off.

I ran my hands through my hair. What the hell is that old man up to teaming me up with them? Sigh... Problem after problem. I have to make another visit to grandpa again. Ugh! I wanted to visit the library today.

"Meeting is adjourned till then." Iruka smiled, then left.

"Hey, Al, did you heard that?" I heared Em say.

I turned and looked at her. "If it's a unicorn or a smurf calling your name, no I didn't hear it. If it's about the teams, then yes, I freakin' heard everything!"

"What the hell was that all about!" Blade said when he reached us.

I shrugged. "Dunno."

"Perhaps," Blaze started. "luck is not on our side today."

I stared at him. "Oh, ya think?" I said, sarcasm dripping from my tone.

"This is not fair!" Em cried. "Why, in the name of all that is good and holy, do I need to be teamed up with the blonde bimbo!"

"I know!" I cried with her.

We hugged each other, each having anime tears flowing down on our faces. Most people were staring at us with confused or amused glances, but we paid it no heed.

"Oh, Em. I'm going to miss you!" I cried again.

"Possible signs of insanity," I heard Blaze say.

"Probably caused by sheer stupidity," Blade added.

I stopped and looked at them. "What?"

They shook their heads.

"Nothing, children," Blade chided. "Now, now. You must stop this ferocious act of farewell immediately. If not, people would think thoughts that are very rude and hurtful," he scolded, patting my head as if I'm a child."

I scowled. "I am not crazy!"

Blade smiled, a hint of amusement and contained laughter evident. "Yes, of course, you're not."

I huffed, then crossed my arms. Then I remembered that I have something to do.

I gulped, then ran my hands through my hair. Blade must've noticed my change in attitude because he looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

I pursed my lips. "I, um, need to.... uh, go somewhere.... to do, um, something...."

Blaze shook his head at me. "Nuh uh, no way, Alice. Last time you got back from going somewhere you were covered in dirts and cuts, then you shouted at us for no particular reason."

I sighed. "I said I was sorry..."

"No!" Em shouted. "Bitch, you think that a sorry would solve this! No, it would not! You have to be my slave for a week or I'm really going to steal your cookies." She laughed evilly.

"And you have to cook for us." Blade added.

"And we need to have a rematch." Blaze said referring to the times I defeated him when we sparred with each other.

"Nooo! Why? Em, please anything but being your slave! Blade, no way am I going to cook for you guys again." I cried dramatically. "And Blaze, no way dude! I'm better than you, accept that." I smirked at him.

Em crossed her arms. "Psshh, you're no fun." She pouted.

I chuckled. "Yeah, yeah. But I promise that I'll make it up to you."

Blade sighed. "You never cook for us anymore."

I raised my eyebrow. "Yeah, that's because the last time I did, I never get to eat a bite..."

He shrugged. "So?"

I hit him on the head. "Baka! I almost died then."

He rolled his eyes. "I repeat: So?"

My eye twitched, but before I could say anything, Blaze interrupted.

"I beg to differ, I believe that I could surpass you. Just a little more practice, so please?"

I shook my head. "Nuh uh, no way." I stood up. "Anyways, guys, I really need to go somewhere. And I promise, I will not come back with my attitude or anything about me different." I raised my right hand. "Promise."

"But what about the Sasuke-got-pranked-by-Naruto-and-Naruto-disguised-himself-as-Sasuke-and-almost-had-his-first-kiss scene?" Em argued.

I snorted. "I've seen that part a thousand times, Em, I don't think I'll be missing out on a lot."

They looked at me suspiciously but I looked at them straight. Finally, they sighed and said their okays.

I smiled. "Thanks!"


Hello! Its just another filla! Sorreh! But I became lazy so......

Anyways! Comment what you think! And vote if you liked!

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