The Outsiders Preferences

By Russianbueller13

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Just as the title says... More

The Outsiders Preferences
How You Met
How He Asks You Out
First Kiss
First Fight
How You Make Up
The Walk of Shame ;)
Celebrity He's Jealous of
The Socs Get You
When You're Drunk
You Wear His Clothes
I'm Pregnant...
A Baby Makes Three
He and Your Child Fight
First I Love You
Author's Note
He and Your Child Make Up
A Soc Hits on You
He Hits You
Picking Up the Pieces (He Hits You Pt. 2)
Your Dating Another Member of the Gang
Slipping Away
When He's Sick
Single Mom
What He Calls You
When You're on Your Period
Uptown Girl
Single Dad
Getting Caught ;)
You're One of the Gang's Sister
King of Wishful Thinking
When He Cheats...
When He Cheats (Part 2)
Another Boy is Your Ex
Your Song
Face Down
His Tears
A1 Dad Moment
Lips of an Angel
Move Along
Coming Home
Marry Me

Sk8tr Boi

5.8K 79 16
By Russianbueller13

A/N: I'm sort of loving these preferences based on songs. They're easy and cute to write. I'm working on a single dad preference but it's going kind of slowly(no ideas for Pony, Steve, or Two) so I thought I'd fiddle with this to try to get past writers block. This is a hundred percent not my greatest work. Sorry :(

Pony: (Part 2 to Uptown girl) Five years from now, she sits at home feeding the baby. She's all alone.

After Pony you'd just let your father do whatever he wanted. He forced you into marrying some son of one of his business associates. The wedding had been more about networking than love. You both knew this was a business marriage but still you tried to make it work. You had a kid thinking that it would make things better but it hadn't. Six months after your daughter had been born your husband took off with his secretary. He was gone for a month when the divorce papers appeared stating he didn't want custody. You'd signed them without much feeling. Your father had been furious and your mother had nearly drowned in her guilt. If only she'd stood up for you and Pony. Maybe you wouldn't be all alone in that big house.

You were trying to move past everything that had happened. There was a leak in your roof that you had no hopes of fixing by yourself. You'd called a roofing company to come fix it hoping that they would be at least a little quiet so that your daughter Rose could nap. She was a light sleeper and at nine months old getting her down for a nap was a miracle. Rose had just fallen asleep when there was a pounding on the door. You knew that it was one of the roofers. You just didn't expect one of the roofers to be Pony. There had been a stunned silence as you stared at each other. You invited him in to talk and suddenly it was like you were sixteen all over again. Even five years later you and Pony still clicked like two gears finding each other. From there it was easy to fall in love with Pony again. Mostly because you never really stopped loving him. He was great with Rose and treated you with so much care. You didn't hesitate to accept when Pony proposed to you only two weeks after your reconciliation. And this time your mom did stand up to you father. There would be no stopping you and Pony's happy ending.

Dallas: And all of her friends stuck up their nose. They had a problem with his baggy clothes.

All you're friends had warned you to stay away from Dallas Winston. He was trouble. Big trouble. Just look at the way he dressed. Baggy shirts and greasy hair. He was no good. That was what they said anyway. But you were drawn to him like a moth to a flame. You couldn't resist his charm and humor. Dallas was drawn to you as well. He loved how you looked like the good girl but really on the inside you were bad to the bone. You liked to sneak out and smoked like a chimney. Dally thought it was funny to go watch you at lunch with all your snobby friends and then honk his horn. They're faces were the best when you'd come running to him and kiss him in a less than innocent manner.

But then you got pregnant. You were scared that you would prove your friends right. They were all absolutely certain that he would leave you before the word baby even left your mouth. Dallas wasn't the father type. He was the fun hook-up playing with a rich girl type. All your friends had practically sewed it into your head that he would never want the baby. Not even a little bit. That was what in the end drove you to the train station with your ticket to Houston.

Darry(Part 2 of Uptown Girl):  She turns on TV and guess who she sees? Skater boy rockin' up MTV.

You hadn't thought about Darrel Curtis in a very long time. You remembered him from high school. You had the worst crush on him ever. You thought he liked you back but he never did anything about it. You and he graduated and went your separate ways. You hadn't thought about Darry in a long time so imagine your surprise when you turned on the TV to see Darry taking up your screen in a bright and colorful football uniform. Darry had been drafted into the NFL and was making six figures a year now. His team was on their way to the super bowl and Darry was leading the charge. You kept tabs on Darry from time to time after finding out about him and his recent fame but you didn't really pay that much attention to him. You had other things going on that required your attention.

That was until Darry went on national television and announced that he was looking for you. He had been doing an interview and the interviewer had asked if he had a girlfriend. It was then that Darry announced that he was looking for one beautiful and amazing girl in particular; you. He would be at your high school football field on Friday night. If you wanted him too please come. You spent that week going back and forth between going or not. What if he wasn't the same sweetheart you remembered? Or if you didn't go and threw away your one chance at happiness. You didn't know what to do. Eventually it was your best friend from high school that convinced you to just go and hear him out. If it didn't work out at least you had tried, right?

The media had come out to see what happened with you and Darry. You couldn't believe that this was the same boy from your high school. The minute you saw him in his suit waiting for you with a single red rose you knew you were gone for him, all over again. Only this time you actually had a chance. Darry could take care of his brothers and you without a problem. He knew it was silly to want to be perfect for you but it was just something he had to do. Darry had gained a lot of confidence while playing and now he knew he was a guy that was worthy of you. He could finally be your knight in shining armor. Someone worthy of your love.

Soda: Sorry, girl, but you missed out. Well, tough luck, that boy's mine now.

You and Soda had been together for about three months when Sandy came back without warning. It was scary for you because you knew how Soda had felt about Sandy. You weren't sure he would stay by your side. He had had something special with Sandy and you didn't know that your relationship could ever live up to it. When Soda said he was going to lunch with Sandy just to catch up you were sure it was the beginning of the end for you two. It was an excruciating hour and a half that you waited for him to come home. You were positive that when Soda came home he would break up with you for her. When Soda did come home with Sandy in tow you felt like throwing up. You loved Soda and you weren't ready to break up with him, not by a long shot. But then Sandy asked to speak with you alone.

"(Y/N)," she started with a sad look on her face. "I'm not going to lie, when I came back here I had every intention of doing whatever I had to get Soda back. But he loves you too much. It kills me to know that I missed out on him. He's a hundred percent yours now and there's nothing I can do about it. So you better not ever let him go. A boy like that only comes along once in a life time. He's not something to throw away."

With that Sandy turned and left. Soda came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you and rested his chin on your shoulder. He whispered I love you into your ear and you didn't hesitate to believe him. You whispered it back and kissed him knowing that you would never ever give him up.

Steve: He wanted her. She'd never tell. Secretly she wanted him as well.

Steve had made his affections for you very clear. He brought you flowers almost everyday and went out of his way to do things for you. He wanted you so badly. You felt the same way for him. You were head over heels for him You knew that you two were soulmates. But you were Soda's ex girlfriend. You had left Soda on not so good terms. He wanted you back like nothing else. You didn't want to hurt him anymore than you already had and you wouldn't dare hurt him by going out with his best friend. That wasn't something you could do to him. So you pushed Steve away. Every time he sent you flowers you sent them back. You rejected his every advance because you had to. You knew it hurt Steve but not nearly as bad as it would wreck Soda. You hated that you were doing this to the both of them but it would be for the best. You would give up your happiness just to make sure Soda wasn't ruined and that their friendship wasn't torn to shreds. You made Steve think that you hated him to save his friendship with Soda. And it broke your heart into pieces.

Johnny: He was a punk. She did ballet. What more can I say?

You attended a ballet school near the lot. Everyday you passed by it and saw a boy there. Sometimes he had friends with him but a lot of the time he was alone. He was so quiet. Most guys that you passed on your way home made cat calls and tried to grab at you. But this boy never did. You knew he saw you. He smiled and sometimes waved when you passed by. But you'd never been able to get up to courage to go talk to him. Your friends had practically beaten it into you that boys like him were no good. But you didn't want to believe that. Not with this boy. He had kind eyes. One night you were walking home from dance in the rain and you saw the boy shivering. You knew you couldn't leave him there not when you had a warm home and welcoming parents. So you got up the courage and talked to him. You invited him back to your house and it had taken a lot of convincing to get him to come with you but eventually you did. Your parents loved Johnny. They thought he was sweet and kind. They fed him and let him sleep in the guest room for as long as he needed. Johnny only stayed for a little while but in that time you and him grew to be friends. And then something more. You weren't sure when you became so comfortable around Johnny. It had happened gradually over time. But one day you were sitting with Johnny in the lot after dance and he was talking quietly about his friend, Pony, and you realized you were in love with him. You cut him off midsentence by pressing your lips to his. There was a moment of stillness and then Johnny pulled you in closer. From there on you slid into the perfect relationship. The punk and the prima ballerina in a perfect storybook ending.

Two-Bit: We are more than just good friends. This is how the story ends.

You were Two-Bit's booty call. As embarrassing as it sounded you two had started out as friends with benefits. It was supposed to be a casual hookup. No feelings nor strings attached. But it didn't stay that way for long. You both fell in love fairly quickly and what had started out just friends grew out of control. Soon hook ups turned into all night cuddles and what were supposed to casual fucks turned into actual dates. You guys tried to remain just friends but you two were magnets drawn to each other. You both were destined to be more than just good friends. You two were a sincere romance. You two had your bumps and falls but at the end of the day you always made your back to each other. No matter what had happened or how mad you two were at each other you just couldn't stay away from each other. You loved each other so much and would until the end of time. There was no changing that.

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