Jon Snow x Reader

By Sefawni

30.7K 813 143

Jon Snow x Reader More

Are you with us? - P.1
Are you with us? - P.2
Are you with us? - P.3
Are you with us? - P.4
Are you with us? - P.5
Are you with us? - P.7
Are you with us? - P.8
Are you with us? - P.9
Are you with us? - P.10
Are you with us? - P.11

Are you with us? - P.6

2.3K 72 15
By Sefawni

The road to where the Stark's camp was located had been long and almost torturous. Pushing Jon to take back for the time being the fur he had let you use, you started to regret your decision as the snowy Northern air attempted to freeze your face and the skin underneath your traveling attire. The half white and brown road was bumpier than expected creating tension in your back muscles though you knew it wasn't right to complain considering this would be the least painful moment in the battle to come.

Lady Sansa kept quiet and to herself as she rode on the other side of Jon keeping her eyes forward and focused. If the Bolton's were to win this battle, you knew Sansa would have the worst time out of any of you though you were sure she would never let herself be taken back alive.

Jon, on the other hand, looked bothered and conflicted. A man from the Nights Watch whose only concern used to be watching out on top of the wall now marched along side few men who were willing to fight a monster to take back Winterfell.

"Do you always look so sad, Jon?" you asked calling him by his first name as you were unsure on how to address him.

Your words caught his attention and seemed to snap him back to reality. He looked over at you with a semi amused expression now that you had called him out.

"No. I have other expressions as well." he commented straightening his back on his horse ready to start a conversation among the quiet men.

"Oh really?" you challenged trying to lighten the mood as you could feel your lips starting to numb. "You wouldn't be lying to me would you, Jon Snow?"

Sansa managed a small smile that managed to catch your eye though she remained quiet. It was obvious that she was listening to the conversation the two of you had been having though it was unclear why she never joined in.

"I would never lie to you, My Lady." he replied with just a small amount of humor in his voice.

"Well maybe I would lie to you." you told him as a challenge as he looked over in your direction again.

"And what would you be lying about then?" he asked ready to call your bluff knowing full well you had nothing to lie about.

Hearing his words, you stopped speaking to think for a moment and try to come up with anything to tell him. He watched you carefully as you stumbled over you thoughts until something came to mind.

"What if I told you I was actually a Lannister..." you told him as serious as possible.

Jon chuckled lightly at your confession. "Oh is that so. You don't seem to look anything like a Lannister."

"And what exactly does a Lannister look like then?" you challenged waiting for the answer from him though Sansa beat him to it.

"They look inbred." she mentioned casually not taking his eyes from the road as both yourself and Jon looked over at her.

All three of you managed to smile despite the heavy air that lingered over your bodies. Silence once again fell upon everyone as the soldiers continued to follow behind either on foot or on a horse depending on their importance. The realization set back in on what was to come as the camp came closer and closer into view.

Tents lined up in the area to had been nearly hidden behind a large rock formation. Different fires could be seen keeping the men already there warm enough to survive being exposed to the elements with only armor ready for the impending fight.

As you all rode into the entrance of the camp, the very first thing you noticed was the truth to the rumors that Jon had let wildlings in past the wall. You had never seen a wildling in person and only knew about them from the words of your father. They looked just like normal people for the most part besides their wild looking hair and rough expressions.

Mormont men had also been in the camp mingling among the others with their noticeable armor and shields with their house sigil almost everywhere.

"How many men are here?" you asked Jon continuing to ride slowly through the camp to an empty space where your men could set up their temporary homes.

"Including yours?" he thought for a moment before continuing. "Closer to 3,000. Ramsay Bolton still has a lot more though. We're still outnumbered."

"Numbers aren't always everything." you commented as the horses came to a stop and your men began to prepare themselves. "Fewer good men can always take on a hundred weak men."

"Let's hope you're right." Jon replied with a small smile as he hopped down from his horse.

Moving past where he horse stood, he made his way over to yours stretching his hands upward ready to grab you.

"What are you doing?" you asked him as he placed his hands on your upper torso.

"Helping you down." he answered as he pulled you in his direction until you were forced to rest your hands on his strong shoulders.

Your feet touched the cold ground though his hands still lingered in place on your body. However, before you were able to say anything he quickly removed them and gave out a gentle cough as if he had been a bit embarrassed.

"I'll let you set up camp and come see you later." he told you turning on his heel and walking over quickly to meet Ser Davos surely for some battle meeting.

~~~To be continued~~~

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