Are you with us? - P.9

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Your heart felt as if it had completely stopped as Jon mentioned that you were staring at him once again. There was no trying to deny the fact or make any excuses for you were caught in the act and needed a good explanation as to why you kept staring at him.  His hand remained on your wrist keeping it in place while digging his eyes into yours. He waited as you scrambled for anything to say that sounded good though the words couldn't leave your lips. He watched quietly keeping his gaze locked with yours though his facial expression seemed to change drastically.

He was now wearing an expression that you had never seen on any man before this moment. It was determined and fierce yet soft and yearning. Your lips pushed closer together keeping your full attention on him while trying to read his thoughts. His legs moved lightly as if he had been mentally preparing himself for something and trying to keep his actions under control. However, that seemed to be a battle that he was desperately losing.

"Jon..." you began in a cautious and curious voice.

More words wanted to be said but were stopped instantly when his rough semi-chapped lips forced their way onto yours. His movement had been so quick your mind took a few moments to register what exactly was happening. Keeping his lips against yours, he stood from his chair for the first time since entering the tent and pulled you by the wrist against his covered body quickly wrapping his free hand around your waist to keep you in place.

A million thoughts ran through your mind of different things to say or do but the longer Jon had you caught in a kiss the harder it was to make sense of anything. Your body felt unusually warm despite the cold air and snow all around. The entire camp was quiet making it difficult not to completely lose yourself to the bastard of Ned Stark.

"I-I'm sorry." he quickly said pulling his lips away from yours though keeping you tight against his chest. "I couldn't control myself."

His voice seemed completely apologetic though still ready at the same time. He breathed heavily locking his dark eyes with yours once again as if he had been looking for permission to continue. He was attractive and more kind than any other man in the North that you had encountered. His laugh was music and his smile made the sun look dull.

There was good chance you both could be dead in a few days unable to do all of the things you had ever wanted to do. And with that thought you knew that tonight you were going to live and break every rule that you or your father had ever set.

"Love me." you told him in a whisper just loud enough for him to hear with a trembling lip.

His hand had finally let go of your wrist and his other left your waist. Pulling them both behind your back, he carefully undid the few ties keeping your dress together as your skin slightly shook from the extreme nerves that seemed to emerge in an alarmingly short amount of time.

You felt the dress became more loose as each tie was undone. The feeling of the dress slowly slipping away from your body could have been enough to send you running out into open North and straight to your death though you remained still and as confident as possible.

Before you had a chance to be any more nervous the dress quickly fell from your shoulders to the ground exposing your naked body to the cold wind that occasionally came from the thin cracks in the tent. Your nipples hardened almost instantly and your skin lightly shook from the sudden cold though you could hardly notice as you watched Jon examine your body.

His mouth hung just barely open scanning his dark eyes from your shoulders to your toes taking in the scene in front of him not saying a word. Slowly he got to his knees while placing his hands on your thighs tightly. You watched him confused on what he was doing as you had never been in this kind of a situation before with man.

His face came closer to the bare area between your legs as your skin tingled by the feeling of his breath. His head tilted slightly and suddenly his tongue connected with the most sensitive skin on your body.

"O-Oh!" you said rather loudly breathing in as much air as possible as his tongue started get to drift in different patterns.

~~~To be continued~~~

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