Are you with us? - P.10

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Trying to remain balanced while Jon's tongue dominated the most desired part on a woman's body had been a war in itself as your legs wanted to collapse from the new sensations your body had been experiencing. Your mind raced as you couldn't believe what was happening. In the face of death you had decided it was good idea to give yourself to a man you hardly new without a marriage bond and you were starting to enjoy it. 

Surprisingly, for someone who had been showing little emotions and kept his voice always so calm and steady his tongue had been something like magic. The way it swirled and slid over every spot possible was almost too much for your virgin body to handle. You concentrated as hard as you could on literally anything else desperately trying to stop yourself from losing it so early. 

Surely he had been experienced for as good looking as he was and the status that he had held from his family. The very last thing you wanted to do was lose your grip without him getting anything in return through it looked like that would be the case as you felt your body become extremely hot in such a different way than it ever had before. 

Your breathing become wild as your knees shock only to be stabilized by Jon's hands keeping your body standing. His movements became quicker with just a slight sucking motion that managed to completely sending you over the edge. 

A strong wave of pleasure brushed over your body making your legs finally give out though you managed to fall on his shoulder as he kept you from hitting the cold ground. Your body shook as the strong sensation started to fade leaving you feeling thirsty and needing more air. 

"How was it?" he asked once you had seemed to calm down still laying halfway on his shoulder as his hands gripped your bare skin. 

There hadn't been a word in existence that could have described the pleasure that he had given you. Though the entire act only lasted a few minutes entirely due to the fact that your young body hadn't been used to such intense stimulation. Taking a few moments to catch your breath you finally answered him.

"Good." you responded settling for the most basic word even though it had been much much more than that. "Really good."

Suddenly, it hit you again that he was probably expecting the same in return. And with that though you felt nervous unsure of how to please a man and starting to lose some self-esteem in the process.

"Do you want...." you began to say figuring it was best to ask first before just assuming anything.

"No." he answered with a slight chuckle in his voice and you could tell he was smiling by the tone of his voice. "After the fight maybe? It will give me another reason to win."

"Okay. After the fight." you agreed rather quickly as you knew there would be time to mentally prepare yourself for that last step. 

"You should sleep." he told you as you pushed yourself up once your legs had returned to normal. "We have a big day tomorrow."

"Right. Are you going to sleep as well?" you asked wanting him to get a good rest before going fact to face with Ramsay. 

"No." he answered simply standing back on his feet and starting to make his way toward the front of the tent. "There's still a few people I need to speak with. Not like how we spoke but strategy related."

You couldn't help but smile at his words as you watched his back exit the tent and into the cold night air. It was obvious he was on edge and you were glad to be a distraction for him even if just for a short amount of time. 

Quickly, you redressed yourself as the cold air came into the tent chilling your skin rather uncomfortably. Your body had felt a bit strange as you stood alone with your thoughts in the tent. You had wished that he would have been able to stay as any lover would but you knew he was busy and had to finish preparations for tomorrow. Taking a deep breath, you walked toward the small make shift bed that had been set up and brought your body slowly down on it. Wrapping yourself in the one fur that you had packed, you covered your head shielding every part of your body from the cold gripping it tightly imagining that it was Jon still by your side.

Somehow you had managed to relax yourself by keeping your mind away from the important meeting that would be taking place in the morning. Once Ramsay saw you beside the Stark's in person he would surely get revenge on your house if Jon were to lose. It was a huge risk that you were taking by putting your family past and future at risk but somehow it still felt completely worth it.

~~~To be continued~~~

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