Are you with us? - P.8

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After the words had left his lips an awkward silence fell over the two of you. Your mind raced with what you thought you heard versus what you thought he meant to say. As he sat quietly in the corner of the tent near where you had been sitting at the desk you couldn't help but examine his features again. And the more you looked him over the more something seemed...different. His hair was a black as the night sky unlike anyone else in his family. From what you understood, the rest of his siblings besides Sansa had brown hair like their father.

From the rumors throughout the North girls desperately tried to gain the attention of Robb mostly for his handsome looks and honorable nature though Jon seemed to be much more handsome than any rumors that you have ever heard. Surely, upon seeing him, girls would have fought each other to the death just to get close to him.

"Why are you staring at me?" Jon suddenly asked snapping you out of your thoughts and into a reality of embarrassment. The blood began to rush to your cheeks to further show your embarrassment in an unwanted way.

"I...uh..." you started to say as a series of excuses flowed through your mind though couldn't seem to escape into the open air. Silently you scolded yourself without mercy for being the head of an important house though couldn't find an excuse as to why you were staring at a man.

A small smile began to form on Jon's cold lips that looked more teasing than anything else. His strong arms folded across his chest as if he had beaten you at something and had earned himself a major win.

"What is with that smile..." you said more in a demanding tone than in a questioning one. He gave out a light chuckle before answering.

"I don't know what you're talking about." even with a tiny smile on his sharp face his eyes screamed that he was enjoying himself. "Am I not allowed to smile?"

You were happy that he seemed to be letting himself relax despite of the upcoming events tomorrow though you didn't want him laughing at your awkward expense.

"No, in fact, you're not." you told him in a confident tone. "I'm the head of House (Yr/LN) and I have spoken."

Silence fell upon the tent once again as your (yr/eyecolor) eyes locked with his dark ones. His face was unreadable making you attempt to do the same. Though the tense staring contest ended rather quickly when he laughed ringing that beautiful sound through your ears once again making your heart race just as fast as the first time you had heard it.

"I'm sorry, My Lady, it's just you remind me of an angry puppy when you're trying to be assertive." he commented taking another playful jab at you.

Your mouth fell open at his comment as the image of an angry puppy forced itself into your mind. It wasn't threatening nor intimidating but instead cute and fun to look at it.

"I'm more threatening than a puppy." you argued back standing from your wooden chair that you had been sitting on for way to long.

"Oh is that so?" he asked biting his lower lip that almost made your heart explode in a moment.

You quickly closed the distance between the two of you and stood in front of where he sat. You raised your hand and tried to connect it with his face through his reflexes had been much faster and he caught it mid swing.

"That wasn't very nice." he commented still with that smug smile on his face.

"Tell me I'm not a puppy." you told him trying to break free though his grip had been much too strong.

"Alright alright. You're not a puppy. You're...a dragon.  A powerful dragon." he told you despite the hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Jon's hand remained on your wrist tight enough to keep you in place though not enough to cause any actual damage. Your words became lost again unfortunately giving him the chance to speak again.

"You're staring at me again." he told you this time with more seriousness in his voice.

~~~To be continued~~~

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