Emily Black and the Society o...

By iluvremuslupin

142K 5.9K 1.9K

Emily leads the new reformed Dumbledore's Army in revolt against her uncle's teaching but she has to convince... More

Emily Black and the Society of Dark Creatures(Book 5 in Emily Black series)
The Society of Outcasts
The Will of Albus Dumbledore
The Wedding
Love is a Battlefield
Dumbledore's Army
Severus Snape
Superwizard underpants and firewhiskey
Teddy Lupin
Dulce et Decorum Est
The Grim
The End
Author's Note


5.7K 270 95
By iluvremuslupin

(Emily's pov)

We reached the Great Hall.Then everything went downhill.Bodies were everywhere.Injured and dead.From what I could see at first glance around fifty were dead.Then I saw them.The Weasley's.Or more inportantly the people behind them.I ran over.My legs failed me,I crashed to my knees.Remus.Tonks.Fred.

"No"I mumbled.I screamed.I sobbed.Everyone I loved was gone.Sev.Remus.Tonks.Fred.All within a couple of hours.I felt as if someone had ripped out my heart.I wanted to die.I would have gladly jumped in front of a killing curse.

"George"I croaked out and I clutched onto him. He lost Fred.His twin.His other half.It was not George I had seen it the forest,it was Fred.I felt his body shake against mine.From the corner of my eyes I could see Cece,tears running down her face,mixing with the blood on her hands.

I looked down at Remus.I grabbed his cold hand in between mine.I smoothed his hair.I took a deep breath.

"I'll take care of Teddy,don't worry.I promise that he will never be alone.I will be there for him like you were there for me.I-I'm sorry.I could have protected you.I was stupid.Remmie,I love you.Please just wake up.This isn't funny"I managed to get out before my voice failed me.

I remembered all the times Remus was there for me.From when I was a little child and I scraped my knees or when I was older and he thought me how to protect myself.I wasn't the one who needed protection.I remembered him being overprotective,he was always protecting me and when it was my turn to protect him I failed.I failed him.

"I'm so sorry"I whispered.He was finally happy. With Tonks and Teddy.Tonks.The bubbly young woman.Dead.'She tried to save her' that was what the person controlling Cece had said.Cece had tried to save her.

Fred.I was vaguely aware of Percy sobbing beside me.He was barely a man.No longer would I see his smile.Or one of his stupid jokes. One of my best friends.No,he was more than that.A brother.

"I can't"I said.George hugged me.For a moment I thought he would never let go but he did.He looked me straight in my eyes.I was surprised he could see through his tears.My sight was blurry.

"I love you so much"he said.I laid my head on his shoulder.His heartbeat against mine made me realise this wasn't over.And I had to lead.I couldn't be weak.I was going to be strong for Sev.For Fred.For Remus.For Tonks.For all the other people.

"I love you too.I have to do something"I said.A vial lay on the ground a couple of metres away from me.It's silver contents swirled in patterns.

"Tell me"Cece screamed.I looked over.She had a murderous look on her face.I realised that she had too much blood on her to be from her head injury.Neville cowered away.The look in Cece's eyes were maniacal.

"You don't need to know Longbottom"Viola said.Her voice was gentle.Cece was having none of it.

"I hurt someone!Tell me who!"she screamed. People turned to look at her.

"It was a Snatcher.You missed a Hufflepuff"Viola said.I looked at her steely.I was a skilled liar.I knew a lie when I saw one.And Viola Walters was lying.

I passed Lavender.Parvati and Padma were crying beside her but she was alive.Our eyes met.She nodded and flinched.

I reached my room.The room I had slept in for four years.The red made me think of blood.The white reminded me of their skin.I screamed and punched the window.It cracked,falling down like rain,the detailed pattern gone.

I threw robes and trinkets around the room.My snow globe burst against the wall.Potions spilt and cracked all over the room.My bedsheets sizzled and burned when a green potion hit them.Then I found it.The Black Family Heirloom.The pensieve.

I enlarged it and dropped the silver drops into the basin.It swirled and I closed my eyes before emerging my face into the substance.

The scene made shape.Three kids.Two girls. One a boy.Mum,Lily Potter and Sev.They laughed.Sev stared at Lily longingly.Mum jabbed him with her elbow.They were probably ten.

"I have to go home.It's Tuney's birthday!"Lily exclaimed.She hugged my mum and kissed Sev's cheek.He blushed.They walked off.

"You ready tomato?"my mum teased.Sev glared at her from under his hair.

"Shut up and go snog that muggle from around the corner"He snapped with a cruel smirk.Mum looked at him in disgust.

"Yuck.Snog.I'm only ten!"She exclaimed."And don't tell anyone that I like him"she added,black flames dancing on her fingertips.

"Unfair!Why can't I do that?"he exclaimed childishly.

The scene changed.They didn't look any older. This time Sev and mum were accompanied by two adults.My grandparents.My grandmother was beautiful.She had the regal pureblood look to her.I realised that I had that look too.She had light brown hair and dark piercing eyes grandfather was ugly.His black hair was oily.His eyes were bloodshot.I wanted to hit him for what he did to Sev and my Mum.But he was a memory.I was real.

"I don't want to be separated from Severus!"my mum protested.Her eyes were narrowed at her father.I shuddered.In six years,she would kill him.

"You're lucky,I'm letting you go you ungrateful little-"Tobias Snape snapped but Sev cut him off.

"I'll go to Beauxbatons with her!She doesn't have to go to Hogwarts.Please Mum!"he begged.I never realised they were so close.

"Go to the ponce school?No!She will learn her place and you shall learn yours.Now leave"

He shouted.

"But-"my mum started to protest but she was silenced by a slap.Her hand instinctually rose to her cheek.Fire blazed in her hand.A wind slammed the door.The house shook.She hissed in a language I didn't understand.Parseltongue.

"Severa"Eileen Snape hissed.The house stopped shaking,the wind stopped,the fire disappeared.

"One day.She will not protect you.I will kill you.And you will look at me while the life leaves your eyes and you will think back to this day.And think that you should have listened"She hissed.He merely laughed.He should have listened.

The memory changed again.Mum looked older. My age.Sev's face was flushed.Dad stood beside Mum,his hand in hers.

"I can't believe you!How could you betray me like this!You hated him!And now you love him?BULLSHIT SEVERA!YOU ARE DOING THIS TO GET BACK AT ME!"he shouted.My Mum looked at him calmly.

"I have no reason to get back at you.I know this is hard,Severus.I do get that.But we are family. Family sticks together.We have been through so much together"she said.A cruel made its way onto Sev's face.

"Oh really?Does he know about our darling father?About what you did to him?"He asked. Her eyes narrowed slightly as dad looked at her

confused."And did you tell him what you are?Purebloods find it hard to accept monsters like you"

Mum paled.Dad looked at her and then Sev.Her then Sev.

"She's not the monster Snivels.You are!"he screamed,his fists clenched.Mum put her hand on his shoulder and he tensed.

"He's right Sirius.I am a monster"She said softly.

"W-what?Don't listen to him?"he stuttered.My mum merely lit her fingertip on fire,the flame jumping across her body.

"I'm an elemental"she said.He stumbled backwards.He opened his mouth but then decided against it.He ran.My mum' eyes filled with tears.She turned towards Sev.

"Happy now?"She shouted.Sev opened his mouth but her glare shut him up."Maybe Lily was right.You are a horrible person.She will never love you.Nobody ever will.I am all you have.Well,had.James deserves her."

With that,the scene changed again.Sev was outside a small house,looking through the window.I walked through the wall.Mum was in a beautiful white gown,grinning as Remus twirled her around.Dad stood a metre away,dancing with Lily Potter in a suit.It was their wedding.

"May I have my wife back Moony?"Dad asked and Remus smiled politely and let go of my mum's hand.She giggled as they danced.Then her eyes caught Sev's in the window.

"Severa?What's wrong?"Dad asked.She smiled at him.

"I'm fine.No,I'm better than fine.I love you.I just need to go pee"she said.Dad rolled his eyes.

"Very ladylike"he commented.She stuck her tongue out at him.

"You didn't sign up for a lady"she said.She walked off,looking back quickly and when he diverted his eyes she walked out of the door into the crisp winter air.She shivered and looked at Sev sadly.

"Severa"he gasped.She looked at him cooly. Then she smiled and hugged him.They embraced for a couple of moments before she let go.Then she slapped him.

"Merlin,I hate you Severus Snape!"she exclaimed.He looked at her,shocked for a moment before his face composed.

"I'm sorry"he said emotionlessly.She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Sorry?After all you have done?Sorry isn't enough.You're a Death Eater Severus!I can't just overlook that fact.I love you,I really do.You are and always will be my twin.But I cannot do this.You chose.You chose them.I love you!. And that is the reason why I am saying goodbye now."she said.Tears welled up in her eyes and I stared at her while she wiped them away.Sev looked at her and nodded.

"I know"was all he said.I didn't get how he could say that.If it was me,I would have begged for forgivenesss.I would have not let them leave until they forgave me.I didn't even notice the scene change until I found myself looking into the blank eyes of my mother.Tears welled in my eyes and I closed them.I knew where we were, Godric's Hollow.

I heard Sev sob,begging Lily Potter and Mum to stay with him.I heard Harry crying but when I opened my eyes,the baby me was not crying. She just looked ahead blankly,not knowing that her mother just died.I just wished that the baby would cry.

I opened my eyes to see the face of Nikki Baker.The scene changed.She was younger, obviously.She looked around my age and she blinked when she saw Sev,or more importantly the little girl,whose hand was attached to his.It was weird to see myself younger,I looked up to Sev with admiration.I looked cute,happy.

"Severus Snape.I can't say I didn't expect you" she said cooly.Well,her personality hadn't changed much.I remembered her telling me that Sev had come to her before and had seen two women.

"You know why I'm here"he replied cooly.Her eyes flickered to the younger me,I looked around five but I had no recollection of the meeting.

"Who ever thought you,Severus Snape,would ever care for someone other than yourself. You could have brought her to an orphanage,why didn't you?She may be Severa's daughter but she is also Sirius'.Last tine I checked,you hated him and Emily does look like him an awful lot"she said.Sev looked down at the younger me.For a second I thought he was going to let go of my hand but he didn't.I wanted to cry again.I didn't.

"That is none of your business!"he snapped and a cruel smirk made its way onto Nikki's face."It Is my turn to mind her and if I asked Lupin,he would get suspicious.Don't worry Nicole,her memory will be erased"

"Come in.Lily and Severa have been waiting for you"she said.Lily.He loved Lily Potter.I followed them into the cottage.Nikki flicked her wrist and Lily and Mum appeared.Sev gave me to Nikki and Nikki just stared at me blankly.I didn't listen to their conversation.I felt like I was intruding too much.I just stared at Nikki as she studied the younger me.

"So you're the girl of the prophecy.Not much I suppose"she muttered,pulling at a strand of my hair.A fire blazed across the room and she smiled.

"Times up Severus!"she shouted.

More scenes past,Sev tucking me into bed,a man telling Sev that he had a lovely daughter.He didn't correct him.Then Dumbledore and Sev having an argument.Dumbledore wanted him to kill him.Then screaming matches between Sev and I.Then sweet moments.Just before I was about to burst out in tears,it ended.

I found myself back in my room.I trued to control my breathing.Sev didn't want to kill Dumbledore.I hated him for the last year of his life for no reason at all.I wasted valuable time.

"Emily!"I heard my name being shouted.I turned around to see Hermione,tears in her eyes.

"Harry's going to the Forbidden Forest.He's going to die"she chocked out,her voice cracking.I looked at her.I felt helpless.This was Harry's choice.


"We should help collect the bodies"I finally say, praying that one of them wouldn't be Harry.

---------------------------------------A/N Hello.Sorry for slow update.I've been busy.Sorry.Anyway thanks to 'TomboyA' 'MadDogalicious' 'jojocvnt' 'Gummybear_Dragon' 'chrlie_deguineapig' 'hufflepuffandproud' 'PhantomStoryTeller' 'JenessaRae37' 'XoWarriorgG6' 'sinafabixo' for fanning.It means a lot.

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