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(Emily's pov)
The day I dreaded finally arrived.September 1st.Remus woke me up,pushing me gently.

"I don't want to go"I mumbled into my pillow but Remus was persistent and that was how I found myself on Platform 9 and 3/4 looking at the wall.Remus nudged me lightly and I slowly walked through the barrier.The platform was just as busy as it usually was.A little less crowded but still extremely busy.I made my way through the crowd,Remus and Tonks holding my hands so I didn't get lost.I felt like a child again.I saw ginger hair and I made my way towards them.

"Emily darling.You made it"Mrs Weasley said,hugging me tightly.I turned around and hugged Fred and then George.

"Any problems you tell me"he whispered in my ear and I shrugged.Of course I wasn't going to tell him.We were in over our heads and I knew that.

"I'll look after Gin"I whispered back and George smiled at me.Tonks hugged me and I smiled and touched her belly.There was no bump but still,I was so excited.

"Bye Remmie.I'll see you at Christmas"I said,hugging Remus and I turned to Ginny.I took her arm and we walked through the crowds and onto the train.It was easier than previous years to find a compartment.We went into a compartment with Neville,Cece and Luna.I was relived to see them here.

"Hey"I said,sitting beside Cece as Ginny sat beside Luna.We were all silent for a moment before Cece decided to break the silence.

"Maybe it won't be that bad.This is Hogwarts we're talking about.We still have McGonagall and the others..."Cece said, trailing off.Neville patted her on the shoulder.It was wishful thinking.We all knew that.

"Maybe but we don't have Dumbledore.He can't protect us"Ginny said doubtfully.We were silent again as Crabbe and Goyle walked past the compartment,pushing a small first year.

"Hey.Stop it!"I exclaimed,the door flying open from the amount of force I pulled it with.They both turned to me and narrowed their eyes.

"What you going to do about it Black?"Goyle sneered,his face turned even uglier than usual.

"Yeah,what you going to do about it Black?" Crabbe repeated and I rolled my eyes.

"Just leave her alone or you don't want to know what I'm going to do"I said and they both looked at each other before shrugging.

"Whatever"Goyle muttered and they walked off.I helped the girl up to her feet and she immediately ran off.That was her first impression of Hogwarts,two oafs pushing her.I walked back into the compartment to see that Luna had her hand on Ginny's shoulder and Ginny's face was flushed with rage.

"They can't do that!She's just a little girl!Its just cruel!"Ginny said.But the thing was they could do that.Their dads were Death Eaters.They pretty much ruled the UK now.

"Ginny!I told George I'll look after you but if you go and attack a Death Eater's child I can't do that"I said and Ginny's head snapped from Neville's direction to mine.

"You just threatened them!You're being a hypocrite!"Ginny shouted,her eyes narrowed and her voice echoed around the compartment.

"They won't kill me!"I said,my voice rising.

"Why not?Oh now that I think about it I know very well.You don't die other people do it for you!First your mum,then your boyfriend,then your dad and then the headmaster!You don't die because you let other people do it for you!"Ginny said,her voice low.She had roughly got out of Luna's grip and she was a couple of inches away from me.

"Don't you dare.They didn't die for me.They died because of your boyfriend.You want to know why they won't kill me?Because they hope I will join their side.'She will try in vain to end what cannot be ended'.A line from my prophecy.You know what my conclusion is?Death.That cannot be ended.I have researched everything.You think I don't feel guilty?That I don't feel sad?I might have been trained to seem emotionless but don't don't say that I never cared for them.Death has followed me from the moment I was born from my uncle Regulas to my parents to Cedric to Dumbledore.So don't you dare say that I wouldn't gladly take their place if they could be here"I hissed,my voice deathly low.She narrowed her eyes and scoffed.

"Don't blame Harry.He didn't ask for any of this"she snapped and it was my turn to scoff.

"And I did?"I asked and I felt Cece's hand on my arm.

"At least he cried when Snape killed Dumbledore.What did you do when you found out?What did you do at the funeral?You didn't let one emotion sneak onto your face the whole time.Is it really that hard to hate Snape?To mourn Dumbledore's death?The loss of your uncle?Apparently it is because you don't let one thing phase you.Is it for the greater good Emily?You would sacrifice any of us if you could get your revenge.You would-"Ginny shouted but I never found out what she was going to say next.At that moment the train lurched forward and we both fell.

"Is everyone okay?Why have we stopped?" Neville asked,offering us his hands and he pulled us up.The door banged open before we could answer.Two masked Death Eaters walked in and started to search our luggage, throwing robes everywhere.

"Hey Losers.He isn't here"Neville said and they stopped throwing robes around the place and turned to him.I side stepped in front of him.

"He's right.Potter isn't that stupid.He's probably miles away so I advise you to stop sending pointless searches"I said and Ginny stood beside me,her arms crossed and the Death Eaters shoved past us before walking out.I let out a breath of relief as we sat back down.

The rest of the journey was silent.What Ginny said was true.I couldn't let one emotion slip.I wouldn't sacrifice any of them for something as petty as revenge.I want revenge for the people he had taken from me but I would not sacrifice other people I care about.I wanted it to all end so they would be safe.We went out and headed straight to the carriages.I petted the Thestral on the head and got in.

"Everything's going to be fine"Luna said in her dreamy voice and I couldn't help but nod.I wanted everything to be fine but I was Emily Severa Black and nothing was ever fine.

The Entrance hall was packed as usual and we slipped into the Hall.The candles were dimmed and instead of casting a warm glow,it was just eery and creepy.The dark sky reflected the mood.Nobody talked.I don't think that I ever have heard the Great Hall so silent.Luna went to the Ravenclaw table and I caught a glimpse of Viola,who was staring pointedly at the wall as Pansy Parkinson talked to her.

"I'm sorry.I didn't mean them things.I was just angry at the corruptness of everything" Ginny mumbled but to this day I never forgot her words because a small part of me knew that the majority of what she said was the truth.

"I shouldn't tell you what to do.I'm not your mother.I'm just worried"I whispered back and she nodded as we sat down.I glared up at the staff table as Sev sat in Dumbledore's seat,his face unreadable.McGonagall came in with the first years and I never saw them so scared.It was over quickly and the sorting hat didn't even sing a song or say anything other than the house names.

"Welcome to a new year.Things will be different now.Rule breaking will not be permitted"Sev drawled,his dark eyes flickering over to me as he said it."Muggle Studies is mandatory.You have to learn about the...dangers they posses.This will be taught by Professor Alecto Carrow.There is also a new Dark Arts teachers.Professor Amycus Carrow will reach the subject.You will treat the new vice-headmasters with respect or else you will be severely...punished"

By the end of the speech my jaw was clenched,and my eyes were narrowed so much that I could barely see.He lazily flicked his wrist and food appeared on the tables.The Slytherin's food looked delicious while the Gryffindor's looked like sludge.

"I'm not eating this"I said,thinking back to the time I was in Azkaban and had to eat that horrid soup.Cece looked even angrier than me as she looked down at the plate.I saw her take out her wand and put it under the table.The bowl of sludge levitated and it slowly made its way to the staff table.I had to hold in a laugh as it landed in Alecto Carrow's hair.Cece's smirk was triumphant...until Amycus Carrow called her name.

"Longbottom!50 points from Gryffindor and a weeks detention!"he snapped and I looked at Sev,who was staring emotionless lay at the Carrow sister's hair.

"Go to your dorms"Sev snapped and the bench flew back a metre and I had to grip onto Ginny to not fall.I slowly got to my feet,just in time to escape the disappearing bench.Some people weren't so lucky.I heard Ernie MacMillan squeal as he fell and I heard Seamus grunt from beside Cece.

"Black!Will you stop walking!"McGonagall exclaimed as I made my way towards the doors.I turned around to see her weaving through the crowd,a frown on her face.

"Headmaster Snape requests your presence"McGonagall said,making a sour face for a moment before it disappeared.

"Tell him he can kiss my blood traitor ass"I said and I stayed long enough to see a smirk appear and disappear on McGonagall's face within a second and I guessed that Sev could kiss her blood traitor ass too.

----------------------------------------------------A/N Hey.I just returned from my holiday like half an hour before I started to write this.Commitment!It is like really late and I chose to update over sleep so sorry if its bad 'cause I am exhausted!Anyway thanks to 'AimeeGuzman','SiriuslyLlamas' 'xo_FreyaAlicia_ox' 'EmmaFaggotter' 'MissSwifty13' and 'AlanaGoldberg2' for fanning.

Emily Black and the Society of Dark Creatures(Book 5 in Emily Black series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant