Dumbledore's Army

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(Emily's pov)
The next morning was normal.Normal Hogwarts with McGonagall being her strict self.With us getting tons of homework.The halls were quieter but that was it.Then we went to Dark Arts class.

Amycus Carrow stood at the top of the classroom.It was not unlike the way Sev had had it the year before.The room was dark, the curtains drawn in front of the windows but a powerful lamp was in the corner, making the room appear unnaturally bright. The desks were spaced close together and there was a large distance between Carrow's desk and the first desk.Most people hurried to the back and Cece and I managed to get a middle seat,with Viola slipping in beside us,her eyes cast downwards as Carrow looked at her with sudden interest.I guessed that he knew her dad.

"The first thing we are going to do today is get to know each other"Carrow said.If any other teacher said this,it would probably sound comforting but Carrow had a deathly smirk on his face and I wanted nothing more than to punch it off."Who has ever experienced the feeling of an unforgivable?"

Most people were shocked by this question, me being no exception,but people slowly raised their hands.It was depressing.There was no other word to explain it.Too many people put up their hand.

"Who has ever cast an unforgivable?" Carrow asked with a sadistic grin.All hands dropped.

"The Dark Arts are a beautiful thing.People fear their power.They are no different from other magic but they are labeled differently because people fear power.I agree that we should embrace power.That is why I am here.To rid the world of all evils"Carrow said.The irony in the statement almost made me laugh.He really was as stupid as he was ugly.Trust me,that was a lot.

"First who can tell me why we should use the Dark Arts?"he asked and nobody put their hand up."Black?"he asked and I stared at him coldly.

"We shouldn't.Its as simple as that.They are frowned upon for a reason and people who use them are most likely mentally unstable" I said,my voice strong and I felt Viola stiffen from beside me.

"Come up here.Let you be the example for misbehaviours and unbelievers"he said and I slowly stood up and walked toward him.Let me warn you,you never want to be an example.I didn't know what to expect, him shouting at me,humiliating me.But instead I gasped as his fist connected with my face.I stumbled backwards and instinctually raised my hand to my face.He smirked at me and I clenched my jaw.

"Any students who disobey us will be punished accordantly to their misbehaviour. Sit Black"He said and I could feel my temple throb as I walked back to my seat.Cece's hand was covering her mouth as she sat gaping at Carrow,her eyes narrowed.He continued to talk about how the Dark Arts are beautiful and powerful but it was clear that he was convincing no one.Hannah Abbott's eyes were narrowed slightly, barely noticeable,Michael Corner was glaring at Carrow from under his hair and Ernie MacMillan was shaking his head slightly,a disgusted look on his face.The Slytherins even looked uncomfortable.

"Longbottom stay behind so we can discuss your detentions"Carrow said at the end of the class and I looked at Cece,her normally calm face clearly showed rage.Her blue eyes looked darker and she looked older,more mature.Completely different from the girl I knew.We had all changed.

"You go ahead,talk to Ginny"she said,giving me a meaningful look but I didn't have a clue what she was talking about but Carrow was looking at us closely so I followed Viola out of the classroom.

"How's Slytherin nowadays?"I asked and she shrugged softly.

"You know us.Evil.Cunning.Arrogant"she joked and I noticed her pale and I followed her eyes to see Draco,leaning casually against a pillar.He looked normal,except that his skin was paler.

"I wasn't sure he'd show up"I admitted.I should have told someone that he was a Death Eater when I found out but I couldn't and Dumbledore had paid.I was as much responsible for Dumbledore's death as Sev.

"He likes power.Malfoy isn't Vol...You Know Who's favourite Death Eater anymore.He is no use at home.Plus attendance is mandatory"Viola said.Her voice wasn't angry.Just detached.

"I have to talk to Ginny.I might see you later.If they haven't changed curfew.You never know"I said and she nodded before hastily walking down the empty corridor.I found Ginny with Neville in the common room,their heads close together as they looked at pieces of parchment that lay on the table.

"Cece told me to talk to you"I said,sitting down beside them to see that the pieces of parchment contained a badly drawn map.

"What are you doing?"I asked,my voice skeptical as I clearly saw Dumbledore's office,Sev's office now I suppose.

"Dumbledore left Harry the Sword of Gryffindor in his will but Scrimeoger wouldn't give it to him.We're going to steal it from Snape's office"Ginny said bluntly and I looked at them both as if they were crazy.

"Dumbledore left me a box in his will.He had a photo of a girl with my mum and some gibberish.I highly doubt that Harry needs the sword that much that we will probably risk our lives for it if we get caught"I said,shaking my head at them but Ginny was persistent and stubborn.She often reminded me of another redhead, Christine. And we all know what happened to her.

"We can't just sit around while they torture us.Carrowette hit a Ravenclaw for pointing out that Muggles aren't monsters or animals.And considering you have a bruise forming on your temple I say Carrow did the same to you.We need to fight back"Ginny said.

"Right"I said distractedly as my brain started to think of a plan.I ran up the stairs to the dorms without saying anything. Neville just looked after me because he couldn't follow but Ginny was right on my heels.I rummaged through my trunk.It was weird that there were only four beds now, not five.It would probably have been weirder for Neville and Seamus,whose dorm only had two beds instead of five.I found it and Ginny rolled her eyes.

"Wow Emily.A galleon"she said but then her eyes widened in realisation.She reached into her pocket and took out an identical galleon to the one I was holding.

"Dumbledore's Army"Ginny said and I nodded.I didn't have Harry's galleon so I had to perform a few charms on it but then as I changed the date,the date on Ginny's changed too and she flinched slightly as it burned in her palm.

"What about Quidditch Trials?"Ginny asked and I realised that I had to actually hold Quidditch trials.I was made Captain,not that that made me feel any better and I had to hold trials.

"I'll do them tomorrow"I said instantly as I got up and shoved somethings back into my trunk.Ginny looked at the galleon with a look of pure excitement on her face before she followed me downstairs.Cece was back and both her and Neville were looking down at their hands,where to galleons were placed,scheduling a meeting in ten minutes.

"We should probably go"I said and Neville grinned.We were silent walking through the halls.They were empty but anytime we heard footsteps we would get nervous but it just ended up being Luna.We reached the Room of Requirement.I thought about the room where we practised before and it appeared.Just like that.After a minute or two I thought no one would show up or that nobody had their galleon on them but slowly people started to file in.There was nineteen of us in total,including us.Viola was still the only Slytherin and I was surprised to see two people who weren't in the DA before,Leane,Katie Bell's friend and Romilda Vane.

"Is the DA back on?"Luna asked,her musical voice echoing across the room.Everyone looked up at us expectantly and I shared a glance with Ginny.

"We need to stand up to the Carrows.It won't be like the old DA.We won't be learning new spells.We'll be revolting"Ginny said and everyone was silent.

"We're not going to make you sign some jinxed parchment.Or any parchment at all. This isn't like what we were doing two years ago.This is real.You don't have to do anything you don't want to.We're not pressuring you.If you want to you can leave right now"I said but nobody moved.

"What exactly are we doing first?"Romida Vane asked,her voice surprising strong.I always thought of her as a stupid teenage girl but I guess I can't judge.

I looked over at Ginny and she nodded slightly.I turned around to the expectant look on the people's in front of me faces and a smirk graced my face.

"We're going to steal the sword of Godric Gryffindor"

A/N Ooh.Sev is going to catch her stealing the sword next chapter!Thank you all so much for your support.It means so so so much to me.Thanks to 'weasleytwinslover' BlueEyedDisaster' 'LitleMissFredWeasley' 'claudiapotter' and 'Hunger_game' for fanning.Its means a lot.

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