The End

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(Emily's pov)
I gritted my teeth as I dragged the limp body. The woman was young enough.Her face was vaguely familiar but I blocked her from my head as I hefted her up the steps.I was one of the few people not grieving.

"Emily,I can do this"Neville said,placing his hand gently on my shoulder.I looked down at the boy.He was too young.He wasn't allowed to fight. Colin Creevey.Dead.

"No.I can do this"I said firmly.I gritted my teeth. I was not going to break down.I kept on repeating it but I knew it wasn't going to work for long.I was just waiting for the scream.The scream telling me that Harry Potter is dead.And that it is my fault.I didn't complete my prophecy.I didn't fight what wasn't meant.I was a failure.

The scream was more terrible than I could have imagined for the simple fact that it came out of Professor McGonagall.I never thought I would see her so venerable.A crowd had gathered outside the entrance hall.I pushed my way through.Then I saw him.Harry.Lying dead in Hagrid's arms because of me.

Cece screamed when she stood beside me and saw him.Viola just stared in shock.The crowd started to shout until Voldemort silenced them with a spell.

"You see?" said Voldemort. "Harry Potter is dead! Do you understand now, deluded ones? He was nothing, ever, but a boy who relied on others to sacrifice themselves for him!"

"He beat you!"Ron yelled from beside me.The curse broke but with a bang silence returned.I wanted to do something but George slipped his hand into mine.I had lost everything.I was not going to risk losing George.

"He was killed while trying to sneak out of the castle grounds,"Voldemort said "killed while trying to save himself "

But Voldemort didn't get to finish the speech he had probably prepared years ago while almost dead.No,he didn't.Neville jumped at him.It happened quickly.A shout.A bright light.And a grunt of pain.

"Neville!"Cece screamed.She went to run but before I could stop her,somebody already did. Viola had her arm in a vice grip and Cece struggled,trying to get her off but Viola didn't even break a sweat.

"So what if I am?"Neville said loudly,bringing my attention back to him.I let go of George hand and placed both of my hands in front of me.Neville was my friend and if Voldemort even tried to hurt him he would have a fireball to answer to.

"You show spirit and bravery, and you come of noble stock. You will make a very valuable Death Eater. We need your kind, Neville Longbottom."Voldemort said.

"I'll join you when hell freezes over," said Neville. "Dumbledore's Army!" he shouted, and there was an answering cheer from the crowd, which Voldemort's Silencing Charms seemed unable to hold.

"Very well,"Voldemort said"If that is your choice, Longbottom, we revert to the original plan. On your head," he said quietly, "be it."

He waved his wand and fire blazed on my fingertips but all that was happening was that the sorting hat was flying through the air towards Voldemort.I didn't know whether to be relieved or scared.

"There will be no more Sorting at Hogwarts School," said Voldemort. "There will be no more Houses. The emblem, shield and colors of my noble ancestor, Salazar Slythering, will suffice everyone. Won't they, Neville Longbottom?"

He pointed his wand at Neville,who grew rigid and still.I thought he was going to do it there,kill him right there but he didn't.He turned to the crowd.

"Do you know how to stop stupid,rebellious teenagers?"he asked.I stood still.I could hear my own heart beat."You break them"

His echoed in the silence.That silence was broken with Cece's screams.I turned around to see her twitching on the ground but then she disappeared.Straight into thin air.I looked over to see her in front of Voldemort.He forced the sorting hat onto her,until it covered her eyes and she kicked blindly at the air.

"Cecilia here is now going to demonstrate what happens to anyone foolish enough to continue to oppose me," said Voldemort, and with a flick of his wand,he caused the Sorting Hat to burst into flames.

I saw Harry twitch from the corner of my eyes. A second later,the flames disappeared.I stepped forward.

"Probably wasn't the smartest idea to use fire in front of an elemental Tom"I said with a smirk. His red eyes narrowed.Cece slumped to the floor.I foresaw what he was going to do.But before that could happen I drew his attention to me.

"Jake is dead.We,Dumbledore's Army itself, has me.Give up now.Because I am not in the mood and I will kill you"I said.

"You are only alive because of your uncle.But now that he is gone,I can finally get rid of you"he said.He raised his wand but with a flick of my wrist,it flew towards me.

"Also,make sure there is only one person with a lightning shaped scar because it can be very awkward when I kick your butt and people find out about mine"I said,sticking my wrist in the air for everybody to see.Death Eaters behind him raises their wands,I had their attention.Just what I wanted.

'Harry,if you are alive.Run in two seconds exactly"I thought and hopes that Harry got the message.

"Oh and a little bit of advice,make sure the person you try to kill is actually dead before you start to brag"I said with a laugh.In an arc of flames Harry ran.The ground cracked beneath him as I channeled all my strength into keeping the curses away from him.

"Invisibility cloak would help Harry!"I screamed. A second later Harry had vanished.I stumbled backwards and looked at the destruction I had caused.Giants fought against Gramp,who really was tiny in comparison.Arrows made their way towards Death Eaters,the centaurs had joined the fight.Then some familiar people,well creatures, joined the party.

"I thought this wasn't thine fight"I pointed out as Louvenia slit a Death Eater's throat with her teeth.

"Long time tis been since I have dined on human blood"she answered.The fight retreated back towards the Great Hall and I stumbled in.All the energy I had was gone.Used up on getting Harry in safely.

"Emily!"George shouted and he grabbed my arm,steading me.It felt like someone was hitting my head repeatedly with a hammer.

"I'm fine"I assured him.A spell went past his ear and he ran off to help Lee.I felt my feet give way and I fell to the floor.Then I thought of my family.All of the people who were hurt in this war.I was not going to fail them again.

Draco stood in front of me.I blinked.He helped me up.I was so confused.I lit my finger and raised it threateningly near his face but the flame flickered and disappeared.

"Emily,stop it.I am here to help.You are family and for once in my life I am not going to be a coward like my father"he said.I leaned against him.My cousin,my family.

"Malfoy"a Death Eater hissed.I turned around and regretted it.The world seemed to spin around me.My foot slipped and Draco was the only thing keeping me from falling on my face.He rose his wand shakily.

"Go away or I'll do it"Draco said but his voice was shaking so bad that it was barely understand him.I suppose Slytherins weren't meant to be Gryffindors.

"No you won't but I will"Viola said from behin us."AVADA KEDAVRA!" she screamed.The Death Eater fell in front of us and I turned to see Viola staring at her father.He had the audacity to smirk.She did what he wanted her to do.

"Draco,get out of here now.My daddy dearest knows that I care for you.I just-I just don't want you to get hurt"Viola said,her voice cracking.I realised why.Louvenia,the immortal vampire who had lived centuries was lying a couple feet away,a stake through her heart.

"She had a daughter.She has a daughter.She told me to find her so they could be reunited.She never got to see her daughter after she left her.She was only twenty two.She had a son.And a stupid monster took that away from her.Then her daughter.Her husband.What's the point?I the monster my father wanted me to be"Viola said.I forced my eyes away from Louvenia.

"We will find her daughter.But now we have to fight"I said.To this day,I regret not telling her to run.To hide in a corner but instead I made a broken girl into a woman with a split soul. I fought.My magic was weak but still more powerful than most.It helped when I had people helping me.Unity.Loyality.We were unstoppable.

Then the finale began.Bellatrix Lestrange fell to Mrs Weasley.Voldemort had to take his anger out on someone.I ran but Harry beat me to it.
Voldemort turned.They circled each other.

The worst part was when Harry said that Sev didn't have to die.That Sev never had power over the wand.I could have had Sev beside me when Voldemort fell.His own curse backfired.And that was the end of Lord Voldemort.

Death Eaters fled.People cheered.I walked over to George.Everybody was so happy but all I did was hug George and sobbed into his shoulders.

---------------------------------------A/N Hey.I am sorry for not updating in 12 days.I hope you guys had a great Halloween though!I'm nearly done the book.I have one more chapter and then the epilogue.I was thinking of them having 6 children.I know its a lot but there are 6 children in my family so I thought it would be nice.If you want me to change it,just tell me.Now onto the thanks.To 'harrypotterfan100' 'martje225' 'carla20012' 'Lizbee12345' 'sillyrosetyler6667' 'neelrah' 'hapoll' 'potterheads_mahomies' 'Sami28214' 'aria_malfoy' 'lyrics101067' 'Ihynhikari' 'LinnAgerhem' 'erineo13' 'innerworkingsofmymind' for fanning.Thank you all so much!

Emily Black and the Society of Dark Creatures(Book 5 in Emily Black series)Where stories live. Discover now