By sheismental

464K 13.3K 3.5K

Arabelle Lightwood grew up on the center of the ShadowHunter world. She started training to be a ShadowHunte... More

Q & A


20.9K 641 172
By sheismental


"This is the hunt."


They're all together in Simon's van, needless to say that it was too small for 5 individuals.

"Anyone else thinks that Jace should of brought his motorcycle?." Arabelle says with a sarcastic smile while everyone mutters a small 'yes'. "That's what i thought." She says looking at Jace who shrugs.

"No one said anything." He defends. Arabelle opens her mouth with a disbelief.

"Is common sense!."

"No, it's not."

"Next time i will bring the damn motorcycle because is currently sitting somewhere in the institute while we are all curled up in here in desperate need of space." Arabelle says half joking. "Seriously Alec is breaking my space bubble, i need to breath fresh air and Alec keeps on breathing my air." Arabelle says sassily and Alec rolls his eyes.

"You're breathing my air." He mutters and Arabelle scoffs.

"So we are back with the 5th grader comebacks, huh?." She says sarcastically and Isabelle laughs.

"Maybe if you sat on Jace's lap we will have more space." Isabelle teases and Arabelle scoffs.

"And let him breath my air? No way sistah." Arabelle replies snapping her fingers.

"I cannot believe you're making jokes right now." Jace says and Arabelle tilts her head.

"That's the beauty of having me in the team, Jacey. While you sit there with your grumpy cat face, I make this journey a little less dull." Arabelle says before winking.

"I thought Alec was the one with the grumpy cat face." Isabelle says while she stifles a laugh.

"Both of them." Arabelle says innocently and Alec rolls his eyes, Arabelle kisses Alec's cheek. "Ow brother, i lovee youuu. Don't do the grumpy cat face agaaaaain." She says with a baby voice and Alec chuckles.

"You are still breathing my air." Alec says jokingly and Arabelle smacks his arm.


"Yeah this place isn't creepy." Simon says sarcastically as he sees the landscape.

"I have seen creepier things." Arabelle says shrugging. "But--." She raises her index finger. "The silent brothers are creepy as sh-."

"Don't you dare to finish that sentence." Alec warns.'

"-it." Arabelle finishes innocently while Alec shakes his head.

"Don't tell me you're afraid." Isabelle says to Simon.

"Are you kidding me? I was born afraid which sounded a lot better in my head." Simon says making Arabelle chuckle.

"You're the cutest mundane i've ever met." Arabelle tells Simon with a smirk.

"Let's check it out." Alec says before walking away. Jace walks behind him and Clary is quick to follow his steps.

"Wait here a minute." Jace stops her. "I wanna see if it's safe." He tells her.

"I wanna see if it's safe." Arabelle says making fun of Jace with a baby voice. "You're so lame." She says to Jace while walking beside him.

"Yeah well at least i'm not dating a werewolf." He says and Arabelle raises an eyebrow.

"First of all, Irrelevant as fuck and second of all, I'm not dating Ethan." Arabelle says and Jace gives her an 'Really?.' look. "What! I'm not lying."

"Yeah and what's with bringing him into your room?." Jace says while looking at some bushes.

"Newsflash, a girl can bring a boy into her room without hooking up. That's so mundane, Jace." Arabelle says with sassiness.

"Sorry, then the moans i heard the other night were just product of my imagination." Jace says sarcastically with the curves of his lips upwards. Arabelle looks at him confused and then makes an 'o' with her mouth.

"I cannot tell you what happened that night but in my defense, We were not having sex and why were you snooping? Your room is not close to mine so how is that you heard those noises?." Arabelle says crossing her arms over her chest and Jace's eyes go wide for a second.

"That's how loud they were." He says but Arabelle knows it's a lie.

"I'm not stupid, Jacey." She says with a sarcastic smile. "I will find out why." She warns. "And when i do i will rub it on your face."

"If something goes wrong--." Alec interrupts. "If something happens to her, that's on us - You know that, don't you?." Alec asks Jace.

"Yeah, And you know exactly what'd happen if Valentine gets the Cup before we do."Jace says. "She's lost everything, Alec.I know exactly what that feels like."

Arabelle looks at Jace and she finally understands why he's so interested on Clary, is not because she is a mystery; It's because he could understand how she felt. The thing is that, Arabelle lost everything as well, and she found herself in Jace. Because he understands her, now it seems like that happened a long time ago.

"And what's your problem with her, anyway? Your family always used to welcome strays." Jace says and Arabelle shoots him a look. "Sorry." He mutters looking at her apologetically.

"You were never a stray." Alec says.

"But i was." Arabelle says slightly mad. "You can't just talk about strays that lightly."


"No, no, Alec. Your sister was a one of those strays, and your family welcomed me with arms wide open. You know what? I don't even understand why i'm giving her a hard time but we should just check the perimeter and see if it's clear, i'm tired of all this fighting." Arabelle snaps before walking away, her cheeks were red; she was holding her breath.


"Jace stop!!." She yells. "Can we just get this over with?." She pleads and he nods slowly.

"Fine." Jace says harshly. "Clary." He calls her. "It's all clear." He says once she is by his side. Isabelle and Alec unite them as well.

"Belle are you ok-."

"Izzy, please no--not right now." Arabelle says without looking at her sister, Isabelle nods slightly. Arabelle walks silently behind Jace and Clary, and she rolls her eyes at the conversation they were having.

"I can do this." Clary sighs.

"Yeah, you can. You're Clary freaking Fray, you can do anything." Simon encourages her with his dorky smile. Simon starts to approach to the entrance but Jace smacks his chest.

"All right, hold up." Jace says.

"Surprise, surprise." Simon says. "No mundanes allowed, just like in the training room, right? Wrong! I've seen every horror movie ever made and the funny best friend who gets left behind dead man." Simon says and Arabelle chuckles.

"You're not that funny." Jace states.

"But he is funnier than you." Arabelle shrugs and sends a sweet smile to Simon.

"But by all means, go ahead." Jace says and Simon moves forward to the entrance. "Of course the minute you enter, you'll die." Jace continues with no worries.

"Problem is, now I don't trust you." Simon says and Arabelle nods.

"And why should you?." Arabelle mutters.

"He's not lying." Alec states.

"Now." Isabelle says.

"He was before." Arabelle continues with an innocent smile.

"The rune energy in the City of Bones will kill any mundane who dares to enter, so, please-." Alec says motioning the ground.

"The Brothers creep me out--." Isabelle says. "I'll mind the mundane." She says teasingly.

"Me too." Arabelle says smirking.

"So now you share?." Jace says with an eyebrow raised, obviously meaning the fact that Arabelle and Isabelle were always fighting about guys-- most of the time.

"We can try." Arabelle responds smirking and Jace rolls his eyes.

"Your sacrafice is noted, Izzy, Belle." Jace says before walking away.

"I can't be here anymore, so, Jace, I'm gonna mind the perimeter." Alec says turning his back and walking away.

"I don't wanna leave you." Clary says holding Simon's hand.

"Go be a bad ass Shadowhunter, all right? Get your memories back, save your mother." Simon says. "I'll be right here guarding the entrance to hell." Clary embraces Simon and he wraps his arms around her waist.

"Clary, you don't keep the Silent Brothers waiting." Jace says clearly annoyed and Arabelle can't help but enjoy the moment, a jealous Jace.

"You got this." Simon says one last time before Clary walks away, besides Jace.

"They're getting to be quite the team." Isabelle teases Simon. "Amusing."

"No, not really." Arabelle and Simon say at the same time.


Arabelle huffs for the third time.

"So, is cracking someone's mind open supposed to take this long? Maybe we, or you should go check?."Simon says gesturing Alec, Isabelle and Arabelle.

"Jace has it covered." Alec responds

"Like always." Arabelle says sarcastically.

"Take my word for it." Isabelle says while playing with her hair, one of the biggest pet peeves of Arabelle.

"Can you stop doing that?." Arabelle says snapping. Isabelle knew what was bothering Arabelle.


"Because you look dumb." Arabelle says harshly.

"Play nice." Alec states.

"What if Clary can't handle the Brothers? - What does that -." Simon starts.

"It literally never stops talking." Alec says only half joking, but clearly annoyed.

"Is he always so charming?." Simon asks sarcastically.

"Firstborn." Arabelle says with an annoyed look.

"Heavy is the head that wears the crown." Isabelle continues.

"Mmm." Simon nods. "I feel his pain. Only son, Mother wants me to be a CPA." Simon says and Arabelle takes a step closer. (Why you always lyin')

"And you?." She asks, truly interested. "What do you want?."

"Me? Um well, I'm in a band." He says a little nervous.

"Yeah? What type of music?." Arabelle says happily. "Wait let me guess!." She looks at Simon for a while. "Indie rock?." She asks with a smile.

"Yeah." Simon says smiling.

"That's my favorite type of music!." Arabelle adds with excitement in her voice. "Got anything on your phone?."

"I do. We recorded our last set--" Simon says excited. "We killed- I left my phone in the van."

"Let's go get it." Arabelle says tilting her head.

"Yeah." Simon says nervously and Arabelle nods with a smile.

"Where is it going?." Alec asks sternly.

"We'll be right back." Arabelle says with a smile and Alec raises his eyebrows. "What?." Arabelle says annoyed. "He passes the time and he has good music which is a big bonus." Arabelle smirks.

"I can hear you guys, you know?."


Arabelle tilts her head as she looks at Simon.

"Just a second." Simon says and Arabelle lays a hand on his cheek, Simon seemed somewhat different.

"Yeah?." Arabelle says and Simon starts to get nervous, which made Arabelle feel a little more powerful.

"Um, uh, trying to pick the right clip." He says and a noise comes from behind Arabelle.

"What was that?." She asks turning her back. "I'll be right back, Okay? Whatever you do, don't leave the van." She says to Simon before closing the door of the van.


"Simon!." Arabelle asks, it's been 5 minutes since she came back to the van - Only to find out that Simon wasn't there. "God damn it!." She says and runs towards Alec, Isabelle, Clary and Jace.

"Where's Simon?." Clary asks, with a few tears in her eyes. Arabelle looks at the ground for a second. "Where's Simon?!." Clary asks louder.

"I told him to stay in the van." Arabelle replies. "I've searched everywhere." Arabelle says with a guilty look.

"He's gone?." Clary asks with widen eyes.

"I can't find him." Arabelle says shaking her head.

"You were supposed to protect him!." Clary yells at Arabelle, in other circumstances she would of told her off but she was geniunely sorry and felt guilty about Simon's sudden abduction. "Simon!." Clary yells.

"Ugh, these mundanes are killing me." Jace says before following Clary from behind.

They run to the van and with every step Arabelle takes she knows that they won't find Simon in the van or anywhere near here for that matter.

"Simon? No!." Clary yells and tears fall down her cheeks. "Simon!!."

"Is that the mundane's name?." A voice yells from above, and they all turn their heads to the vampire that's holding Simon upwards. "I'm afraid Simon's coming with us." He says.

"No! No, he's not a part of this." Clary yells.

It was impossible for Arabelle not to feel guilty, she couldn't even imagine if instead of Simon it was Ethan.

"And it'll be my pleasure to kill you unless you return him." Arabelle says harshly.

"Careful." Alec says. "We'd be violating the Accords."

"I don't freaking care about the damn Accords." Arabelle replies and Clary looks at her in disbelief, the girl that has been mean to her - She was willing to break the Accords to give her best friend back.

"I'm afraid your sidekick's quite right. The Night Children have broken no laws." The vampire says and Arabelle's jaw clenches. "We're negotiating. The mundane, unharmed, in exchange for the Mortal Cup."

"And the clock is ticking. Tick-tock, people."


im the worst wattpad writer lmfao.

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