Stuck with Mr. Popular ( COMP...

By no_one_finds_me

2.2M 73.8K 5.3K

It took every ounce of my willpower not to reciprocate his kiss. Our lips moved in flawless synchrony. I trem... More

Chapter -3
Sequel:Stuck In Love (sneak peek)
Sequel: Stuck In Love
Sequel Squeal!


36.9K 1.1K 72
By no_one_finds_me

Sophie Esinberg's POV

"I know right. He looks so hot!" I heard Samantha drooling over someone in the flyer which is in her hand. Samantha is the receptionist of our building, that is Amanda corp. Applied department for interns. She is accompanied by Maddy. I don't know why but Maddy has this unusual hatred for me. I've never said anything to her, but her behavior towards me is always rude.

"Stop day dreaming. He'll be least interested in you. You know we hooked up at a party few months ago. He said said he would call me." Maddy chirped while filing her nails. Samantha and Maddy were sitting on their usual reception seat and handing the flyers to everyone who passed by. I was waiting in the line so that I could enter my attendance in Biometric attendance system.

"What!! You hooked up with him. Did he call you then?" Samantha asked

"Naah, but I think he forgot. Maybe I can remind him about this at the Award Function," Maddy squealed in excitement.

"He's practically your boss now." Samantha replied with a 'duh' expression.

"Yeah, but back then he wasn't so....It doesn't make a difference."

"Besides he is three years younger than you." Samantha said.

"Who cares?" Maddy cooed.

Finally it was my turn. I registered my Attendance by pressing my thumb on the machine and entering my code. Next I took the flyer from Samantha and approached towards my seat.

Finally settling on my desk I took out my stationary and started with my work, suddenly my gaze fell on the flyer placed on my desk.

My eyes widen in shock when realization hit me.

Raymond. On the flyer I saw Raymond. All suited up, his hair gelled back and as usual he was looking sexy as sin.

But he wasn't alone on the flyer. The mad standing with him was our Company's CEO and one of the greatest scientist known in USA. He was Xavier Reynolds.

Wait. His last name is Reynolds too?






This cannot be the truth.

I opened the laptop which was placed on my desk and googled Xavier Reynolds.

I clicked on the first article link.

Xavier Reynolds is the CEO of Multinational Research Organization known as Amanda Corporations. Amanda Corporations is American Research Organization that operates the Largest Laboratories in Particle Physics, Solid Physics, Nuclear Physics, Chemical Engineering and pharmaceuticals.

Age: 42

Born: March 14, 1974 , Florida, USA

Spouse: Amanda Reynolds

Children: Raymond Reynolds.

This was it. I closed the tab after reading the last line. Then everything happened suddenly, I was out of breath. The hall started spinning. I saw towards the other side, everything was going around in circles by now.

Then everything went black.

My eyes flew open when the ice cold water hit me on the face. It took sometime for me to adjust to the light which was penetrating my eyes. Finally when my pupils adjusted I saw Noah sitting next to me with a water bottle in his hand while Samantha started rubbing my back. Maddy was standing in front of me with a scowl on her face.

For those who doesn't know Noah. He is my colleague. His desk is just next to me and he is an Intern too. Most of the time in the break we eat together.

Noah is a year elder to me. He is doing his Majors in Chemistry and he came here only for the Internship. He told me that he is staying with his Grandmother till this twenty day internship ends.  Then he'll head back to his college in New York.

"Are you alright?" Noah asked.

"Yeah....I'm better."

Well these words were just lie. Of Course I wasn't feeling better. I just found out that My boyfriend is my boss, indirectly yes. Okay, he's not my boss but he is his son. Right?

So that doesn't makes this any different.

"What happened?" This time it was Samantha who asked.

"Nothing...I just..."

Should I tell her about Raymond.

NO. Not when Maddy is standing right in front of me.

Everything I heard in the morning came back crashing in my mind.

We hooked up at a party few months ago.


Was she...seriously talking about....


Besides he is three years younger than you.

Who cares?

NO WAYS. She hooked up with Raymond!

Only thinking about something like this made me feel like puking. I felt a sudden pinch on jealousy in my heart. she said months ago. It's nearly three months since we started dating Raymond. Did he cheated on me?

The only thought got tears in my eyes. But I wasn't sure. Right?

I blinked back my tears and came back to reality. Samantha was snapping her fingers in front of me.

"Earth to Sophie..." she said.

"Huh?" I turned towards her in confusion.

"You just zoned out. Is everything fine?" Samantha replied.

"Yeah...i'm just a bit exhausted." I lied.

Gosh....I've been lying a lot nowadays.

"Here drink some." Noah passed be the water bottle. I gulped down half of the bottle at once.

"I think we should leave." Maddy said in a head tome.

Samantha nodded and made her way towards Maddy.

Before they both disappeared I heard Maddy saying "Attention seeking bitch"

"She's pathetic. Don't listen to her." Noah said who was sitting beside me while he was looking at the two girls going towards the reception.

I just nodded in reply.

"So tell me what happened?"

"Huh?" I gave him a confused look.

"I know that was a lie. Now what's the truth?" he asked me raising an eyebrow at me mockingly.

"Am I that easy?" I asked him while the corner of my lips twitched.

" You're like an open book. Easy to read. Now spill!"

I sighed in defeat and picked up the flyer which was still placed on my desk.

"This-" I pointed towards the picture on the flyer and continued "Is my boyfriend."

"Don't you think he's too old for you?" Noah replied while nodding towards the flyer. Confused my gaze fell on the flyer.

"Ughh....It's not a joke Noah!" I yelled at him while glaring. He chuckled.

"Sorry you're telling me Raymond Reynolds is your boyfriend."

"Yes" I said slowly


"SO....the thing is I didn't know that. After seeing this flyer I googled it and I just found that he is My Boss's son!" I said in a hard tone so that he understands what I am saying.

"Ohh" were the only words that came from his mouth.

"WAIT. So you didn't know that your boyfriend's Father is a great scientist who also happen to be the CEO of Amanda Corporations?-"

"Noah..its not-"

"He didn't tell you about this when he got to know about your internship here?-"

"NO its.."

"How is that even possible?" Noah kept on blabbering without even listening to me once.

"NOAH KNIGHT. Listen to me first!" I yelled. I think I yelled to loud because next thing I know is everyone in the hall is glaring at me.

I stood there. Glued to my spot. Quiet.

I looked down at the floor as embarrassment took over me while I heard Noah laughing. I glared at him once again and he shut his mouth then.

I quietly sat on the chair next to my desk as Noah followed my command. He sat on his chair.

"I didn't tell him about my internship yet and I thought his dad was some business man. He never talked about him much." I replied to Noah.

"Hmm...I see" he said while nodding his head as if he understood what I told him.

" should tell him about this. He'll ask his Father to give you The Intern Award. Plus you don"t have to work this much." he said the last line while gesturing towards my desk which was filled with crumbled and scratched papers.

I didn't like this thought. I don't want The Intern Award because I am Raymond's girlfriend. That will be unfair to other Interns and I don't want to win this way. I want to do it myself. I want to be credited and known for my hard work and not because I am dating my boss's son.

I didn't give it a second thought.

"No. I don't want to win like this. I want to be known for my work and not because of him." I said.

Noah raised an eyebrow at my statement and asked me " You sure?"

"Yes" I replied instantly.

" You are different Sophie." He said while smiling at me. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion while Noah just kept smiling and turned towards his laptop and said

"Let's work then."

I finally reached home. I threw my bag on the table and hopped on my bed. Today was exhausting, it was already seven and I still had my Homework to complete. While laying on my bed i kept my gaze on the ceiling. I started at the ceiling as my mind slowly started drifting to my thoughts.

The first thing that came up in my mind was what Noah said earlier today. He thought I can use Raymond to win the Intern Award. How can someone think like this. I clearly didn't like the thought. There is already enough nepotism in this world and because of this the ones who actually deserve the title are overshadowed.

I'm not sure whether I'll be able to compete with the other interns or not, I wasn't even sure whether I could make it to the finals or not but definitely I'll not use him.

It's just not in me.

I took out the flyer from my bag.

It said Raymond will be coming on the Award function. It said he will be presenting the Award. Then another thought went across my mind.

What if I win the competition and surprise Raymond on the Award function day.

Sounds like a plan...a good plan.

Raymond already didn't know about my internship so it wasn't a problem at all. I just have to keep quiet.

I pushed aside all the thoughts and went to complete my homework. I had a lot of work to do for the competition.

Finally after completing all my home work I headed downstairs as mom was calling me for dinner. After I came back to my room I started with my Internship work.

Scribbling on papers as my fingers went numb from writing. I kept on doing my work. My eyelids threatened me to close but i had to stay awake. I have to win this. For Raymond. Finally after my room was filled with the crumbled sheets all over the floor, my books spread like sheets on the table and my laptop screen glowed while I was reading an Article on it. I was done with my work. Atleast for today. I glanced at the watch. It is already twelve fifteen.

I checked my phone. Not even a single call from Raymond neither a message.

This is weird. Never in the past week Raymond missed a chance to call me. He use to call at twelve in the night and we use talk then until I drifted off to sleep. But today he didn't call.

My thoughts went wild about thinking how Raymond could be with some other girl at this time.


I should trust him.

I don't know why, I keep thinking like this about Raymond. I feel he is changed, he is no more a womanizer, he will not betray me. My mind told me every ugly possibility about how Raymond could be cheating on me.

Never in the last three months Raymond showed my that he didn't care about me. He even stopped going to the stupid parties because I refused to accompany him and he wanted to spend his time with me. So we ended up watching movie and cuddling on my bed. I use to drift off to sleep embraced in his arms. When I woke up he wasn't there anymore. This happened on every Fridays and Saturdays.

But his past, it haunted me. Raymond slept with half of the girls in our school. He was the bad boy of our school. All this made it difficult for me to trust him blindly. When I asked Raymond why he dated Ellen after he kissed me, he shrugged by saying it was his mistake.

I called him. The bell rang but he didn't answer the call. I again tried. No answer. I tried for about three more times but he didn't pick up his phone. I was losing my patience by now so I started to message him. After sending about twenty messages I saw the screen for then last time. there were blue ticks. That means he read them and still chose to avoid them. This made it clear. Raymond is avoiding me. Maybe he's done with me. Maybe he met someone better there.

I didn't notice that tears were falling down. A sob escaped my mouth. But then his words hit me

You were my light soaf.

I love you too.

No. Maybe I am over exaggerating things. He will not this to me. Never.

I walked towards the window and opened it. Though It was April but air was slightly chilled.

Wait. It's April right?

Ohh geez, it's seventeen today. It's my birthday tomorrow!

I clicked on my phone to check the notifications but before I could give a glance towards my phone a guy jumped inside my room through the opened window and pressed his one hand on my mouth to stop me from screaming and pushed me back until my back hit the wall.

He crushed his body against mine. I tried to protest but he was strong. My body was sandwiched between his and wall. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head on the side so that he had good access to my neck.

I knew what was coming next and I wasn't ready for it.



Hello Readers, 

Unfortunately I have to take down further chapters from Wattpad. The whole book and its sequel is combined as one now and is published on Amazon Kindle under the title "Stuck With Mr. Popular". 

It's great if you have Kindle, if not, you can still read the book at Amazon Kindle App or buy at . 

It's very cheap and will just cost you $4!

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