Stuck With Mr. Popular ( COMP...

By no_one_finds_me

2.2M 74.2K 5.4K

It took every ounce of my willpower not to reciprocate his kiss. Our lips moved in flawless synchrony. I trem... More

Chapter -3
Sequel:Stuck In Love (sneak peek)
Sequel: Stuck In Love
Sequel Squeal!


39K 1.3K 129
By no_one_finds_me

Raymond Reynolds's POV

I came back from practice. We had an early morning session. Our next session will start at two in the afternoon.My body was full of sweat and I was stinking as well so i decided to go for a bath. I took a quick bath and changed myself into some  loose shorts and a v-neck shirt.

I saw the time, it was almost nine in the morning. Since it is Wednesday, soaf would be free right now. She has her second period free today. So I decided to call her. Her voice was enough to calm me down. All I can think about is her. I miss her so much. I looked at her picture in my phone. She is so beautiful, so naive.

I was about to call her when suddenly my phone started ringing. The name Ellen flashed on the screen. I wasn't in any mood of talking to her right now. I wanted to talk to soaf, I wanted to hear her voice. I want to make sure she's fine.

I rejected Ellen's call. Again my phone started buzzing.

It was Ellen again. I knew she would call me until I answer her call so I picked it up.

"Hey Raymond" Ellen chirped from the other side of line.

No doubt Ellen has been my best friend since I started going to school and even our parents were Best Friends, so we know each other well.

"Hey El. Do you want something? Actually I'm a bit busy right now."

I know it sounded very mean but right now my urge to call soaf is increasing. I want to hear her voice. I have to get rid of El.

"Why, can't I just call you because I want to talk to you?" she replied. I actually felt guilty at this point. After all she's my best friend.

"As I said El. I am busy." I lied.

"You want to call her , don't you?" She said. This surprised me. Was It that obvious.

NO. She can't know that my feelings for Soaf are real. She can't know that I've actually fallen in love with her. When I first kissed Soaf and screwed up everything El decided to help me and I think she enjoyed it. She made sure Soaf was jealous of her , so she would realize her feelings for me and come back to me and then I can again use her.

Little did I know that I'll fall for her. It all happened so suddenly I didn't even realize it. That day when I saw her with Daniel, I was jealous. So I ended up kissing her. I didn't realize what I was doing then.

But for Ellen, she thinks I'm still using Soaf. I have to let her think so because she can do a lot of Damage to my relationship with soaf and I don't want that.

"Who?" I asked innocently.

"Don't play dumb Raymond. You are falling for that bitch aren't you?"

"Shut up El."

"So you really are falling for her. What happened to the plan Raymond. YOU. HAVE. TO.USE.HER." she said these words so boldly that hearing them like this made me feel guilty. Not only guilty I want to kill my self for doing this to her. How can I be such a beast. How can I even think of using her for something. I disgust myself.

"Shut it El."

"She's a bitch and a slut. She's jus-" I cut her off in between

"Shut your fucking mouth! How dare you talk about my girl like this." I shouted on the line. She has no right to sat something like this to Soaf. My nose flared by the time .

"Raymond how can you say this to me? How can you DO this to me? To us?" she cried on the other side.


"I am so sorry El. I'm sorry. But you shouldn't have said something like this about her" I replied.

She sighed once.

"Alright Raymond. I get it. I'll talk to you later. Bye." With that she hung up.

Damn it. I screwed up everything again. I have to make sure she doesn't tell everything to Soaf.

I have to call soaf.

My phone buzzed again.

Why everyone keeps calling me when I don't want to talk to them.

This time it was dad. I had to pick up.

"Hey Dad!"

"Hey Son. How are your studies going?" he asked.See this is the thing I hate about my Father. He called me after a long time and all he is concern about is my studies. He didn't say 'how are you son?' instead he asked me 'how are your studies going?'. Can you believe that.

"T-they are going good Dad." I replied.

"You're not at school?"

"Umm.....No dad. School sent our team to a football camp for a few days."

"What?!!! You are missing your classes for football. Raymond I clearly told you to stop playing football in the final year didn't I?"

I didn't tell dad that I was the captain of our School Football team. I didn't even tell him that I applied for scholarship in a college for football and I have to collect as many certificates as I can to get selected. My Dad will never support me playing Football so I have to get this scholarship.

"Dad but-"

"But what Raymond. I want you to stop this bullshit right now."

"Dad this is my dream. Please dad." I pleaded. The fact that I was furious because of El didn't help either and talking to dad like this made me more angry.

"I said NO. I will call to school right now and ask them to bring the team back."

"Dad stop it!" I yelled.

"You are not doing anything like this and I am not going back. This is my dream and you cannot snatch it from me. Stop controlling my Life!" I said. My fists were clenched tightly. I was holding back a lot of anger. I cannot let Dad plan my life. It's my life not his fucking project.

"Someone's teaching you all this. You never talked to me like this Raymond. Is it your friends? Are they giving you all this courage?"

"Bye dad." and with that I hung up.

My father is making my life a living hell. I always tried to become his son. One he could be proud of but he never was. His expectations were something I can never reach up to.

I tried to get good marks and Submit my assignments on time so that my dad doesn't care much about me and I can play football.


soaf, why are you not here with me.

Sophie Esinberg's POV

It's been three days since Raymond left for the football camp and two days since I started working as an Intern at Amanda Corp. and I'm loving it there. This year they are having a competition for the Interns, we have to submit them our research files in next twelve days and they will be announcing the results two days before our Internship gets over.

I'm so excited about it.

As much as I thought, it isn't easy at all. Managing school, studies and my Internship its hectic, but I am no one to complain because I chose this life. I have to do it. I can't blame anyone it's my choice. It's only been three days but it feels like years, I miss him. Though he calls me everyday at night.

Everyday he calls me around eleven at night and then we keep talking about things. Or should I say he keeps talking about things. I was never much of a talker, it's Raymond who keeps blabbering about how amazing the football camp is.

I still didn't tell him about my Internship. This Internship has been my dream and I want to tell Raymond about this when he comes back. Although It will be nearly over till then but I want to win the Competition and then tell him about all this.

Raymond has always been very much supportive about my studies. Even when we had exams last month, he never disturbed me. I mean he was so understanding, he made sure I am having enough time to manage my studies. Sometimes I went to his house just to see him because we had plenty of holidays between our exams.

I use to teach him everytime I went there. That was pretty much fun.

Yesterday i slept while talking to Raymond. Embarrassing right?

Well It was a hectic day for me.

I'm sitting in the canteen right now, all alone. It's weird how couple of months ago I use to sit like this alone in the corner of the hall. But now I'm not use to be like this anymore. Claire isn't well so she took the day off and here I am getting bored without them.

"Look who's sitting here. Boyfriend stealing bitch" I heard someone saying. I looked up. It was Michelle one of the girl from Ellen's Cheerleading group.

I looked behind me thinking that she was talking to someone else. But there was no one behind me.

I gave her a confused look.

"Did he ditch you?" I heard her saying. I was so confused by now. It was clear that she is talking to me. But why is she talking like that. She was so sweet when I talk to her once. She was one of the Raymond's Popular friend also.

"What are you talking about?" I replied still confused.

"Ohh shut up Michelle. She's just asking you to back off bitch." A face came from behind her. It was Clara.

"What did I do?" I asked.

"Ohhh please. Don't act all innocent. We all know that you are just a desperate 'wanna be' and you used Raymond for that matter." Clara replied. Her eyes narrowed at me. It felt like anytime she can hit me.

I didn't say anything. I wanted to but tears were threatening to flow down. I Blinked them back.

"Awww......You don't have him now to save you! " Clara said. I was glued to my spot.Everyone was looking at me.

Ughhh...I hate attention.

I looked everywhere but her. She snapped her fingers in front of me, I looked at her again.

"You didn't get Daniel, so you hit on Raymond right? How can you be so desperate." Clara replied.

Raymond's voice echoed in my mind.

Why don't you say something soaf? For how long will you let them hurt you like this.

" Shut up Clara" I yelled with all my wit. I knew everyone was looking at me by now.

She suddenly gasped. She took two small steps towards me and again yelled

"You bitch. How you dare speak to me like this."

This time she was loud. Her voice made me take a few steps back. I clutched my Books tightly to my chest, my breath got heavy.

Then I turned around to Leave the canteen but she grabbed my arm and spun me around to face her.

She was clutching my arm tightly, her long nails were digging there.

"Just listen to me. You Don't belong here. Not with us. Not with Raymond. So stop trying to be a part of our group because if  you did then you have to face our wrath." She said glaring at me.

Once again Raymond's voice echoed in my mind.

You have to speak up soaf.

"You know what, Ellen was just-"

She continued yelling at me but here voice started fading and my mind was all consumed up by what Raymond said to me the other Day.

Let's be practical soaf. I won't be there forever to save you from them.

You have to speak up sweet cheeks.

This can't go forever.

Don't let them change who you are.

" Shut up you fucking bitch. " I didn't even realize when those words escaped my mouth. I gasped back in shock and pretty much everyone did the same. I can't believe I just yelled at Clara. She looked at me shock written all over her face.

I don't know how but it gave me courage to speak.

"You first met me in starting of middle school. You came to our group and became our best friend. You were acting like a best friend with me until Daniel went away to the city. You told me I was no use to you because Daniel went away. You were friends with me only because Daniel and I were best friends and you had a crush on him. I was still trying to hold our friendship together but you said if you were friends with me you cannot become popular. You humiliated me  in every way possible. Yet you say that I am a desperate wanna be. I am happy like this. I know I don't belong with you or your group and I don't want to become one of you either, because I don't want to go around making out with every second Popular guy I meet."

With that I jerked arm away from her and turn around and went outside. I could hear everyone hooting and whistling while i made my way outside the canteen. A small smile played on my lips, for what I did inside. I finally had courage to speak up.

My mind was occupied by the person who made me do this. You showed me Who I am. Who brought me back to being myself than being what others try to make me. Clara and everyone like her thought I was weak and so did I. But he knew who I am. I wasn't weak for him. Raymond.

Bell rang at it was my Que to go to my class. I have maths now.

As usual no one was in the class. i was the first to enter I took my usual spot and started to dig out for my books and pen.

Just then some girl crossed me. She threw a paper at my direction. It was crumbled. I picked it up and opened it.

You put up a good show there. It's good you can take a stand for yourself. But I think you should think over this once. You don't belong with Raymond. He is different from you. He is not what you think. Ever wondered why he picked you out of all the girls?

Think about it. I hope you will make a clever decision.


Later that night

" Hey princess. How was your Day?" Raymond asked from the other side of the line. It was already midnight and I wasn't feeling well. Besides that note was going through my mind all day. Although I don't believe it a bit but whoever wrote it had a point there. Out of all the girls Raymond asked me out. Raymond Reynolds who can have any girl he wants.

I am not even beautiful. Others are better than me. Then why me?

I wanted to ask him all this right now, but I was afraid.

"Soaf...are you there"

"Huh? yeah" I replied.

"what happened?"

" Umm...nothing I just zoned out. Sorry"

"What is it soaf?" his voice was full of concern. I could sense it.

"Nothing , I'm just tired and have a lot of work pending" I replied. Ofcourse I lied. Actually I partially lied, I am tired.

"Soaf....I want to know the truth. Did something happen? Is someone troubling you?Are you afraid of something?" he asked his voice was trembling, I know how much worried he is by now.

"It's nothing really" I lied once again.

"Why aren't you telling me? What are you afraid of?"

It's you, you idiot. I'm afraid I will lose you if I tell you what is bothering me. I am afraid you will say something which I don't want to hear.I am afraid you will say something which will break my heart. I am afraid I will be left alone. I am afraid my world will shatter.

"Tell me. Please." I couldn't stop  myself from asking this time. The concern in his voice and the note which that girl gave me. The questions popping in my mind in every two minutes. Everything was killing me. So I asked it. I sighed once and said

"Why me?"

"What do you mean soaf? I didn't get it?" he replied.

"Why me Ray. Why did you chose me out of all the girls. You know you could've got any girl you want and there are much more beautiful girls than me. You already had Ellen didn't you? She's much more beautiful and she belongs with you, your group. Unlike me she's not unpopular or a nerd."

I had to get the answers. My questions were bothering me much. I was afraid maybe he doesn't like me that much. Maybe he's has some bet or something.

He took a deep breath.

"You know soaf. when I became popular I dated every hot girl I laid eyes on. They never denied either. I was a douchebag back then. Then It all started looking fake. I realized that all the girls I dated, they were with me only to gain popularity. Earlier I use to enjoy it. But then I was tired of all this.  Everything was fake. No one actually cared about me. None. Then there were my parents who were constantly pressurizing me to get good marks so that when I graduate I will be the next CEO of Dad's company. I wanted to play football but they never understood. My world became all dark. I used girls to help me out of my misery.

Then you came. You were different from all the girls I met. You were beautiful Inside out. You were beautiful but you never flaunted it. You were oblivious to this. You were selfless. You helped others. Not only you but your thoughts were beautiful as well. You have a purely good soul soaf. You understand me. You gave me courage to fight for my dreams. You were my light.I don't know whether this will answer your questions or not but this is all i have to say."

I didn't realize but tears were streaming down my face. I never expected this. No one say me the way he did. No one knew me the way he did and no one make me feel the way he did.

" And remember this soaf. You belong with me."

A sob came out from my mouth but I try to hide it.

"hey, hey ......don't cry please. "

Another sob came from my mouth.

"Soaf please talk to me."

My voice trembled a bit. I was overwhelmed by his words.

" I love you." was all I could say. Then I realized what  I just said. My breath hitched, I was shocked by what I said.

We were dating yet we didn't say these words to each other. But here I am now confessing me love to him.


" I love you too soaf." He replied and I took a breath letting his words register in my mind.


" hmmm"

" Did someone say something to you?"

"Ray...even if someone did, I am not weak. You made me strong." I replied with a huge grin plastered on my lips. While my lips were still twitching.

"I'm glad then." He replied.

All I know now is I really am in love with Mr. popular.


Hey guys.

Another update. This was LONG!! really really long. But guys i love this chapter. Finally soaf is back, i am sooo happy!!

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