Saving Sebastian

By thegreeneyedwriter

3.9K 449 207

"I don't need saving." He spit at the ground. I had never met anyone like Sebastian. "We're friends, whether... More

Authors Note
01 - Game time
02 - Rude apple
03 - Partners
04 - Hopeless
05 - There you are
06 - Surprises?
07 - Odd Friendships
08 - Bonfires
09 - Strange feelings
10 - Monday funday
11 - Fireworks
Authors note #2
12 - Birthday boy?
13 - Chocolate smiles
14 - Restless sleepers
15 - Overwhelming feelings
16 - Perfect imperfections
17 - What is love?
18 - Hopeful hearts
19 - Truth be told
21 - Rain is a blessing
22 - Endings

20 - And then, there was one.

105 15 14
By thegreeneyedwriter

Aria Watson:

   "You did an amazing job, Maya!" I smile once we find a table.

     "Didn't I?" She smiles successfully.

    Loud music booms through the gym. There are blue, silver and purple streamers and balloons everywhere you turn. Yearbook committee is on everyone's every move, capturing the special moment. Some people are sitting and sipping from cups, others are dancing and taking pictures at the photo booth.

    Everything is moving smoothly, almost perfectly.

    "Come on, guys, let's dance!" Shane howls, standing from his seat. He reaches for Maya's hand and leads her to the dance floor. Conversations and laughter fill the room, although it is barely noticeable through the music.

     Lucas stands up and does a quick spin on the spot. He places a hand on his hip and gestures the other. "Shall we?" He deepens his voice.

    I laugh loudly, taking his hand. "You're a nut case!" I announce as he leads me to the dance floor.

    "Nuts for you!" He chuckles, spinning me into his arms. Great.

    I smile slightly as we rock to the music. As the song continues I begin to add a little hop in my step. I notice Lucas doing the same.

    By the end of the fourth song we were in complete party mode. Lucas, Shane, Maya and I were jumping up and down, swaying our feet and arms to the catchy beat.

     It only now crossed my mind that I haven't seen Sebastian yet. I wonder if he even showed up. I continue to dance, my mind bobbing like the rest of my body.

     I can't seem to resist the urge to see Sebastian. I find myself glancing over Lucas' shoulder to see if he's there. I occasionally spin around just to get a quick look of the gym.

    It's packed with people. There is no way I'll see him now, unless I was to go to sit back at our table.

    "What's wrong?" Lucas yells.

    "Nothing, I'm having a great time."
I say in his ear.

    His lips curl up into a smile. "Good, so am I!" He states happily.

    The song fades out, then a new one fades in. It's a lot slower than the previous ones, however I can't put my finger on the title of it.

    Lucas reaches for my hands, holding them in his. "Come here," He smiles, pulling me close. I rest my head on his shoulder. His large hands grip my waist firmly. We sway softly to the music.

    I wrap my arms around his neck. "All of the stars!" I announce.

   Lucas gives me an odd look, his eyebrow slightly raised. "The song is All of the Stars by Ed Sheeran." I chuckle in his ear.

   He nods, a smile on his face.

   Once the song finishes, I figure it's time to make my escape. "I'm gonna get a drink, be back in a bit okay?" I smile.

   He gives me a quick peck on the lips.  "Sounds good," He smiles.

    I wave him off and begin towards the punch table. I squirm through the large crowd repeating the words "excuse me" after bumping into several people. I am finally able to breathe once I reach the corner of the gym. There is a large table with several punch bowls and snacks. I grab a red solo cup and begin pouring myself a drink.

    My eyes roam around the room in search of a particular hazel eyed boy. I continue to wonder if he was even here. I might just be searching for no reason. However, my eyes won't stop glancing around the room.

    "And finally, the princess turns around to see her knight in shining armor, whom she had been looking for." I hear a boy chuckle.

    I spin around to see Sebastian Peters' chest. My gaze falls on his pale green eyes. They light up in a way I've never seen before.

    His brown hair is as messy as usual, however his grey tux makes him look very serious and gentleman like.

    His lips immediately curl up into a large smile. "You look great,"

    "Not too shabby yourself, Mr. Peters." I smile.

    He reaches for my hand. He links his fingers in mine and begins to lead me out of the gym. "Come on, I want to show you something!"

    "Seb, wait! Slow down!" I say as we begin to run through the halls. "I'm with Lucas, I can't just leave him!" I sigh.

    He stops running and turns his head. "Come on, it'll be really quick. You'll love it!" He shines an assuring smile.

    I shake my head. "Okay, okay, fine. Only five minutes though!"

His smile widens at my answer. We reach the end of the hall and begin up the stairwell. We finally reach the third floor, and I am now out of breath.

I choke on air as we continue to run through the hall. Sebastian begins to slow down. I loose all of my energy and drop my head. I let my arms sway, breathing heavily.

"H-ere it is!" His breathing is as choppy as mine.

I raise my head to see the schools elevator in front of me. It is barely used. The only people who really use it is Mr. Raffine, our janitor, and kids in wheelchairs.

Sebastian smirks, dangling a set of keys in his hand.

I shake my head. "Did you steel those?"

"No! I temporarily borrowed them. Mr. R owes me one anyway." He shrugs, tossing the keys in the air.

"Isn't this considered trespassing?!" I ask, leaning on one hip.

"Not sure, but who's gonna catch us?" He inserts the key, and presses the arrow facing up.

"I should've just stayed in the gym," I roll my eyes.

He ignores my comment, and pulls my hand. We stumble into the elevator, a loud laugh escaping Seb's lips. The doors close, leaving us in an enclosed space. The walls are a dark grey, however the lights are bright.

I tap my foot, waiting for the doors to open once again.

I feel the movement stop beneath my feet. The elevator doors slowly open, revealing a beautiful sight. I step out of the elevator in awe. A rooftop garden.

There were small walls guarding the side of the roof. The floor, walls and small seats were made out of concrete. The rest was dirt, rocks, flowers and plants. A few trees sat in one corner, swaying softly in the light breeze.

"Wow," I smile at the beautiful view.

"Amazing, isn't it? I found this place near the middle of grade nine. The environmental club put it together," His smile is filled with joy.

"Props to them," I chuckle. "This is gorgeous."

He sighs, leaning on one of the ledges on the side of the roof. "I missed most of the dances. I never got to have my dance with that girl." He laughs quietly to himself.

I grab his hand, pulling him to the centre of the rooftop. "I think you deserve one dance," I smile, placing my hands on his shoulders.

He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him. I rest my head on his chest. We slowly begin to sway to the silence. We use the light wind as our music. Strange, but beautiful.

He reaches for my hand, spinning me outward. He then spins me inward, my back pressed against his stomach. He holds my hands as we rock side to side. "Where did you learn this move?" I chuckle.

He spins me again to face him. "I had a pretty great teacher." He smiles.

I wrap my arms around his neck, listening to the sound of his heartbeat. "It's funny how fast your heartbeat speeds up."

"Yeah, remember the night I slept at your house?"

I laugh quietly. "How could I forget?"

"My heart has never beaten that fast." He whispers.

I smile widely, enjoying the peace and silence. Finally, he releases and takes my hand in his. We sit on a small stone seat near the garden.

We look off into the stars. The night sky was a magnificent sight. "The sky must look so bright here in the day,"

"It does. Sometimes I sit in this spot, and watch. Even in the winter. It doesn't look that nice in the winter. It looks more like art, which isn't supposed to look nice; It's supposed to make you feel something, you know?" His voice is soft and passionate. He turns to me, his expression sets off the butterflies in my stomach.

"You make me feel something," I whisper. I let the words flow out of me. I felt the weight lift off of my shoulders. One by one, I lost the bricks that were weighting me down.

"You make me feel something I never knew I could feel. Happiness when I see you smile, sadness when you're angry at me, loneliness when I'm not by your side. I'm in love with you, Aria. I know we're young, and love doesn't exist at our age but-"

I place my lips on top of his without any hesitation. He grips my waist, moving me closer towards him. The world around us disappeared. For a brief moment I had no worries. Not a care in the world because I had finally escaped. I was lost in Sebastian, and it was all I have ever wanted to feel.

His soft lips and the way they fit perfectly with mine. My hands in his hair, his warm breath on my face. His lips followed mine. I had never experienced a kiss like this.

His hands ran up my back, my finger tangled in his brown hair. It was pure passion. Love.

Then, the moment was over.

My lips leave his and I was back to reality. I jump to my feet, fear taking over my body.

"Oh my God! I just, I kissed you. No, no, no!" I run my hands through my hair, pacing on the concrete. "God, what was I thinking?" I think aloud.

Sebastian buries his face in his hands. "Fuck, so you didn't even enjoy that?"

"Of course I did, but it was wrong!" I shout, pulling at my brown hair.

"Was it really wrong? Don't lie to me, Aria!" He stands from his sitting position. "You felt that, you felt every second of it!" He was now shouting as well.

"Don't do this to me right now!"

"You feel the same, tell me you feel the same! I just admitted to being in love with you, Jesus Aria!" His voice is filled with anger and frustration. He kicks at one of the plants.

"Stop that! God, I'm sorry! I'm sorry that I'm dating Lucas and you just waltzed into my life and-and.." I stop myself from saying anything else.

"What, destroyed everything? I fucking warned you, Aria! I tend to screw up everything if you haven't already noticed. You came into my life, remember?"

"I didn't expect to, I didn't think.."

"What? That you'd feel anything for someone like me?"

"No, stop putting words into my mouth!" I shout, stomping my foot.

"You know what? You can take your feelings and your friends and your boyfriend that you're so helplessly in love with and leave! I don't need this I my life, I don't need you in my life!" He yells at the top of his lungs.

I feel a bullet fly straight through my heart. "Don't. Don't say that." My eyes immediately sting with tears.

"Why would it matter, Aria? You're not loosing much anyway!" He kicks at the ground and begins down the stairs.

"Seb! Sebastian!" I shout, running after him. "Wait!" I call, tears running down my cheeks.

"Please, don't go." I say in a whisper.

He stops in his tracks and slowly turn around to face me. His expression is blank. Lifeless. "Do you love me?"

I don't speak. My lips are stuck together and my my hands begin to shake. I loose my breath, or maybe I've lost my voice. My mind spins. Do I love him? "I don't know." Is all I can say.

"Why don't you call me when you figure it out." He storms down the stairs without any hesitation. My body looses all feeling. I fall on the step, sobbing into my hands. It felt unreal, as if it was a scene from a movie.

I lean my head against the railing, crying softly into my knees.


HOLY THIS CHAPTER WAS SO EMOTIONAL! I'd really like to know what you guys thought! This was probably one of my dreaded yet favourite chapters to write.

Hope you enjoyed!


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