Too Close

By doublexcross

5.7K 155 54

|Damian Wayne x Oc| Damian is learning how to work as a team with the Titans and is enjoying the relationship... More

Simple Task
Status: SHIP IT
Two Birds & One Stone
How To Defeat Your Enemy
Winter Things
More Than Words
Trust Fall
Misplaced, Mistakes, & Mayhem
Teen Titans: The Judas Contract

Game Changer

741 13 8
By doublexcross

"Wow," Was all the witch girl could conjure up from Robin's words.

"N-That's not what I meant." The boy wonder rejected quickly. "I mean, the mistake was not being apart of this team any sooner. Then we wouldn't be in this predicament."

"Phew, for a second there, I thought you were even more heartless than when we first met." The changeling huffed before the blue armored beetle elbowed him.

"Hey! It's what we were all thinking!" Beast Boy defended.

"Yeah. But don't say it out loud." Blue Beetle whispers.


"Raven," Starfire interjects, "Teleport us back to the tower, Terra needs medical attention."

Raven nods and with a swipe of her hand, a black vortex opened. Starfire hovers through the portal with Terra in her arms, Beastboy following after, and then Blue Beetle. Robin halts near the half demon girl, his mind focused somewhere else.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Raven asks.

"Another dollar, another day." He sighs. "But I could use some change." He says before stepping through the portal with Raven trailing not far behind.

~Titans Tower~

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The heart monitor indicated the fallen titan's pulse. She was out cold but was healing in the safety of the tower. Starfire had wrapped a cast around the blonde's broken arm and had declined Raven's offer to heal Terra's injuries, do to the blonde's request of 'personal space/boundaries'. And luckily, the half demon respected her wishes.

Everyone left the medical room so the blonde could get some shut eye and heal properly. Raven leaned against the wall waiting for Robin in the hallway. The long and wide corridor was silent with Damian staring pass the glass window that viewed into the room where Terra rests as Raven observes the young boy's behavior.

As of recent, the half demon has only thought about what Damian said; quoting a song lyric. It was an interesting quote he had decided upon to reply with. But  truth be told, this was the most eventful thing that has occurred since Trigon tried to rule the Earth 2 years ago, which had significantly declined to standard or usual villains and crimes in Jump City.

But that probably wasn't what Damian was talking about.

What's really going in the young Wayne's brain, was the incompatible process of an innocent girl's actions and motives. And this wasn't some ordinary girl, this was Myelin.

A mute who had an affect on the Bat's brat.

Why? Obviously, Damian liked her and is well aware of it.

But was it an attraction 'kind'?

There was one point in time that he had a crush on Supergirl. They have worked together before, strictly business related, and that's only the reason why Robin has had any affiliated with her. But nonetheless, it was inevitable that he'd develop a crush on blonde kyrptonean. And despite the many times the two would have petty quarrels, Robin enjoyed her presence.

Supergirl is smart, beautiful, strong -even though she lacks control of her emotions- Damian/Robin admired her. But if he's being honest with himself, the young Wayne knew that Kara Danvers wouldn't stick around long enough with his true counterpart compared to his alter ego.

Meanwhile, Myelin had stayed -given the fact she had no choice because she was being targeted by assassins- her patience was what stood out to the boy. Alternating between Damian and Robin, they both were intrigued by the mute's listening skills, which was logical since the girl had lost of her ability to speak. Her listening skills were far superior than the League of Assassins' trained and enhanced hearing senses. The league had only taught Damian how to use sound vibrations to his advantage, not how to hear out people's struggles in life. Except that's all Myelin did; sit and listen.

It often occurred when Sienna was venting about her worries and dramas from home or school about her sudden 'leave of absence.' The same goes for Beast Boy, talking about video games or movies, and heck, even trying to crack a smile on Myelin face -granted it made Damian a little flustered-.

But in other cases like with Kor'i, Raven, or Jaime; it's just small chat or 'yes or no' questions. Nonetheless, it was something to pass in between time to time depending on the persons's schedule.

Unless you're Terra; It was either little to no contact at all with the mute. Robin understood that blonde isn't too fond about her past and is still adjusting to socializing with people her age, but he still found it quite rude, despite the fact he had insulted Myelin on their first impression.

Anyways for Damian's case, he simply enjoyed the girl's company and he could feel that she felt the same as they spent more time with each other; by being in the same room doing something together or not. The only thing that mattered to him were the little things and he wasn't asking for much, except for someone to keep him from feeling lonely.

It may sound low key selfish but truly, they both needed it. It should have been relieving for Myelin. Maybe because for once in her life, she didn't have to sit and listen to someone else's problems but instead just relax.

Listening to everyone, only wishing to be listened yourself. He mentally rolls his emerald eyes at people's selfish ridiculousness.

How could someone be so calm, so patient?

Then again, how can Damian be so rational, so pragmatic?

"Someone is on your mind." Raven observes as she breaks the boy's train of thought.

"Tt" Robin scoffs. "Only to complicate the matter at hand."

"You don't like this situation." She states based off of the boy's response.

"Of course not. None of us do." He answers as the two began walking down the hall with him taking the lead.


Complete darkness.




"Wakey wakey."


"Wouldn't want anything to happen while you sleep, do we?"


"Especially to your precious lov-"


Terra instantly shot up from her bed and search the dimly lit room. Her heavy breathing filling the empty space as her cold sweat began to dry. She let out a sigh of relief.

"It was just a nightmare."

The blonde swung her legs over the edge of the bed and swiftly removed the iv from her vain before proceeding to leave the area. She knew it probably wasn't the smartest choice but she's a tough girl in a rough world. In her perspective, it's better to deal with the sooner than later, like ripping off a bandaid.

The medic door slid open, allowing her to glance either sides of the long and empty hallway. The coast is clear. There's no way she could get caught. Especially in this a hundred and something stories of a building. Not long after, the blond had came to a halt in her path.

She smirked.

"Looks like this calls for some fun."


"This is only the beginning of something bigger than before." Robin concludes with his chin resting between his thumb and index finger.

"Maybe, maybe not. Right now, we need to focus on Terra's condition and finding the Kitsunes." Raven tells him.

"These last three weeks were about protecting Sienna and Myelin from the assassins, only to discover we were the ones who needed protecting. And yet we failed on both accounts," the boy wonder says gruffly, "because I'm not the greatest detective I'm supposed to be. I'm Batman's blood son and the only thing I did was disgraced the mantle I'll inherit."

"None of us knew. This isn't your fault."

"You don't know that."

"Neither do you."

"But I intend to fix it."

The two stared at one another and subconsciously stopped in front of a familiar room. It was Myelin's room. And Raven was aware of it. Suddenly, the room exploded and the door broke off, slamming the two into the wall. Robin removed the metal material from his and the half demon's body, only to peer into the room engulfed in flames.

"Are you alright?" The boy wonder asks his teammate as he helped back onto her feet.

"I'm fine." She replies. "Azarath metrion zinthos."

The spell left the witch's lips suffocating the raging flames and smokes. When Raven's black magic disappeared, dozens androids began flooding the hallway.

"We've been compromised." Robin's fists tighten as he prepared for combat.


"Why don't we take this outside?" Beastboy smirks before transforming into a raging bull and ramming the robots out of the building's lobby.

"Garfield's correct. Let's lead them outside of the tower." Starfire approves the changeling's idea and blasts a huge star bolt at the charging bots.

"No problem!" Blue Beatle shouts over his plasma cannon as it swiftly changes into a shield to force the intrudes out of the t shaped building.

The trio left a trail of dismembered androids as they found themselves defending their home against thousands of mechanical foot soldiers. The majority emerging from the icy depths of the frosted ocean.

"Great. There's more out here than there was inside." Complained the changeling.

"I do not understand." Their team leader whispered. "The towers defense mechanisms should have activated if there is an intrusion."

"The only way to deactivate the system is from the inside." Blue Beetle states as the trio took their battle stances.


After defeating the dozens of androids, Robin and Raven rush down the corridor to the medical bay, where a defenseless teammate should be resting. As the two turn the corner, they had stopped their tracks by a familiar scene.

"You're tougher than you look blondie." Comments the Kitsune.

"Well I'm bolder too." Terra remarks. "Now, who's gonna tell me why you're trespassing Titan's property?"

The sly kunoichi laughed.

"An old friend of yours was in need of her mask." She says holding a duplicated kitsune mask and tossing behind her to the hidden Myelin.

"An 'old friend'?" The blonde scoffed. "More like freak."

Terra's response made Robin's grip tightened on his blade handle, with Raven taking notice, and causing the 'old friend' to wear the mask.

"You know what they say about the quiet ones." Taunted the chatty fox as the mute gave a short nod.

"I'm gonna enjoy shutting you up."

"We'd like to see you try."

With that said, Terra swung her arms up with the earth's material crashing through the narrow hallway. She tried to stopped the two from getting any closer to her, but they had swiftly dodged each obstacle. The kunochi had bounced back and forth of the walls to gain enough velocity to dodge flying rocks.

As for the other two animal related names, Raven had shield herself and Robin from the blonde's earthly powers. That was until Terra chose to have spiked rocks rising from the hallway ground. The boy wonder pointed his grappling hook up to the ceiling and grabbed onto the half demon's waist as they were whistled away before a sharp rock could impel them.

Terra began throwing rocks at the kitsunes but instead was meet foot to face. The foxes had made it to the opposite side of the hall, where the two birds where still hanging around, both trying to catch their breath. Although the blonde was down, she not out. Not yet. This had only fed fuel to the fire. She let out a frustrated growl as her eyes fully glowed golden.

The setting seemed to crumble and shatter behind the crazed teenager as she threw her hands forward to the nuisance. Robin's and Raven's eyes widen in shock before shutting them for a painful impact.


Terra had caused all of them to crash out the windows of Titan's tower. The earth based power teen was clinging onto a boulder she could manipulate as an impact if she hits the cement.

"Not doing so well free falling?" Shouts the blonde. "All bark and no bite!"

If she only knew there was a sly smirk hidden under the kitsune mask. The two kunochi faced one another and locked their arms together as they began to do duet cartwheeling on the free falling rocks around them. The two landed on Terra's rock, trapping the blonde in between their arms and tangling their legs so that the teen was kneel before them.

"We'll see about that." The kitsune says lowly before Robin heard Raven casting her infamous spell to land them to safety.


The trio had rounded up once again, tired and breathless from battling the countless foot soldiers.

"How much longer can you keep going?" The team leader asks.

"I- I'm not fe-elin so hot." The green changeling replies trying to find his balance.

"Me too." The blue armored teen agrees. "The bug wants to end this permanently, not if it also means taking you and Gar out as well."

And as if their prayers were answered... The million tons of rumble crushes the remaining androids into billions of pieces.

"Alright! That's what I'm talking about!" Blue Beetle shouts with glee as the black magic disperses from Robin and Raven, who were now standing in front of their teammates.

"Is everyone alright?" Starfire asks.

"Wait, what about Terra?" The changeling intervenes before anyone could answer.

Just as the dusts clears, there stood a promptly proud kitsune with her katana pointed downwards at a half buried figure. The blade was near the tip of the blond's nose as she struggled against the heavy weight. Terra attempts to look up the towering victor, noticing that the blade holder's white attire was covered in dirt and unmasked before collapsing from extreme exhaustion.

"Myelin." Robin calls.

It wasn't the response he expected, but instead the opposite when her blade was being wielded in the air.

"Whoa, whoa, hey!" Beast Boy shouts alarmingly as he changes into a billy goat charging towards Myelin.

"Don't hurt her!" Both Robin and the changeling yell.

The boy wonder's backup grappling hook was shot and was wrapped around the green goat's right horn. Robin pressed the button to retract the line, but failed when he was being dragged behind the savage animal. Not long after, his feet had found its footing in the rubble. He let out a grunt as he retracted and pulled on his grappling hook around Beast Boy's horn, causing the changeling to crash in a slanted way.

"Who's side are you on?!" The green teen transforms back and rubs his head from how he crashed.

Before the two could bicker, there were only two sounds that caught their attention; a sharp breath and metal piercing through skin.

"Good riddance." A deep and gravelly voice intensifies the atmosphere.

"Deathstroke." Robin growls lowly.


So hey! I've fell in love with the Teen Titans: Judas Contract and I've already watched it like five times. The animation was so fluid and smooth!

I absolutely love the retelling and adjustments to the story, you get to see different sides of the characters as a their alter ego or just themselves. I really like it and it opens up more plot holes to fill in.

The only thing that makes me upset about the movie, is that Traci's supposed to be Asian. I'm not satisfied. But I do have to adjust my storyline to the movie, so things might get messy.

But what do you think about the movie? :D
If you haven't watched it:

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