
By foblvr

4.2K 201 578

Dean Winchester. Shy, sweet kid next door kind of person. He was never the aggressive type. And Cas never kne... More

Prologue: Astro
Year 1: Peanut Butter
Year 2: People Are Mean
Year 3: I Don't Want To
Year 4: Fireworks
Year 5: Friends Who Sick Together, Stay Together
Year 6: Curse Those Wooden Stairs
Year 8: But I Can Ask You, Can't I?
Year 9: The Balloon Rule
Year 10: Pool Party
Year 11: Christmas In a Gloom Setting
Year 12: Colleges, Picnics, and Couples Tattoos
Year 13: Here With You Is Where I Want To Be
Year 14: Take 'Em Out
Year 15: He Seems So Real
Year 16: Ring Around The Rosey
Year 17: I Do
Year 18: Familiar
Year 19: We Have To Stop Meeting Like This
Year 20: Vodka (SMUT)
Year 21: Adventures Of Gabe And Luci
Year 22: Tea And Meds
Year 23: The Meadow
Year 24: Gif
10 Years of Bittersweet
Year 35: Keep It Sweet
Year 36: The Lake
Epilogue: Guns N Roses
Hilarious A/N

Year 7: You're My Hero

144 8 23
By foblvr

It's been 2 months since the fire. It's been two months since Sam and Dean have moved into the Novak household. It's been two months since Castiel was almost immobilized by the flames. It's been two months since everything went horrifically wrong.

We aren't talking wrong like oh, I forgot to subtract wrong. No, it's more of a this changed my whole life and I will never be the same again type of wrong.

Of course, Castiel was never the dramatic type. He never showed emotion. He never got angry. Castiel was quite content with where he was. Well, he wasn't, but he wouldn't let that show. Not in front of Dean. Not in front of Lucifer. Not I front of Gabe. Castiel would never show anyone the way he actually felt.

To say the least, it hurt. It hurt Castiel both physically, and mentally. The burns were still healing, and his broken ankle inconvenienced him even more, for a kid with a room upstairs. Castiel hasn't need upstairs since Lucifer woke him up on that fateful day. Castiel hasn't gone anywhere, really.

Then, there's the mental pain.

Which is oh, so bitter.

Castiel gets days to himself, being able to loathe the fact that he could have been more careful. He could have helped Dean. He could have just not fallen. He could have been more careful.

You could have just not risked your life in the first place.

Wow, what an awesome idea? He thought. Yes, that was sarcasm that Castiel was expressing. Everyone in that house would have died before the fire department got there. He knew that. Everyone knew that. Castiel couldn't just let him die. He couldn't just let his best friend's flesh sizzle off and burn to a crisp. He'd rather not have Dean like an over cooked  marshmallow. Castiel likes to look at the bright side. He's got an epic story to tell. It'll be so cool. He could just be like, "Oh, yeah, so I ran into a burning building to save my best friend." Wouldn't anyone love to be that cool?

"Hey, Cas."

Castiel's head snapped up, making him wince. His skin was scarring, now, but it still hurt. It hurt like hell, if he was being honest, but he wasn't going to show that around Lucifer, who was standing in the doorway. "Yo, Luci.

Lucifer stared at his brother, a hard expression on his face. Castiel couldn't quite figure out what it was, but he knew that his brother was thinking about the same thing he was. "Can I... Can I talk to you?"

"Yes..." Castiel seemed to push the words out of his brother. Ever since Cas turned 12, which wasn't that long ago, he has been talking a lot more; he's been saying what's on his mind.

"Okay, um, how are you, lately, Cas?" Lucifer gave him a sad smile, cocking an eyebrow up. He watched his brother shift uncomfortably.

"I'm fine, Lucifer."

"Cas," Lucifer began, still watching his brother. Lucifer pitied Cas. Castiel could tell. The poor kid could barely move, still. The burns were gone, but the pain stayed. The scars stayed. They ran up his arm, almost covering the entire right side of his body, stopping at his jaw, fortunately. Castiel looked fine, if he wore regular winter clothing. Tee shirts? Oh, no. Not with that arm. Shorts? Not gonna happen. Not with the way that people are. It's either hilarious or so sad that you have to look away.

Castiel sat in a tank top and boxers, his brother staring at him.

Lucifer looked away.

"Please, don't."

"Don't what, Cas? You were reckless. You were stupid. You almost got yourself killed!" The teenager sat next to Castiel on the couch. He crossed his arms. "I'm worried about you, Cas! That's all there is to it!" Lucifer always found a way to make Cas feel guilty. He never failed to make his brother feel like the worst person in the world because he was a hero.

Cas was a hero. He wasn't going to feel guilty for that.

"Lucifer, I said I'm fine," Castiel hissed. Castiel looked down at his irritated, almost wrinkly left arm. He assessed it. There was no immobility, which was quite a blessing, but it looked like someone pulled his skin down, and it just stuck. That's when Castiel realized.

He wasn't fine.

"I'm fine," he whispered with a shaky voice. A tear began forming in his blue eyes. Those beautiful, blue portals into his mind. "I'm..."

He felt a pair of arms snake around him, but to his surprise, it wasn't Luci. His brother was crying with him, putting on a sad, little smile to keep from breaking down as well. No, the person hugging him was Dean. "Not fine," his friend pulled him closer.

Ever since the fire, Sam and Dean had been staying with the Novaks. They had nowhere else to go.

This was the first time Dean had talked since then, besides at Castiel's bedside, begging God to save his Angel.

This was the first time Dean had actually spoken since he lost his parents.

Castiel stared at his friend for a moment, before choking out a single, "Dean." He couldn't feel a thing, besides his brother's eyes burning into him, and the soft touch of Dean Winchester's fingers. He couldn't think about it. "Look at it."

"Cas, don't," Dean whispered, looking up at his friend. Dean's eyes looked at him, horrified, but he never, ever stopped being that kind, caring friend that Castiel needed. "You know what I see when I look at that skin?"

Cas found out later, Dean saw a lot more than what he was going to say.


"I see the skin of a warrior. I see the skin of a kid, who ran into a freaking burning building to save someone that he would have been fine without. I see the scarred, red arm of a human being. You're a hero, Castiel. You're my hero."

Castiel turned away from Dean as soon as he said that. He couldn't tell you why. Not yet, anyway.

"Thank you, Dean."

Dean nodded, promptly standing and heading back upstairs, and he didn't come down until dinner.

"Cas, you know that you are the luckiest kid in the world to have a friend like that." Lucifer wrapped his arm around his brother.

"I know," Castiel sighed. "I'm actually kind of glad he broke my arm."

"Of course. Now, get some rest, Cas. School starts again, tomorrow, and I don't want you to be too exhausted in Middle School.

"A new reason to get picked on." Castiel gestured to his arm.

"If anyone picks on you for that, they are going to my lair," Lucifer grinned. He loved making that joke. He loved his name. He loved almost anything to do with that type of stuff. He'd always come up with theories, or stupid ideas to contradict everything that was already set in stone.

Castiel looked at his brother. Lucifer was smiling for the first time in ages.

Damn, Castiel thought. My brother is hot.

Here we go again with Cas being jealous of his brother's looks. Lucifer was 14, now. Actually, 15 in two days. He was sitting in a black tee shirt with a black leather jacket and jeans. His sandy blonde hair fell over his eyes for a moment, until he swept them away.

Here's Cas, staring at his brother with an awe filled face. Castiel, unfortunately figured out that he most likely wouldn't grow into his looks. Especially, not now.

"No one will get to you, tomorrow, Kiddo. I promise."

"Thanks, Lucifer."

"No problem, Cassie."


I'm misleading myself with this story ffffff

So I'm seeing tøp in 3 days. I'm so pumped.


Seriously guys I've gotten the point where I cried over the lack of feedback.

Happy Independence Day ppl.

Have you seen the movie Independence Day it's beautiful.

Okay again please comment I'm going to die. Not just pity comments. I like the ones where you spot refs and are like "did you just?" Or the ones where I drop a bomb and you guys are like, "Oh my god no pls stop."

Legit you guys spend all your time on my shitty TFW stories like I got 100+ notifs today for one person voting on every. Fucking. Chapter. Of all of my horribly written Fall Out Boy fics (The Fire Within series/WTDWML/NSE) and honestly how do you enjoy the lack of character development or plot design (also various typos and two word paragraphs constantly with no descriptions of anything )

Sorry but this story is 20000000000000% better than that shit and I'm really upset no one wants to read it as much as those.


okay I'm sorry but I'm not sorry

I love you my Carcrashovercastyoungbloods

-Emily aka foblvr

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