Did you lock the door? *UP FO...

By Connor4ever

3.7K 60 19

If you read the prologue and hopefully 1st chapter, you'll get what the story is about...hopefully. More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 41
Lets talk
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

chapter 34

39 0 1
By Connor4ever

Louis outfit later on

(Louis p.o.v)

''Louis.....wake up''

I slolwy open my eyes and blink a couple times before seeing harry hovering over me with a small smile on his face.

''Harry? Whats up?'' I ask rubbing my eyes and sit up, with him sitting on my lap. '' i just wanted to wake you up before the others do'' he whispers and i look at the time and see its 5 in the morning.

''Wow you're really dedicated'' i say laughing a bit and he blushes and hands me a box with a bow on it.

''Happy birthday'' he says and i smile and look down and lift the lid off f the box and i look back up at him.

''Harry.....'' i say and he takes it out of the box and places the ring on my finger. ''I-its just like the one my mum got me when i was younger'' i say looking down at the ring.

''.....it is'' he whispers and my head shoots up to look at him ''what!?'' I whisper louder than before.

''I kind of tracked down everything from after you had to sell it and i found it and i bought it out of the jewlery store that had it'' harry says and my eyes widen.

''Harry.....how much?'' I ask ''w-what?'' He mumbles''how much did this whole thing cost harry?'' I ask more stricked this time and he looks down into our laps.

''A couple hundred'' he mummbles and i feel my heart drop. ''Harry.....you shouldnt have'' i say and he looks up.

''But i did, and theres nothing we can do to change that. I love you and you deserve this'' he says and i smile trying to hold the tears back in my eyes.

I cup his cheeks and pull him down into a passionate kiss and he grabs my wrists and kisses back.

I pull away and he laughs a little wiping away the tears that escaped my eyes. ''You're the best!'' I say and he just blushes and i peck his lips and hold him close to me.

'' now, you can go back to bed if you please'' he says trying to get up buti pull him back down. ''Louis......you know if we sleep in the same bed things would be weird'' he says.

''I know, i just dont want to let you go yet'' i say and he just sighs but smiles and hugs me and i hug him back. '' im liking this birthday so far, im quite shocked'' i say and he giggles and i pull back and raise an eye brow at him.

''What do you have planned?'' I ask and he just smiles and pecks my lips and gets up. ''Sshh, its a surprise'' he whispers and goes back to his bed and lays down.

''You're lucky you're cute'' i say and lays back down and smile looking down at my ring.


I get woken up for the second time, but more annoyingly.

'' wake up louis!'' Liam yells and i look around and see everyone around my bed. ''Happy birthday!'' They all yell and i look at myphone seeing its now 7.

I look back up and dominic sets a tray of food infront of me '' i helped anne and edward make you breakfast'' he says and i smile up at them.

'' liam and i got you the juice'' niall says fixing his galsses a bit and i nod. ''I ate some of the food and drank the rest of the juice that was meant for you'' zayn says and anne hits zayn in the back of his head and i laugh.

''Thank you guys really, but you think i can wake up a little?'' I ask. ''Oh yes of course! We'll be down stairs!'' Anne says. Before they go zayn grabs some more of my food and runs out of the room.

I look over to harry who smiles tiredly at me and i smile and wave him over here. He slowly makes his way over to my bed and sits infront of me and eats some of the eggs on the plate.

''Mm these are good'' he says with a mouth full and i smile and eat some of my bacon.'' Oh!'' He says getting up quickly almost spilling my juice and he apologises and rushes to his closet.

He pulls out some a nice button up with a jacket and scarf, with some black jeans and brown boots. '' this is for later!''he says setting it aside and runs to my closet and puls out an outfit an sets it on my desk.

''Whats going on later?'' I ask him and he smiles '' a surpise birthday adventure!'' He says excited and my smile fades.

''Okay well, imma go down stairs with the others'' he says quickly pecking my cheeks and rushes out of the room.

I shouldve known this wasnt go last......


(Harrys p.o.v)

'' sounds like you boys have a nice day planned for louis'' anne says and i nod. ''Im telling you he's not gonna go through with it'' troy says.

''Dont say that'' liam says '' louis is going to go through with it, i have a feeling'' i say smiling andhe just rolls his eyes.

''Okay, well when he doesnt im going to be somewhere else so i wont have to deal with this'' he says storming out of the house.

'' dont listen to that asshole'' edward says and i give him a small smile.

Suddenly we hear louis coming down and i smile until i see the sick look on his face. '' i-im not....feeling too well'' he stuttors and my heart drops.

Hes doing it.....hes actually faking he is sick.

'' was it the food?'' Anne says rushing up and helping him down to the couch. '' i-i dont know, my stomach just hurts alot'' he mummbles not daring to look at me.

''Oh, thats means.....you cant go out for your birthday'' anne says and he nods. ''The boys had some nice thingz planned for you'' she adds and he nods.

''I know.....im sorry'' he says and i stand up and he looks up at me with a guilty look.

''No its fine, your sick you should just lay down in bed all day. Its not like i had planned a very fun and special day for you. It was all just stupid, you wouldnt have liked it anyways'' i say and head to the stairs and look back at everyone " im sorry" i say going to my room and lay down.

''Harry?'' I look and see niall and zayn and i frown. '' i dont even know why i thought he would go out with us, i feel so stupid!'' I say throwing a pillow at the door and i see edward duck before it hits him.

''Sorry'' i mumble and look down ''im just......i thought that maybe this would be the birthday he actually would do stuff, but like always he finds a way not to do it'' i say feeling tears rolling down my face.

'' its messed up of him to do this, i meani get its his birthday, but he should realize how much work you've put into this day for him'' zayn says andi just scoff and look up.

''Louis is still louis, i dont know why i thought i could change his mind now. Hes stubbrn he always has been even the louis he was before.....i was fucking stupid to think he would actually care'' i say and sigh wiping away soem of the tears.

''I.....I think imma lay down for a bit, we can talk about this later'' i say and nialland zayn walk out of the room but edward stays and closes the door and lays down with me.

''Im not leaving you alone like this'' he says and i wrap my arms around his waist and cry into his chest and he rubs my back.

I stay quiet and try not to cry any more cause im sick and tired of crying over louis tomlinson!


I feel something oving under me and i slwoly open my eyes seeing edward trying to get up. ''Hey sleepy'' he says ruffleing my hair.

''How long was i out?'' I ask getting off of him and he looks down at his watch. '' 2 hours'' he says and my eyes widen a little and nod.

''Okay, i need to go talk to the boysto see what to do today'' i say getting up and i see louis walking out of the bathroom and i just go down stairs.

I see the boys talking to my mum on the couch and i walk over to them getting their attention and my mum just leaves knowing we have to talk.

''So...what are we going to do?'' Liam asks ''well, you guys can go do those things, like a double date ind of thing'' i say.

''Why dont you come with us?'' Dominic asks and i smile ''well 1 i dont wanna be a 5th wheel, and 2 i dont really feel like going to do those things anymore....'' i say and he nod understanding.

''It just, wont feel right with out you guys there'' liam says '' yeah i know, but you know who to blame for that'' i say.

'' today was supposed to be a fun day, we would all go on this birthday adventure I planned out and then we would go on this nice dinner then to the hotel and....it was just going to be great'' i say whispering the last part.

'' im about ready to beat some sense into this boy'' zayn says standing up and so does liam. ''Guys im not trying to let things get worse today'' i say.

''But!-'' ''but nothing. You arent going to do anything. For now we are going to hang out untill you guys leave to your double date'' i say.

They seem hesitant but i pull them back down on the couch and its silent. ''Wanna watch some movies?'' Niall asks and i just nod and they choose movies and put one on.


After a couple movies its about time for the boys to head out for the adventure and i groan standing up and stretching.

''Alright, so i hope you guys have fun tonight, i think imma just hang out with my mum and edward for the rest of the night'' i say and they all give me sypmathetic looks.

'' guys dont feel bad'' i say ''we just.....we just wish you would come with us, maybe we can try to convince louis to come?'' Niall says.

''I dont think he would go through with it guys....'' i say and sigh. ''Alright then. Just go and have fun'' i say and turn and head up the stairs.

I run into something and i look up and see louis in his outfit i set out for him. I raise a eye bro at him and he sighs '' im gonna go okay? So go get your clothes on so we can head out'' he says and i smile a little.

''Im only doing this for you'' he says and i hug him and he chukles and hugs me back and i kiss him on the lips real quick and rush upstairs.

I quickly get dressedand brush my hair and teeth and run back down stairs almost falling until louis catches me.

''Easy there tiger'' he says and i just smile and he shakes his head and hooks his arm with mine. ''Alright guys lets go before anne tries getting pictures!'' Louis says and i laugh and we all leave the house and go to louis truck.

''We're not all going to fit'' zayn says ''that is why we're taking myh mums car'' i say holding the up the keys to her van.

''Im gonna drive thank you'' liam says taking the keys from me and i roll my eyes but we all get into the car.

''Thank you for doing this louis'' i whisper and he looks at me and smiles and leans down and kisses me. I kiss back a bit before he pulls away and stares at me ''only for you'' he whispers and i blush a little and lean my head against his shoulder.

''We're at the first destination!'' Niall announces and we all get out of the car. " a winter wonderland?'' He asks ammused and i smile and nod.

''Yep, this is pretty much the only destination for our adventure, but its a adventure within it self'' i say and he laughs. ''Alright then, lets go do this!'' He says draggin us into the world.

''C-can i get some cotton candy?'' Louis asks after we get our wristbands and i smile and nod. ''Its your birthday love, you can get whatever'' i say and he smiles and rushes over to the cart and i roll my eyes following him.

''Here you go'' i say paying the lady and louis eats his cotton candy and i smile. '' he's gonna have you buying him alot of sweets'' liam says and louis blushes.

''I am completely fine with that'' i say ''i think your wallet is going to say different'' niall says and i glare at him.

''Oh shut it. Louis is going to have a good time!'' I say and smile at louis and he smiles back.

''Okay so i've had my eyes on the go carts since we've got here so lets go'' zayn says and liam agrees and we all head to the go carts.

'' you wanna ride with me?'' Louis asks and i smile and nod ''or do you want to ride him?'' Zayn asks and i slap him upside his head.

"Thats for later tonight" i say and wink at louis and he blushes and get into the cart and louis clumbsly sitting next to me.

''Aww you're all flushed!" I say and he blushes even harder and i just smile and kiss his cheek.

Oh this is going to be a fun night

(Louis p.o.v)....again

Its later on in the night and im having a lot of fun much tomy surprise.

''Louis dont hate me'' harry says ''why would i hate you?'' I ask taking another bite of my funnle cake.

'' its my mum, she needs my help with something and i guess its very important'' he mummbles.

''Baby its okay, if your mum needs you she needs you. I can hagn with the boys'' i say wrapping an arm around his shoulders and kissing his cheek.

''Im sorry'' he says and i grab his chin and pull him up into a kiss ''shut up and go'' i mummble and he smiles and kisses me one last time before leaving.

''You guys are sickenly cute'' liam says and i roll my eyes and eat some more food.

''Alright, whats after this?'' I ask finishing the food ''next we go to the hotel and wait for your lover'' zayn says and i blush hitting his arm.

''Lets go'' liam says and we all get up ''wait dont we have to pay?'' I say. '' nope harry did once we got here'' niall says and i shrug it off and we head out.

''So did you guys get 2 hotel rooms or are we squeezing into one'' i say with a chuckle at the end.

''You'll see when we get there'' liam says'' but i want to know!'' I whine. '' its a surprise now shush'' dominic says adorably so i dotn argue anymore.

Once we arrive i realize how much of an exspensive hotel and we step out of the parked car.

''Whoa you guys, this place is.....imma kill that boy,spending so much money on me'' i say and the boys laugh.

We walk inside the hotel and walk to the front desk ''um, my boyfriend booked a stay here, his name is harry styles'' i say to the lady at the desk and she smiles.

''You must be louis! Alright, here are your room keeys and i hope you enjoyyour stay'' she says and winks at me before i blush and grab my bag walking to the elevators.

''The main suite!'' i say looking at the card and they alllaugh ''he wants the best for you louis'' liam says and i nod. ''I-i see that....wow'' i say and the elevator stops and we step out.

''Now our room is down the hall since we dont want the chance of hearing you tww'' zayn says. Before i can question them they all run away.

I just shake my head and start walking over to my room. I see the room and i slide my key card and the door unlocks and i walk in.

My eyes widen at the sight im seeing and i close the door and slowly walk in.

Harry is sitting there in a robe and there are rose pedals and candles all over the place. The only lights coming from the candles and some nice romantic music playing softly in the background.

''H-harry'' i say quietly and he walks over to me and pulls me more into the room. He just gives me a small shy smile.

''So im guessing your mum didnt really need you?'' I ask and he shakes his head. ''Nope, i was just here planning this all for you'' he says with a small blush and i smile and peck his lips.

''You're the best'' i mumble and he blushes harder and i kiss him and he kisses me back. i drop my bag and cup his cheek and grab his hip.

He places his hands on my chest and i push him back against the bed and he falls back and i land ontop of him.

We both laugh a little and he pulls off my jacket and take off m scarf. I pull back and smile down at him ''so....whats under the robe?'' I ask and he sits up and i sit up and i sit up as well.

''Nothing'' he mummbles and i feel my face heat up ''you know how zayn joked about me riding you earlier? Well i was thinking...'' i he says and my eyes widen a bit.

''I wanna ride you louis'' he says and i just nod not being able to speak and he smiles and takes off his robe and i smile looking over his body.

I strip down to nothing as well and i pull him onto my lap and he smiles and kisses me and i kiss back.

''Best boyfriend ever'' i say against his lips and i pout ''what is it baby?'' I ask. '' b-boyfriend?'' He asks ''well yeah, unless if thats not what you want.....'' i say.

''Are you kidding me! Of course i do! Ive wanted to be your boyfriend for a long time'' he says and i smile and kiss him.

''Well good then, cause im your boyfriend and you're mine'' i say and he nods and leans down and kisses me again.

Things get heated quite quickly and im ontop of harry and i pull awway from his neck. ''Need to stretch you out baby'' i say pulling away.

''I kind of did that before you got here'' he says flustered and i feel my dick twitch. '' you're so hot'' i say sitting up against the bed frame and he crawls ontop of my lap.

''Ready?'' I ask and he nods and he hands me a condom and i put it on. I postion him an he sits down face all scrunched up until he finally sinks all the way down.

''Oh god'' he says shoving his face into my neck and i just rub his back. '' just move when you're ready'' i whisper and he nods and i kiss his head.

Soon hes bouncing up and down digging his nail into my shoulders. i run my hands up from his back to his hair and hug on it and he moans.

I smirk and lean forward and kiss his jaw biting it a bit leaving marks. I trail down his neck leaving hickeys along as i go down to his collar bones.

''L-louis'' he whines and i pull away from him and he presses his lips against mine.

I grip his hips a bit tighter and slip my tongue into his mouth and he moans more.

''Louis help'' he whispers agianst my lips and i nod giving him one last kiss. I lift him up and bring him down as i move my hips up getting a moan from both of us.

Harry leans down kissing my neck biting and sucking on it and i bite my lips holding back a moan i know would be quite loud.

'' harry'' i moan a bit and tug on his hair with one hand '' louis im close'' harry mummbles and i nod. he starts to bounce again and i reach down and start to stroke him and hes a moaning mess and i kiss his trying to quiet down his moans.

Soons he cums into my hand and i thrust up into him as i cum and ride out the orgasm.

Soon we both calm and i lift him off of me and he whines a bit and i pull off the condum, tie it up and throw it away.

When i walk back to the bed harry is half asleep and i smile walking over to him and i pick him up and he looks at me.

''Lets shower, then sleep'' i say and he pouts and i roll my eyes and take us to the shower.

I turn the shower on and once the water is warm i grab harrys hand and walk into the stand up shower with him and close the door.

I help wash him off and he does the same for me ''so many love bites'' he says tracing a couple of mine and i smile and dothe same to him ''i know'' i whisper and i lean down and kiss him and he kisses back.

I pull away and smile and we finish washing off and we dry off getting dressed and we go to lay down.

'' thank you'' i say and he raises a eye brow at me '' for today, its been one of the best birthdays i've had in a while'' i say and he blushes and i kiss his temple.

'' if the ring wasnt enough, you planned this whole day for me, it was just amazing thank you so much'' i say and he nods and kisses me and i kiss back a bit.

''I love you'' he whispers and i smile ''i like you'' i say and he giigles and i smile and turn off the lights and he cuddles into my side.

How did i get so lucky?

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