Rollercoaster (Sequel to "So...

By RoseFarihaHarvestar

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[ COMPLETED BOOK!] (The next part to So We Meet Again?) Bianca leaves Bradford after meeting up with Zayn and... More

Author's note and Acknowlegements
Chapter 1~ Regrets, Mistakes, they're Memories Made.
Chapter 2~ Speechless.
Chapter 3~ Big Steps to Little Things.
Chapter 4~ Live While We Are Young... for Now!
Chapter 5~ Countdown.
Chapter 6~ For the Better or for the Worst.
Chapter 7~ Remembering my Summer Love.
Chapter 8~ To Wave a Farewell.
Chapter 9~ The Warm Welcome turns Ugly.
Chapter 10~ Double Faces.
Chapter 11~ Tortured.
Chapter 12~ Scars of Pain and the Unexpected.
Chapter 13~ Wedding Woes.
Chapter 14~Surprises and Much more.
Chapter 15~ Hazel eyes.
Chapter 16~Give me Love.
Additional Chapter to Chapter 16~ Give me Love (Zayn's P.O.V)
Chapter 17~ Good News and Bad News.
Chapter18~ Missing Pieces.
Chapter 19~ Shocked!
Chapter 20~ Related.
Chapter 21~ The B-M Plan.
Chapter 22~ The B-M Plan Continues.
Chapter 23~ The Gathering.
Chapter 24~ Finding Her.
Chapter 25~ The Truth to it All.
Chapter 26~ The Murder's Wife.
Chapter 27~ Forget the Past, Spend the Present, and Live for the Future.
Chapter 28~ Meeting Her.
Chapter 29~ Beautiful Disaster.
Author's note!
Chapter 30~For Every Action There is a Reaction!
Chapter 31~ One Weeks Time.
Chapter 32~ London.
Chapter 33~ Bradford and Memories.
Author's Note!
Chapter 34~ New Lives, Recollected.
Author's Note

Chapter 35~ Rollercoaster

1.2K 46 32
By RoseFarihaHarvestar

I got up from the bed to go to the bathroom to freshen up from our journey. After washing my face, my eyes met my reflection. Who is that woman staring back at you? Why is she here? Where is she? Was it me or someone else? No, it wasn't me it was a different person. A pale, eyes sunken in , grey hair, a skeletal face structure and body stared back at me. She didn't have wrinkles around her eyes but she knew who she was. She was a shattered Bianca; not a cheerful happy-go - lucky Bianca, a distressed one. I didn't have any blood circulating in my body. I looked dead. Dead.  Since there was a lot of things happening around me, I have forgotten to taken care of myself. I really need to take care of myself and I'm starting today. Might as well right now! I locked the door and turned on the faucet to take a nice bubble bath. Now, where do they keep all their personal care? I thought to myself. I checked the cabinet. Yes! I found it. It was apple and cinnamon scented. How lovely was that. I poured some in the water. I saw the bubbles forming. I stripped myself and dipped one foot in just to make sure the temperature is alright. Surprisingly, it was ok. Not too hot or cold; lukewarm was the best way to describe it.  

I sank into the bubbles and let my mind run wild with nice thoughts but then again the awful ones got the best to me. How can I find my aunt? She knew something that I didn't know about. I want to know who my real father is. How can I find him? Who is he? Why did he not know about me?! I wonder id he's a big man, as in a CEO of a big company or something and nobody knows about his dirty secret? As I always thought, everybody has their own dirty secrets and lies, but are easily stored away by their pride and dignity which society is blindsided by. Which I believe made sense to me.  I closed my eyes and let out a relaxed sigh. Mmmmmm...... this feels so good. I haven't had this much relaxation for years. I wish I had some type of drink beside me and a good book to read. I don't know like fifty shades of grey---- no too erotic. Maybe, pride and prejudice----- nah, read that too many times.  In the end I began to drift off under the water and bubbles and into a soothing world of happy thoughts. I closed my eyes for a tad second then suddenly, two loud knocks jolted me to sit up. I slouched in the bath tub. 

"Who is it?" I called out., my voice shaky. 

"Bianca, it's me Zayn," he replied.  Oh. I wonder what he wanted. 

"What do you need?" 

"Oh nothing really, I was just wondering where you were," he replied back. I grimaced. 

"Oh, well I'm taking a bath." 

There was no answer. I guess he left. I rubbed my toes in the water together. I stared at my skin. They became wrinkly. I guess it's time to get out of the water. I unplugged the tub and wrapped a towel both on my head and body and went to my room to dress. I decided that I would take the smaller room leaving Zayn and Ayesha to the master room with the en suite. I went to my room to change but hadn't realized that I forgot to lock my door. While I was putting on body lotion, Ayesha barged in laughing. I smiled and picked her up. 

"What are you doing here beautiful?" I cooed at her. She giggled and pointed at the door. Suddenly, Zayn came in.  

"Ayesha, where are y----- oh, sorry Bianca," he said realizing that he came at a bad time. I was a little embarrassed being half naked and all. My cheeks flushed red and I try to cover both my face and body from him. He coughed uncomfortable and cleared his throat. 

"Ayesha, come with me. Enough fooling around, ok," he ordered. I let her go and she held Zayn's hand and walked out of my room without saying anything. 

"Awkward," I whispered to myself. 

After I changed into comfort -wear I went to the living room to see our luggage all over the place. It was a complete maze! I mean I could go left or right! It was very frustrating!

"ARGH! ZAYN!" I shouted. I saw Zayn coming down from upstairs from Harry and Jenny's place.

"Yes, babe," he chimed. I folded my arms together and tapped my foot impatiently. He had a confused face on him. 

"You are suppose to clean this up," I told him. 

"No, We  are suppose to do it, not me," he said as he pulled  a stupid smirk on his face.I pursued my lips and gave out a sigh in disbelief. 

"Fine, I'll help!" I muttered and began to pick up one bag and luggage at a time. I took my bags and my mom's bag into the second room while Zayn took his belongings into the master bedroom. 

I was too tired to open my bags and remove everything from it. I figured I'll unpack tonight. I picked up my weight and went over to Zayn's room. I stood by his doorway. He was unpacking his and Ayesha's stuff into a drawer. 

"What?" he asked while he was unpacking.

"Oh, nothing. Just bored. Need help?" I offered even though I didn't want to help but it's just being nice.

"Uh, no. I'm good, thanks though," He replied as I snagged a quick smile from him. 

I started to whistle nonchantely. I was really bored. 

"You know, you can go upstairs. Harry and Jenny are hosting a dinner party for us," he remarked. He knows me too well. 

I sighed and smacked my lips. 

"Ok, later!"

I heard him chuckle, then I think I saw a wink.

I  galloped upstairs and I was even more amazed to see their whole house! It was so beautiful and well organized. Words can never describe how it looks like! I was impressed. There were old paintings, a huge television, open space dining and living concept, and lastly ginormous french doors leading to the backyard. 

"Hello, Bianca!"I heard Jenny say. She was wearing an apron and a hairnet. I believe she was cooking our dinner. I spotted a cocktail dress underneath that messy apron. 

"Hey Jenny," I responded. I smiled. I was really shy. 

"How do you like our house? Is everything downstairs, ok  for you?" she asked. I swear we can end up being best friends at the end of this month or even sooner this week! 

I laughed. 

"It's so elegant and exquisite! I love everything about it!" I exclaimed, "every things great downstairs, thanks for asking," I added. 

Then an awkward moment. I hate small talk. I continued to smile. Suddenly, we heard a clank in the kitchen. Jenny's head twirled around. 

"Oh, I'm sorry Bianca. I have to go check on what Harry's doing," she excused herself. 

"No problem, I'll sit here and watch some television," I answered as I plopped myself on the leather couch. 

As I was flipping through the channels, I felt something was missing. Where is my mom and Ayesha? All of a sudden, Zayn sat beside me. I jumped. 

"What?" he shrugged. 

"Oh, you startled me that's all," I told him. 

He giggled. He sprawled his arms around me and grasped me tight. 

"Hey do you know where Ayesha and mom are?" I asked him as I slowly took his arms off of me. 

He shrugged in dismay. I frowned. 

"Probably upstairs?" he suggested. I thought about it and left him to go upstairs in search of my goddaughter and  my ill mother.  The stairs were made out of chestnut wood. How very authentic and vintage!  Also did I mention that it was a spiral staircase that made it even more exciting! WHOA! Once you get to the top of the stairs, it divides into two sections. Left and right. I took the right path, which took me to 3 or 4 rooms. There were portraits and paintings splattered across the ivory walls. One out of these 4 rooms, I eventually found my mom and Ayesha. Ayesha was sitting on the edge of the bed watching tv whilst I believe my mother fell asleep or was she unconscious? It was hard to tell. 

"Ayesha, " I called. She turned around and smiled. She ran to me and hugged my legs. I bend over and picked her up. 

I went to wake up my mom. As soon as she opened her eyes, she began to screech! I immediately covered Ayesha's ear. After this I knew I was going to be deaf for sure. Zayn, Harry, and Jenny came rushing upstairs to see what the commotion was all about. 

"What's wrong?" Zayn yelled over my mom's screeching. 

"I don't know.... I just woke her up," I screamed back. He perked his eyebrows up and went to her bedside,grabbed her hand and started to sing to her. As if it was a miracle, she stopped screaming. I was confused and he still surprises me. At least she stopped. 

"Uh... dinner's ready!" Jenny announced out of the blue. We followed her and Harry downstairs to the dining hall where there was a huge buffet! Literally, a buffet! I was stunned when I saw the table full of food that's fit for a king and his noblemen. There was mashed potatoes, wild rice, roasted chicken, three types of vegetables, sushi; the possibilities were endless! 

"Wow, this is amazing!" I complimented. 

"Ha! This is more than amazing, this is a lot of food!" Zayn added. 

"Well, it was nothing. I want to show you guys to feel right at home," Jenny said whilst she placed the forks and knives on each side of the plates. 

"Everybody, please sit," Harry said as he was getting my chair for me. 


As soon as we sat down, we dug into the delicious, and filling food. It was wonderful! I loved every bite I took. Each bite and chew was better than the last. 

"Jenny, I love your cooking. It's better than my cooking," I admitted. Everybody burst out laughing. 

We ate and talked about what will be the next steps in our life. 

"Well, Harry is it alright if we stayed here for a couple of months until we settle somethings?" Zayn asked. 

"Mate, anything for you! It's cool with me. Er... by the way, are you coming back to the studio?" he questioned while he took a gulp of his beer. 

Zayn looked at me. I didn't know what to say to that. I shrugged and continued eating what was left on my plate. 

"If Zayn wants to go back to the studio then that's totally fine with me," I interjected. Zayn kissed me on the cheek. I blushed and smiled. 

"Ok, but whose going to take care of Ayesha and your mom?" Jenny mentioned. 

"Well, I can get a nanny to take care them," I suggested looking at Zayn. He nodded and sipped his red wine. 

"I don't like that idea. Why do we need a nanny?"

"Well, I was thinking that I should start working," I replied. 

"Can't you start working a little later, like in 2 weeks since we are just settling in," he explained. 

I thought long and hard for a minute. 

"Ok, I'll do that," I said. 

"Good so everything is under control," Harry remarked. 

We ate, laughed and socialized like old times. I'm glad everything's alright and not like it use to be. 

~~~ 2 weeks later~~~~~~~

Two weeks and counting, I've been looking for a job but nobody would hire me since I'm not qualified for any kind of job. The problem is I'm over qualified!  On the bright side Zayn is back at the studio with the boys recording new songs for a brand new album!  I signed my mom to go to this mental therapist and I'm guessing it's helping her a little bit but like 0.001 percent. At least, it's a good start! Also, I'm looking for my aunt, my mom's sister but I have no luck in finding her so far. Zayn and I are dealing with the paper works of the property that my'father' left for us. So far, life is going well. Better than I imagined. 

"UGH! Jenny, I'm over qualified for any kind of job," I told her as I spread across her sofa in disbelief. 

She was pouring tea for herself and I. 

"Are you sure?" she screamed from the kitchen. 

"Yes," I mumbled. I covered my face with rejected job application letters. 

I heard something placed on the coffee table. I sat up. Jenny sat beside me and placed her hand on my knee. 

" You are going to find one eventually, or you can work with my at the candy shop," she offered. 

Jenny works at this candy shop in downtown London. I didn't want to work at a candy shop but I have no other option. 

"Ok, I'll take it. Thanks Jenny," I replied and hugged her. Ayesha began to whine. 

"Up! Up!" she roared. I picked her up and placed her on my lap as I bounced her vigorously. She giggled and clapped her hands. 

"You will make a great mother one day," says Jenny and leaves. I smiled and mouthed out 'great mother one day.' I continued playing with Ayesha. 

January left us with a great beginning and in rolled February and Jenny, Danielle, Eleanor, the gang and I were preparing a surprised birthday party for Harry. It was planned out perfectly. Louis was going to bring Harry to the house where it'll be pitched dark and we surprise him with cake, family and friends. Probably, after they'll go out to the bar leaving the wives, and girlfriends at home with the kids having some girl time. A typical birthday party. That's exactly how it happened. 

Harry's mom Anne,step dad, and Gemma came to the party.

"I'm so glad you are," Jenny squealed as she hugged them. 

"Is my lil' brother here yet?" Gemma asked. 

"Not yet, but soon," Eleanor said. 

'Hi, my name is Bianca and I'm a friend of the boys," I introduced myself to them. This was the first time I met Harry's family. They are actually really nice people. 

"Hi, I'm Anne, this is Gemma, and my husband," Anne greeted. She's so beautiful and youthful. It's like she hasn't aged at all! I was so shocked. Beauty and youth does run in the family. It's crazy! I thought to myself. 

"Guys! Harry's coming!" Eleanor shouted. We all scrambled to hide. I heard the doors open and a voice. 

"Why is it so dark, Harry?" Louis asked. 

"Erm... Don't know," I heard him say. As soon as he turned the lights on, we all screamed 'surprise!' Harry got frighten but laughed. 

"Wow! Thanks guys!" he exclaimed. He was even more surprised to see his family. I wish sometimes I had the most simplest thing in the world; a family. 

We cut the cake and mingled. Soon Niall, Liam, and Zayn arrived with a huge box. I was confused. 

"What's in the box?" Louis asked. 

"You'll see," Niall responded. Harry carefully opened the box and came out Paul?!!! Harry jumped. I believed everybody jumped. 

"SURPRISE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY!" Paul, their bodyguard, wished him. Harry chuckled, I think we all chuckled with him. 

"It's so nice to see you Paul! This is like the best birthday ever! Thank you guys, Thank you," he said. A tear rolled down his cheek. Jenny went by his side to comfort him. After we had the birthday cake, the boys went out to the pub leaving us behind for the clean up. 

We didn't want to clean up, instead we left everything as it was and opened up a champagne bottle and celebrated, but I passed on the champagne. I just drank pop instead. We huddled around the fireplace as we enjoyed our drinks and watched a rerun episode of  'Downton Abbey.' 

" So... what's up with everybody?" I began. I wanted to break the ice. 

"Well, the same as usually; taking care of Susan and Nicole," Eleanor said while she tried to separate the twins from a potential fight. 

"I opened my own business with mom," Gemma interjected.

"That's great! What kind of business is it?" Jenny asked as she poured herself more champagne. 

"It's a cupcake business!" Anne exclaimed. Gemma clapped alongside. Everybody laughed. 

"That's tasteful!" I complimented. 

"What about you Danielle?" I looked at her and smiled. She stared at the floor and just smiled, then she giggled. She brought out her left hand revealing a 14 karat diamond ring. It was so beautiful! It shined in the light. Everybody in the room gasped. 

"You... you're... ENGAGED?!" Jenny uttered in disbelief. She nodded biting the bottom part of her lip. We huddled over Danielle for a group hug. 

"Hahah, what's this for?" She asked confused. We let go. 

"We're so happy for you that's why," Eleanor said tears running down her face. 

"Eleanor are those tears of joy, I see?" I whispered to her. She laughed, wiping those tears and nodded. Susan and Nicole came over to her and hugged their mommy. 

"Mommy's fine, my princesses," she assured as she hugged them tight and kissed them. 

"So when did Liam pop the question?" Anne questioned. 

"Last week. It was so romantic. He took me out to a fancy restaurant for dinner, then he took me to a mountain peak where we can see the moon shining so bright---- I mean it was so amazing. That's when he kneel down and asked me to marry him. I had to say yes. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him," she explained. 

I think I was getting teary eyed. That was so perfect! 

"So when's the wedding?" Jenny elbowed her.

"We haven't set a specific date but probably in April or May," she replied. 

"Wow, don't you think it's a little too early?" Eleanor asked while she held Susan in her arms. 

"The earlier the better. What about you, Bianca? What's up with you?" she questioned. All the ladies stared at me in wonder because it was a while since we last seen each other. I gulped. I twirled a strand of hair with my index finger. 

"Well... I started working with Jenny at the candy shop leaving Ayesha with the nanny. Zayn and I are looking into the house which my father left  for us. I guess that's pretty much it," I responded, clearing my throat. I tried to watch 'Downton Abbey.' I didn't want to get too detailed with my life; I mean our life. The only people who knew about my real situation was Zayn, my mom, his family, and I, possibly Harry and Jenny knew but can't say, can I?

"Oh, that's good," one of them said, I wasn't paying close attention since I was afraid of people asking me questions about my life. It makes me super uncomfortable, especially in the situation that I was placed.  

Ayesha came crying  as she rubbed her left eye. I picked her up and placed her on my lap. 

"What's wrong honey?" I cooed at her. She pointed to Susan. 

"Poked me. Tired," she slurred as she continued to rub her eye. I rocked back and forth, rubbing her back. 

"Shhhhhhh..... don't cry. It's ok," I whispered to her and she stopped crying. 

"Susan! Why would you do that?" Eleanor scolded her. She shrugged. Eleanor's eyebrow's burrowed and grabbed her wrist. 

"Would you like a time out?" She firmly asked her as she looked directly at her. Susan fidgeted, as she fixed her eyes on the ground. After a while she nodded which seemed like a 'no.' 

"Now, go be a good girl and say sorry to her," Eleanor ordered letting Susan go. She strolled, head slump. She pulled her head up to see me, her eyes red and puffy. I could tell she cried. 

"Sworry," She mumbled. I gave her a half smile. 

"It's ok," I told her. Suddenly, I heard someone snoring and looked down at Ayesha. She fell asleep in my arms. 

"Hey, I'm going to put her to bed. Is that ok with everybody?" I said. 

"It's fine. Goodnight," Jenny replied smiling. 

"Goodnight, everyone." 

"Goodnight, Bianca," everybody whispered. I carried Ayesha downstairs where I laid her down in Zayn's bed. She whimpered then stopped. I brushed her hair lightly. 

Then I wondered where my mother was? I ran to my bedroom. I let out a sigh. More like a sigh of relief. She was snugged in bed. She looked at peace. Sharmin's eyes were in her eye sockets, dark circles underneath it, too but was sound asleep. 

I went back to check up on Ayesha. She, too, was sleeping peacefully. I felt like I needed to protect her, or look after her. I climbed in bed with her, brushed her hair more. My eyes were becoming heavy with sleep. I wasn't able to stay awake any longer and just fell asleep right there and then. 

The next morning, I woke up startled. Ayesha was still sleeping but Zayn wasn't here beside her. I sat up. Where the hell is he? I washed my face and went to the living room. He wasn't there. Can he be in my room?  I prayed that he won't be in there. No, he wasn't/ Thank God, he wasn't in my room. That would've been weird. I could see my mom still asleep. Probably he's at Harry's place. I sprinted upstairs. 

"Hey, Jenny have you se-----"  before I could finish, there, on the sofa was a drunken Zayn. Harry was on the kitchen counter. So they got too high and crashed in the living room and kitchen counter. I laughed. 

"Rough night wasn't it," a voice said. I turned around to see Jenny in her work clothes as she walked down from the stairs. I giggled. 

"Yeah, I guess. Well, you can see," I said. 

"Hurry, go change. We are going to be late for work. I'll make us some coffee and wake these two party animals up, ok?" she said patting my back. 

I went back downstairs to change. While I was changing, Ayesha woke up. 

"Good morning princess," I welcomed. She sat up and smiled. She gestured that she wanted to be up. I grabbed her and went back upstairs and locked the door behind me. I know that my mom was in there but I didn't want the nanny to know that I had a schizophrenic mother living with us. Actually, I didn't want any outsiders to know about her. Besides, she would've given the nanny a hard time, let alone Ayesha. She already gives her a really hard time! 

"Jenny was there with my coffee when I got there and the boys were up. 

"Morning boys!" I chimed. 

"Morning Bianca and Ayesha," as Zayn took Ayesha from me. We were both running late. As a matter of fact, everybody was running late!  Zayn was multitasking. He was both feeding himself and Ayesha at the same time. Harry was potting a fresh clean shirt on and drinking coffee, and Jenny was searching for her keys whilst she tied her shoes. It was rush hour as you can picture it to be. 

The doorbell rang. 

"Could someone get the door, please?" Jenny said looking at Harry. Harry ate his toast nonchalantly. Zayn scoffed as he got up to open the door. 

"Bianca, it's the governess," He yelled. 

"Well, let her in!" 

"Morning, Bianca!" the nanny greeted as she held Ayesha. 

"Morning, Concella. Sorry, that I can't talk right now because we are all running late. You know the routine, right? " I asked. 

She nodded and half smiled. 

" Well if you need me, just call me on my cell," I reassured her. 

"Come on, We are already late!' Jenny bellowed from outside. I kissed Ayesha and left. I ran into Jenny's car and off we were. Lucky we weren't stuck in traffic. 

All of a sudden, I get a call from my cell. I checked the caller Id. Private caller. That's strange. I hesitated. I rejected it. Five minutes later the number rang again. I picked it up. 

"Hello," I said. No answer. 

"Hello?" I said once more. Still no answer but heavy breathing. I got frustrated and ended the call. Jenny kept looking at me then at the road. 

"Who was that?" 

"I don't know. Must have been a prank call," I remarked.  This call still bothered me until that twisted day which I will never ever forget. 

Weeks have gone by and everything was running very smoothly. Zayn was going on world tours like the old days with the lads, I was working at the candy shop and dealing with the lease papers for the house that was given to me from my dad. I think my mom was getting better as she goes to those mental health awareness classes; Jenny and I became close. We went from just friends to the best friends for life. I hope it stays like this for a very long time, but guess again, I was wrong. 

It was a Thursday night, a week after the boys came back from their last tour of the year, Jenny and Harry went to Holmes Chapel for the weekend leaving the four of us in the big house. 

"Bianca, I want to take you out today," Zayn abruptly says whilst watching television. I was sweeping the floors and looked at him stunned. 

"What really? Whose gonna look after Ayesha and Sharmin?" I asked. 

"Don't worry about that, I already called Concella and she's on her way. Go change," he said. I gave a hearty smile and galloped to my room. 

What should I wear? Should I wear a dress, or something casual? I think I'll just wear a casual dress. So I picked out a white cashmere dress with a lace embroidered at the bottom. It was perfect! I wore that with oxford heels, a knitted sweater , and did a fish tail braid with minimal make up on. I looked fantastic, I guess. 

I met up with Zayn upstairs at Jenny's and Harry's place. Zayn was casually sitting on the sofa with Ayesha when they saw me. Ayesha got up to give me a hug. 

"Pretty!" she squealed. I smiled and tapped her nose. 

'She's right, you do look astonishing," Zayn said staring into my eyes. I blushed and fixed my eyes on the floor. The door bell rang. 

"That must be Concella," Zayn says. I let go of Ayesha. 

"Hi, Concella," I said waving. 

"Oh darling you look very pretty!" She complimented. I blushed again. 


Zayn crept beside me and held my hand. 

"Shall we go?" he asked. I giggled. 

"Of course. If you need anything, please call my cell, ok," I reassured her. We both kissed Ayesha and left. 

Zayn took me to a movie and watched a romantic comedy. For some reason it was really boring. 

"Do you want to leave?" he hovered over to my ear and asked. His voice gave me the chills. 

"Yeah, it's boring," I whispered back. 

"I agree." 

He held my hand once more as we pardon ourselves for disturbing those who were watching. 

"What now?" I questioned him once we were out of the theatre. He shrugged. 

"What do you want to do?" 

I shrugged, as well. 

"I don't know. I want to do something fun but won't break the bank," I teased. He winked at me and brought his arms towards my body and swung me gently. 

"How about I'll take you to the'london eye'?" he suggested. I turned around to face him. 

"Oh, good idea! Heard that was the main attraction of London," I remarked. He smirked and took me to his car and we were on our way to the London eye.

As we arrived at there, I was shocked at how beautiful it was. The light on the Ferris wheel were gleaming and twinkling. They were so bright. 

"WOW! It's beautiful," I complimented. 

"I know. Come on, let's go on the Ferris wheel, I want you to see something amazing," he told me as he grabbed my hand. Well, what was so amazing than being a date with the most wonderful person on Earth? 

Zayn paid the tickets and boarded the Ferris wheel. I got startled when we began to move. I didn't like heights at all. I latched on to Zayn unintentionally and closed my eyes. 

"It's ok. It stopped. Open your eyes," he ordered me. I slowly opened each eye and gasped. I could see London from here. I saw the pretty city lights that sparkled in the amidst mid evening night. 

"Oh my... this is so magical. I can see everything from, here,"I told him. I was so happy. Zayn's eyes blinked in the musky light that omitted from his pupils. I felt like his face became radiant in the dark. I concentrated on his face and only his face. 

"What's wrong?" he bluntly asked. I sighed. 

"Nothing, I was just admiring," I blurted. I shook my head turning away to see the rest of London. 

"Hmm... What was that? Admiring who or what?" he huskily said. I faced him. 

"I was admiring London," I lied to him. He chuckled. He cupped his hand on my face and concentrated on me. In that moment he leaned forward and kissed me for two seconds and realized what he had done was wrong. He briskly took his hands away from me. 

"Uh... I'm so sorry," he mumbled,  "I didn't know what to do." 

I blushed a bright red crimson color. I think it was hard to tell in this time of evening. 

"No, no, I've been waiting for that for months," I admitted. He seemed stunned when I mentioned that. 


"Yes, now,be quiet and let's keep it that way, please," I begged. He laughed and once more we continued to kiss under the almost midnight stars. It was a moment that I will never forget. 

Afterwards, he took me to a bar. I didn't understand why he would take me there but I had a swell time. We ate, laughed, did karaoke together. He kept brushing the locks of hair off my face as it got in the way while I was talking. The one thing that I liked about this date was I could be myself with him and not be someone I'm not. 

I think it was around midnight when we got home and the house seemed eerie and dark for some odd reason. I had a gut feeling that something was wrong---- or was it just paranoia? 

"Why  is it so dark?" I asked myself as we pulled up to the drive way. I checked my phone and saw that I had several missed calls from Concella. For sure something was totally wrong. I could feel it in my bones. 

"Probably they're sleeping," Zayn guessed. 

"No, I got several missed calls. Something is wrong, Zayn," I said and got out of the car. I searched through my bag for my keys. Zayn was right behind me. 

"Zayn, I can't find my keys," I pouted in frustration. He cleared his throat but didn't do anything or say anything. I could see why he didn't do anything. The door was broken. Did we get robbed?!  I slightly cracked opened the door. It was pitch dark.

"Hello, Concella?" I called out. I yelped because I stepped in something cold and fluidity. Luckily, Zayn caught me. 

'I'll turn on the lights," he suggested. As soon as he did,I got frightened at the sight of a bloody foyer. My shoes were covered in blood. It was Concella stabbed to death! 

"Woah! What the hell?!" Zayn says as he stares at the living room. The living room looked like a crime scene. Harry's sofa was tattered, blood stains everywhere, shoe foot prints on the granite tiles, lamps broken. It was a scary sight to be looking at; not to mention a dead nanny underneath my feet. Then it hit me. 

"If Concella is here, where is Ayesha?!"I cried. Zayn's eyes went from shocked to terrified father looking for his cub. 

"I'll check upstairs and you check our basement," he ordered. I nodded and sprinted downstairs. 

"Mom, are you there?" I yelled. The living room and the kitchen of our makeshift place was untouched but it was the bedrooms that were another horrific crime scene. Ayesha's and Zayn's room was a bloody mess! The mattress was sheered, their clothes were ripped and more blood stains. Then something caught my eye. A trail of blood that followed me to the en suite bathroom. 

I slowly walked into the bathroom. It felt like a horror movie; that scene when you don't know what's gonna happen. What to expect the unexpected kind of feeling. 

It lead me to the bath tub. That's when I gave out a shrill shriek.There, my mother raped and stabbed in a blood bath; her eyes rolled back. I fell onto my knees on the hard red floor and cried. I looked to the side of the wall. It was written in red flesh, obviously from my mother's flesh. It read: 

" My dear beloved fiance,

I loved you so much that I had to kill those who you treasured the most. It is because of love I did this; and not for my own selfish needs, but for you my love. The one that I fell in love at school and still do. But I did take away someone precious from you and your boyfriend. If you ever want to see her again then please pick up the phone on Saturday at 10:30am sharp for further instructions. 

What you don't know or see usually gets you killed..." 

I wasn't able to talk after reading this. I had one choice and it was to tell Zayn. I went to the living room and called his cell. It rang once, twice then he picked up. 


"Zayn, he's back," I stuttered as more tears flowed down my cheeks. Hence the rollercoaster of life begins again but with a new tale of threats and scare. 


















The END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Hey guys! What did you think?! Was that a crazy ending or what? I'm sorry that it has been over a month or two, it's because I had a lot of work at school, and then we had an ice storm and the whole city was in the dark, like nobody had power or anything and I got it back like yesterday. So I'm sooooo sorry! Please forgive me? I know some of you might say why are you still writing stories if you got so much work? It's because writing stories is a hobby that i love to do and it's my get away from the stress that I have from school.  But anyways, please read, vote, comment share. Also, it's almost the new years! Yay! Happy new years in advance! Also book three is gonna be up soon ( or i don't know when XD) But anyways stay tune. 

Keep staying beautiful and enjoy the last few days of 2013 and let 2014 be a fresh new start to making new memories! Ok!

Love you all so very much!

Love~ The crazy author! 

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