Stuck With Mr. Popular ( COMP...

By no_one_finds_me

2.2M 74.2K 5.4K

It took every ounce of my willpower not to reciprocate his kiss. Our lips moved in flawless synchrony. I trem... More

Chapter -3
Sequel:Stuck In Love (sneak peek)
Sequel: Stuck In Love
Sequel Squeal!


39.6K 1.3K 66
By no_one_finds_me

Raymond Reynolds's POV

I saw Daniel rushing out of Sophie's room. I stood up in confusion and fear. I looked at Daniel, he had mixed expression on his face, anger and hurt blended in his facial expression. He ignored me like I did earlier and streamed out of the house. Behind him the door thudded loudly.

Seems like he is really angry.

I went upstairs to check up on Soaf. My steps were slow I was scared.

Did he tell her everything?

My breath was deep, to calm my nerves because a fear of losing Soaf was constantly haunting me. I slowly peeked through the door which was already half opened. I saw Soaf sitting in a corner, her legs close to her chest and her hands were wrapped around the legs while her head rested on her knees. Then I noticed something. Her shoulders were slightly shaking. She was sobbing. One. Two. Then she burst out crying loudly.

I quickly reached for her and took her in my arms. She didn't protest. That is a good sign, I suppose. A feeling of relief washed over me. I dipped my head in the crook of her neck and her sweet smell filled my nose. I heard her mumbling something under her breath.

I tried to sooth her but it didn't work.

I put my index finger under her chin and lifted her face up. Her eyes were red and puffy, here nose was red too because of crying. Her eyes were filled with hurt. Tears streaming down her eyes.

I don't know what that bastard said to her but I swear he won't be alive till tomorrow.

Seeing Soaf like this was the last thing I want on Earth. Or not even that. I've seen her cry, scared, shocked but never seen her broken. She was broken and I felt like my world is destroyed. I can do anything to take that look away from her face. Maybe I sound like a creep right now but I don't care. All I know is I cannot see her like this.

Not now not ever.

"He said I betrayed him. What did I ever do to betray him." -hiccup-"He is my best friend."-hiccup-"He always understands me. I don't know but he was so furious."-hiccup-" He said I am a s-sel-selfish bitch."

And then she couldn't resist anymore. Bucket full of tears started flowing down her eyes and she hugged me tightly. My shirt was all drenched with her tears. There was a feeling like someone is punching me in the gut. I cannot see her like this. I want to rip that moron's head apart.

I wiped her tears and caressed her cheeks with my thumb. She was lost in her thoughts. I knew she was thinking about the argument between her and Daniel. She didn't even know but a tear rolled down her cheek.

That was it, I new what I had to do now. I cannot see her like this. I placed a light kiss on her lips and said
"Everything will be alright till tomorrow. Just don't worry." and stood up and walked towards the door to leave. I stopped in my tracks when I heard her saying

I hesitated at first but I knew she wanted to hear this right now. So I said "Promise". And went off.

As soon as I parked my car in my garage I made my way towards Daniel's house. I kicked the door open and went inside. I saw Daniel sitting on the couch probably talking to someone on phone. As soon as he saw me he said goodbye to whoever he was talking to and made his way towards me.

"What do you want?" he snapped towards me.

"You said that to her. How can you say something like that to your best friend, you prick."

"Whatever I say to her is none of your business" he replied in a very hard voice.I took a deep breath to calm myself.

Talk about patience.

This guy is seriously checking my patience. I feel like beating fucking life out of him.

Calm down. You are here for Soaf.

You promised everything will be alright.

So it will be.

" Listen up buddy. As much as I want to beat the shit out of you. I can't." I sighed before continuing.

"I cannot see her like this. She's... She's broken. See, I know you like her, I know I don't deserve her and after knowing the reason why I was friends with her in the first place I know I don't deserve to be anywhere near her. But I'm not that guy anymore. It's been a long time and I realized how wrong I was. wants you right now. I'm not good at words but I assure you I'm not that Raymond anymo-" he cut me off by saying

"Shut it. I know why you asked her out, You still have your meaning behind it. You're still a selfish bastard. You know what is the worst thing? Huh? She is so madly in love with you that she cannot see who you truly are. She belongs with me, motherfucker. You- it's because of you she cannot see it." He shouted the last part.

Calm Raymond Calm. Don't lose your senses.

"Okay, listen, talk to her once. She's hurt goddammit! You claim to like her. Then how can you hurt her?How can you leave her like this.?Can you see her like this. Ever? If yes then I think you have to reconsider your opinion of liking her."

I knew it would hurt his ego. I hope I've pressed the right buttons because Daniel can be unpredictable at times. I'm being again that old Raymond right now, but I have to be smart in order to make the right move. I hope he will apologize to her tomorrow.

With that I went out of his house while shaking my head dramatically to show my disappointment.


Sophie Esinberg's POV

I woke up in the morning. My eyes were still puffy and swollen because of all the crying I did last night. I took a deep breath and a strong manly cologne hit my nose, I lifted my head and saw Raymond sleeping beside me. His one hand was wrapped around my waist and he was laying next to me, sleeping profoundly. He looked so peaceful while sleeping. His messy hair was covering his forehead. He looked cute. Just like a child.


When did he come here?

Scratch that. How did he come here?

Then I saw my window open. Well, that answered my question.

No, shit! That means Mom doesn't know about this.


Okay..this is so awkward. We didn't do anything of course. But I know my mom, she won't think straight.


Suddenly my fear multiplied a thausand folds when mom started knocking my door telling me to get up.

"Yeah mom" I whisper-yelled. Or at least tried to.

Then I did everything I could to wake Raymond up. But he was sleeping like he haven't slept in ages. Then I did the only thing which came in my mind.

Yes. I drenched a whole bucket of ice cold water on him.

In my defense I am not at fault. He wasn't waking up.

"WHAT THE FU-" I covered his mouth with my hands before he could complete his sentence. No, not because he was going to use the "f" word but because my mom is downstairs and probably will hear him. I wish not.

"Shhh-shh mom is downstairs. It's time for school you should go." I whispered to him. Suddenly his eyes widened and a smirk appeared on his face.

Something is wrong.

In one quick move he took the bucket from me and poured the left over water on me.

DAMN. It was actually ice cold.

Knowing the fact that I cannot shout at him made his smirk grew wider.

I saw the clock. I should go for a bath or I'll be late for school.

I gestured towards the window asking Raymond to go out. Yeah. Raymond being Raymond didn't move an inch. He just smiled at me innocently like he didn't understand what I was trying to say. After a lot of struggle, kissing and pushing him out of the window, finally Raymond went to his home.

Ughhh. Boys.

I heard a bing sound as a message popped on my phone screen. I read it and relieve washed over my senses. It was from Daniel.

Sorry for last night kim. I shouldn't have said that. I was not in the right state. I'm sorry please forgive me. Let's start again with a clean slate?


I'm happy that everything is back to normal now. Even though it's weird , I mean for two whole weeks Daniel wasn't talking to me but now he is back to normal.


Two months later

Sophie Esinberg's POV

"OH MY GOD!!!! I AM SELECTED. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT." I squealed in excitement. Hugging Lavy.

"C-can't breath Soaf" she finally huffed.

"Oh I'm sorry" I exclaimed. I didn't realize I was hugging her so tightly. Saying that I was happy would be an understatement. After all, I got selected in Amanda Corporations. I mean that is the best company for research. It does all the great projects to help the government. I always wanted to be it's member. They have all the great scientists and the best Research Laboratories and the latest technology equipment. Isn't that amazing?

I sent an article to them about a month ago regarding an Astrophysics topic. I wanted an internship there. They give Internships to undergraduates , the best part is that there is only one requirement and that is you have to be 17 or above to apply.

Although I got to have only twenty days of internship there but I'm still happy. Besides I got selected in Amanda Corporations, therefore it becomes easy for me to get into any prestigious college.

"It's four already, they'll leave in about an hour. You should go." Lavy reminded me.

Ohh shit. I almost forgot. School's football team is going to some two week football camp. Of Course that means Raymond and Daniel will go there. I had to go there to bid them goodbye.

I grabbed cars keys and headed out of the house.

I pulled away in school's parking lot and locked the car as I came out. As I reached the ground I saw a large crowd gathered near the football ground. All the members of school's football team were standing there with their friends, family and of course girlfriends, who probably came to say them goodbye.

Just like me.

Everyone seem busy talking to their families and all. Even Daniel was talking to...Clara?

Wait. What?

And then they were


I rubbed my eyes to see clearly...they were still kissing.

Then my gaze fell on him. Raymond. He was standing alone. Away from the crowd. Seeing others talking to their parents. He had a look of hurt on his face. His blue eyes were gleaming as the sunlight fell on his face. Sun was about to set. Sky looked all pink and orange. A light breeze fanned his face messing his already messy hairs.

My boyfriend is attractive.

Stop drooling you idiot!


"Hey, princess. I was waiting for you."

" Sorry, I was busy" I apologized feeling guilty.

"I figured" he replied blankly. Something was off about him right now. This is not the Raymond I know.

He wrapped his hands around my waist while mine were wrapped around his neck.

"What happened?" I asked

"I miss them. My Family." He replied hugging me tightly.

Raymond told me that he didn't spend a great amount of time with his family. His dad is always busy with his Company and work while his mom mostly lives in London because her Hotels and Resorts were there and she was busy with all the work. He told me his parents were never there for him, they always gave him money but were never present when he needed them.

"But I'm here." I said shyly looking down at the ground.

He brought his finger under my chin and lifted my head up. I looked directly into his mesmerizing eyes. His eyes were filled with happiness.

"Yes you are." with that he gave me his famous breathtaking smile and kissed me.

My eyes flutter close and my hands slipped into his hairs tugging there. I could feel his hands slowly making their way towards my hips. I gasped as he held me more tightly and taking advantage of this he slipped his tongue inside my mouth. I was getting out of breath but I didn't want to stop this feeling. My body was perfectly molded against his and his grip was getting more tight pressing me more against him. He was holding me so tight as if he is afraid that I'd evaporate any moment now.

"Alright everyone. Line up. It's time to leave." Coach shouted and everyone started lining up.

Ray groaned before loosing his grip on me. Giving me one quick peck he released me completely.

I saw Dany still standing with Clara while holding his hands, I have to talk to Dany about this. I think he still doesn't knows about Clara. Raymond and I made our way towards them. As soon as I reach there I said a simple goodbye to Dany and wiggled my eyes brows gesturing towards Clara, he smiled a little and then mouthed 'later' to me. I replied while mouthing 'you better tell'. They finally went inside the school bus which was taking them to the football club.

Before going inside the bus Raymond gave me a peck on cheek and then went.


Hey Guys.

Another update. I hope you liked it. Raymond is whipped, don't you think? Tell me in the comments. BTW this was the longest chapter I've written till now. Who inspired me?

Well thanks to NorEEn_BEE for cheering me up. Thanks a lot.

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PS- check out my new book 'Letters to him'

Thank you for reading :-)

If you like fantasy, romance and adult fiction then check out my new book UNFAZED. 

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