The Forest (sequel to The Doc...

By Perfectshipper

31.6K 972 206

Sequel to The Docks: After father and daughter, Hook and Corey were reunited everything in Storybrooke began... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 3

3.2K 113 27
By Perfectshipper

Mary Margret sat frozen in the sheriff's seat as the dot representing Corey moved on the computer screen for the last time before

NUMBER COULD NOT BE TRACED reappeared on the screen. Mary Margret sat speechless her eyes wide and almost brimming over with tears.

"...... And you have no idea what happened...." She asked quietly her voice shaking as she spoke.

"I have a hunch that someone the who did this was the, she, August was trying to warn us about." Emma said with a helpless sigh as she put her jacket back on. "I have to go search for more evidence. I'll see you guys later." Emma said as she headed towards the door but not before asking Ruby to keep an eye on Henry. Emma climbed into her bright yellow car. She tried to get her mind in a professional mindset because when you get your feelings involved in a case it often makes a case harder to solve, but unfortunately as a sheriff of a small town Emma didn't have that privilege. She thought about Corey .... Alone in an unknown place.

Alone, that was a feeling Emma knew all to well.

Emma thought about her days in the foster system, there she always felt alone, like she falling and knew that there would be no one to save her before she hit the ground. She didn't remember any of the homes but she remembered the lonely nights, after each family gave her up,crying herself to sleep. She always wondered how she forgot all her foster parents and siblings names but yet somehow she managed to vividly remembered every night she cried herself asleep.

She thought back to a game she always played, Mommy, a game she made up where she imagined what her parents looked like, their jobs, what it would be like when they found her. She would spend hours in closets, cabinets, or under a bed playing this game.

She laughed out loud. Of all the stories she constructed of her parents, Snow White and Prince Charming wasnt one of them. Emma tried to direct her mind back to the case but then she began to think about Corey.

At least Corey had Memories of her parents. She knew what had happened to her mother and wasn't left in the dark wondering what happened? And Where did she go? Corey had childhood memories she cherished with all her heart and for that Emma envied her. Sure Emma had her parents now but it could never make up for all those life moments they missed..... Her first steps, her first words, and the first time she would have said Mommy and Daddy. They had missed it all.

Emma pulled along side the yellow crime scene tape. As she sat in the car and got all the paperwork for evidence ready. She noticed something out of the front of her windshield she saw Hook standing in front if the yellow tape. He was frozen like a statue, staring blankly at the dip, surrounded by cracked cement, in the middle of the crime scene. He had his hands in his pockets. . . . .

His hands in his pockets?

Emma stared intently. It looked like Hook had both hands. Emma threw open the car door. Hook jumped at the noise.

"Hello love" he said with a faint smile. His eyes were watery and red like he had been crying. But he still tried to continue their classic banter and the witty comments they always seemed to make to eachother.

"Hey" Emma said as she tried to figure out how to ask an emotionally unstable pirate if he had gotten his hand back.

"Aye, I got me hand back." Emma's eyes grew wide as she realized he caught her staring at his wrist and jean pocket. . . Which was dangerously close to something else she could have been staring at "Corey wanted me to have the crocodile reattach it since he had it in his shop..... I thought maybe having it back would make me feel better but it only makes me miss her more"

"But what will I call you now that you don't have your hook?" Emma asked.

"You can call me Killian or you can still call me Hook. Whatever you fancy."

"I think I still fancy Hook" Emma said with a smile before ducking under the yellow tape. "Have you seen anyone walk by suspiciously. Like staring,or looking overly nervous?" Emma asked. Hook shook his head.

"I haven't seen anyone." Hook said. Emma walked around looking for something that could give them a clue as to what happened or who did it. She saw nothing. Nothing that could give her a lead. She let out a sigh.

"Nothing. Who ever did this knows how to cover up their tracks. I don't know what else to do." Emma said as she started to look around again.

"Well dearie, I may be able to help you out with that" a voice came from behind. Emma and Hook both spun around.

"Gold" Emma growled. "We don't want your magic"

"But what if it could show you exactly what happened" Mr. Gold said with a laugh.

" But Magic always comes with a price." Emma said.

"I think you should take this offer because I can assure you that your not the only one looking for her." Emma glanced nervously at Hook. The look on his face told her that he knew exactly who was looking for Corey. His eyebrows furrowed with concern.

"C'mon. . . . You can't be considering his offer?" Emma said.

"Emma, love, for once in my life I agree with the crocodile." Hook said reluctantly.

"But magic always comes with a price." Emma warned as she tried to get him to change his Mind.

"Then that's a price I'll have to pay" Hook said. His face filled with hopelessness. "What do we have to do?" Mr. Gold held out an odd looking , what Emma assumed to be, a pocket watch. It was copper but It not only had hours and minutes but it also had days, weeks months and years.

"Turn it back to the time you want and then press that button." Mr. Gold said as he gave the watch.

"But how do we get back to the correct time?" Emma asked. She still didn't trust Gold and she had a feeling that he was working against them instead of for them. Mr. Gold chuckled.

"Well dearie, that's the hard part. You have to find the watch."

"Now how do you expect we find this again?" Hook asked. As he held up the watch

"It's going to be where you were. But the watch does have one very important rule: you cannot be seen by yourself." Mr. Gold said.

"But if its near us how are we supposed to get it without being seen?" Emma asked.

"It's all up to you"

"Are you ready, love?" Hook asked. Emma nodded as she watched Hook set the time to four hours before. He glanced up at her before pressing the button. The hands on the watch began to spin ... Faster....... And Faster and FASTER. The watch was shaking and Hook was struggling to hold onto it with his newly replaced hand. Then there was a huge burst of hurricane force winds that blew Emma and Hook aside. Emma grunted as she hit the pavement. She looked up to see Hook standing in front of her with his hand out. Emma grabbed it and he hoisted her up.

"Thanks" Emma said.

"No need to thank me. Like I said on the beanstalk I'm always a gentlemen." Hook said with a half hearted smirk. Emma rolled her eyes before looking down at her watch.

7:00 A.M

"She just left for work she should be coming around that corner any minute." Hook said. The playful glint in his eyes was gone and it was replaced by worry and concern. Emma looked around for somewhere they could hide but still observe what happened. She glanced around at the buildings around the alley. A flower garden on the roof of one of the buildings caught her eye. If she and Hook could get up there they could use the flowers to conceal them.

"Hook I have an idea." Emma said. Hook looked at her hopefully before following her gaze up to the flowers.

"Now how do you expect we get up there?" Hook said as he cocked one of his eyebrows. Emma scanned the building it was a flower shop they had flower boxes along the bottom of the windows and their was an awning over the door. Then a group of vines growing up the other side of her building caught her eye.

" the vines.... That's how we'll get up." Emma said as she ran across the unusually deserted street. Hook followed close behind. They stood in front of the vine covered wall.

"This brings back memories doesn't it?" Hook said as he grabbed onto the vines and started to climb up. Emma followed. She thought about the time they were on the beanstalk. She felt a pang of guilt as she remembered how she left him chained up at the top but she pushed that thought away. She hoisted herself onto the roof right as Corey rounded the corner. She pushed Hook down onto the ground so Corey didn't see them. They crawled to the edge so that the flowers hid their faces. Corey was in a white T-shirt, jeans, black boots, and a black leather jacket. She had headphones in her ears. Emma turned her head to look at Hook. He had a look of hopelessness on his face.

"No matter what happens we can't let them see us!" Emma whispered. Hook nodded solemnly. Emma turned back to Corey. Then suddenly someone burst out of a door in front of Corey. Corey froze in her tracks. The person that had came out in front of Corey had on a gray hoodie that covered her face and was talking on the phone.

"No, I got the call from the home office. They want us to follow through...." She paused "No, he doesn't suspect a thing. Don't worry about it...... Love you to! Bye" the women hung up and turned around. The women froze as she saw Corey. She tried to grab Corey's wrist but Corey was to quick. She started to run but the women was wearing more suitable running shoes and was right behind Corey. Then the women grabbed the back of Corey's jacket and yanked her backward. Corey let out a scream. The women covered Corey's mouth with her hand and started dragging her towards the alley. Corey struggled against the women but the women had to strong of a grip. Corey's screams for help were muffled by the women's hand.

Emma gave Hook a concerned glance. He laid in the flower bed and was desperately squeezing two fistfuls of dirt. Emma moved her gaze back to Corey, who appeared to have a new found strength and was fighting the women. Corey threw a punch right into what must've been right below the women's left eye because the women swore and clutched the left side of her face. Corey started to run but the women grabbed her leg causing Corey to fall to the ground and rip her jeans. Corey kicked the women in her jaw. The women threw a punch at Corey's face but Corey managed to roll out of the way in the nick of time. Corey kicked the women in the stomach. This made the women let go long enough for Corey to get to her feet. The women grabbed Corey by the hair and yanked her back. Corey let out a blood curdling scream that gave Emma goosebumps. Emma wanted to go and help Corey more than anything but she knew it would only make things worse and could end up making Corey, Hook, and her disappear. Corey let out another scream as the women punched her in the face. Corey stumbled backwards from the force of the blow. Corey backed against the brick wall slowly. Emma watched as the women in the hooded sweatshirt pulled out a pouch and pulled something sparkly and blue. Emma could faintly hear Corey talking to the women but then the women threw the blue thing at Corey's feet. A spinning green portal appeared it started to suck Corey down. Corey looked at the wall desperately trying to find a way out but then Corey disappeared and the giant green swirling hole closed up.


I hope you liked this chapter!!! I really hope The Forrest gets the response The Docks did!!! Thank you all for reading!!!! Please comment and tell me what you thought or anything you would want to see in the story!!!!

Also if you leave a comment i will dedicate a chapter to you!!!




More votes and comments I get the faster I will write the next chapter!!

Thank you!!!

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